
Chapter 458 Storm

Istanbul is in complete chaos.

Theoretically, the first to be in turmoil should be countries such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan that are more conservative and have more tense relations with the United States. But in fact, the turmoil in Turkey, especially Istanbul, came faster than anywhere else.

The reason is simple. Three consecutive days of conflict and turmoil have paved the way for this great turmoil. Under deliberate guidance and exaggeration, ordinary people in Istanbul, like those college students, can easily change their daily lives into The inconvenience and danger were blamed on the CIA.

Good guys, I thought these explosions were really indiscriminate revenge actions by extremists, but I never expected that they were actually directed at you! ?

We also sent flowers and donations to pay tribute to the dead and injured, but you accepted them all without saying a word. In the end, all those who died were fucking spies? !

What? You said that was a spy targeting Syria?

Are you kidding me? What about Syria? In our country, that’s for us!

What are your intentions and what is your purpose?

Also, even the clips from that movie have been leaked, so it can’t be fake, right?

You are actually able to take pictures of this kind of thing, and are you planning to use this kind of thing as a weapon to sow discord between our brothers?

No matter how inhumane Syria's Bashar al-Assad may be, no matter how lacking the ability to govern, no matter how hard the Syrian people work and no matter how hungry they are, this is still their own internal problem.

We won’t say anything if you interfere in internal affairs. How dare you interfere in internal affairs in this way? !

How dare you?

For a time, the whole of Istanbul exploded.

Especially when some organizations announced that they would continue to carry out JD activities, most citizens who had a sense of justice and a sense of crisis woke up.

If those JD elements are flies and biting bugs, then the CIA is stinky shit.

As long as you are around, it will definitely cause endless trouble!

Istanbul University was quickly surrounded by angry people, and the quickest to act were the students on campus.

They rushed towards the villa, trying to use their own flesh and blood to form a wave and drive out all the CIA personnel here.

The situation has reached a deadlock. Andrea, who is trapped in the villa, can neither leave nor leave.

Of course he could just slap his butt and walk away, but he also knew that if he just disappeared, it would inevitably lead to greater chaos.

The Turkish government will not let him go, and neither will the angry believers.

But if he didn't leave, would he really have a chance to communicate and negotiate with these "mobs" in his eyes?

The only solution for now is to mobilize as many security personnel and riot police as possible to temporarily stabilize order for subsequent reconciliation.


However, even this plan did not go smoothly.

Because, when the conflict first broke out, the GRS agents, who were already in panic due to several attacks, actually shot directly at an Asian international student in the crowd.

His reason was that the man wanted to pull out a gun, but after he fell to the ground, everyone discovered that what he wanted to pull out was just a Koran.

According to the description of those present, even at the last moment of his life, the man tried to use pure teachings to persuade everyone not to be impulsive, to believe in Allah, and to believe in peace.

The conservatives who were full of love died in front of everyone, so in order to survive, conservatives had to be more radical than radicals.

The storm swept across the entire Middle East in an instant, and the largest and fastest viral spread since the birth of the Internet began.

From Chen Chen's perspective, history is changing.

Before Gangnam style was born, MSLstyle swept the world first.

Anti-American demonstrations broke out not just in Istanbul, but in almost all cities where MSLs gather. Even if the relationship is good enough to restrain from being anti-American, anti-CIA has become a topic that must be discussed.

In the office, Andrea looked haggard.

Only eight hours had passed, but he seemed to have endured an entire century of suffering.

PAG has begun to fully intervene, but at this point, apart from analyzing the development path of the incident, they seem to be unable to play any more role.

".In a sense, it is inevitable that this thing will happen."

"Our various actions in Indonesia at the beginning of the year were actually the real cause of this incident."

"At that time, the CIA had already been accused of being involved in various JD activities, including funding JD organizations and using religious fanatics to achieve political goals."

"But after all, there were bigger problems within Indonesia at the time, and this type of accusation was covered up, but it could be considered as planting the seeds."

"Soon after, the Libyan incident broke out almost simultaneously. International public opinion has begun to accuse us of causing suffering in the Middle East. Large-scale bombings have intensified the spread of this voice. The situation is approaching a critical point, but it is basically still under control."

"We originally planned to use the Syrian war to weaken the integration of the Middle East world, and we were also prepared to face the impact in the early stage."

"But we didn't expect the other party to move so fast."

"All their actions are directed at us. Now it seems that those seemingly casual and casual revenge attacks are completely well-planned and far-sighted."

"First let Istanbul, a city that has always been extremely peaceful, become chaotic, and then point the finger at us, make our location public, and provide targets for the thugs."

"Then, they used the weapons of public opinion that had been prepared to point at us, completely subverting our external image."

"At this point, the situation is almost irreversible."

"Now, even the Turkish government has begun to doubt us, and we can only show weakness."

After listening to the PAG intelligence officer's analysis, Andrea sat down on the chair weakly.

At this moment, he suddenly figured out one thing, that is, there were some risks that were really ignored by himself and some decision-makers.

Yes, the United States of America is definitely No. 1 in the world in terms of strength. This is undisputed.

But what if the other party can take advantage of the information gap?

What if the other party could clearly see the intensity of the situation and determine the best time to take action? !

Yes, our actions were indeed too fast, and the string was indeed too tight.

But how did they know it all happened "too fast"?

Where does such transcendent perception come from?

He must have known that the outbreak of the war in Syria heralded the arrival of opportunities, but how did he know? !

Are there any prophets in the think tank system in the north who can see through the future?

Maybe it's just luck.

Thinking of this, Andrea let out a long sigh.

Then, he spoke:

"The first thing we need to do is to refute the rumors and explain that the film has nothing to do with us."

"Second, inform Congress that operations in Syria must continue to accelerate."

"We have no room for regrets, we can only make a quick decision!"

"As for the chaos here, let Türkiye itself resolve it."

"Okay, get ready to evacuate."

"We will return to the consulate first and have further communication with Turkish officials before considering the next step."

Upon hearing his words, all the operators stood up immediately.

But then, someone said:

“The consulate can no longer go back.”

"We have just received news that our consulate in Istanbul has been burned down."

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