
Chapter 444 Must meet

"As soon as Bao Youxiang fell, the entire Pubei situation completely changed."

"All the leaders of the local armed forces have basically become our own people. The remaining De'ang and Karen are basically not a big threat. It won't be long before they will slowly integrate and assimilate."

"What we want to do in Pubei has finally taken the first step."

“Next, it’s time to officially start looking at the world.”

In Myitkyina, in a single-family villa that originally belonged to KIA, Chen Chen was sitting relaxedly on the sofa, and around him were the core "people" of Dongfeng Group.

In front of these people, he spoke without any scruples and was not afraid of revealing his next plan.

After hearing what he said, Lin He couldn't help but ask:

"Isn't Indonesia the first step for us to look globally? I thought that starting from Indonesia, we were already considered an international company."

After hearing his words, everyone present couldn't help laughing.

It has to be said that in the past two years, Lin He has grown rapidly in combat, but he is still basically ignorant of these more macro strategies.

Chen Chen did not answer directly, but turned his attention to Shi Dakai.

The latter pondered for a moment, and then explained:

"Indonesia is our first step, but this step has not yet been implemented."

"We did get some stuff, but that stuff could be taken back at any time."

"To be precise, the strategy in Indonesia is just a preparation for our big event in Pubei."

"If you think back, you will find that without the trip to Indonesia, our affairs in Pubei would never have developed so smoothly."

Having said this, Shi Dakai paused for a moment, took Lin He's cup, emptied the water inside, and continued:

"There are two glasses here, but I only have one glass of water."

"My goal is to fill both cups, so what can I do?"

".no way."

Lin He shook his head blankly, as if he didn't know what Shi Dakai wanted to express in this example.

"Yeah, there's just no way."

“You can never fill two glasses with one glass of water, and that was the situation before we went to Indonesia.”

"The water in the cup is Big Brother's 'attitude'. His attitude only has that much, and you can use it in many places."

"It can be my cup, your cup, Li Gang's cup, or the captain's cup, but you can only fill one cup, or divide a little bit into each cup equally."

“All glasses can’t be full – if you want all glasses to be full, you have to find new water.”

"And new water cannot come from a cup."

"No matter how much you try, there are only so many cups, and the amount of water they can carry is only so large. This is a geostrategic issue."

"So, you have to go directly to the pot, or mix some water in the cup from another table first."

"This Indonesian cup is on the other table."

"So, now do you understand why we go to Indonesia? Why do we say that even if we go to Indonesia, it does not mean the beginning of globalization?"


Lin He nodded slowly.

He really understood this time.

Indonesia is just another cup. The total amount of water has not changed much.

But now, after the entire Pubei was captured, the total amount of water has increased.

So much that after refilling the empty cup in Indonesia, there will still be some leftover.

These "free water" can finally flow to other places

At this moment, Lin He felt as if he had understood some kind of truth, but when he tried to grasp that glimmer of "enlightenment," he only caught an illusion.

But fortunately, he was not in a hurry.

After taking the cup back and drinking the tea inside, Lin He continued:

"Globalization strategy. Our next step should be to go to Syria, right?"

After hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"Definitely going to Syria."

"We should have sent people there a long time ago, but there was no way. The situation in Pubei changed so fast that I had no time to make arrangements."

"So next, we are expected to set off soon."

"It won't take long, I expect it may be within a week."

"so fast?"

Shi Dakai raised his head in astonishment, and Chen Chen snorted but did not answer.

It is now late March or early April of 2011, and many things that were supposed to happen have not happened yet.

But that's because our actions in Pubei have restrained the energy of some people, and once the incident in Pubei is over, they must find their place back from there.

They won't wait. Maybe within a few days, big news will come out.

Seeing Chen Chen's reaction, Shi Dakai breathed a deep sigh of relief, and then said:

"Then it seems Bao Qi can't catch up."

"He originally wanted to come back, but the medical conditions here are so poor that I didn't let him come back."

"The next time we see each other, it will be after I return from Syria."

"You don't have to go."

Chen Chen waved his hand and said:

"You need to stay in Pubei to take care of the overall situation, with Old Pig and White Dog assisting."

"Bang Li and Lin He are following me."

"The business in Indonesia is mainly about business, so Peng Xucheng will continue to be in charge. In addition, I also found a person who performed well during the previous airport assault. He is a veteran named Qu Feng. He can go to Indonesia to assist Peng Xucheng."


Shi Dakai nodded slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked:

"What about Ning Ming? I heard that he did something not very good in Mengla?"

"Not only is it not good, but it's a good thing I confiscated him in the first place. Otherwise, this would have been one of our biggest stains."

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and continued:

"A guy like him is not suitable to be in our team, not because of the way he does things, but because of his motivations."

"I plan to give him to Bao Xiaomei. Bao Xiaomei needs such a person now."

".Does it fit?"

Shi Dakai's eyes were a little worried. His "appropriateness" was obviously not asking Chen Chen whether it was appropriate to hand over Ning Ming to Bao Xiaomei, but whether it was appropriate not to kill Ning Ming.

Chen Chen understood what he meant, so he replied cryptically:

"If it wasn't appropriate, someone should have spoken."

"If you understand, will raising a tiger cause trouble?"

"Ning Ming cannot be a tiger, and Bao Xiaomei will not raise him."

Chen Chen shook his head gently and continued:

"It depends on his fate."

"He may become a usable chess piece, but if not, Bao Xiaomei will help us kill him."

"Of course, you should also keep an eye on him."

"It's up to you whether to use it or not."

"If used well, such people can do a lot of things that we don't want to do but must do."


Shi Dakai didn't ask any more questions, but he had already remembered Chen Chen's words in his heart.

Several people chatted without saying a word. At this time, most things related to Kachin and Pubei had already been planned, or were already being implemented, or were about to be implemented.

Their future is unprecedentedly certain and bright, and even though it is complicated, they feel quite relaxed.

It was not until late at night that everyone finally planned to disperse and rest, but at this moment, Chen Chen's phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the unfamiliar number above, Chen Chen couldn't help but frown.

"who is it?"

Noticing his expression, Li Bang sat up straight and asked.

"have no idea."

Chen Chen shook his head and raised his hand to answer the phone.

"Hello, who is it?"

Chen Chen's tone was a little stiff, but the voice coming from the receiver was beyond his expectation.

"it's me."

English, female voice.

Without a doubt, Giya!

Chen Momo put down his phone and turned on the external speaker.

After seeing his actions, others immediately gathered around.

"what's the matter?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"Mr. Wreck, I want to do a business with you."

Jiya's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly tired, but her tone was not tense. Instead, she revealed a sense of relaxation after a disaster, which was completely different from Chen Chen's previous impression of her.

Chen Chen was keenly aware of this change, so he did not answer the question and just continued to ask:

"Is your mission accomplished?"

".In a sense, yes."

"My time is limited, so let's make a long story short."

"I think you already know that the Thai military government has fallen into a comprehensive disadvantage, and the value I can provide has been completely squeezed out by now."

"Fortunately, the King of Thailand does not intend to kill people and silence them."

"So, I have another chance to live."

"But just survive for now."

"I need a new place to stay, and I've been targeted by the CIA. I hope you can help me."

Jiya's tone was extremely sincere, even feeling open and honest.

But when facing this woman, Chen Chen always dared not believe it completely, because he didn't know what else Jiya was hiding from him behind her back.

"Why should I help you?"

Chen Chen asked rhetorically.

"Because I helped you."

"You have a proverb, 'A drop of water will repay you with a spring of water', right?"

".Are you referring to the Sun News? That news didn't help me. I think you overestimated the value of public opinion to us."

".I triggered the warning in advance."

Jiya interrupted Chen Chen and continued:

"All the changes you made after you came back from Indonesia and before were all the result of my promotion."

"Haven't you discovered that all of these illegal transactions in gold mines, tobacco bureaus, shipping, and hotels are completely separate from Thailand's real actions?"

"They should not do these things, especially now that DEVGRU has determined to enter Pubei."

"Do you know why?"

"The main messenger of these actions is not the military, but the power of the King of Thailand."

"The King of Thailand's purpose is to detonate the conflict between you and the military in advance, but my purpose is to detonate the conflict between you and Kachin in advance."

"I achieved my goal, right?"

After the words fell, Chen Chen raised his head.

Not just him, everyone here raised their heads and looked at each other.

Yes, this series of things is indeed an important driving force for the Dongfeng Corps to take action in advance. If these things had not happened, Chen Chen would not have made up his mind to attack Mongla so quickly, and of course he would not have been prepared. Next, take the initiative to go to war with Kachin!

In a sense, this is indeed a flaw on the Thai side.

It's just that Chen Chen didn't know at first that these flaws were left behind on his own initiative!

This was completely beyond his expectation, but when he thought about it carefully, it made sense!

Chen Chen took a deep breath and continued:

"I'm not easily persuaded."

"You can't prove that these things are related to you, because you can't prove that with your status, you have no right to sway the King of Thailand's decision-making."

"If you can't prove it, you can't convince me."

"I don't need to sway the King of Thailand's decision-making."

Jiya answered without hesitation and then said:

"This was his decision. I just provided the information I knew."

"My value was once very small, but after you arrived in Indonesia, my value became very great."

"Because I am the person they can contact who knows the Dongfeng Corps best."

"I just told him that you have set Kachin and the CIA as your ultimate goals from the beginning to the end, and based on this, in the entire Golden Triangle, if you want to weaken the military's power, you are the best choice."

"Of course I gave him some options and he chose a few of them."

"These options allow all of us to benefit from it."

"Now that my work is done, it's time to collect rewards."

"How about it, Mr. Wreck, what's your reward?"

Hearing Jiya's words, Chen Mo was speechless.

After a long time, he spoke:

"okay, thank you."

".That's all?"

"Yes, thank you."

Chen Chen spoke again, and Jiya on the other side of the phone finally fell silent.

After a long time, a burst of laughter suddenly came from Chen Chen's cell phone.

"I know you're not easily convinced."

"But at least you recognized my help to you."

"Wreck, you are such a businessman. And always will be a businessman."

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"I think what I have done for you is enough to get a ticket for the transaction. So, I have a business in hand, do you want to do it?"

".You can tell me."

At this time, Chen Chen already had a judgment in his mind.

Everything Jiya said is most likely true. Even if there is a deviation, it will not be too big.

He can give Jiya a chance to trade, but it is definitely not because of the so-called "repayment of favor".

It's because he wants to completely eliminate this risk.

All uncontrollable factors are risks, even uncontrollable returns!

What Jiya does is actually not exaggerated, but it has an amazing "precision".

Such a person cannot be left alone.

Because you don’t know if one day this uncontrollable gain will turn into an uncontrollable loss.

Chen Chen was even ready to kill Jiya as soon as he saw her.

But Jiya's next words made him frown again.

"I have a document in my hand from an employee within Dell."

"Believe me, you will definitely be interested in this document."


April 2011? !

Chen Chen almost subconsciously said the name, but in the end, he suppressed the impulse in his heart.

"Where did you get it?"

Chen Chen's tone was extremely serious, and similarly, after talking about this matter, Jiya also became extremely serious.

"personal friendship."

"That's not the point. Don't you want to know what's in the file?"

personal friendship?

Chen Chen was very dissatisfied with this answer, but he knew that he could not ask any more questions.

He already knew the contents of the document.

He doesn't have to do this business with Jiya, but he must see Jiya!

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