
Chapter 425 Trapped Beast

We can't leave anymore, so we need to evacuate to the residential area first.

Pay attention to cover, pay attention to concealment!

While helping Cheng Lei move forward, Chen Chen directed the other team members to clear the way.

At this time, the Kachin defenders in Mogang had all rushed towards the crash site and had formed a siege of the crash site.

After getting rid of the first batch of Kachin troops to arrive, Chen Chen also tried to break out of the encirclement by driving directly. However, the firepower of the defenders here was completely unmatched by ordinary civilian weapons. They not only had heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. , and even anti-tank missiles.

As long as a ground vehicle dares to show its head, it will undoubtedly be doomed.

Therefore, after Chen Chen made a test and was fully suppressed by heavy machine guns, he directly gave up the idea of ​​breaking out. Instead, he chose to throw out all the smoke bombs, escort the Kachin army back to the blind spot, and quickly escape from the battle and get rid of tracking. Enter Mogang City and hide inside.

The situation can be said to be extremely critical. The most important equipment they can rely on no longer exists. Among the 11 people including the crew, there are two wounded with limited mobility, and the ammunition has been exhausted and is about to be exhausted.

At this point, if the Dongfeng Corps still showed amazing combat power after the crash, scaring the Kachin militiamen from taking any rash actions before the arrival of the large forces, only a resolute assault would be needed. After suffering a certain amount of losses, , the Dongfeng Corps will inevitably be captured.

It was because of their retreat that the Dongfeng Corps was given a temporary respite.

However, their time was decreasing by the minute. Even if they could hide in a residential area, they would not be able to escape the large-scale manhunt that was destined to come.

Why, in this situation, does Chen Chen still expect the other party to compete with him in CQB?

How can this be?

As long as one's own position is exposed, the Dongfeng Corps will be greeted by artillery shells one after another until the entire hiding place is blown to ashes!

This is an extremely desperate reality, and it is very likely to be the final outcome of the Dongfeng Corps.


But even so, Cheng Lei, who was hanging half of his body on Chen Chen, did not show signs of depression at all, but said in a teasing tone:

Damn it, we're not going to do another Black Hawk Down here, are we?

I should have told you not to come to rescue me. You had the chance to just retreat.

I saw it in the sky. Their support troops were intercepted and you have completed the rendezvous.

Just retreat into the jungle. They won't be able to find you anyway.

You must come here. Now, everyone is surrounded, right?

Hearing his words, Chen Chen rolled his eyes helplessly, took a breath and continued:

Don't say such useless things. If we don't come to save you, will we see you die here?

How can I die? You don't even care about my current status.

You kid? Do you think your identity is of any use here?

Chen Chen grabbed Cheng Lei's arm and lifted it up, and then continued:

You just bombed someone else's airport, and you destroyed three planes. In this case, do you still expect your identity to save you?

Don't say you are not on active duty. Even if you are on active duty, you will be blown to ashes first.

Stop talking nonsense, can you jump faster? If you can't jump fast, I will have to find a stretcher to carry you.

I'm already the fastest!

Cheng Lei exhaled heavily and then said:

Left, go first into the courtyard.

This residential area is very large, so don't go too deep.

They also have a plane that will take off soon.

What we are going to play is hide and seek, not tower defense. The most important thing is to hide first.


Chen Chen followed Cheng Lei's line of sight and made a gesture. Then Lin He led the team into the small hospital he pointed to. After quickly controlling the civilians in the hospital, all the team members entered the house and hid.

The moment the door closed, Chen Chen also heard the sound of propellers turning in the air.

Just as Cheng Lei said, the Kachin side did fly the remaining plane within a very short period of time and began to conduct aerial reconnaissance.

If our own actions were even one minute slower, I am afraid that we would have been exposed by now.

Chen Chen glanced at the family of three who had been tied up and gagged. The expressions under the masks did not change at all.

He walked straight to the third floor and looked out through the window on the third floor. Then he discovered that the Kachin Army's encirclement had been fully formed. There was already a machine gun pickup truck guarding the end of the street opposite the house.

Should you consider taking off your gear and running away?

Lin He next to him asked tentatively. Seeing that Chen Chen did not answer immediately, he immediately said:

Our weapons and equipment are completely meaningless, we don't have much ammunition left, and we are completely disadvantaged in terms of firepower.

It's impossible for us to win in a head-on confrontation. As long as we open fire later, even if we can drag a few more enemies into the water, we won't be able to get out alive.

The only chance is to give up our equipment and disguise ourselves as civilians. They have never seen our faces and cannot recognize us.

It sounds risky, but at least

I see.

Chen Chen interrupted Lin He's judgment, but did not refute.

It has to be said that everyone in the earliest team of the Dongfeng Corps has grown up. Even Lin He, who seemed a little naive before, is now able to deduce seemingly unreasonable but most rational ideas based on the battlefield environment. s solution.

Ditch your gear and put down your gun?

To a warrior, this may be no different than surrender.

But the fact is that at this time, this is really the only way out.

Chen Chen's brows furrowed tightly. He did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he walked down the stairs, faced the team members who had begun to quickly treat wounds and replenish water, and said:

Two choices.

The first one is to abandon the equipment, pretend to be a civilian, and try to get out.

Second, rely on the residential area buildings to conduct guerrilla operations, find ways to hold them back, and wait for support.

What support?

Cheng Lei asked immediately.

Planes, we have planes too.

It can definitely be reached in two hours at most.

Xiaoyu will also think of a way. The Wa State still has two helicopters, and they must take action.

Chen Chen replied.

But there is still an A29 in Kachin.

The last A29 is a ground attack aircraft and does not pose much of a threat.

But Kachin will mobilize quickly, and there may not be conditions for rescue even if the plane comes.

They are all seaplanes. If they can reach the Mengong River, they can be evacuated.

The wounded cannot fight guerrillas, so the wounded must be abandoned?

Yes, the wounded must be abandoned and picked up before the final evacuation.

After a series of quick questions and answers, Cheng Lei fell silent again.

After a long time, he spoke:

Give up the wounded and go fight.

Combined, the wounded abandon their equipment and disguise themselves as civilians.

Don't worry about us, your gunfire is our cover.

Don't worry, we won't die.

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