
Chapter 406 Wild Horse? !

Air strike, this is a word that should never appear in the battle between Pubei civilian armed forces, because no matter which civilian armed forces, even if they have helicopters, it is absolutely impossible for Xiaoyu to use air strike to describe it. degree.

Even the Wa State has several Mi-171 helicopters in their hands, but the tactics they can use are at best rocket launches and machine gun fire.

Could this be considered an airstrike?

At best, this can be regarded as a high-altitude strike with air superiority.

What should Chen Chen's impression of an air raid look like?

Precision guided bombs pull out nails, carpet bombing kills insects, and aircraft cannons lick the ground.

It must have a certain strategic purpose and strategic deterrence in order to be called an air strike.

There is no doubt that even the Kachin would never have the ability to launch a serious air strike. Xiaoyu should not make a misjudgment on this point. Then

Chen Chen didn't have time to think too much, but immediately asked:

Are you sure it was an air strike and not an ordinary helicopter harassment attack?

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu on the opposite side was silent for a few seconds, and then replied:

All I can tell you is that it was an airstrike without a doubt.

They dropped at least five aerial bombs on key targets in Kokang, destroying a large number of Allied military facilities.

If the Allied forces hadn't learned a lesson and spread out their military camps, they would have suffered heavy losses from this attack alone.

How is this possible? Aerial bombs?! Dropped by a helicopter?

No, it's a fixed-wing fighter.


Chen Chen was completely shocked.

Where did Kachin get fixed-wing fighter jets? ? Even if they get fixed-wing fighter jets, where will they get the pilots? !

Soon, Xiaoyu's next sentence answered his doubts, but made him fall into deeper confusion.

They are not flying supersonic jet fighters, they are flying propeller fighters.

Judging from the models that have been identified so far, there are at least three Mustangs and two A29s.

.I can still understand the A29, Mustang? Are you sure it's the Mustang I'm thinking of? P51? Shouldn't this thing be in a museum??

As the most famous propeller fighter in World War II, the Mustang can be said to be famous in the middle and late stages of World War II. Among them, the Pioneer Mustang of the 354th Group had the most outstanding record, shooting down a total of 701 enemy aircraft in the air during the war -—— This does not include ground destruction.

Judging from this data, the Mustang should be a typical air superiority fighter.

But Chen Chen knew that things were definitely not that simple.

Because the Mustang has a ground attack dive bombing model.

So, before Xiaoyu could answer, he continued to ask:

Is it a regular Mustang, or an A-36A Mustang?


Xiaoyu shook his head and continued to answer:

This batch of Mustangs is not the Mustangs in the museum as you think. They are some of the 100 Mustangs repurchased by the U.S. Air Force in 2010.

Its avionics system has been upgraded, and the US Air Force initially planned to use it as a training aircraft - at least that's what their report says.

But why it was modified into a combat model and why it appeared in Pubei, we have no clue.

After hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen let out a sigh of relief.

Things are really getting serious now.

Many people may think that the propeller-driven fighter jets from World War II were slow to fly, had weak firepower, and had poor precision strike capabilities, so they were nothing to fear on the battlefield. But in fact, the Mustang's flying speed can reach at least 700 kilometers per hour, which is very important to current combat aircraft. All helicopters are useless.

Without air-to-air missiles, it is very difficult for you to rely on anti-aircraft artillery to catch a fixed-wing propeller fighter. Reality is not a movie. In the absence of fire control radar, you rely on manual calculation of shooting parameters. There is only one result:

The opponent changes direction every 15 seconds, so you can basically only fight a lonely one.

Because Zhuyuan's determination takes time, and bullets also need time to fly. Using anti-aircraft guns to hit a propeller aircraft will most likely only be successful when the opponent launches a dive attack.

This also means that the existing air control methods of the Dongfeng Corps have basically failed. It can even be said that the Dongfeng Corps has completely lost its air control.

The old American really hit the Dongfeng Corps within seven inches, but Chen Chen was very confused. What reason did they use to transport the plane?

Are the United States and the United States planning to break up with each other? If they send fighter jets to Kachin at this time, not even Lao Myanmar will give them face, right?

Chen Chen's tone revealed obvious doubts, while Xiaoyu answered straightforwardly:

They did not send fighter jets to Kachin.

The A29 was bought by KIA itself. As for the Mustang, or P51, they saved it from World War II.

.Does anyone believe this?

Chen Chen was stunned.

Damn it, it’s always said that you can pick up equipment native to the north in the jungle. But when you come here, you are directly inheriting the legacy of the war? !

It doesn't matter whether anyone believes it or not. What's important is that they have a valid reason.

The 101st Commando has always cooperated closely with the United States. It's not surprising that they have P51 - yes, they really have P51, the kind that was passed down from World War II.

It's just that those planes can't fly anymore. Now there are a few that can fly. It's quite reasonable, right?


Chen Chen could only nod.

What else could he say? Things have come to this point.

After a moment of silence, he spoke:

We have to have countermeasures. If we don't have any air defense capabilities, we can only be beaten by them.

The United States only dared to use propeller aircraft to suppress the missiles it had in hand.

No need to say so much, let's give you some missiles first!

There will be missiles, and we are not stupid.

Xiaoyu paused and then said:

I will contact you again to solve the missile problem, but now, there is another problem that is almost as serious.

what is the problem?

Kachin's ground forces have at least four M2 armored vehicles showing up.

That's not surprising, right? They already have the M2.

Chen Chen said inexplicably.

It's not surprising that there is an M2. The problem now is that they just showed it when they started fighting.

We suspect that they also have stronger and more advanced armored units.


That's not possible, but there is a high probability that there will be tanks.

From India?


That's it. The other party is strangling our necks and beating us.

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and continued:

Even if this thing is not a T-90, it must at least be of the T-72 level.

The anti-tank weapons in our hands are basically difficult to pose a threat to it, and our own tanks cannot easily penetrate the opponent's armor.

The most important thing is that they have already done this, and they cannot be unprepared in other aspects.

Our combat characteristics are basically understood. Whatever we lack is available to the opponent, and our equipment is completely suppressed. How can we fight against them?

It's really hard to fight.

Xiaoyu said very objectively.

The game was at a huge disadvantage at the start, and no one could say easy to play in this situation.

With poor military strength, poor equipment, and even poor training, these coalition forces in Chen Chen's hands cannot defeat the Kachin.

Not to mention Chen Chen, even Xiaoyu wanted to say do your best to ensure peace of mind.

But at the same time, she knew that this battle really had to be fought, and she had to win.

Once they lose, all the advantages and benefits accumulated in the early stage will be lost. The other party can even directly complete the penetration of the entire Pubei and use the vast area of ​​​​Pubei to directly form a link through the South Asian subcontinent, Indo-China Peninsula and the Arabian Peninsula. The encirclement!

There is India in the South Asian subcontinent, Pubei in the Indochina Peninsula, not to mention the Arabian Peninsula.

The other party's plan is equally far-reaching and cannot be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyu said:

We will try our best to provide necessary equipment support, including missiles and anti-tank weapons.

But you have to understand that it takes time.

You have to give me at least a week. During this week, you have to block Kachin as much as possible.

The key issue is not victory or defeat, but the speed at which the opponent advances.

Once they are in an unstoppable state, these local warriors in Pubei, you understand what I mean, right?

Speaking of this, Xiaoyu deliberately lowered her voice and did not finish her words, but Chen Chen could fully understand what she wanted to express.

Civilian warriors are all dogs, and will follow whoever gives you meat. If you don't get enough meat in your mouth, and it hurts from being beaten by outsiders, even if you don't change the house, you won't be able to guard the door for you anymore.

Therefore, the most critical issue is that in a short period of time, the coalition forces must not show their defeat.

Once the appearance of defeat is revealed, it will really be defeated.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and replied:

I see.

I will organize the defense as soon as possible, within the next two days at the latest.

If I can't hold on, I won't hold on anymore, but the Wa State must end this time.

You have to mediate and at least ensure that in the first battle, they dare to fight!

I will communicate, but mainly it depends on you.

There was a hint of shame in Xiaoyu's tone, and Chen Chen didn't say much. He briefly communicated a few details and then hung up the phone.

Then, he looked at Li Bang, who had been waiting by the side, and said:

I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle this time.

How evil?

Gang Li asked with great interest.

.You still ask how evil it is? Then you are quite excited?

It doesn't count, but the battles we fought back in Pubei were really boring. We might as well have been in Indonesia.

High risk, high reward, and there's nothing wrong with having a bad fight once in a while.

Hearing his words, Chen Chen was angry and funny, but before he could reply, the phone in his hand suddenly rang again.

When he saw the caller ID above, Chen Chen frowned.

Peng Deren.

If you call me at this time, there may be only one result.

That is, the defection of the Allied forces.

After all, they had just been attacked by the Kachin and could not possibly fight back, and just in time, the Dongfeng Corps hit Mongla.

In peacetime, Peng Deren would never give up the coalition forces for Lin Mingxian, but now, this happened to become his excuse.

Chen Chen hesitated for a few seconds before picking up the phone. He was thinking about how to deal with Peng Deren's hypocritical remarks, but to his surprise, the other party's first sentence overturned all his guesses.

Mr. Chen! We can't stand it anymore!

I have led the team to retreat to Qingshui River. There is no way to defend the old street!

Sir Chen, help!

Help? !

Does this mean your allies don't intend to surrender, but only plan to run?

Which one is this?

Chen Chen didn't know how to answer for a moment. After two seconds of silence, he finally calmed down and asked:

You didn't.

We did not surrender! We did not surrender!

Sir Chen, Kachin is not that strong. We have found out!

They have armored vehicles and planes, but that's it!

Mr. Chen, you bring the team over here, we can fight!

Good guy, there are armored vehicles and planes, but that’s it?

Chen Chen didn't know how Peng Deren said this. Could it be that he really regarded the Dongfeng Corps as omnipotent?

How are your battle losses?

The battle losses are not high! Mr. Chen, we retreated very quickly, with almost no direct conflicts. Most of the casualties were caused in the first round of bombing.

We are now guarding Qingshui River, preparing to use the favorable terrain to block them.

We don't want the old street anymore. If we save the land, we will lose the people, and everyone and the land will be lost. If we save the people, we will lose the land, but we will save the people and the land!

Mr. Chen, you can fight guerrillas! The Kachin have made a fortune this time, but their tactics are mediocre!

Peng Deren's words finally brought Chen Chen the first good news.

The equipment is good and the training level is high, but the tactics are not.

Tactics are indeed the biggest shortcoming of the Pubei Civilian Armed Forces, and they happen to be the thing that has the greatest impact on combat effectiveness in their army that has failed to reach the threshold of modernization!

If you have electromagnetic control, air control, and super firepower, then you don't actually need too many tactics.

But if you are a quasi-World War II-level team, then the role of tactics is crucial.

This is an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately said:

Wait, I'll be there in 10 hours!

Understood! I will stay here! Also, my father asked me to tell you that he does not have Lin Mingxian as a son-in-law!

The line has been drawn completely.

Chen Chen never expected that in this sudden war, the first to firmly state his position would be the Allied Forces.


Probably really convinced.

Bang Li on the side heard the conversation on the phone, and he asked with a little worry:

Could it be a trap?

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:


The Allies are not qualified to make traps. They are too weak.

So what if we are deceived? We can easily penetrate them and escape.

Peng Deren will not commit such stupidity. Be prepared and we will set off as soon as possible.

Notify everyone, including the Indonesian side, to return to construction within 20 hours and prepare for battle!

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