
Chapter 177 A real tactical interlude

West bank of the Salween River.

All Allied soldiers who could swim had completed the crossing, which took a total of 4 minutes.

After landing on the shore, their footsteps did not stop, and they immediately continued to run westward, hiding in the sparse jungle on the west bank of the river.

At this time, the pursuing enemy had reached the river bank. Through the night vision telescope, Chen Chen nervously watched the dispatch situation on the other side and listened to Bao Qi's radio listening report. Then he discovered that Wei Huairen's tactical arrangement was really... It can be called stable!

He did not push all the troops to the river bank, but while the vanguard was preparing to forcibly cross the river to pursue, he mobilized two companies to advance in echelon for cover. At the same time, on the hilltop in the distance, the artillery company had also completed its transfer. The 107 rocket launcher was re-set up on the ridge and aimed in the direction of the river bank.

Under such an arrangement, the other party has completely suppressed all the routes for one's continued escape.

If our side continues to go west, then they will use rocket launchers to wash away the ground and bombard our side to slow down our side and facilitate the pursuit of the vanguard troops crossing the river;

If our side chooses to stick to the river bank defense, the other two companies arriving can support the vanguard in time and completely crush it with firepower.

If you flee in any direction north or south along the river, whether it is the vanguard force crossing the Salween River and approaching the north side, or the support company staying on the east bank and closer to the south side, you can continue to pursue it along the river, and then attack again and again In a small-scale conflict, they completely killed their own side.

Impeccable tactics, and almost impossible to find loopholes.

Our only chance is to destroy all the vanguard troops crossing the river in a very short period of time, then go north along the river and flee north.

But in this way, one's own side will inevitably expose its target and face the risk of being indoctrinated by rockets.

There is no perfect strategy, only relatively feasible strategies.

Chen Chen frowned. He quickly calculated the enemy's distance and the speed of enemy troop mobilization in his mind, trying to find a gap through which he could pass through.

The two support companies are still at least 10 minutes away from the river. The vanguard has deployed firepower points on the river bank. They will launch a forced crossing within two minutes at most, and under fire cover, they will make it in four minutes at most. Able to cross the river.

6 minutes.

This also means that there is a 4-minute time difference between the vanguard force and the support force.

This 4-minute time difference is our own opportunity!

Chen Chen's eyes lit up and he already had a strategy in mind.

So, he immediately turned towards Peng Deren, but before he could speak, the latter said first:

Sir Chen, the team is in trouble!

The team is dead?! What do you mean?

Chen Chen was confused and angry at the same time. He had already guessed what Peng Deren meant by no more.

The team is breaking up.

After being forced to use Peng Deren's personal soldiers to delay the enemy, the morale of the Allied Forces was gone.

They will never understand what sacrifice means, they will never understand what stopping attacks means, and they will never understand what Cheorwon tactics mean!

They were not the original team that divided more than 9,000 people into more than 200 small positions. They relied on the death-defying tactics of dozens of people in each position, emptying each position, and destroying each establishment. The magic soldiers of the army, they are just a mob who will immediately become fearful and want to give up immediately after seeing their teammates die in battle!

There is no way around it, this is a fundamental gap.

Even though Chen Chen had made preparations in advance, he was still extremely angry when faced with such a situation.

After hearing Chen Chen's question, Peng Deren couldn't help but want to quit.

He had a vague feeling that the man in front of him was a furious lion, not only ready to tear the enemy into pieces, but even he was nothing more than a weak vassal in front of him.

After calming down for a moment, Peng Deren answered:

Someone is leaving. Starting from the fifth group to the tenth group, they all have to leave.

They want to go north across the border and they don't want to fight anymore!

If you don't want to fight, can you stop fighting? Do they think Wei Huairen's border defense camp will let them go?

Or do they think that Wei Huairen can't catch up with them? Can't the rocket launchers catch up with them?!

Chen Chen's tone was cold, and Peng Deren quickly replied:

I already said it, but

It goes without saying.

Chen Chen interrupted his explanation without hesitation.

There is no need. Peng Deren has lost most of his control over this team. In fact, what remains is probably not because of his authority and leadership, but because of

They thought it would be easier to die if they went north.

The Dongfeng Corps and the Allied Forces have been completely separated, and Chen Chen's command system has begun to collapse.

Now the only common goal for both parties is to survive.

This is the most dangerous situation on the battlefield. The negative impact caused by disordered command is even more exaggerated than running out of ammunition and food!

However, Chen Chen did not have any time to do any pre-war mobilization or ideological construction work.

All he could do was find a way to reunite the team in this most extreme situation.

So, he immediately ordered:

I won't stop anyone who wants to leave, but they must at least complete the interception of the vanguard troops crossing the river before leaving.

Otherwise, they won't be able to escape no matter what!

Understood! I'll inform you!

Peng Deren replied, and Chen Chen began to order the switching of communication channels, directly cutting off all contact with the deserters.

The two sides officially entered the stage of fighting on their own, and their cooperation time only lasted two minutes.

As the machine guns of the firepower group of the vanguard force on the other side of the river rang out, the enemy officially began to cross the river, and Chen Chen also fired back. Intense bullets were fired at the river, but compared to the wide river, this firepower was really insignificant.

The enemy's river-crossing troops had advanced to the middle of the river, and their losses were only a few people.

Chen Chen once again observed the movements of all enemy troops, and then issued an order that surprised everyone:

Everyone advances 100 meters south along the jungle, and then crosses the river eastward!

We must enter the jungle on the east side before the two enemy support forces reach the river beach.

We're going to get through them!

Peng Deren's eyes widened.

How can this be?

he asked subconsciously.

Nothing is impossible.

There is a time difference between the opponent's vanguard and supporting troops. We can completely use this time difference to sneak across the river.

They only had a small amount of night vision equipment and it was almost impossible to catch us.

And more importantly... aren't we running north?

Peng Deren was stunned.

He never imagined that even the division of his own army would be exploited by this man.

He seized all available conditions on the battlefield just to pursue victory.

Without any more doubts, Peng Deren decisively followed Chen Chen's footsteps.

Then, the remaining two groups of more than 20 people began to rush south quickly.

Two minutes later, they arrived at the scheduled crossing point, and then, according to the time carefully calculated by Chen Chen, they all entered the water when the enemy vanguard completed the crossing and began to pursue the Allied soldiers fleeing north.

On their north side, rockets began to fall intensively, and the firelight illuminated the figures who were panicking.

Peng Deren suddenly felt sad.

He didn't understand why these people couldn't figure it out when the only chance to survive was right in front of them.

There was no time for unnecessary mourning. The team reached the east bank of the Salween River again 3 minutes later. Then, everyone went ashore along the shoal, and with the help of the cover of the lower river bank, they scurried back at an angle that was almost impossible to detect. Into the jungle.

They crossed the river from this jungle 10 minutes ago.

And now, they are back in the jungle.

It seems like nothing has changed, but in fact, everything has changed.


Because the two supporting companies just pushed past them.

They did not discover their whereabouts because their attention had been completely attracted by the split team

Just pass by!

This is a passing time!

What should we do now?

Peng Deren asked.

He knew that the defense line still blocking his side was extremely weak. If he could fight through it in one go, he might be able to break out of the encirclement!

Yes, our remaining combat power is extremely weak, but how can we know if it will work if we don't give it a try?

let's hit!

A strong desire to fight arose in his heart, but he had no idea who to fight and in which direction.

Beside him, Chen Chen did not answer his questions at all, but listened carefully to Bao Qi's interception report.

Two companies are searching down the ridge. If we evacuate directly to the south, we are likely to run directly into them.

There is a chance to penetrate, but as soon as the gunfire rings out, these two companies will quickly shrink and hold us back, and Wei Huairen's reserve company can also provide immediate support.

We're going to get bitten, we don't have the vehicle, but they do.

Then don't break through to the south! Where is the opponent's artillery company?

At the top of the mountain, the location should be on this line.

Where is the opponent's command post? Where is Wei Huairen?

This is Taman Village.

With the help of the dim flashlight, Chen Chen, who was lurking in the jungle, could clearly see the location of the artillery position and the location of the peripheral command post.

The artillery position was separated from the two Soushan companies, creating a gap of nearly 300 meters.

Moreover, from the high ground where the artillery position is located, it should be possible to directly visually see the lower command post.


Chen Chen took a long breath and then said:

We assault the opponent's artillery battery.

They must not have much defensive strength because all the light infantry has been sent out.

It's 600 meters away and can be reached in about 10 minutes.

According to the speed of the mountain search troops, we can pass through the gap.

All team leaders report, how many smoke bombs are left?

4 shots.

Six shots.

I have 8 rounds here.

Give us all the smoke bombs. No. 1, keep 4 of them, and throw out all the others.

No. 5 will lead the way. No. 1, you will be the breacher. Throw shock bombs and then rush into the position to establish the initial firepower point.

No. 3, find the right angle to kill the high-value target.

No. 2, No. 6, get ready for gunnery. You must cooperate with me and complete the rocket aiming and loading as quickly as possible!


Everyone in the Dongfeng Corps answered in unison, while the leaders of the two Allied Army groups subconsciously asked:

What about us?

Just follow and charge, don't point the gun at your own people!

Chen Chen did not waste time making more detailed arrangements for these soldiers, because he knew that with the quality of these people, all arrangements would be impossible to implement.

It’s better to keep it simple and follow suit!

So, after the order was clear, the team immediately began to move forward.

Relying on the advantages of infrared night vision and radio listening, the 20 people narrowly avoided the mountain search team and penetrated into the heart of the enemy's front line.

Peng Deren's heart beat violently. Maybe his soldiers could not see the overall situation clearly, but he fully understood how bold and risky this strategy was.

Because this is equivalent to putting this team of only 24 people completely surrounded by the enemy!

Are you kidding me? !

We just escaped from the encirclement, and now we are actively stepping into the encirclement? !

What exactly has changed? What's the difference?

That's right, the only change is the relative position of one's own side and the artillery position.

There had been so many interspersed operations and so many cruel tactics, but they had only one goal, which was to close the distance with the artillery positions.

And as long as this artillery position is eliminated and the heavy weapons that the enemy has not yet had time to use are mastered, the team's winning rate will be greatly improved!

Strategizing, just for this winning blow.

At this moment, Peng Deren finally felt the charm of tactics.

At this time, the enemy's artillery position was already in front of us.

The attack happened unexpectedly. When the distance was reduced to about 50 meters, the leaders Lin He and the Li Gang began to throw smoke bombs and grenades non-stop.

Under the cover of explosives, the other four combatants of the Dongfeng Corps launched attacks from two directions.

Gunfire flickered, and the enemies in the position had no time to react.

They don't even have guns in their hands, because they are just artillerymen and their hands are used to control rocket launchers!

There are no more than twenty security personnel, but these twenty enemies have no ability to resist in the face of the powerful and precise firepower of the Dongfeng Corps!

Peng Deren even saw that the man named No. 1 withstood the shot of a Bayi bar and blew the enemy's head off with the shotgun in his hand.

His body just staggered for a moment, and then he resumed his fast and flexible movement and concealment.

The Allied team following behind could be said to be belatedly arriving, and when they entered the battlefield, all that was left for them was the task of cleaning up the remaining artillery that was defenseless.

The battle started suddenly and ended suddenly.

The whole process didn't even take more than two minutes.

Peng Deren's heart rate had reached the limit, and he felt dizzy like never before.


However, Chen Chen did not give him any time to breathe.

Because he has already started debugging those rocket launchers.

Don't be so stupid! Group 4 is on alert, Group 2 is coming to move the shells!

Wei Huairen hasn't reacted yet, it's time to treat him to a midnight snack!

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