
Chapter 175 Guerrilla God

Chen Chen was extremely glad that he had brought the listening station with him. The existence of this thing could be said to have opened a crack for him in a certain death situation.

Although the signal was very poor and there was not much effective information monitored, he could still roughly judge the movements of the border camp through fragmented conversations.

Among these trends, he also identified several key pieces of information.

First, the opponent has 107 rocket launchers, and there are quite a few of them.

In the second one, the opponent's number was about 1,200, divided into 12 combat formations.

Third, Hongyan has been completely besieged, and the only road leading to the outside world has been blocked.

There is really no other way now but to give it a try.

After much thought, he finally decided on a plan of action and quickly issued the order.

Everyone hold our ground, we must create the illusion that we are still at Red Rock Base.

We're going to trick them into launching a massive rocket bombing and use the bombing cover to evacuate.

Throw out all the smoke bombs and leave no trace behind. We must block all observation lines to ensure the safety of the breakout.

The evacuation route is carried out along the Aifang Mountain, with the ridge as the boundary for execution to consume the enemy's physical strength to the maximum extent and at the same time disrupt their layout.

Boss Peng must be defeated all the way. Divide your people into 10 teams. Each team will be assigned a number and equipped with a walkie-talkie. I will command according to the number!

Boss Peng, you have to make it clear to everyone under your command that only by following orders will you survive. If you run away blindly and are caught by the border guard camp, it will be a 100% fatal situation!

I see!

Peng Deren nodded immediately. He was extremely glad that he listened to Chen Chen's opinion and left Ang Tingling with Kokang instead of staying with him.

If that's the case, I really won't have any chips in my hand.

Now, at least I don't have any burdens. I just need to focus on how to escape and survive.

However, although he spoke firmly, Peng Deren did not have much confidence in his men.

Most of these people are elites, and being able to follow them here proves their loyalty.

But there is a limit to loyalty, and even the elite will become discouraged.

After a wave of bombings, how many people can be left to hold on to the fighting position, and how many people can be left to obey the command?

Thinking of this, Peng Deren said decisively:

Sir Chen, I have to make it clear to you in advance that although these people are under my command, they are not.

I understand what you mean.

Chen Chen immediately interrupted him and continued:

I will allow for contingencies.

In fact, he knows the fighting qualities of these civilian warriors very well. After all, he has experienced them personally in the memory of this life.

Therefore, he did not place his hopes on these so-called elites at all. Just like the first battle he fought when he traveled back in time, these people were nothing more than cannon fodder and expendable supplies.

Regardless of whether they are running or fighting, they can attract some of the attention of the border battalion.

And even the smallest shift in attention can create an opportunity for your true core team to escape.

After a short communication, the breakout plan was completely formed, and Chen Chen decisively ordered:

Everyone begins to enter the fighting position and follow my command.

No. 1, prepare the predators and start moving.

We are going to use this vehicle as a mobile shelter to avoid the explosion damage of rockets.

Distribute all the smoke bombs and start throwing them as soon as I give the order.

No. 2, pay attention to listening for news and report any developments to me at any time.

No. 3, carry the M82 on your back and look for high-value targets to kill if you have the chance.

No. 5, be prepared and observe the jungle terrain. You will lead the breakout.

No. 6, cover me. No matter what the situation, follow me closely to ensure my safety.

Our combat formation and tactics are based on the six-person team model during training!


Everyone answered together, but Peng Deren stood aside in a daze.

He completely understood Chen Chen's arrangements, but he couldn't imagine that their tactics had been refined to this level.

Can such a tactic really be implemented?

Sure enough, this is the difference.

Meanwhile, above the ridge.

Wei Huairen stood in front of the rocket position that had been arranged, using a telescope to observe the situation in the red rock base at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

He could see that in the small basin, all the armed personnel were already in their designated fighting positions.

He could also see a vague figure flashing past the door of a tent in the middle that was obviously a command post.

That was Peng Deren, also his opponent on this trip.

The opponent's fighting position is very concentrated, the opponent only has light weapons, and the opponent's total number of people is only more than a hundred.

It can be said that the situation is great, the only bad thing is...

He didn't see Ang Tingling.

According to a standard rescue plan, since the rescue target is not seen, the kidnappers must not be killed.

After all, if you kill the kidnappers, how will you know where to go to rescue others?

Negotiating first, confirming the location of the rescue target, confirming the safety of the target, and then formulating a complete plan is the way a rescue operation should be carried out.

But unfortunately, such a rescue is destined to never happen.

Because some people don't want Ang Tingling alive.

This is a hidden transaction, involving Kokang, a person who is about to become famous and whose benefits are boundless.

Suo Myint Wu wanted Ang Ting Ling to die, but he had no better reason and could only maintain the status quo.

But these allies, by chance, presented the reason in front of them.

Is it reasonable to accidentally cause the death of a hostage during a rescue mission?

In other words, during the rescue mission, no hostages were found at all, and the kidnappers were not left alive. Is this more reasonable?

No one can say that they are not here, not even the Burmese side, not even the Bai family.

As long as this task is completed and Suo Minwu is helped to take over, then the positions between himself and the Bai family can be changed.

After all, he is the real warlord, and they are just a group of businessmen.

Thinking of this, Wei Huairen felt extremely comfortable.

He put down the telescope in his hand, and then asked the adjutant beside him:

Are the troops ready?

The adjutant nodded immediately and replied:

All combat units are ready and ready to launch an attack at any time.

The encirclement has been formed, we have guarded all the passages, and we have arranged overt and covert sentries in the jungle.

As long as a fight breaks out at one point, the surrounding teams can immediately support it.

Within 1 minute, the support team can be on the scene.

It's impossible for them to escape. At most, it just takes a little more time.

Hearing the adjutant's words, Wei Huairen breathed a long sigh of relief, and then he ordered:

Then let's get started.

Mortars prepared for shelling, rockets launched.

Don't give them any chance, blow them all up!

At the foot of the mountain, inside the red rock base.

Chen Chen sat in the passenger seat of the Predator and shouted:

Prepare for bombardment!!

Execute according to the planned battle plan!

Following his order, clusters of fire suddenly lit up on the distant hills, and then, a rain of fire rose into the sky covering the entire sky.

This scene is really exactly the same as the battle of Xiaotianyuan Village when they fought against Nuokang.

However, he was standing at the top of the mountain at that time, but now, he is standing at the bottom of the mountain.

All the troops of the Allied Forces have taken action. It is only the initial stage of the battle. The morale of this team has not been affected yet, and the execution of orders is also very fast.

In just a few seconds, dozens of smoke grenades were thrown, and the entire position was covered in smoke.

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to disperse and retreat, running towards the edge of the basin.

The first batch of falling rockets had exploded behind them, with flames rising into the sky. With violent explosions, the entire Red Rock Base had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The scene was extremely terrifying. Since time traveling, Chen Chen once again felt the uncontrollable fear.

He held the HK416 tightly in his hand, while Li Xiang on the side struggled to hold on to the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. Without any stagnation, the Predator sprang out quickly and began to circle around the Red Rock Base.

He did not want to use this vehicle to launch any possible counterattack. In fact, the current mission of this vehicle was to use its thick armor to block the first wave of rocket explosions, ensuring the Dongfeng Corps and the Peng Deren’s safety!

Rockets continued to fall, and with the help of the Predator's protection and mobility, this seven-man team had successfully passed through the exploding minefield and rushed to the foot of the northernmost mountain of the Red Rock Base.

On the hillside, a light machine gun was firing at them, but because they were using a light machine gun, the bullets had almost no chance of breaking through the Predator's body.

Through the design opening on the side, Chen Chen locked the enemy's position on the hillside.

His heart beat violently for a few times, then suddenly slowed down, and his movements became calmer.

Through the lens of the small conch, Chen Chen found the enemy lying on the ground and shooting with PKM.

He pulled the trigger with almost no hesitation, and at the same time, Shi Dakai's M82A1 also sounded simultaneously.

After gaining enlightenment on the battlefield in Nayong Village, his marksmanship has improved visibly.

After his gunshot, the enemy who was operating a mortar on the hillside was interrupted. The bullet even passed through his body and continued to hit another enemy who was delivering artillery shells.

Dripping with blood, Chen Chen's HK416 also hit the target. In this direction, gaps in the originally continuous firepower immediately appeared.

Chen Chen did not hesitate, but shouted loudly into the intercom:

Everyone is gathering towards me. There is a hole in the opponent's defense!

Break through the defenses and enter the jungle!

After he finished speaking, he stopped listening to the others' replies. Instead, he opened the door and got out of the car, knocking down an enemy again with a few bursts of fire.

Then, he drew his gun forward and relied on his precise marksmanship to suppress a team of more than a dozen people on the hillside.

No. 1, Pitcher Thunder!

At this time, they were still more than 60 meters away from the enemy on the top of the mountain in a straight line. They were still fighting low and high. Logically speaking, it was impossible for the Li Gang to throw grenades next to the enemy.


But sometimes, some people are just so unreasonable.

The first RNG grenade flew out and landed accurately on the border camp's position in less than two seconds.

With a loud explosion, the soldiers of the border battalion dispersed subconsciously, exposing the biggest weakness of this fragile direction.

It's too thin.

It was so thin that it had no chance of surviving 20 seconds under the grenade bombardment that followed Li Bang.

The fighter plane arrived in an instant, and Chen ordered again:

Everyone goes up the mountain and takes up the opponent's position.

Groups 9 and 10, pick up the machine guns on the position and help us establish evacuation firepower points!

Don't worry, we use central stripping tactics. After reaching a safe area, we will turn around and cover you to ensure that everyone evacuates as safely as possible!


A reply came from the radio, and Chen Chen waved his hand without hesitation, making a gesture of rushing toward the others around him.

At this moment, the results of the long-term training of the Dongfeng Corps were clearly revealed. Chen Chen hardly needed to do any command and dispatch. Everyone consciously formed a warning circle and surrounded Peng Deren.

With the support of heavy body armor, the Dongfeng Corps did not care about the opponent's bullets at all. Li Bang rushed to the front and blocked the enemy's shooting range with his body.

Chen Chen, who followed closely behind, used his cover without hesitation. In just 20 seconds, with the help of the chaos caused by the Li Gang, he could almost kill everyone on the position with one shot. Most of the enemies were knocked down.


However, this is not the end.

Chen Chen saw that enemies from other locations on the mountain had begun to arrive quickly, trying to fill the space left by the fallen team.

Time is very tight, so tight that we have to race against time.

If Chen Chen's side can catch up with the local support troops, they can successfully take over the commanding heights of the mountain and then establish a blocking point there to buy time for the really important Peng Deren.

One minute, they only have one minute.

With less than 200 meters to go from the ridge, Chen Chen quickened his pace and led Lin He to charge forward.

The latter no longer cared about explanations and popular science. He just rushed upward while others followed his route.

The speed of the team was very fast. In less than 30 seconds, they had reached the outskirts of the local position. Li Bang was still at the forefront. He held a spray that was the most useful in trench warfare and pulled the trigger. 50 The shotgun made of steel balls quickly took effect.

It’s just that everyone who is still moving on the ground is firing. If anyone dares to move in this war zone without blinking, he will only be knocked down by a bullet.

Everyone started throwing grenades. Chen Chen took a deep breath and followed Lin He and Li Gang up to the top of the mountain.

The ground is strewn with corpses, some were killed by bombs, some were penetrated by bullets, and some were simply...

Playing dead.

Chen Chen didn't give them any chance. With HK416 in hand, he fired at every person who fell to the ground.

Fifty seconds later, the team had reached the mountaintop bunker, and the PKMS was immediately set up. Under strong firepower, the support team quickly suppressed the assisting troops.

No. 1, hold on for two minutes, we have to withdraw first.

You organize other people to join together. We will go to Ai Fang's location. We must hold it for at least two minutes, and then evacuate with the other team members!


Li Bang answered immediately, while Chen Chen left without any hesitation.

The jungle was right in front of him, and Chen Chen didn't dare to relax at all.

It wasn't until the team killed a few people again and turned around to see other members of the Allied Forces running towards them and the Li Gang standing beside them that Chen Chen realized that this line of defense had been penetrated by his own side.

This is good!

The difficulty is lower than expected.

And if this is the case, the difficulty of subsequent breakout and escape will be much reduced.

Let's go! Everyone starts to retreat and enter the woods!


An answer came from the earphones again, and Chen Chen felt vaguely high-spirited.

Damn, the guerrilla bloodline has awakened!


What he didn't know was that his opponent was completely crazy at this time.

In the bulletproof car in the distance, all the elite members of the Peng family had gathered. After receiving the news that the defense line had been breached, Wei Huairen shouted angrily and issued orders.

Everyone, follow us, our enemies are running away!

Keep them, don't let anyone leave!

Remember, kill them all!

We don't need evidence, we want to kill them as quickly as possible!

Whether they are alive or dead, we accept them all!

Start a group.

Mainly, there are some emergencies that cannot be notified simply by relying on books. I have opened a group. If you are interested, you can add it.


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