
Chapter 165 Departure

Bao Qi's family left with Peng Jiasheng, which was expected.

Although Bao Qi's father complained about Peng Jiasheng's behavior of establishing his own business, no one can deny that he did it to avoid more bloodshed and sacrifice, so his identification with Peng Jiasheng did exist objectively.

It is precisely because of this that the betrayal of Bai Suocheng and others becomes even more intolerable, especially after his son disappeared mysteriously. It is also logical that he resolutely joins the hostile camp because of his dissatisfaction with Myanmar and Bai Suocheng.

This is a good result, because at this stage it is actually quite safe to vote for the Allied Forces, because the bloody conflicts have gradually subsided, and more confrontations are actually only reflected in shouting from a distance.

So relatively speaking, Bao Qi's family is in the best condition among the three.


On the other hand, this situation is actually even sadder.

People with a high level of cognition and certain experience and background are also able to avoid fatal disasters, while others can only resist.

Two people in Li Bang's family died, and Shi Dakai lost both his parents.

Chen Chen frowned, not thinking about how to persuade the two of them, but quickly analyzing the situation in front of him.

He looked at Shi Dakai and said:

Judging from the current situation, Bai Zuocheng's revenge is likely to be over.

Lin He was able to easily contact Li Gang's family members, indicating that they have probably been 'released'.

After we left, they must have gone through some degree of interrogation. Li Gang's father and grandfather, and your parents, most likely died as a result of the interrogation.

But because we didn't leave any clues, Baek So-sung had no choice but to give up - anyway, this might be good news for us.

Our evacuation will be relatively smooth and retaliation can be carried out unexpectedly.

Now, the operation can be formally divided into three steps.

The first step is to withdraw the family members who are still alive; the second step is to understand the situation and determine the target of revenge; the third step is to formulate a plan to kill them.

There's no rush.

Shi Dakai interrupted Chen Chen's words with a low voice.

If you want to take revenge, you can't be in a hurry. Bring other family members back to Mengka first. Once there is basic safety guarantee, we can go out for revenge.

I know.

Chen Chen patted Shi Dakai's arm, not knowing how to comfort him for a moment.

He is indeed such a complete pessimist. Even in the most painful and angry situations, he never forgets to step on the brake.

What about my family? Where to find them?

Bao Qi asked.

They are most likely in Hongyan, in the northeast corner of the Kokang Red Star District. We can go directly over the mountain and we should be able to find them.

Understood. When will we leave?

As soon as possible, we don't need too much information. We will complete the equipment preparation tomorrow and set off the day after tomorrow at the latest!

Baigou, how is the situation over there?

Although the situation has developed to this point, you still need to have the cover you need. Only when your family is by your side and the threat is eliminated can you truly have nothing to worry about.

The news has been released. We can leave at any time. I will gradually give out clues in the future to increase the plausibility.

That's no problem. Everyone gets ready right away. We'll drive a Predator and a Warrior over there.

White Dog, you go to the 7th Brigade and ask for proof - to open a road.


After a slight pause, Chen Chen continued:

Equipment. Remove the recoilless cannon and install it in the Predator.

The ammunition is prepared according to 6 bases. As long as it can fit, put them all into the car! Gang Li, you are responsible!


As for the response staff, we cannot let other members know our true purpose, but they also need to be prepared to respond, because in their eyes, our mission is legitimate.

Send two teams, drive F150, follow us north to wait near Mengya.

Mengya is currently under the control of the 1st Brigade of Northern Shan State, and at least it will not be hostile to us.

If necessary, the response team will continue to go north to respond near Xingwei. Shi Dakai, you are responsible for this matter.


Bao Qi, you come with us, don't stay behind.

We're going to Red Rocks, and you have to be there - can your leg work?

Okay, it won't affect your actions.

That's no problem, put on the listening station, we want to get all the information we can!


Everything was arranged and the evacuation plan was finally finalized.

In fact, this was supposed to be a small mission without too many twists and turns, nor was it too difficult. However, due to the sensitive background and the complexity of the geographical environment, the Dongfeng Corps had to pay attention to the details.

As a general, you don't think about winning, but think about defeat first, so you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Everyone immediately dispersed to prepare. Chen Chen stayed in the restaurant and finished the rice in the bowl in several mouthfuls. Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Bao Xiaomei.

She had left Mengka and returned to Bangkang before, but she called Chen Chen many times and wanted to meet, but Chen Chen refused on the grounds that the situation is unclear and unsafe.

But now, Huamei Commercial Bank in Wa State has taken on such a big task, and he has to take on this task. No matter what, he still has to say hello to Bao Xiaomei.

If she knew about it, she would have had one more option when evacuating.

The call was quickly connected, and Chen Chen said:

Miss Bao, I am Sunken Ship.

We saw the reward offered by Mengyang Huamei Commercial Bank. We actually participated in this task in the early stage, so now we plan to do it again. Let's say hello to you in advance.

Our people may be armed and cross the territory of the Wa State. If there is trouble then, can you ask Miss Bao to help deal with it?

If we get the reward, we can.

Wreck, you are still too foreign to me.

There was a hint of coquettishness in Bao Xiaomei's voice. Chen Chen paused and continued:

Of course Miss Bao is a good friend, but interests must be made clear in advance, otherwise, friends will not be friends in the future.

Okay, don't say such things.

It's not a big deal. I'll go to Mengka again next week - you always say you don't have time. Now I'm going to Mengka to wait for you. You always have time, right?

.I'll come back as soon as possible.

Chen Chen replied.

Since Nuokang was killed, he could clearly feel that Bao Xiaomei's enthusiasm for him had reached a new level.

And obviously, her enthusiasm also represents the enthusiasm of the Bao family.

Maybe they knew or guessed something?

Combined with what Bao Xiaomei said before about the general trend of combating decentralized drug production, the current Bao family may not be simple.

Don't worry, stay safe. I'll wait for you at home!

Thank you, Miss Bao. Goodbye.

Chen Chen hung up the phone with a bang and didn't get too entangled with Bao Xiaomei.

At the same time, Lin He, who was far away in the arch and hidden in the jungle, was silently looking at the girl picking up snails in the water.

The day after receiving information feedback from Lin He, all members of the Dongfeng Corps set out.

The two vehicles of the Predator and the Warrior were filled with ammunition. According to the standards of northern Myanmar, in fact, even a small-scale positional battle was enough.

But this is just the consumption of the Dongfeng Corps for one mission.

No one thought this was an exaggeration. Under Chen Chen's influence, the fear of insufficient firepower had penetrated into the hearts of every member.

If it weren't for the vehicle's carrying capacity, Shi Dakai would even want to take the M56 mountain grenade or remove the anti-aircraft gun from the assault boat.

Bai Gou had obviously quickly gotten used to this way of fighting. He did not raise any questions, but silently moved the position of the recoilless rifle in front of him, leaving a passage for him to get off quickly.

The motorcade drove all the way out of Mengka and headed towards Laojie.

After disappearing for a long time, it’s finally time for this abandoned and betrayed team to fight back.

There are really too many things going on in the past two days. Some things I thought were solved, but in the end there was no follow-up.

Sorry that the update is unstable, but the normal update will resume at 10 o'clock when the problem is solved later.

Of course, I still write 10,000 words a day.

There is another chapter that will be updated around 4 or 5 o'clock. Thank you all for your understanding and support!

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