
Chapter 154 Who is he?

Meng Bin, Meng Bin Government Public Hospital.

Xiaoyu was lying on the hospital bed. She had basically recovered after the operation.

She is now just like when Chen Chen first saw her. Although she is still weak and tired, at least her face no longer has that scary look of death.

The operation was very successful - in fact, there is not much problem in performing a hemopneumothorax operation as long as it is done in a well-equipped hospital.

What was more troublesome was her left hand. The thumb and index finger bones were all broken, and the wrist bones were displaced and fractured in many places. It took the doctor a lot of time just to put her back. Fortunately, there was basically no major damage to the tendons and nerves. , otherwise with the medical conditions here in Mengka, one hand would really be useless.

She moved her slightly stiff waist a little, looked at Chen Chen who had just walked into the ward and was standing in front of the window thoughtfully, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice:

So how did you get past Jingdong's level? I remember that before I fainted, you guys seemed to have started fighting.

After hearing her words, Chen Chen turned around, shook his head, and replied:

No, how can we start a fight?

There are government troops on the opposite side, and we are a regular mercenary group. Do we look like the kind of people who will start fighting at every turn?

Then why are you wearing a mask?

.This is just a habit. In short, my mission has been completed. When you arrive in Mengbin, someone will pick you up in 48-36 hours to be precise.

I remember you said that as long as you live, your superiors will pay.

How much are you willing to pay? In order to save your life, the cost I paid is not low.

Xiaoyu laughed haha and then said:

Have you never taken an interrogation class?

Deliberate emphasis is often just to hide the truth. You may really want money, but don't you think it seems too urgent to ask it at this time, and it doesn't make it true?

Although I don't know who you are, I can be sure that you are definitely not a mercenary who just wants money.

.Whatever you say is what it is.

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly, and then continued:

But I'm afraid my identity is really different from what you imagined. I can't prove it, and you can't falsify it. It may take a long time before you can accept this fact.

It doesn't matter, I won't ask further.

Xiaoyu's right hand was holding a sling bottle, so he had to gently move his bandaged left hand, which seemed a bit funny.

Then let's not talk about this - talk about something we can talk about.

I remember in the car, you said that you defeated 300 people with 10 people on a river somewhere, and also blew up a fleet of Sangkang's ships?

To be honest, I thought I heard it wrong at the time. After all, I was not sane.

So now, can you tell me, is this real or is it my imagination?

it is true.

Chen Chen answered without hesitation.

How did you do it?

Which part? Blow up the ship or 10 versus 300?

Let's start with blowing up the ship?

There's nothing to say. A tanker was made into a big bomb and detonated near Sanfu. That's it.

What about 10 versus 300?

There is nothing to say. We destroyed Sang Kang's helicopter, set fire to a river bank, blocked the opponent's ground troops, and then pushed four ships into the water and destroyed them.

After hearing these words, Xiaoyu couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

This man, no matter judging from the details of his words, the granularity of the information he possesses, or his attitude towards himself and the general direction of fighting drug dealers, there is no doubt that he is a one of his own.

But the problem is, in my own impression, none of my own people do anything like this!

What the hell is Burning Hexinzhou? What the hell is the Big Bang?

Oh, the explosion might be for card punch.


How come you were stopped in Sanfu?

Xiaoyu asked coldly.

We robbed Zhao Jialiang's assault boat from the 505th Brigade, and he asked Nuokang to stop us.

Jiang Long? Did you snatch it back?

It's not that it's taken back, it's ours.

Chen Chen corrected.

I mean. How did you rob it? Steal it?

No, he parked at Locke's Pier, we fought him, then drove away.

Chen Chen spoke very briefly, as if the whole process was really so easy and freehand.

However, Xiaoyu, who was extremely familiar with the information in this area, was confused.

Zhao Jialiang deployed an armored company near Locke Pier, right next to the Friendship Bridge - how did you escape?

Just destroy the armored vehicles. The light armor is very brittle.

.That's an assault gun!

That's crispy, too.

Xiaoyu was completely silent.

The awkward atmosphere gradually spread, and after a few seconds of silence, Xiaoyu asked again:

Where's the MK19? Wasn't it also snatched from the 505th Brigade? Don't go too far. Zhao Jialiang is still valuable for now. He wants to be autonomous, but...

It doesn't matter, MK19 belongs to Nuokang. And He Bangxiong will definitely become the boss in the future.

???? What did you do?!

I really didn't do anything. He grabbed the handle of the 505th Brigade, and then things became like this - and it's all in the past. It's useless if you don't agree.

The Bao family didn't respond?

For now, the Bao family is still on our side - I mean, on the same side as our Dongfeng Corps.


At this moment, Xiaoyu finally completed all the missing information during the period when she was captured.

And she became more and more convinced that the man in front of her was really one of her own, because everything he did was completely in line with her own interests.

I can finally feel relieved.

During more than a month in the dungeon, she faced double mental and physical torture all the time. The completely dark environment was enough to destroy everyone's will. If there wasn't still an unquenchable fire in her heart, she might not be able to survive when she saw the light of day again. It has already collapsed.

She was worried all the time that because of her mistake, the operation in northern Myanmar would fail and the situation would get out of control.

In fact, such risks do exist, and the balance has almost tipped.

She relied on her backup, but never thought of relying solely on it.

The broken left hand was proof of her desperate struggle.

But in the end, what she faced was a great victory.

It's like being stunned by a shell on the battlefield and waking up to find that you are in a field hospital and your teammates have already started to open Maotai and have a bonfire party.


not at all.

Victory is never the result of personal heroism, saturation action is the best choice to ensure nothing goes wrong.

It's really good

Now, as long as the response personnel are in place, everything will be over.

No matter what the identity of this man is, since he doesn't want to say it or can't say it, then forget it.

What does it matter?

If a person behaves like one of his own people, speaks like one of his own people, and does things that are in the interests of his own people, then he is one of his own people.


At least, this must be the case for frontline workers like myself.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her face.

Then, she spoke:

Forget it if you don't want to talk about anything else. I should know how you passed the test, right?

This is closely related to our subsequent disposal plan. If you don't tell me, even if we want to help you, it will be difficult.


Therefore, Chen Chen stopped being stubborn with her and answered directly:

A mysterious team knocked down the checkpoint in Lao Myanmar.

We followed them through the border.

Chen Chen left a satellite phone for Xiaoyu and then left the ward directly.

This escort operation can be said to be extremely risky. Even if there is an accident in any part of the process, let alone Xiaoyu, the entire convoy may face the risk of being intercepted.

But fortunately, our team's breakthrough speed was fast enough, and to a certain extent, we were able to throw off the pursuers. Coupled with He Bangxiong's firm reply when passing the checkpoint at the end, the last problem was solved.

This is not a standard template for escort operations, but it can definitely be regarded as a standard template for adapting to circumstances.

The entire decision-making process was as fast as lightning, and all the resources that could be mobilized were mobilized. In the end, after it was determined that the resources were insufficient to solve the problem, the solution returned to the most original, simple and crude mode.

Let’s start fighting, what else can we do?

The last salvo of MK19 knocked out all the heavy machine gun posts at the checkpoint.

There were 24 people in 4 vehicles, all of whom were wearing heavy-duty body armor. They were so heavy that Lao Mian couldn't even lift his head.

In less than two minutes, the battle was over, and after the first checkpoint passed, the rest became extremely easy and enjoyable.

The closer to Mengbin to the west, the stronger He Bangxiong's power became.

In order to meet the Dongfeng Corps' convoy, he directly bombarded all subsequent checkpoints.

Although the accuracy is frighteningly low, the attitude is extremely tough, that is:

If this convoy cannot get through, I will have a hard time with you, Myanmar, today.

With such a statement, Lao Burma finally realized the seriousness of the problem. The Dongfeng Corps walked the 20 kilometers through Jingdong with a green light, and finally arrived at Mengbin Hospital even faster than the scheduled time. The medical staff that He Bangxiong had already prepared rushed into action immediately and completed the operation in a relatively short period of time.

Taken together, the winner of this action does not lie with him, but with He Bangxiong.

It has to be said that people who can make such a big impact in the cracks between the northern and southern Shan States and the Myanmar Army are really not the kind of characters like Chen Shenhe and Chen Yimin that can be touched.

They usually don't show off their abilities, but at the critical moment, they really dare to spend all their money on the land.

Shelling the checkpoints is also a very risky action for them. If the conflict with Myanmar intensifies and the combat schedule is advanced, the loss will definitely not be even a little bit.

But he dared to do it, and he did it without hesitation.

How should I put it, he can be considered a good comrade to some extent.

Looking at He Bangxiong waiting in the hospital lobby, Chen Chen showed a smile on his face.

Then, he walked forward and said sincerely:

Commander He, thank you very much this time.

He Bangxiong immediately stood up and replied:

To share the worries of our Dongfeng Corps! Mr. Sinking Ship, is she okay?

Of course, He Bangxiong had already guessed the unusual identity of Xiao Yu. He had already realized the problem from the moment the Nuokang Group was completely destroyed overnight, and from the moment Jackal told him that all the leaders of the Nuokang Group had been beheaded. the severity of.

And more importantly, this news was actually relayed through the staff of a PMC from Thailand.

Jackal is a mercenary from Thailand.

White Dog is a mercenary from the Wa State of Myanmar.

Wreck is a mercenary.

What happened, why should he tell me?

As a result, the speed at which he made his decision was even faster than Chen Chen thought.

In fact, at the same time as he received the call, his artillery battalion had already begun maneuvering

Seeing He Bangxiong's doggy expression, Chen Chen naturally guessed what he was thinking, so he said solemnly:

The woman we rescued is just an ordinary hostage. She has nothing to do with anyone. Don't think too much.

Understood! I won't think about things I shouldn't! We set the checkpoint, it has nothing to do with you!

He Bangxiong answered without hesitation. It was obvious that he didn't listen at all to Chen Chen's words.


Or did you listen too much?

Chen Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he finally had to say:

No matter what, you worked hard this time.

I will fight harder for you in the future to satisfy you as much as possible.

Look, look, what does a big shot mean?

Go for it.

As soon as these words came out, the taste immediately became pure.

When will I learn this way of speaking?

He Bangxiong's expression suddenly became a little excited. He approached Chen Chen and asked in a low voice:

Mr. Shipwreck, is the 505th Brigade? Zhao Jialiang finished?

Chen Chen frowned.

He knew very well that Zhao Jialiang was definitely finished.

From Xiaoyu's words, You can't go to the 505th Brigade, it also clearly hints at the attitude of certain parties towards him.

In this case, what else is there to say?

He didn't have much hatred against Zhao Jialiang, and it was indeed impossible for him to know Xiaoyu's existence.

But the problem is that he is too inactive, too unsteady, and too unwilling to make progress.

See what He Bangxiong did, and see how you did it yourself? ?

So this world is like this, some people are destined to sit on the high table, and some people are destined to be attached to the high wall.

Of course, Chen Chen did not answer He Bangxiong with the attitude of a fox pretends to be a tiger's power this time.

This is not information that should come out of him.

He just said:

You will have an answer to this question later. Just wait.


He Bangxiong answered cheerfully.

Chen Chen had no idea what he interpreted from his words, but no matter what it was, in short, it was basically correct.

The two chatted casually for a few more words, and then He Bangxiong's adjutant walked in from outside the hospital. He was carrying a large bag and handed it to He Bangxiong after saluting.

He Bangxiong handed the big bag to Chen Chen again and said:

Mr. Shipwreck, please hand over these things to me.

They are all daily necessities for hospitalization. You can open them for inspection - they have no other meaning, they are just basic care.

no problem.

Chen Chen finally carried the bag and continued:

Thanks a lot.

You work harder!

He Bangxiong stopped talking and left with his adjutant.

And outside the hospital, dense guards have already surrounded the hospital.

Chen Chen turned around and returned to the ward, opened the bag in his hand and placed it on the coffee table next to the hospital bed.

He was about to speak, but Xiaoyu spoke first.

Wreck, your identity really can't be found.

As you said, you are neither ours nor theirs, so who are you?

Give some likes to Xiaoyu’s character card

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