
Chapter 106 Cruel Interrogation

Clear them all!

Group 1, establish a vigilance! Group 2 fires again! Pick two with minor injuries and keep them alive!

Group 3, go bring the car over and prepare to retreat!

This ambush battle ended at a frightening speed. The originally prepared fire support team was not even used. Under the powerful machine gun fire, Chen Yimin's private convoy was suffocated to death before it even had time to get out of the car and spread out. In the car.

Only the last truck, because of the open design of the back seat, allowed a few people who responded quickly to run out, but under the bursts of fire from Chen Chen and two other precision shooters, those people did not even get away from the 20-meter distance. , not even finding a bunker, he fell dead on the Mengyang Highway.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood. Standing next to White Dog, Chen Chen intuitively felt the power of the Lion Corps for the first time.

Of course, if such a battle is fought by the fully equipped Dongfeng Corps, it will definitely not be worse than the Lion Corps.

Because the test paper only has 100 points, whoever takes the test can only get 100 points at most.


The Lion Corps, which killed the private soldiers of the 7th Brigade with a score of 100 points, was indeed beaten by the Dongfeng Corps before and suffered more than half of its casualties.

That means that the combat power of the Dongfeng Corps is actually higher than them.

Chen Chen scratched his head, and an inexplicable thought flashed through his mind.

Damn it, are we already that strong?

No wonder the Lion Corps obeyed so easily. Sure enough, they were the only team that had truly experienced the power of the Dongfeng Corps.

The gap is so big that there is no difference in anything. A bad student always thinks that the academic god who gets 100 points is only slightly better than himself, or even worse than himself.

Only top academics who have competed with the God of Study know that the reason why they can score 100 points in the test is because the test paper only has 100 points.

Hurry up, hurry up! Collect the loot, don't let go of the low-value ones!

Where are the people? There is a living person here! Stop the bleeding, use energy potion! Give adrenaline! Hang on!

Get in the car, get in the car! Countdown to 30 seconds! Prepare to retreat!

Direction Jingdong! Go to Ga Island Market to rest!

A series of orders were issued, and everyone began to board the car. Chen Chen watched helplessly as they loaded the equipment piece by piece into the car, and couldn't help but say:

We are also in the fight, we have a share!

Hearing this, Bai Gou couldn't help but give him a roll of his eyes.

Do we look like people who are trying to steal our employer's trophies? Let's divide it up in a safe place!

Helping you move is already a value-added service! We don't charge you any money!

As soon as the words fell, the vehicle started, and the Warrior car rushed out behind the Hilux pickup truck of the Lion Corps, heading towards the Lion Corps' planned foothold.

Half an hour later, everyone stopped at Ga Island Market - it turned out that this was not a real market, but an abandoned mining town on the top of a mountain with only a few families living in it, but the terrain was difficult to defend. Attack, it can be seen at a glance that it is a temporary foothold commonly used by the Lion Corps during operations.

As soon as Chen Chen got out of the car, the two captured prisoners were also dragged out. Bai Gou unceremoniously gave each of them a rifle butt and pinned them to the ground.

Ask quickly. After asking, we have to leave quickly and retreat to Jingdong.

The enemy's communications have been interrupted. They may send reinforcements soon. We don't have much time.

Upon hearing his words, Chen Chen immediately stepped forward and squatted in front of the two of them.

He did not start the interrogation directly, but said kindly:

I'll just say good things to you at the front. They're all serving as soldiers to feed themselves. Why are you playing with your life?

One of you was shot in the calf and the other was shot in the shoulder. Neither of your injuries are fatal.

You guys can answer whatever I ask later, and make sure you are healthy.

Besides, how much money can you make by working as a private soldier for Chen Yimin? I'm not afraid to tell you that in the past three months, our Dongfeng Corps has earned two million.

Four people, each divided into hundreds of thousands.

If you cooperate well, you will also have the opportunity to earn this money.

After hearing his words, the eyes of everyone present changed.

The white dog was gnashing his teeth.

Two million dollars in three months.

His grandma's, it's so irritating when people compare to each other.

Although I'm worse than you, I'm not that bad, right?

They go through life and death for a year, and I only earn a dozen or two hundred thousand dollars!

It seems that it is really important to be with the right person. When you collect the money later, you can give a discount to the shipwreck to consolidate the relationship.

Even though Bai Gou was like this, the private soldier who only earned 20,000 US dollars a year at most was even more eyes widened.

Of the two men, the one with a calf injury defected on the spot.

Sir, I am willing to surrender!

Chen Yimin is not a good person, I have already seen it! You are the great hero!

If you have anything you can ask, I will cooperate fully!

Chen Chen smiled slightly and turned to look at the other person.

And you?

The man's reaction was much lower. He hesitated for a moment before finally answering in a low voice:

I'll cooperate too.


Chen Chen didn't hesitate at all. He pulled the trigger of the M1911 in his hand. The bullet penetrated the eyebrow of the man who spoke first, then passed through the back of his head and hit the door of the Hilux pickup truck behind him, causing a small fire. Mars.

Damn it, just keep an eye on it, Ka. It's okay, be careful about the heartbeat.

Bai Gou retracted the second half of his words in time and turned his head seriously.

Just say it, we don't need so many people.

The second person who was startled by the gunshot was stunned for a moment, then slowly nodded and said:

I am the adjutant of the fourth platoon of the special operations brigade guard platoon. I received the mission two hours ago to conduct an infiltration operation in Jingdong. The target is you.

Our platoon leader is dead. The one in the car has his head smashed.

I have some information, but it is still less than the officers of the first, second and third platoons of Chen Yimin's closest guards.

However, you can ask whatever you want, I won't hide it.

Chen Chen was very satisfied with his reaction - in fact, the reason why he was chosen for interrogation was very simple.

That is:

He was the one who actually had a nervous breakdown.

The first person is too calm, too active, and too abnormal. Such a person may really have plans to rebel, but he will never explain sincerely.

They will only choose the information that is most beneficial to them to say, just to hang their own lives.

And the rest of this one performs much better.

Frustrated, hopeless, helpless.

It is best to break through such a fragile psychological environment.

So, Chen Chen reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

To be precise, he grabbed his collarbone, which was shattered by the bullet.

Look, your shoulder is broken.

But you're lucky that the bullet and bone fragments only damaged the suprascapular artery and not the more dangerous subclavian artery.

Do you know what the subclavian artery is like? It is only a few centimeters away from the common carotid artery. Its blood vessel diameter is several times larger than the suprascapular artery, and its blood flow is more than ten times greater.

If this artery were ruptured, you could die within a few dozen seconds, and there would be no resuscitation.

Now, what I'm holding is the fragment of your collarbone. As long as I press it with a little force, it will puncture your inferior artery.

But I won't do that.

I will give you three chances. Every time you make a mistake, I will cut a blood vessel, and only the last one will kill you.

How about it, is it fair?

Severe pain and fear instantly occupied the private soldier's entire body and mind. He gritted his teeth, nodded, and replied:

That's very fair. Please, please ask, my head is dizzy and I can't hold on anymore.

Don't worry, at this rate of bleeding, you have at least three hours.

Chen Chen relaxed his hands slightly, and then asked:

Where is Chen Yimin's specific location?

The interrogation process was actually lackluster. Facing a wounded soldier whose psychological defenses had been completely destroyed, if Chen Chen couldn't find out anything, then he would have really wasted his previous life.

And in fact, the results are very good.

The first is the issue of the authenticity of the information obtained. During the interrogation process, he repeatedly used methods including open questions, segmented questions, repeated information confirmation, emotional control, etc. The purpose was to find possible inconsistencies in the interrogated person. problem, but this never happened.

And by observing the private soldier's non-verbal behavior, Chen Chen was basically certain that he really wasn't lying.

As the answer to the last question was confirmed, Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and withdrew his hand that was soaked in blood.

He gave Bai Gou a gesture, and the latter nodded understandingly, but the moment he took out the gun, Chen Chen caught a glimpse of his movement from the corner of his eye and stopped him quickly.

What are you doing? Can't you understand my gesture? I asked you to take him back and lock him up, not to kill him! Do you need to do anything to kill me?

.My fault, I was preconceived and didn't pay attention. Is he still useful?

Bai Gou replied apologetically.

Of course it works! A living person who can talk is always more useful than a dead person who can't talk! Remove his limbs - not chop them off, but dislocate them!

Understood. Leave, go to Jingdong!

Chen Chen nodded slightly and turned around to get on the warrior.

There is no rush to divide the equipment. The two PF89s with individual cloud explosive bombs that appear here just right must belong to him, while the other equipment is insignificant.

His biggest gain from this battle was getting the exact information related to Chen Yimin.

Yes, the other party has indeed entered a state of high alert.

Since two days ago, he has not left the military camp, and he spent most of his time in his strong command post.

At the same time, the entire city of Mengkha has begun to implement martial law. The military's warning range extends to two kilometers outside the military camp, and the city is also covered with sentries.

Such a strategy will make it impossible for most attackers to attack. Even if they want to carry out long-range sniping, they are already out of range.

But it's not all bad news.

Chen Yimin will leave the command post.

Although he was still active in the military camp, he did not have a cap on his head.

Since there is no roof, there is a chance to detect it through high-altitude reconnaissance.

And as long as he is discovered, he has a chance to be killed.

Chen Chen already has a rough plan in mind. Of course, this plan is not perfect, but there is a lot of room for optimization.

Two hours later, inside the Mengka military camp command post.

Chen Yimin listened to the adjutant's report with a serious expression and asked:

The fourth platoon has confirmed that the attack is gone? Have you checked the scene?

The adjutant looked a little trembling. He hesitated for a moment before answering:

We haven't sent anyone there yet. We are worried that the Dongfeng Corps may still have an ambush. In the past, we could only add fuel to the battle.

I need your instructions whether to increase the investment of troops, once and for all.

How to increase the size?!

Chen Yimin interrupted the adjutant without hesitation and then said:

That place is not our territory, it is the territory of the 756th Brigade! If we rush over there, there will be big problems!

One platoon is already the limit. If you really can't defeat them, then just wait.

They will definitely come to me. I have to give them a loophole, a bait, so that they can bite on their own.

Then I'll tear them apart bit by bit.

Having said this, Chen Yimin's expression finally lost control and showed a bit of sternness.

No matter how calm a person is, there is a limit, and now, Dongfeng Corps is about to break through his limit.

It was almost a fact to kill his brother, and after he ordered the investigation, instead of surrendering, they actually dared to fight back!

In fact, their counterattack was so ferocious that I didn't expect it at all. Just one encounter wiped out the fourth platoon of the elite guard platoon of the 7th Brigade.

How is this done? !

Chen Yimin couldn't understand. For a long time, he had always felt that he was the overlord of Mengka.

But now, his position is challenged.

Received a ridiculous challenge from just four people!

Strong pressure fell on Chen Yimin's heart. He had not felt this way for many years.

The Dongfeng Corps is really strong.

Wreck, really strong.

But no matter how strong you are, I will beat you to death.

I won't leave you another chance to fight back.

After a slight pause, he said:

Notify all security platoons to assemble and take turns on duty starting today.

Strengthen martial law in the city and no more people will be allowed to move on the streets after 8 o'clock.

All lights in the camp will be turned on, and night vision goggles will be issued to the special operations team personnel monitoring the perimeter.

We must do our best to ensure the safety of the camp, but... I have to find a way to leave him a loophole.

Chen Yimin's eyes changed, and he seemed to have gone through quite a painful struggle in a very short period of time.

Finally, he spoke:

Let Jiashu leave the camp and go to Mengka City to take charge of public security maintenance.


The adjutant answered immediately, but then asked:

What if they don't come?

Then I'll think of another way!

Chen Yimin answered without any hesitation.

Shipwrecks are always a threat. If I don't get rid of him, I will never be able to move around with peace of mind in Mengkha.

He was so determined to attack me that he might have hooked up with the Burmese army.

--Wait, this is an opportunity.

We need to create some small-scale friction, cause some chaos, and let the sinking ship take the bait.

Chen Yimin's voice gradually became lower. After a few minutes, the adjutant walked out of the room and began to use the radio to issue orders and tasks to various relevant combat units.

What he didn't know was that these radio waves had already drifted away with the wind, and then were stopped by a large invisible net somewhere in Mengka City.

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