Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 707 Space-time Observation

Parallel Time and Space—Blue Star No. 156671.

AD 2011.

In front of Wangfujing Catholic Church in Peking.

Two figures appeared silently at the door.

"The light of the Lord is dim." Huang Haojie glanced at the magnificent Roman-style building calmly.

"All things in the four dimensions are naturally dim in front of you." Zhong, dressed as a butler, said with a smile.

The choir in the church is practicing "Illumination of the Holy Spirit" for Easter, and the sacred music is so solemn.

Wang Miao was attracted by the mysterious feeling and also stopped in front of the church. He didn't even notice how the two silent figures appeared in front of the church.

Not only did he not notice it, but Shi Qiang didn't feel anything out of the ordinary, as if those two people were already there.

Suddenly, Wang Miao covered his face with his hands and burst into tears helplessly.

"Hahaha, another one was knocked down!"

Huang Haojie calmly watched history repeat itself, indifferent to it, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

In fact, this universe has nothing to do with him, because the person "Huang Haojie" does not exist in this universe. He went back to his hometown in Shanmei, and there was no trace of his existence there.

The meme seeds in this universe were not activated because there were some weird civilizations in this universe, so Huang Junjie stopped the activation of the meme seeds.

In fact, whether it is the Great God Civilization, the Demon Eye Civilization, the Zero Returner Civilization, or the Singer Civilization, Huang Haojie does not take it seriously.

After all, they are frogs sitting in a well watching the sky. The Human Revolution Alliance can restart the universe at any time, and their bodies and souls are almost immortal.

A civilization that cannot even achieve faster-than-light flight and space jump is indeed weak.

Although this is caused by some rules restrictions of this universe, the Alliance can ignore these restrictions here. It is not that it cannot achieve faster-than-light flight and space jump, but that these cosmic civilizations have embarked on an evil path.

As for the permanent dimensional collapse caused by the two-dimensional foil, it can actually be re-dimensioned.

However, at this time, Blue Star is not yet qualified to access these mysteries of the universe.

Huang Junjie glanced at Wang Miao and Da Shi, then turned around and left. He was like a passerby, with no intention of communicating with each other.

Tomoko looked at Huang Haojie and Zhong in confusion: Were these two people there just now? What happened? It is impossible for my program to have such fuzzy data... Tomoko almost crashed himself.

She quickly isolated the data. At this time, the two figures were already drifting away. Tomoko tried to follow them to find out.

In an instant, Tomoko stopped moving because the butler-looking man glanced at her.

How can it be……

How could he possibly observe my existence...

Coincidence, it must be a coincidence, Tomoko explained to herself.

Huang Haojie got into the car and Zhong drove the car south.

Outside the car window, there is an endless stream of pedestrians and vehicles. They are like ants, living numb and ordinary lives. Sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness.

Huang Junjie's fingers tapped lightly on the leather sofa, as if playing a piece of destiny, and the scenery on both sides receded.

He has no intention of intervening in the love-killing relationship between humans and the Trisolaris, or he has no intention of intervening for the time being.

He didn't even think of meeting Luo Ji, the other protagonist in this world.

"Master, here we are."

Deep in the Qinling Mountains, in front of an ordinary small villa.

Huang Junjie stepped onto the bluestone slabs. The path was dotted with moss and sagebrush, and wood sorrel and lavender were scattered on both sides.

There are stone millstones and wooden fences, as well as an old cherry blossom tree, but it has not yet reached the flowering season.

The sun sets and the water flows over the small bridge.

Lying on the rocking chair, he shook his big cattail leaf fan and closed his eyes to meditate.

Suddenly he flicked into the starry sky, and the memetic seeds rushed toward their target.

"Master, the meal is ready."


"Huhu..." A young man woke up suddenly. He was sweating profusely and looked at the bookshelf opposite with a blank expression.

"Truth is eternal?"

After he said this, he was stunned and raised his left hand tremblingly. The black chaotic snake ring pattern was on it.

"How can it be?"

He pinched his arm, and the pain suddenly made him sober.

"Who is playing tricks on me? Impossible, I'm not drinking or anything like that." He glanced at the door, which was still locked.

He, Qin Hai, is just an ordinary graduate student in the physics department. Who would pay attention to a little shrimp like him? Is it true... He whispered uncertainly: "Truth is eternal."

The light flickered, and a holographic projection appeared on his retina.

[The system is started and binding is completed. Welcome to use this system. ]

After some operations, Qin Hai finally figured out the so-called system.

"System, who created you?"

[Insufficient data to answer. ]

"Is our universe really going to be destroyed?"

[Data complete, yes. ]

"Why? I mean why the destruction?"

[Dimension collapse. ]

"Dimension collapse? Can you explain it?"

[Insufficient permissions to answer. ]

Qin Hai temporarily understood the situation of this system through some inquiries. Although he did not know whether it was true or false, a premonition told him that this matter might be true.

However, this system is too rigid. Over and over again, there will be insufficient data, insufficient authority, and inability to answer.

But he opened his own to-do list.

[Ultimate mission: transcending the four-dimensional universe,...]

[Main mission: Road to civilization,...]

[Dungeon task: Run five kilometers every day for one month, and you will be rewarded with a primary gene enhancement potion. ]

Looking at the two tasks on the task list, Qin Hai skipped them directly. The third dungeon task was his novice task.

"Isn't it just five kilometers a day? I'll work hard." Qin Hai turned a dead horse into a living horse doctor. If it is true, he will make a lot of money; if it is false, he can just exercise.

After accepting this task, a progress bar appears on the task list.

Looking at the sky outside, it was around five o'clock in the morning. He was renting a house outside the school alone.

Wash your face and brush your teeth three to five times.

At Jinling University in autumn, the leaves were falling lightly on the campus. Qin Hai tightened his sportswear and trotted towards the playground to warm up.


At six o'clock in the morning, the sky is still dark, and the morning star exudes its last stubbornness.

Qin Hai felt that his body was full of vitality. Running five kilometers continuously for a month not only eliminated some of his fat, but also made his body feel more energetic.

[Ding dong! User Qin Hai completed the first dungeon mission and was rewarded with a primary gene enhancement potion. Do you want to receive it?]

He slowly turned from running to walking, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, and then took a sip of water.

At this time, the morning sun was rising. Qin Hai clicked to receive it, and suddenly a small transparent pill appeared in his hand.

"Can I take it directly?"

[Can be taken directly. ]

He gritted his teeth, stuffed the pill into his mouth, and swallowed it with a sip of mineral water.

Immediately, a warm feeling filled his whole body. There was no pain and no transformation, but he immediately felt that his body was transforming.

Qin Hai ran towards his rental house. As soon as he started running, he felt that he was completely different. Even his brain became clearer and more active.

Deep in the Qinling Mountains.

Huang Junjie picked up a black stone and dropped it on the chessboard. Zhong picked up a white stone and dropped it.

The two played Go quietly.

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