Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 575 The reaction of the Galaxy Overlord

The core region of the Milky Way - the southwest region.

The Kronos Empire is the overlord of this area, occupying 16% of the core area of ​​the Milky Way, with a territory spanning thousands of light-years, and 14 affiliated civilizations.

Together with the Ancient Blue Federation in the southeastern region of the Milky Way's core area and the Shakaba Republic in the northern region of the Milky Way's core area, they are collectively known as the three overlords of the Milky Way.

Similarly, these three civilizations are also quasi-level 4 civilizations, or the peak of level 3 civilizations. To become a true level 4 civilization, they must meet three conditions: have the ability to create artificial wormholes or a spacecraft with a speed of 1,000 times or more; rule at least one The entire river system (equivalent to ruling the entire galaxy); has the power to destroy the entire river system.

This is a hard target. If one of the conditions is not met, it will only be a quasi-fourth-level civilization and cannot be promoted to a true fourth-level civilization.

The force that previously chased the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates into the turbulence of jumping space was the quasi-fourth-level civilization of the Kronos Empire.

At the same time, the Kronos Empire is also a force bordering the Orion Cantilever and the Cepheus Cantilever. However, due to the mutual restraint between the three galactic overlords and the friction that has lasted for tens of thousands of years, their exploration of the various cantilevers of the Milky Way has been hampered. Not going in depth.

In fact, the first reason why this situation occurs is the issue of resource abundance. The resources near the galactic center are very rich, and a large number of star systems are very dense. In addition, there is an annular belt in the black hole area of ​​the galactic center. If we use the Pacific Ocean Using a small island as a metaphor for the solar system, the core area of ​​the Milky Way is the resource-rich continent of Australia.

The second reason is due to navigation technology issues. The Kronos Empire does not have artificial wormhole technology and only has spaceships that can reach 167 times the speed of light. In this case, the Kronos Empire, which operates in the core area of ​​the Milky Way, has no artificial wormhole technology at all. The method effectively controls the Orion cantilever and the Andei cantilever.

They only control a part of the cantilever area near the core of the Milky Way, while areas near the suburbs like the solar system are typical civilized desert zones.

The radius of the Milky Way is about 60,000 to 70,000 light years, and the thickness is about 0.5 to 20,000 light years. The distance between the solar system and the center of the galaxy is 26,000 light years. The closest border area of ​​the Kronos Empire to the solar system is also about 21,000 light years away. .

21,000 light-years. Even if the accelerator of the spacecraft is 167 times the speed of light, it will take at least 125 years to reach the solar system. Not to mention how to find the solar system among hundreds of millions of star systems, unless the solar system takes the initiative Expose the coordinate system, otherwise it is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

So how lucky it is that the Alliance can discover a wormhole passage leading to the Cepheus cantilever in Procyon.

The first reason why civilizations on the cantilever cannot develop is that civilizations are rare and difficult to communicate with each other. Even if there is communication, it may be a fierce battle for resources.

The second is that resources are scarce. Most of the Milky Way's resources are concentrated in the Galactic Center and the Galactic Ring. These two regions account for 98% of the Milky Way's mass; each cantilever region occupies at most 2% of the mass.

It can be seen from this that the gap in resource density between the two regions is huge. Although the black hole in the galactic center occupies a very large part of the mass, the galactic center and galactic ring (galactic disk) regions are narrow and rich in resources, while the vast cantilever regions are lacking in resources. This is an obvious fact.

Therefore, for the three overlords of the Galaxy, each cantilever area is nothing more than a piece of tasteless waste. Unless they find a natural wormhole, a shortcut to the south, otherwise the three overlords will not colonize the cantilever area. At most, they will Send some detectors and the like to monitor each cantilever area.

Just like this time, the alliance suddenly destroyed five star systems of the Zerg civilization, which was monitored by the detectors deployed by the Kronos Empire in the cantilever of the constellation Senei.

The Kronos Empire, the Cecro (Andei Cantilever) cantilever area - the capital of the Axenes system.

Donidamuaxne is the hereditary lord of the Kronos Empire in this area, and also serves as the governor of this area.

"Governor Tony, this is what was monitored on the Xikro Cantilever. Just three periods (the Kronos Empire's universal time unit, equivalent to about 1.7 hours.) five star systems were destroyed one after another. Yes." An official who looked like Zishu reported respectfully.

Tony Damaxne flipped through the document without interest and threw it aside. Destroying the star system was easy for the Kronos Empire.

Once their empire starts fighting with the other two galactic overlords, a small-scale war may destroy hundreds of star systems; if it is a large-scale war, it may affect tens of thousands of star systems.

After all, there are a total of 300 to 400 billion star systems in the Milky Way. Especially in the core area of ​​the Milky Way where the Kronos Empire is located, those star systems are even denser.

It is very common to explode star systems. Due to the rich material in the core of the Milky Way, after the star system is destroyed, a large number of new stars will be born after a period of time, so the Kronos Empire does not care at all.

Although Tony Damaxne was surprised that the oasis civilizations in the cantilever area could destroy five star systems, this was just to let him take another look.

"Just pay attention and it'll be fine."

"Yes, Lord Governor."

The other two galactic overlords have a similar attitude. They do not think that those oasis civilizations can enter the middle stage of third-level civilization.

There are no resources in the cantilever zone, and it is difficult to communicate with other civilizations. The oasis civilization in the cantilever zone will develop to the early stage of level three civilization at most, and then it will be stuck there.

For billions of years, no civilization that has reached the third-middle stage has been born in the cantilever region of the Milky Way. It is no wonder that the civilization in the core region of the Milky Way despises the civilization in the cantilever region.

However, if they knew that human civilization had entered the stage of quasi-fourth-level civilization, then the three major overlords including the Kronos Empire would definitely join forces to nip human civilization in the bud.

Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is. Perhaps one day, the Kronos Empire will pay a heavy price for its arrogance.

The demise of the Zerg civilization is like an insignificant wave in the Milky Way sea. The cruel fact is covered up by the brilliant starlight in the sky.

Perhaps one day, the suddenly disappearing starlight will reach a certain primitive civilization and cause speculation among gods and ghosts, adding a touch of mystery to their divination.

The Alliance is still busy with expansion and technology research and development, especially quantum teleportation technology and antimatter reactor technology. The Alliance attaches great importance to these two technologies, but sometimes scientific research cannot be forced.

The antimatter reactor is making good progress, but the quantum teleportation technology seems to be stuck. It has been unable to break through the distance of 6.5 light-years and the maximum teleportation capacity of 15 tons of mass.

Even if Huang Haojie ends up personally, it will not help. Now he can only do Buddhist research.

on the other hand.

Ma Wu's Explorer 2 also rushed toward the Tianmen Zengsi galaxy (61 Virgo), but the journey was quite long. Tianmen Zengsi is 27.8 light-years away from the solar system.

Explorer 2 thought that it would take at least 338 blue star days to reach the Tianmen Zengsi galaxy if it traveled at full speed 30 times the speed of light.

What's more, they still have to conduct channel exploration and deploy protons along the way, which may take more than 500 blue star days.

It is hoped that during this period, the Alliance's curvature engine technology will advance further, and they can upgrade the Explorer 2 spacecraft.

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