Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 571 Magnificent 59

Galaxy 7 April 15th.

The Andromeda Cantilever - the exit at the back of the Procyon wormhole, in the Great Fortune Star Base.

A squadron that had just been supported from the solar system was dispatched to garrison at the Great Fortune Star Base.

Lynch looked at the list of supplies brought over by squadron commander Jin Shiming. Some of the items were very sensitive, because ordinary things could be reproduced on a large scale by proton microrobots.

The items that can be specially sent to the Alliance Army are very sensitive items, such as nuclear fusion reactors, gravity bombs, dark wave radars, curvature engines, etc.

This time, the support fleet brought the alliance's newly finalized Xiongfeng 59 strategic missile. It was actually a missile, rather than a spaceship, but the passengers were all gravity bombs.

Xiongfeng 59 strategic missile: 512 meters in length, 82 meters in width, 82 meters in height, 2.8 million tons in mass, 90 times the speed of light, and a killing radius of 2,000 units.

This is the most powerful gravity bomb ever created by the Alliance. One blast can wipe out an entire solar system. Unless Xiongfeng 59 can be intercepted before it reaches its designated target, it will be truly hopeless once it detonates.

Perhaps moving a neutron star or a black hole can stop it in front of the chaotic gravitational field, but other means will be difficult to stop the destruction of gravity bombs.

Of course, if you have a super-light spacecraft, you can also escape. After all, the maximum speed of gravitational fluctuations is the speed of light. As long as you enter the transition state, you can escape the attack of the gravity bomb.

But the premise is not to be surrounded by gravity bombs from all directions. If it is surrounded by gravity bombs from all directions, even a super-light spacecraft can only hate it on the spot.

To get rid of the Alliance's gravity bomb, the premise is that the speed of the spacecraft exceeds the speed of the missile, which is more than 90 times the speed of light. Otherwise, no matter how you escape, it will be useless.

Lin Qi and Jin Shiming came to the control room together. Base Commander White was waiting for their arrival at the door of the control room.

"Commander Lin, Commander Jin!" White saluted.

"Lieutenant Colonel White, let's get ready!"


The three of them entered the control room. A huge holographic star map was suspended in mid-air, showing a spherical shape, which was within 23 light-years of the Great Fortune Star.

The area controlled by the Human Revolutionary Alliance is light gold, and the exits on the back of the Universiade and Procyon wormholes are shining with pure golden hexagrams; while the area controlled by the Zerg is light red, especially those four star systems. Flashing an eerie crimson color.

There is also a Zerg galaxy that is not within the monitoring range of the dark wave radar, but after optical measurements, its approximate location was determined and added to the star map.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, this time the Alliance Army prepared 15 Xiongfeng 59 rounds to prepare gravity bombs to clear the ground.

Among the five star systems occupied by the Zerg, two of them are close to the Great Fortune Star Base and are still the territory of the former Hein civilization, while the remaining three are the birthplaces of the Zerg.

From the direction point of view, the general position of these five galaxies is at an inclination of 41.43 degrees below the south of the Great Luck Star; and the former Anluo Galaxy was located at an inclination of 3.19 degrees above the west of the Great Luck Star, about 12.7 degrees from the Great Luck Star. It is about light years away, about 15 to 26 light years away from the five galaxies of the Zerg civilization.

Around the five galaxies of the Zerg civilization, within 30 light-years, in addition to the Anluo galaxy (the closest distance is 15.72 light-years), there are three galaxies, namely: the Dragon Fish galaxy in the northwest (21.84 light-years), the west The Turtle Galaxy (15.41 light-years) is in the positive direction, and the Phoenix Galaxy (11.96 light-years) is in the southeast direction.

To be on the safe side, these four galaxies are also within the detection range. Once Zerg civilization is found to appear in these four star systems, these star systems will also be completely eliminated.

After Lynch, Jin Shiming, and White entered the password, 15 Xiongfeng 59 strategic missiles headed towards the five star systems of the Zerg civilization. The 15 Xiongfeng 59 strategic missiles were divided into three waves. The first wave was responsible for clearing the five star systems, and the second wave was responsible for clearing out the five star systems. The area between the five star systems is cleared, and the third wave is monitored by the dark wave radar to see if any fish have slipped through the net, and is responsible for the last hit.

Then it launched 4 Xiongfeng 58 strategic missiles towards the Anluo Galaxy, the Dragon Fish Galaxy, the Turtle Fish Galaxy, and the Fengniao Galaxy.

Xiongfeng 58 can be said to be the brother model of Xiongfeng 59, but the size and speed are similar, but the only difference is the power and function. The power of Xiongfeng 58 is only about 800 units. It carries darkon wave radar and proton micro-robot. .

If it is determined that there are no Zergs in these four star systems, the alliance will temporarily bring these four star systems into the domain through the use of proton microrobots.

If there are Zergs, it goes without saying that the entire star system will be wiped out.

Don’t blame Rengelian for being ruthless. This is the survival rule of the universe. Instead of waiting for the Zerg civilization to develop to a serious threat to human civilization, it is better to eradicate it now and nip everything in the bud.

Huang Junjie and the council are not the kind of soft-hearted people. They all know the rules of the dark forest. Unless it is a civilization that can be conquered, human civilization can only kill.

The Shanrai Galaxy is 8.42 light years away from the Universiade Star Base, the Tallu Galaxy is 10.17 light years away, the Inte Galaxy is 16.44 light years away, the Fike Galaxy is 17.63 light years away, and the Feicang Galaxy is 25.75 light years away. These five star systems are The area where Zerg civilization is entrenched.

The five female bugs don't know yet that the Zerg civilization has been targeted by the Human Revolutionary Alliance, and the power to destroy everything is killing them at 90 times the speed of light.

The nearest Shanrai galaxy will have a fateful encounter with Xiongfeng 59 in 31 days. Xiongfeng 59 will give them a powerful kiss, which is of course fatal.

The remaining four star systems, Tulu Galaxy, Inte Galaxy, Feike Galaxy, and Feicang Galaxy, will encounter Xiongfeng 59 after 41.12 days, 66.67 days, 71.5 days, and 104.43 days.

In one sentence, the Zerg civilization is too far from heaven and too close to humans. Even the Dark Beast civilization is farther away from humans than them. After passing through the wormhole, the closest distance between the two sides is only 8.42 light years. In front of humans who control the technology of super-light flight, the Zerg civilization is destined to be a cup on the coffee table.

In the Shanlai Galaxy, countless bugs are still greedily absorbing the energy of stars. It is precisely because of their energy-absorbing behavior that the entire star system appears dim.

Countless Zerg warships, insect soldiers, and insect beasts were created. The annihilation of the Gorut pursuit fleet made the five female insects feel uneasy. They now need a larger fleet and more powerful weapons. Only in this way can they They feel safe.

In addition to the first batch of 34,000 space battleships, these Celestial Mother Insects have successively dispatched 110,000 space battleships, heading towards the Great Fortune Star.

It seems that they plan to play the worm sea tactic with human civilization and submerge human civilization through an overwhelming sea of ​​​​Zerg warships, just like they wiped out the Hein civilization before.

Perhaps their tactics are effective against second-level civilizations, and even third-level civilizations may be dragged to death by them. However, facing humans who are approaching fourth-level civilizations, their wishful thinking is doomed to fail.

Because the alliance has no intention of playing a war of attrition with them, but directly scales up the attack.

Countless senior villains have told us with blood and tears, do it if you can, and try not to compete blindly. It is best to directly enlarge the move and kill the opponent first, and then brag about it.

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