Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 522 Explorer (4)

The emptiness of the universe brings endless loneliness, and the bright stars are just an elusive comfort. There is no up, down, left, or right, only the illusion of falling into the abyss.

Ma Wu stood quietly in the cockpit. He looked at the infinite starry sky in the distance. There was darkness among the stars. At this time, 334 days, a full eleven months, had passed since the Explorer reached the Helic Planet Fortress.

It is February 23rd, Galaxy Year 3.

At this time, they were already more than 8,000 astronomical units away from the Heliconian planet at the edge of the solar system, equivalent to 1.2 trillion kilometers.

"Captain, a huge asteroid has been detected ahead, with a radius of about 3,200 kilometers, and a strong metallic reaction..."

"Slow down and prepare for landing." Ma Wu calmly ordered.


Masayoshi Kobayashi came over with a holographic document: "Captain, the Supreme Command sent us a document."

"What did you say?" Ma Wu asked while looking at the situation of the asteroid.

"This is our next voyage arrangement. The latest instructions from the Supreme Command require the Explorer to turn due east after reaching 10,000 astronomical units, continue sailing for 10,000 astronomical units, and then turn southwest and return to the solar system." Reported by Masayoshi Kobayashi.

"I know, just record this in the voyage memorandum and set a conditional reminder." Ma Wu ordered.

"Okay." Masayoshi Kobayashi recorded this incident in the voyage memorandum.

Ma Wu looked at the preliminary detection data of this asteroid. It is a rocky asteroid with a metallic core and strong geological activity. It also has a strong magnetic field. The surface gravity of the planet is 1/4 of the blue star. , with a trace amount of atmosphere.

Judging from the radius, the size and mass of this asteroid are larger than the moon. In addition, the geological activity is also very intense. In the space around this asteroid, a large amount of volcanic ash components emitted by volcanoes have been detected.

Such large asteroids are relatively rare in the interstellar void. This is the largest asteroid discovered so far by the Explorer.

"Name this Ice God 12941 asteroid Zhuyin Star." Ma Wu entered the name into the asteroid database system. Discoverers of large asteroids have the right to name it.

"The god of Zhongshan is called Zhuyin. Captain Ma has also read the Classic of Mountains and Seas?" Zhang Handong asked with a smile.

"I read it occasionally." Ma Wu replied with a smile.

"Are you going to collect mineral supplies from this asteroid?" Zhang Handong asked while looking at the holographic star map.

Ma Wu nodded: "The warship's reserve materials are close to the first warning line, and we just have a day's rest here."

The exploration satellite was still orbiting the Zhuyin Star for exploration and mapping. After completing the detailed exploration and mapping, Ma Wu immediately ordered the resource collection team to set off.

Huang Yaozu led four soldiers from the resource collection team and landed directly in the A9 area of ​​Zhuyin Star. The mechanical spider immediately mined near the landing area.

This is a typical plain on the side, somewhat similar to the moon's maria, but there is an active volcano about 67 kilometers southwest of the landing. Through exploration and mapping by exploration satellites, Candle Yin currently has 39 active volcanoes and 3 geologically active volcanoes. bring.

The volcanoes that are constantly erupting have brought a gray atmosphere of volcanic ash to the Candle Yin Star.

Huang Yaozu suddenly felt waves of vibrations, and he quickly opened the communication system. [There is a volcanic eruption in the A9 area. The landing crew should pay attention to safety. ]

[receive. ] After Huang Yaozu responded to the signal, he continued to supervise the mining progress.

Although this is a geologically active asteroid, since it is not in the star system, there are some ice layers in other areas except the volcanic belt. The landing area of ​​the mining spacecraft is such a place.

"Captain, water collection has been completed."

"Okay, let's..."

[alarm! CKZZ43 was damaged, with a damage degree of 12.6%, mainly due to damage to the energy system...]

[alarm! CKZZ41 was damaged, the damage degree was 16.9%, the drive system and energy system...]

Huang Yaozu frowned: "What's going on? Activate the shield immediately."

"Yes." The soldier immediately activated the shield protection, and the mining spacecraft immediately bounced off a football-shaped shield, wrapping the mining spacecraft.

[alarm! CKZZ67 was damaged, with a damage degree of 36.7%, mainly due to damage to the energy system...]

[alarm! CKZZ04 is damaged, the damage degree is 24.8%...]

Huang Yaozu already felt that something was wrong and immediately activated the comprehensive detection system. The system immediately popped up some situations, and some weak heat source reactions appeared nearby.

"Captain, is this a biological reaction?"

"I know, you should monitor these unknown creatures immediately, and I will report the relevant situation to the Explorer." Huang Yaozu ordered immediately.

"Okay Captain!"

Huang Yaozu immediately activated the communication system to contact the Explorer.

"An unknown creature was discovered? The unknown creature attacked the mining machinery spider." Ma Wu asked with a frown.

"Yes." Huang Yaodong nodded and replied.

"Yaodong, please pay attention to safety and adapt to changes." Ma Wu ordered.


Ma Wu turned around and ordered: "Activate the yellow alert state. The first combat team is preparing to respond to the resource collection team, and the second combat team is preparing to defend against emergencies."



Suddenly the atmosphere on the Explorer became tense. Although in this case, it was more likely that it was a native organism, it could not be ruled out that it was an alien species.

The gravitational wave and neutrino detection system immediately scanned the surroundings, carefully detecting the details of the surrounding 10 astronomical units to prevent enemies that may suddenly appear.

the other side.

Huang Yaozu and the other five finally saw clearly what these unknown creatures looked like. Hundreds of jellyfish-like creatures were attacking the mining machinery spiders. These creatures ranged in size from 4 to 5 meters in size to 1 to 2 meters in size. To the left and right, translucent under the searchlight, glowing red, waving tentacles.

"Captain, these alien jellyfish seem to absorb electricity and heat energy through their tentacles and have the ability to chase light."

"Try attacking with the laser cannon." Huang Yaozu ordered.


The mining spacecraft only had two laser cannons. The laser cannons that were activated instantly sprayed towards two of the alien jellyfish. Countless gamma ray photon streams instantly hit the alien jellyfish.

"How is that possible?" Huang Yaodong suddenly exclaimed.

The stream of gamma ray photons, which is enough to melt steel, was absorbed by the alien jellyfish at the moment it was concentrated.

"Continue to increase the energy level." Huang Yaozu calmed down and ordered.

The soldier operating the laser cannon immediately pulled down the power switch of the laser cannon to maximize the energy output efficiency.

But something happened that made Huang Yaozu and others dare to make a mistake. Hundreds of alien jellyfish rushed toward the ray photon stream like moths to a flame, seeming to absorb the energy of the gamma ray photon stream.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Huang Yaozu immediately shouted: "Stop the laser cannon shooting."

The soldiers immediately turned off the laser cannon. As the laser cannon stopped shooting, the alien jellyfish seemed to have grown in size, and they were rushing towards the condensed matter shield, and then turned into suckers and attached to the condensed matter shield.

[alarm! The condensed matter shield energy is lost, exceeding the normal level of 136%...237%...]

"Grass, these ghosts are absorbing our shield energy."

Huang Yaozu calmly pressed the condensed matter shield to expand the attack system.

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