Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 512 Mars Development (1)

There are always people in the world who are blinded by greed.

In this case of cloning liquid smuggling, not only five people from the Sydney artificial meat factory were arrested, but also 11 people who assisted in the export of cloned liquid were also arrested.

Underneath the calm, there is an undercurrent of murderous intent. Accountants, the Tianjian Bureau, and ghosts are working together to clean up those who try to smuggle contraband or technical information within the Federation of Human Revolutionaries.

In less than a week, more than 200 people were arrested, involving more than a dozen types of technical materials and contraband.

Galaxy January 16, 2019.

The first channel of Universe News Network.

"Today, the Victoria District Intermediate Court sentenced the criminals Qin Sihai, Oleg Edward, and Zhang Wei... in accordance with the law. They were found guilty of smuggling contraband and endangering national security. They were deprived of political rights for life and executed immediately." The male host solemnly said said.

The female host looked at the two messages that just popped up and said in a calm tone:

"Two international news are inserted below. At 14:34 local time on January 16, an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale occurred in the Caribbean, causing the private island Coconut Island to sink. There is no news of casualties yet. We would like to remind the alliance in Central America. Citizens please pay attention to safety. If you encounter an emergency, you can seek help from the local embassy or consulate of the alliance..."

"On January 16, at 15:43 local time, a serious accident occurred in a laboratory on the west coast of Mexico. Now there is fire and thick smoke..."

Turning off the holographic projection in front of him, Chen Du lay on the beach of Fiji Island and continued to bask in the sun. It was a hot summer in the southern hemisphere.

It was rare for him to take some time off, and Chen Du felt that the warm sunshine was continuously replenishing his body's energy.


Admiral Edward looked at the report of his subordinates and slapped the table angrily: "Fake Squid, damn bastard!"

He knew that the complete destruction of Coconut Island in the Caribbean Sea of ​​Central America and the Seventh Laboratory on the west coast of Mexico must have been a good thing done by the Human Revolutionary Alliance.

Thinking of the purges within the Celestial Revolutionary Alliance these days, many of the secret chess pieces of the North Atlantic Alliance and the Western Continent Alliance have been uprooted, and something must have been exposed somewhere.

He did not expect that the People's Revolutionary League's revenge would be so violent, directly destroying their laboratories and personnel. However, after venting his anger, Admiral Edward became frightened and quickly strengthened the security forces around him.

Similarly, the Ten Old Men's Association also received relevant news and attached great importance to their own safety issues. The former world hegemon and controller now has to act based on other people's faces and cannot fight back even if he is beaten. It is really frustrating. .

Mars Ishidi Plain - Equator City, the capital of the Republic of Soshaylik.

The mayor of Equator City, Sa Sa Ding, the Grand Consul of the Republic of Haylic, Sarah, and the inspector sent by the alliance, Fang Zheng, are inspecting the construction work of Equator City.

Due to the silicon-based symbiont fusion of the Thos people, they are very adaptable and can live easily on Mars. As for the Blue Star people, their current adaptability is not weaker than that of the Thos people, with genetic enhancement + genetic armor. It also gave the Blue Star people very strong adaptability.

None of the three wore any protective clothing or space suits. As for the native viruses and bacteria on Mars, they had no effect on the alliance that had turned on the genetic armor technology.

"Your Excellency the Consul and Your Excellency the Inspector, this is the residential area that has just been completed. At present, our Equator City has accommodated 23,769 Soth citizens, and there are also 8,461 Blue Star citizens." Sasa pointed at a cord. Siren Characteristic Community said.

The houses of the Sothians are similar to those of the Blue Stars, but they like to use some special silicon-based plants and carbon-based plants to wrap their houses.

Sara opened one of the houses and nodded at the layout and facilities inside. Although the Sothians can adapt to the atmospheres of various terrestrial planets, their favorite gas compositions are 62% nitrogen and 5.7% carbon dioxide. , 26.8% oxygen, 5.5% rare gases, this atmospheric composition is the atmospheric composition of the Sothian home planet Zi.

The atmospheric composition in this house has been specially adjusted to achieve the most suitable environment for the Soth people to live in. The same is true for the Blue Star people's houses.

"Sasa, you did a good job, how about the farm and factory?" Sara asked after walking out of the house.

"The farm can already produce some vegetables and fruits. In addition, our artificial meat factory is also debugging and producing, and we will soon be able to supply food to the citizens in the country." Sasading quickly pointed to a glass greenhouse and factory not far away and said.

Although the Sothians have integrated silicon-based symbionts, they still need to eat carbon-based food. What’s even more troublesome is that they are not adapted to eating Blue Star’s vegetables, fruits and meat. This is because they have evolved over thousands of years. caused by characteristics.

On the contrary, the enhanced Blue Star people can eat some of the fruits, vegetables and meat of the Soth civilization. This is a difference caused by the different directions of strengthening between the Blue Stars and the Soth people.

A group of people entered the greenhouse farm. Some Sothians and Blue Star people were busy inside. Of course, there were also a large number of robots shuttled between the fields.

Fang Zheng saw a few Blue Star vegetables that the Soth people could eat: pagoda broccoli and cherry tomatoes.

There are also more than a dozen kinds of vegetables and fruits unique to the Soth people, such as a herbaceous plant about two meters high, which is covered with round purple fruits. The original name of the Soth people is "Kalek", which is a transliteration of the name. , but in Blue Star Language (Chinese), it is generally translated as Grass Apple.

Fang Zheng took off three of them and handed them to Sarah and Sasha.

"I really envy you Blue Star people, you can actually eat our food directly." After Sara said, she washed the grass apple at a tap not far away.

Fangzheng directly used ultrasonic waves to clean the straw apple, and then took a bite. The taste of this apple was very similar to that of an apple, but the flesh was very firm and sandy, and the sugar content was very abundant.

"The Scientific Research Department is formulating a genetic enhancement project for the Soth people. I believe that soon, you will be able to do the same as me."

"That's really great." Sara knew the weakness of the Soth people. The silicon-based symbiote gave them super adaptability, but it did not improve the life level of the Soth people. Instead, because of the genes of the silicon-based symbiote, erosion, causing them to be less fertile.

Even if they are recuperating now, it will take at least about 4,000 years for the Soth people to restore their population to 10 million. This is still the most ideal situation.

The Alliance Council still maintains a dual attitude of tolerance and vigilance. Genetic enhancement can be given to the Sothians, but the backdoor of the genetic armor must remain. At the same time, family planning is adopted for the Sothians. The current population quota given by the Ministry of Civil Affairs is 100 Within 1 million people per year.

After inspecting the farm and artificial meat factory, they headed towards the huge bright forest.

The Bright Forest is a forest composed of light crystal trees. Due to the relatively low gravity of Mars, light crystal trees can generally grow to about 1,200 to 1,300 meters. This is not a forest of one tree, but a mountain of trees.

The entire Bright Forest occupies the southwest of the Ixi Plain, which is equivalent to a quarter of the area of ​​the Ixi Plain. The Soth people have special growth technology for these silicon-based plants, which can quickly produce a large area of ​​​​such a forest.

Under the huge light crystal tree are iron-nickel vines and some other silicon-based plants and carbon-based plants.

Their electric cars can travel directly through the forest. After all, the bottom of the canopy of the light crystal tree is about a hundred meters above the ground, which does not affect vehicle traffic.

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