Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 411 Between life and death

Suddenly Christina pressed the start button again, and the holographic projection screen popped up again.

[If you are not the user, the service will be suspended. ]

However, Christina ignored this and clicked on the red phone icon below.

[Welcome to use the emergency phone. It has been detected that the location of this aircraft is 401 kilometers in low-Earth orbit, with an orbital inclination of 51.64 degrees. It is the first level area of ​​low-Earth orbit. Zhongxing Communications has transferred you to the Emergency Department of the Space Development Council...]

"Really?" Andrew Morgan didn't expect that the emergency phone could actually be used.

Dudu... This kind of uneasy waiting made Christina, Andrew Morgan, and Oleg even more tormented.

"Hello? Hello! This is the Emergency Department of the Space Development Council. What can I do?"

The Chinese text transmitted from the holographic bracelet immediately made several people feel extremely excited.

"We are astronauts on the International Space Station. Can you contact NASA for us?" Christina said quickly.

Andrew Morgan suddenly reacted: "No, speak Chinese, who can speak Chinese?"

As soon as the staff of the emergency department heard Jili Gulu's English, they activated the translator function: "Guys, we have a translator here. Are you astronauts on the International Space Station?"

"Oh! Great, we are researchers on the International Space Station, we have a position, believe me." Christina said a little incoherently.

The emergency department staff said to a colleague on the side: "Confirm the current location of this number."

After a while, the colleague said incredulously: "It's really on the International Space Station. The user of this number belongs to a wealthy Qatari man. This guy traveled to the International Space Station in October."

"..." The staff member who answered the phone didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Why are you dazed? Deal with them first, then report the matter and let the people above have a headache!"

"Oh!" The staff member immediately reacted: "Hey! Are you listening?"

"I heard that, we really need your help. Please help NASA and tell NASA about our situation." Christina said quickly with a tearful voice.

"I will report this matter to my superiors and also notify NASA."

"Thank you very much, thank you very much."

Wang Tu suddenly received a call from the head of the emergency department. After listening for a while, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Another nuisance."

He quickly sent out a holographic meeting request to all standing members of the Space Development Committee while reporting the matter to Huang Junjie.

Soon Zhao Hongxing and others appeared in the holographic conference room.

"I think everyone already knows." Wang Tu said straight to the point.

Zhao Hongxing and others nodded.

"What do you think of this matter?" Wang Tu asked everyone.

"We must save it, but we cannot make it easier for NASA."

"NASA said that the astronauts are dead, should we slap them in the face?"

"Maxwell has already taken the blame and resigned. This matter is not that simple." Zhao Hongxing said.

"We can announce this directly, and then send a spaceship to pick up people to our space station. As for the money, we will directly send the expense list to NASA. If they dare not to pay, hehehe!" Wang Tu said with a smile.

Want to refuse to pay? Do you still want the share of Wenchang Quality Projector?

And this time they committed suicide and created a debris barrier in low-Earth orbit. This barrier has little impact on the Space Development Committee, but it is a real barrier for spacecrafts of other countries.

Locking yourself directly on the blue star can be called a model of the death world.

After discussing countermeasures, the Space Development Committee announced the news that the astronauts on the International Space Station were still alive, along with a large amount of audio and video materials.

The video material was taken by Zhongxing Group and Aurora Group to directly lift the restrictions on the use of the holographic bracelet, and then let the International Space Station astronauts shoot it themselves.

Obviously, as soon as this information was made public, it immediately caused an uproar.

The whole network forum.

"NASA: People are dead. Space Development Council: People are alive. NASA:..." - It's so difficult for me

"NASA must know that the astronauts on the International Space Station are still alive, but they don't want to save them, so they say they are dead." - Martian

"Zhongxing Communication feels so awesome! You can actually make calls directly from the International Space Station." - A brain-dead fan

"A holographic bracelet is a must-have for interstellar travel. Our service area is the solar system." - Callisto user

“My face is swollen from being beaten.”——Lhasa user

"But where did the holographic bracelet on the International Space Station come from?" - Jianbing Guozi

" @Pancake fruit, a big tourist forgot it last year." - Li Yuanfang

"A realistic version of gravity." - The Martian

"How good is the truly awesome shield protection? New Kaohsiung and New Bazhong are safe and sound, but the International Space Station is half damaged." - Steel Sky

"Who knows how much black technology Galaxy Technology has hidden? If it hadn't been for this space accident, who would have known they had such a thing." - Cosmic Waves

Domestic people are just like melon-eaters, but foreign countries are making a lot of noise, especially the furry bear and the pasta country, they have astronauts on board.

The media that did not think it was a big deal also reported on this incident, but few said good things. Many media directly described NASA with conspiracy ideas.

Although NASA responded quickly and immediately carried out crisis public relations, they were unable to explain clearly in the face of the media that was chasing after them. In addition, this incident was indeed a deliberate "death" of the astronauts.

Especially the newspapers of the Western Continent Alliance judged NASA mercilessly. Some tabloids aiming for sales even said that this space accident was intentional by NASA.

Although the space accident was not caused by NASA, the Mi Li family behind it absolutely cannot escape its involvement.

International Space Station, inside the life support module.

Alexander's left arm has been fixed by Luca. The six people are looking at the holographic projection in front of them. Zhongxing Communication has given them a temporary number.

They were not very happy about their upcoming rescue, because they had already seen the news about themselves and others being "dead" on the Internet, which was officially announced by NASA.

"These pieces of shit, they definitely did it on purpose." Oleg cursed angrily.

The three Mi Li family members, Andrew Morgan, Christina, and Jessica, were also feeling very complicated at this moment. How sad it was to be abandoned by the country they loved.

As for Alexander and Luca, they had already speculated about this matter and just looked at the holographic projection screen in silence.

the other side.

The Space Development Committee issued an order to the New Kaohsiung Space Station, asking them to send a Xuanwu-class spacecraft to the International Space Station to bring people back.

As for why it is a Xuanwu-class spacecraft and not a Qinglong-class spacecraft, that is because the Qinglong-class spacecraft is the new Kaohsiung Space Station's own backup spacecraft. These crooked nuts are better taken on cargo ships. Anyway, the configuration of the Xuanwu-class spacecraft can temporarily carry people.

Among the first batch of astronauts to board the Kaohsiung Space Station, apart from Zhang Yunfeng who is the pilot, the other one is Chen Liang.

Chen Liang and Liao Qingsong piloted the Xuanwu-class spacecraft and flew quickly towards the International Space Station. They chose the maneuverable orbit change method, which consumes relatively large amounts of fuel, to approach the International Space Station.

After all, there are debris everywhere in low-Earth orbit, and these debris are very dangerous. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, they chose to quickly maneuver and change orbit.

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