Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 372 Space Legislation

As one of the only owners of two mass projectors in the world, Dongtang held a space legislation discussion meeting in Peiping on December 20. This meeting lasted for one week.

Obviously, this approach is the prelude to Dongtang's large-scale entry into outer space. After all, there is no rule without rules. If we don't first legislate to clarify all matters of entering outer space, we will really be in a hurry when we want to enter outer space on a large scale.

As for the Galaxy Consortium, Huang Haojie has already asked the Institute of Social Research and other relevant think tanks to discuss this matter, and a large number of drafts of legal regulations have been prepared.

As a country is an enterprise, and an enterprise is a country, there are not many things that the Galaxy Consortium needs to consider. The main issues are how to make profits, and how to participate in the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises within its sphere of influence.

Dongtang is relatively more troublesome. After all, they have too many things to consider, and they are not a true one-word speaker like the Galaxy Consortium. In the Galaxy Consortium, Huang Haojie can truly be consistent in his words.

This seminar immediately attracted widespread attention at home and abroad. The domestic capital was like a shark smelling the smell of blood, paying attention to this space legislation seminar with gleaming eyes.

The reason why Dongtang is so anxious to promote space legislation is that the mass projector reduces the transportation cost between Blue Star and outer space. In Blue Star's low-Earth orbit, the current cost of transporting one kilogram of material into space is 40 to 50 yuan. ; And transporting one kilogram of material costs about 5 to 10 Chinese yuan.

As for entering more distant outer space, since there is no air resistance in outer space and the weakening of planetary gravity, if a Xuanwu-class spacecraft is used to transport materials from the moon to the blue star, 60 tons of materials can be transported at a time. In conjunction with the acceleration of the planet's gravity slingshot , directly to the Blue Star ground, the comprehensive cost is about 120 Chinese yuan per kilogram.

Such transportation costs are not cost-effective if used to transport ordinary materials, but it is still very profitable to transport some more valuable or rare materials.

Another reason is that the exploration results of Tiexing 1 greatly stimulated Dongtang, which had scarce resources.

Whether it is gold, platinum, or tungsten and manganese, these mineral resources are in great demand for Dongtang.

In fact, gold and platinum are also widely used in industry. The reason why they are not common is that they are too expensive to use.

If the production and transportation costs of gold and platinum can be controlled to 200 Chinese yuan per kilogram, and the output is huge, those industries that need it will decide to increase their usage.

The application of gold in the electronic industry. Due to its excellent stability and good electrical and thermal conductivity, gold is increasingly used in the electronic industry.

With the development of aerospace technology, more and more radio electronic components require high stability, such as coatings for advanced vacuum tubes, power connectors for special purposes, brushed wires used in special precision electronic instruments, gold-plated high-frequency conductors and high-temperature components. Gold alloys for welding.

Gold-coated integrated circuits used in electronic equipment such as computers and televisions.

In addition, the application of gold in the chemical industry also has unique uses, such as materials used in nuclear chemical plants, alloy spinnerets used in man-made fiber factories, etc.

Gold-coated infrared devices and heat reflectors used in aircraft and other space transportation vehicles, gold-coated heat shields or heat shields for jet engines and rocket engines, and heat shields coated with thin layers of gold for aircraft, cars, ships and other vehicles glass etc.

Platinum is very versatile and can be used alone or in combination with other platinum group metals.

Platinum can be used as a catalyst to produce nitric acid and ammonia, to produce high-quality aviation gasoline; in the electrical and electronic industries, it can be used as contact points, platinum-rhodium alloy thermocouples, and platinum-iridium spark plug electrodes; in the glass industry, it can be used as platinum crucibles; in the defense industry, it can be manufactured Launch fuel - hydrogen peroxide catalyst and spacecraft fuel cell electrodes, etc.

At present, platinum group elements are most commonly used in catalysts and the automobile industry. The amount of precious metals used in automobile exhaust purification catalysts is quite large.

In recent years, many automobile companies have been studying the use of cheaper palladium-containing catalysts to replace platinum, palladium, and rhodium three-way catalysts. Another is the promotion of electric vehicles, which has led to a decrease in the use of platinum.

However, it cannot be explained that platinum is not important.

Once these metals or rare elements can be obtained in large quantities, many industries that did not dare to use them before will finally be able to use them freely.

Maybe using silver to make water pipes will become a reality.

That's why Dongtang hurriedly promoted space legislation and wanted to develop the space industry as soon as possible.

The country is gearing up, and a lot of capital is already ready to take action. The likes of Majek and Mahuateng, which have a better relationship with Galaxy Technology, are starting to insinuate themselves.

After all, they know that even if the domestic space industry is really opened up, they will not be able to take the first sip of soup, but the Galaxy Consortium is different. As a country cloaked in corporate skin, the Galaxy Consortium is often easier to talk to, especially for domestic companies. .

So they want to cooperate with the Galaxy Consortium to enter outer space.

Anyway, these days, there are quite a few space mining or space development companies registered in the East Island. According to the Galaxy Consortium’s own internal statistics, there are currently as many as 137 private space companies in the East Island, with a cumulative inflow of 167 billion Mars coins, and this number is increasing. Rapid growth.

This shows the madness of capital. After real estate and daily necessities were unable to be speculated, they focused on the space industry. Many companies have regarded the space industry as their future focus.

For example, domestic real estate developers are in urgent need of an investment field to complete a new round of capital growth.

However, the Galaxy Consortium did not immediately open up the restrictions. After all, many details need to be carefully considered to avoid making changes later, which would be the real trouble.

Dongtang is holding a discussion on space legislation, while the Galaxy Consortium is conducting an internal seminar. Both parties have the same purpose, and they both want to enter outer space.

As for the actions of Dongtang and the Galaxy Consortium, the Mi Li family, Xizhou Alliance, Mao Xiong, Tianzhu and other forces suddenly couldn't sit still.

According to the current situation, when they enter outer space, there may not even be any scum left.

Less than two weeks after the meteorite impact incident, the New Bazhong Space Station not only completed the orbit raising work, but also increased the number of space station cabins to 16, with a total volume of 2,680 cubic meters and a mass of 873 tons.

The new Kaohsiung Space Station is no less impressive.

At this rate, it would take less than half a year for Dongtang and the Galaxy Consortium to establish a permanent base or even a lunar city on the moon.

Once the moon is circled by Dongtang and the Galaxy Consortium, other countries will really be doomed. Losing the moon is equivalent to losing more than half of the future. This is not alarmist, but a very cruel fact.

Whoever occupies the moon can use these resources to develop rapidly. With the accumulation of one and the other, the distance will become wider and wider, a virtuous circle and a vicious circle.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this kind of future, let alone the Mi Li family and the Xizhou Alliance, unless their think tanks are collectively Shi Lezhi.

For a time, they could no longer care about the messy environment in the country and prepared to form a group to negotiate.

There will be no additional updates today. I will take a break on Sunday and continue to update on Monday. Thank you for your support! (ω`)

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