Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 359 Visit

On the evening of December 3rd.

Space agencies around the world have officially confirmed that the new Kaohsiung Space Station has successfully stayed in low-Earth orbit at 450 kilometers.

The power of the Space Development Council in outer space can be said to expand rapidly, just like blowing up a balloon.

In less than a month, two prototypes of large space stations were built. This speed was still due to the Space Development Committee's lack of proficiency and the need to test some equipment, which resulted in the mass projector not operating at full capacity.

Once the mass projector is operating at full capacity, it can project into outer space 20 to 30 times a day, and the entire construction of the two space stations can be completed in just a few days. Of course, the premise is that the output of the space station cabin factory can keep up.

At present, the space station cabin factory in Bazhong has completed the construction of 11 cabins, and the space station cabin factory in Kaohsiung has also built 8 space station cabins.

Soon the Space Development Committee will be able to build space stations and even space cities on a large scale in outer space like dumplings.

Obviously, this matter has put more pressure on the Mi Li family and the Xizhou Alliance. They have been holding meetings these days, but they have to come up with a suitable plan, but there are very big internal differences.

Some hard-liners even proposed a mushroom blackmail plan, but these people are in the minority after all. The vast majority of congressmen are rational. They know that playing mushroom blackmail at this time will only intensify the confrontation between the two parties, and it will be very difficult to cooperate in the future. .

What's more, among the five major gangsters, Eagle Sauce and John Bull are on the same side, while Gallic Chicken and Hairy Bear have very ambiguous attitudes, a bit ambiguous about how to act according to the wind, and Dongtang and Galaxy Consortium are on the same side.

Although the fact that there are six of the five great hooligans makes guys like Tianzhu, Hans family, and Tuhusky very dissatisfied. They also want to become great hooligans, but they are not as strong as others and their arms cannot twist their thighs.

Therefore, the international situation remains at a stalemate, making the atmosphere very solemn.

"Mr. Rhine, Mr. Johnson, please come with me!" The clerk from Dongtang Space Agency took the two of them by car to the Bazhong base.

"Thank you!" Laing straightened his coat and got on the minibus.

And Johnson also got on the minibus.

Outside the car window, there is a thin layer of snow on the houses, flowers and trees.

"Drink a cup of coffee to warm yourself up!" Johnson opened his own thermos and poured a cup of steaming coffee for Rhine.

"Thank you!" Rhine took the thermos cap and took a sip of warm coffee.

Although the terrain of Bazhong City is mountainous, Dongtang Space Administration has made great efforts to build infrastructure here. The roads are very wide and flat, and minibuses and minibuses can run smoothly on them.

After the Aerospace City passes through the Aerospace Town, there is the Bazhong Base. More than half an hour later, Rhine's minibus successfully arrived at the outskirts of the Bazhong base.

"You two, we're getting off here."

Although the outer parking lot is still about two kilometers away from the main body of the Bazhong base, Rhine and Johnson were stunned by this great miracle as soon as they got out of the car.

"It looks like a pyramid. It's really unbelievable." Rhine looked up at the main body of the Bazhong base.

"Is that black cable at the top a flexible vacuum pipe?" Johnson asked the clerk on the side.

"Yes." The clerk nodded.

Johnson raised his head and looked up along the magnetic vacuum cable. However, human vision was limited, and he could only see a black cable connecting the sky and the earth.

"If it's not cloudy today, you can still see the ring-shaped airship suspended at the bottom of the stratosphere." The clerk said with a smile.

"Oh? That's really a pity." Rhine replied with a raised eyebrow.

Soon another clerk drove over in an electric car similar to a sightseeing car and took Rhine and Johnson around the Bazhong base.

Looking at the Bazhong Base from a distance, it was not obvious. After the sightseeing car approached the main body of the Bazhong Base, Rhine felt his own insignificance.

Looking at the entire Bazhong base from the bottom is a dizzying shock. The style of this base is very unique, with the roughness of the bear, the precision of the eagle sauce, and the whimsy of the rabbit. These different styles are mixed together. Together, they don’t seem awkward, but complement each other.

They had just woken up from the shock of the main body, and the sightseeing bus was already parked in an underground garage.

"Are we going to visit the mass projector?" Johnson asked.

"Yes, please cooperate with the inspection later." The clerk nodded and replied.

After several inspections, Rhine and Johnson finally successfully entered the mass projector. Through the thick glass, they were able to see the mass projector in the vacuum pipe and the Xuanwu-class 001 spacecraft that had been sent into it.

"Is this all vacuum inside?" Rhine asked, pointing to the huge vacuum pipe behind the glass window.

"This is a vacuum pipe, which is the same as the vacuum pipe of the Strait Cross-sea Bridge." The clerk explained.

"Those silver-white guide rails are room-temperature superconductors, right?" Rhine said enviously.

"Normal temperature superconductor!" Johnson was also very envious. This kind of thing has indeed a huge influence and a huge effect.

Faced with such cheating opponents, the two of them were extremely disappointed with the future of the West Continent Alliance. Dongtang and Galaxy Technology were advancing by leaps and bounds, but their country was now in chaos.

The refugee problem in Xizhou is very serious. In this world, any country with melanin and green believers will inevitably have a lot of problems.

Huang Haojie considers himself not a serious racist, but he still hates melanin, which is a human cancer. This is why the Galaxy Consortium has not developed large-scale developments in Black Continent and West Asia.

After visiting the mass projector, Rhine and Johnson came to the space town with a heavy heart. Because the Xuanwu-class spacecraft 001 was about to be launched, they could only go to the observation deck of the space station to watch.

December 4th, 14:00 pm.

Johnson was observing the Bazhong base through the telescope at the observation deck, while Rhine was taking pictures with his mobile phone. Not far away from them, there were many domestic tourists taking photos and checking in.

"Oh! It's launched."

"Look! That cable is getting bigger."

"It's really amazing."

...The tourists are shouting.

As Johnson watched attentively, he saw the black cable suddenly expand, and then a shadow flashed past, and then the expanded pipe shrank back.

"Rhine, what do you think the principle is? I mean how the cable expands."

"Electromagnetism!" Rhine said directly.

"Electromagnetic?" Johnson put down the telescope in surprise.

"Yes, except for electromagnetic repulsion, I can't think of any way to do it at present. As for anti-gravity, it is impossible. If they can achieve anti-gravity, there will be no need to build a mass projector." Rhine explained.

"Let's go! If you continue reading, there's nothing to gain." Johnson patted Rhine on the shoulder and said.

The two of them left the Bazhong base with deep thoughts and returned to the hotel in Space City. They quickly compiled what they saw and heard today and sent this information to the Outer Space Committee. Of course, the Mi Li family and the Xizhou Alliance were indispensable.

However, Rhine and Johnson did not have high expectations for the Mi Li family and the Xizhou Alliance.

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