Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 282 Project Progress (1)

Bazhong City, Shu Province.

The Jianmu No. 2 Base in the Jianmu Plan is located near Pingchang County of the city.

Since this mass projector belongs to the Dongtang Space Administration, many projects are being done by state-owned enterprises.

As the person in charge of this base, Zhao Hongxing, Wang Guanghai and others are inspecting the progress of the project.

Wang Guanghai tapped the huge steel pillar beside him with his fingers: "Is this counterweight strong? Don't let the chain fall when the time comes!"

"Don't worry!" Zhao Hongxing said, pointing to the huge steel pillars driven into the mountain or the foundation: "These steel pillars each weigh 10 tons. A total of 10,000 steel pillars of this level are used in the entire base."

"Oh? In this case, wouldn't the overall weight of the counterweight exceed 100,000 tons?" Wang Guanghai asked.

Zhao Hongxing nodded: "That's for sure, because these steel pillars need to be connected into one, welded steel frames and reinforced concrete layers, etc. After adding these, the entire counterweight is estimated to be as high as about 300,000 tons."

The reason why such a huge counterweight is used is mainly because the magnetic vacuum cable will generate a huge buoyancy when it is in the vacuum excitation state. This buoyancy is as high as 20,000 to 30,000 tons. If the counterweight is not fixed properly, the vacuum pipe may be damaged. Tear off.

"Even if the counterweight is so big, we still can't take it lightly. After all, this is our first time doing this." Wang Guanghai suggested.

"It makes sense. I will ask the engineering department to do more supercomputer simulations."

"Especially the balance of the counterweight must be calculated well, just in case."

Zhao Hongxing nodded: "Old Wang, let's go to the mass projector and have a look!"

"By the way, is Lao Ma here?"

"Lao Ma? He is here this month and will go to Kaohsiung in May."

"Let's go then! I just want to talk to Lao Ma."

The group of people inspected the construction status of the entire base as they walked.

Since the main project of Jianmu No. 2 Base has not yet been completed, the mass projector is not in the main body of Jianmu No. 2, but in the supporting factory nearby.

Academician Ma, who was debugging the mass projector, was concentrating on communicating with a large group of researchers or engineers.

"Old Ma, you're fine!"

As soon as Academician Ma heard the voice, he knew who was coming. He turned his head and shouted to the visitor: "Old Wang, why do you have time to come here? Is the projection spacecraft ready?"

"That's so fast. Lao Li is following the project now. I'll come over to take a look at your progress and share the situation." Wang Guanghai replied with a smile.

"I thought you took hormones and built the projection spacecraft." Academician Ma said as he motioned for the researchers and engineers to go about their business.

"Haha! You old boy, you think building a spaceship is just kneading dough! You still have to figure it out! Where is the progress of your projector?"

"That's almost it."

"So fast?"

"The technology has been verified. It's just a matter of zooming in a little, perfecting the details and checking. In addition, after the Qinling X-ray base was put into use, the production of room-temperature superconductors has greatly increased, and there are no problems with the raw materials. Of course, the progress is fast." Academician Ma smiled. replied.

"I'm jealous!" Wang Guanghai joked.

"Since you are here, come and take a look!" After saying this, Academician Ma led Wang Guanghai and others to the production workshop of the mass projector.

In fact, it is more like a huge factory than a production workshop.

The entire production workshop is 84 meters high and covers an area of ​​nearly 26,000 square meters.

The entire mass projector is like a huge mortar. Of course, from another perspective, this thing can indeed be said to be a huge cannon.

However, ordinary artillery fires cannonballs, but it fires spaceships.

"How do you plan to transport this thing to Jianmu No. 2 Base?" Wang Guanghai looked at the mass projector and asked.

After all, the height of this mass projector is about 40 meters, and the overall weight may be as high as several thousand tons. This is still part of it. According to the design, there are also some guide rails that will be installed after the mass projector enters Jianmu No. 2 Base.

Academician Ma pointed to the bottom of the mass projection: "Below is something similar to a launch vehicle transport platform. In addition, this factory can be opened directly."

Wang Guanghai approached the railing and looked at the bottom of the mass projector and the structure of the factory: "That's it."

"Otherwise, do you think we built it here, dismantled it, and then transported it to Jianmu No. 2 for installation?"

This mass projector factory is located on the south side of Jianmu No. 2 Base. The distance between the two places is about 5 kilometers. There is a huge transportation platform track directly connecting the two places.

"This thing uses a lot of room-temperature superconductors, right?"

"It's quite a lot, about 270 tons! It's mainly to enhance explosive power and redundancy, so it's a bit more than the original plan!" Academician Ma replied, spreading his hands.

"Haha! That's a lot? You've exaggerated, old horse. A ton of room-temperature superconductors costs 50 million yuan. You have exceeded the original plan by nearly 100 tons!" Wang Guanghai shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"No, the price of room-temperature superconductors has dropped a bit now, about 40 million per ton!" Academician Ma replied innocently.

Isn’t 40 million a ton money? Wang Guanghai thought speechlessly.

Academician Ma turned to Zhao Hongxing and asked, "Let's not worry about such trivial matters. Hongxing, what's going on with the main body?"

"It is under construction and has reached about 180 meters." Zhao Hongxing replied.

The main design height of the entire Jianmu No. 2 base is 560 meters, using foam cement and steel bars that can be constructed quickly.

Of course, the hard vacuum pipe inside is made of the same material as the vacuum pipe of the Strait Cross-Sea Bridge, but the radius and thickness of the vacuum pipe are much larger.

If the pipe wall thickness is not thickened, it will not be able to withstand the pressure of atmospheric pressure. After all, it is a vacuum pipe with a length of 560 meters and a radius of 96 meters.

"Is it already more than 180 meters? Why can't you tell?" Wang Guanghai asked with some confusion.

Zhao Hongxing smiled and clicked on the holographic projection and explained to him:

"This is the main body of Jianmu 2. Its shape is very similar to a pyramid. And of the 560 meters of hard vacuum pipes, 50 meters are underground, and the remaining 510 meters are on the ground."

Wang Guanghai looked at the holographic projection model and found that this design did have a visual deception effect. Unlike those high-rise buildings that looked like bamboo poles, the pyramid-shaped design looked shorter at first glance.

The reason for this design is mainly to allow the main body to extend the hard vacuum pipe as much as possible, and to combine it with the counterweight underneath to ensure stability and durability.

After all, Jianmu No. 2 Base may be used for decades in the future, and it will not work if it is not durable.

The three of them took the elevator to the construction site on top of the main body of Jianmu No. 2.

Only when Wang Guanghai came up did he realize that this thing was huge.

A huge hole with a radius of 96 meters appeared under his feet, and he saw that the main structure of foam cement was being poured. The top was so large that it was indescribable.

The base of the main body is a nearly circular shape with a radius of 800 meters, covering an area of ​​2 square kilometers.

Although the cross-sectional area will decrease as the height increases due to the pyramid-shaped design, at a height of about 180 meters, the cross-sectional area is already very large.

Even some large engineering vehicles can run around on it.

There are also some large transport airships that also help transport materials at the construction site.

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