Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 96: Symbiotic plant

Zhang Zhi looked at Guo Daliang. He wanted to share secrets with others. I still don't want to speak on my own initiative.

Zhang Zhi followed his wishes and asked, "Brother Guo, what did Ito Hideyoshi say. Has it affected us in China?"

Guo Daliang stood upright and said in a heavy tone: "I heard Ito Hideyoshi say that there is a new situation in the Tokyo Bay nuclear power accident in the island country. This incident is a human disaster. For this reason, Ito Hideyoshi dare not return to the island country."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhi ’s curiosity was hooked up and asked Guo Daliang: "Brother Guo, the Tokyo Bay nuclear power accident is not just an ordinary nuclear power plant accident. The news reports have now been dealt with."

"The media of the island country are controlled by the consortium. Others do not understand the truth. I listened to the real situation of Ito Hideyoshi."

Guo Daliang told Zhang Zhi about the accident of the Tokyo Bay Nuclear Power Plant.

"Island country Tokyo Bay Nuclear Power Station, he is obviously a nuclear power plant, actually secretly part-time plutonium 239 production plant. Island country can produce plutonium 239, are second-generation nuclear power plants, the safety performance is very poor. Due to the impact of the US military base, The core of the nuclear power plant melted and collapsed after a small explosion. "

Guo Daliang said here that the tone increased.

"That is plutonium 239, which is the raw material for making atomic bombs, with a half-life of up to 24,000 years. The island countries are really wolf ambitions, and their industrial level is that they cannot make atomic bombs. Making dirty bombs also poses a great threat."

"The prime minister and high-level government of the island country are aware of the situation. The radioactivity of plutonium 239 can be blocked by a three-meter-thick concrete wall. They originally wanted to completely seal the nuclear power plant."

"But the Island Self-Defense Force, because of the slow response of the last Fukushima accident, was accused by the island nation. They quickly rushed to the scene and asked the experts in the nuclear power plant. I know that there are still some units in operation."

"They just want to cool the nuclear power plant quickly to prevent explosions at the nuclear power plant. They simply don't know that there is a large amount of plutonium 239. In the same way as the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large amount of seawater washed the nuclear power plant to cool the unit."

"As a result, the nuclear power plant did not explode, and a large amount of plutonium 239 was washed into the seawater, and some of it even entered the groundwater of the island country."

Seeing that Guo Daliang still had nothing to say, and wanted to go on, Zhang Zhi made a stop gesture and motioned him to stop talking.

Seeing Guo Daliang not speaking, Zhang Zhi said indifferently: "It is an island country, and the radioactive pollutants entering the sea water will also drift along the ocean currents farther and farther away from China and cannot affect our country."

"Brother Guo, how did you know Ito Hideyoshi, I think your relationship is really iron, unlike a business partner." Zhang Zhi asked with interest.

Guo Daliang sighed and told Zhang Zhi the reason.

"This is a relationship passed down by the older generation. My grandfather was a veteran of the Anti-Unification, and his grandfather was the island nation's anti-war alliance, and was the middle-level leader of the island's left-wing political party at that time."

"At that time, my grandfather was about to be taken prisoner. It was his grandfather who saved my grandfather's life. He sent my grandfather to Yan'an base."

"His grandfather stayed at the Yan'an base to teach. After the end of World War II, the island country surrendered unconditionally. His grandfather thought that the island country could return to a democratic system and return to the country to build democracy."

"After this, we used a limited number of letters to contact us. After the reform and opening up, they made a large investment in China, and we only got in touch again."

Zhang Zhi suddenly realized that Ito Hideyoshi was originally a left-wing person in the island country who is rarer than the Chinese panda.

Guo Daliang continued: "The power of radioactivity is too great. There are too many patients in the island country. Our artificial organs in the island country are priced at 200,000 yuan. They can only be used by the middle and high-level people in the island country."

"The bottom group, the Mitsubishi Consortium has provided free pig organs. The Mitsubishi Consortium is to prevent the island country ’s mortality rate from rising sharply. The news of the radioactive intensity leaked, and most of the Tokyo area nationals fled and their interests were damaged.

"The use of genetic pig organs, as I said at the press conference, is not false. Using longevity agents, the chromosomes of the cells are not homologous. It will definitely cause conflicts. With similar cells, you can also use inhibitors to control. Use other animals' Cells, that will cause death. "Zhang Zhi said quite surprised, he did not expect someone to really care about, and extend life in the future.

Guo Daliang said with a smile: "We have not approved genetic pig organs in China. Basically, other countries have approved genetic pig organs. Only because the Mitsubishi Consortium provides organs free of charge, that group of people can get more benefits."

Zhi Zhi heard it, and was silent for a while. Before, I always heard that capitalists can sell everything for the benefit. Now I finally see examples. They did not treat people at the bottom as humans at all.

Guo Daliang also gave Zhang Zhi a sip of tea, said with emotion: "I am now thank you as a father, you launched the scientific research platform too timely."

Zhang Zhi was slightly surprised, and asked, "Brother Guo, what happened to you."

"It's my daughter Yumei. When he manages our aircraft transportation company, he likes to fly airplane technology. He must learn to fly airplanes. To fly an airplane, she must have extremely strong physical fitness. Her physical condition is not suitable for flying an airplane. Must brave the plane "

Guo Daliang was still worried when he was talking.

"Fortunately, your scientific research platform came out, and she fell in love with this simple scientific research method after using it. I gave him a sum of money to make it a venture capital company. Last night I won a big order, what is that artificial fish Gill Project. Seeing how happy she is, this business has been very successful. "

Zhang Zhi said modestly: "No thanks, this is her own talent, and she can keenly discover potential technologies."

Zhang Zhi and Guo Daliang chatted for a long time. Guo Daliang left and prepared to prepare for his water company.

Zhang Zhikan watched Xiaoming still sitting on the sofa and playing. He hugged Xiaoming and wanted to go to the Xingyu Intelligent subsidiary downstairs.

Just when she talked with Guo Daliang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Yuhao contacted him and mentioned the difficulty of programming virtual world programs.

He had just walked out of the office, Li Lingqiu came in from the door. After seeing Xiaoming, he quickly trot up and picked up Xiaoming from Zhang Zhihuai.

"My sister brought Xiaoming again. By the way, my sister, she always carries Xiaoming at work." Li Lingqiu rubbed Xiaoming's lovely face in her arms and asked Zhang to know.

"Sister Qu went to the government department to handle the establishment of the desalination plant. Xiaoming left me to take care of it, and I was going downstairs with him."

Zhang Zhi looked at Lingqiu and asked, "You said that there was a surprise in the biological laboratory. It was made by Shuidou or Shasuo."

"How can it be so fast, wait a few months. Even if there is a cultivation agent, the plant must grow into several rounds to see the final traits."

Li Lingqiu explained to Zhang Zhi what was made by the biological laboratory.

"The laboratory laboratory successfully manufactured special symbiotic plants. We studied the special bacterial genome, extracted the effective genome of the special bacteria, and carefully analyzed the role of each genome."

"Understand the transformation method of bacteria, make corresponding genomes of plants, and use this genome to make several kinds of special symbiotic plants.

After symbiosis with other plants, they can directly obtain the nutrients for plant growth from nature. With this symbiotic plant, no fertilizer will be needed in the future. "

Zhang Zhi knows that there are many special bacteria in nature, and they can directly transform the resources needed by plants from nature.

Some can also live with plants. The most famous are soybean and soybean rhizobia, which are a very special symbiotic relationship.

Soybean rhizobia nitrogen fixation gives soybean nitrogen element. Soybeans also provide nutrition through photosynthesis and soybean nodule bacteria.

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