Future library

Chapter 89 The desired star formation

The pillars outside the Star Warlock Association are the most attractive part of the entire building. Their rough but hard texture perfectly sets off the serious atmosphere. Although the star array engraved on it has rough lines and lacks practical value, in the eyes of outsiders, there is a faint sense of oppression coming from strength.

When Cheng Jinzhou looked up, he occasionally wondered whether this thing built like the Lincoln Memorial would suddenly stand up, shake his hips and shout: For the tribe...

An alien world without the Lich King, an alien world without Sid Meier, an alien world without glory, just like Yang Liwei in the air, it is really deserted.

Cheng Jinzhou was thinking wildly when a Star Warlock apprentice waiting at the door came over and said softly: Star Warlock Cheng Jinzhou? Star Warlock Xiang Xin is waiting for you on the second floor.

Oh! It's me. Cheng Jinzhou had not yet adapted to the rank of Star Warlock, and his expression was a little dazed.

Shi Yan stayed outside as usual. Xiao Cheng followed the apprentice and walked up slowly. In the association, astromancer apprentices often need to do many things. Generally speaking, any astromancer can order the apprentices on duty in the association to work without payment. Because working in the guild requires a minimum of astromancer knowledge, the guild was able to convince some astromancers to recruit apprentices and teach them the basics of astrology. As for further knowledge, it often requires the opportunity and efforts of the apprentices, but no matter what, it is a rare progress for the association to allow star warlocks who are too lazy to teach apprentices to train more apprentices.

The long apprenticeship of a star warlock, the astonishing elimination rate, huge financial expenses, and frustrating talent requirements will make a young man full of longing give up the path of a star warlock every day, so he sees people younger than himself. Cheng Jinzhou, the star warlock apprentice who walked in front, was actually infinitely envious. However, as a young man, he still fantasized that he still had a chance.

The narrow staircase is like the spiral staircase of an art museum. It is sparsely populated and expensive to build, and has expensive boring decorations. After going around twice, I saw another door on the second floor.

Cheng Jinzhou stepped forward, and the star warlock apprentice next to him suddenly took courage and said: Cheng Jinzhou star warlock, we will definitely become star warlocks.

Huh? Cheng Jinzhou raised his head in surprise, not even understanding what the other person was talking about.

We will work hard and one day we will become Star Warlocks. After saying this, the young Star Warlock ran off with his head lowered.

Classmate Xiao Cheng was stunned for a moment, shook his head and turned around. Naturally, he had no idea that the 13-year-old one-star warlock had long been the subject of intense questioning within the association. In the entire Star Warlock world, such a young Star Warlock has not appeared for many years.

However, this level of admiration can only be spread among the apprentices of astrologers who feel the same way. For gentlemen with talents, they themselves are synonymous with dreams - every astromancer is a model of success. They have already Just standing on the pyramid of the times. As for the court, they are, to some extent, detached from the world of Star Warlocks.

The room layout of the Star Warlock Association is very twisted. After passing through the closed double wooden doors, Cheng Jinzhou saw another series of small rooms, like a small hotel on the street, only covered with high-end furs.

Mr. Cheng, this way. Xiang Xin, who heard the voice, poked his head out from a house in the middle and waved to him.

What's going on? Cheng Jinzhou asked as he walked over.

Xiang Xin smiled mysteriously, and while leading him into the room, he said with a smile: I'm afraid you don't know, but the outer peninsula has been very lively in the past two days.

Is it lively? Cheng Jinzhou asked, nodding to another old man in the room. The latter did not have iconic clothes, but he also looked like a star warlock.

No. New theories are released every day. Since the day before yesterday, some people have measured the refractive index of many kinds of transparent objects, such as glass, crystal, white ocher... Xiang Xin counted on his fingers. , smiled and said: Now you must regret it. If you hold back and say nothing, these papers will only be completed by you in the end.

Cheng Jinzhou did not regret it. Instead, he smiled with surprise on his face and said, The paper itself has no contribution points. By completing these tasks, they will increase my contribution points.

With the standard formula, measuring the refractive index of a certain substance is a matter of minutes, and can be completed as long as there are similar experimental conditions. It's like people in the 19th century discovered that certain substances could be decomposed using electrolysis to identify new substances. So in just a few months, potassium, sodium, magnesium and other elements were discovered one after another... Unless there is another A great discovery of elemental theory, otherwise such a prosperous age would never happen again. From this point of view, it is still very useful to test English in the exam - if you can directly read the current periodicals in English, you can do relevant experiments earlier. Even if you repeat the experiments of foreign scholars and measure two more curves, you can still Publishing papers in national core journals is a valuable academic contribution. Compared with the old scalper-style work behind closed doors, it naturally has unlimited advantages.

For Cheng Jinzhou, it is labor-intensive and labor-intensive to measure the refractive index of various items, and the accuracy of the experiment cannot be guaranteed. As a doctor of theoretical physics, he has always advocated leaving the actual work to professionals - in other words In other words, I just can’t do it myself.

In addition, it is difficult to bring direct contribution points such as the refractive index analysis of media. If people only use the final refractive index value instead of the specific test process of a certain medium, the contribution point will not be recognized by the association. It is different when the test theory is announced. Because they are the first users of the theory, the test astromancers must explain the theoretical application in detail, even if other astromancers explain it at the same time. Therefore, in the early stage, everyone will inevitably Everyone has to quote his article. In this way, more than one contribution point is recorded. Of course, if his theory can be recognized by the public, people can just use the formula of the conclusion, but by that time, he will have already earned many contribution points. Thinking of this, the corners of Cheng Jinzhou's mouth couldn't help but twitch - it was definitely a twitch of happiness. One contribution point can earn at least 600 taels of silver, which can buy dozens of acres of land.

Xiang Xin was now familiar with Cheng Jinzhou. Looking at the corner of his mouth, she shook her head quietly. To say that all genius star warlocks love money as much as life, it would be a bit embarrassing for a star warlock. However, despite this thought, she still reached out and tapped on the wall, pulled out a piece of metal with grooves, and said: Put the certification stone up, and you can see your latest contribution point data.

Only then did Cheng Jinzhou notice that the pattern on the entire house was actually the structure of a star array, but the lines were sparse and thick, as if pigs were tied up with hemp rope, so they must have been easy to draw.

When the certification stone encounters light, it will reflect a dull yellow color. When he first got the certification stone, he was not a star warlock, so the certification stone could only flicker with a slight white light. Since the last update, it has gained some color.

52 contribution points. Xiang Xin squinted his eyes and said with a smile: I figure that with so many people arguing in the past few days, you should have gained a lot, but I don't know when my research results will arouse everyone's attention. Notice……

As he said that, Xiang Xin wiped his bald head and began to fantasize.

Cheng Jinzhou chuckled and said, Argument is a good thing. Only through argument can the truth burst out.

He spoke like a township cadre eating pheasant.

From 26 o'clock to 52 o'clock, that's four days. Xiang Xin touched his chin, waved to the old man in the same room and said, Look, I will say that there is at least 50 points of contribution.

Are you willing to use it all? The old man said with a kind face and a beautiful white beard.

Use it up? Cheng Jinzhou raised his eyebrows. In fact, he is not afraid of running out of contribution points. It is just a foundation now. In a few days, the contribution points will probably explode. Debates are sometimes scary. Just look at the Internet and you will know , at some point, people care about the argument itself, not the issue. Astromancers may be more sensible, after all, each article takes at least some time to write, but don't expect too much from them.

Cheng Jinzhou's purpose of dismantling geometric optics into pieces is to cause controversy. In the world he understands, an interesting and relatively simple problem is more interesting than the results of in-depth analysis.

Xiang Xin took out a thick stack of books from the table next to him and said: Teacher Dai Feng is a third-level star warlock and a three-star warlock of the association, and he is also an excellent star array painter. Haven't you always wanted a star array? ?”

Oh, hello. Cheng Jinzhou quickly greeted him again. The so-called star array painter is not a formal name. In fact, any star warlock can use star power to create star arrays. It is just that in terms of its usual complexity, he does not have the appropriate skills and coordination with the star array to create a star array. The formation is hardly good or bad. As for the star warlocks who can draw, their attainments in the star array can often only be determined by word of mouth.

Dai Feng nodded slightly, looked Cheng Jinzhou up and down, and said bluntly: With your current physical condition, if you want to carve a star array, you don't have many options. Let me try it first to see how many star points you can bear.

How are the star points calculated? Cheng Jinzhou was a little excited and let him pull up his arm, and then inserted a needle-like object into his forearm.

If you can withstand 10 star points, you are basically a level 1 star warlock, and if you have 100 star points, you are a level 2 star warlock. Xiang Xin said with a smile: It depends on whether you can withstand 3 points. The simplest gravity technique is 3 star points. You can use it on any item to reduce its weight. Although it is a little troublesome, it is good if it is available. There is also the solidity technique, which can roughly block the penetration of wooden guns. It is a pure combat skill, but it is good for self-defense. If you want If the calculation power is increased, the star array that only has addition and subtraction only needs 2 star points, but it seems that there are no other star arrays that can be used...

She held the book and introduced each one. The requirements were very low, and they generally fell into the category of independent supporting star arrays.

How much can Lu Xu bear? Cheng Jinzhou always remembered this perverted star warlock.

Almost 5,000 points. Xiang Xin grinned and said, It's a pity that he can't control it, so it can only be used for the second-level star formation.

As he spoke, Dai Feng pulled out the small needle inserted into Cheng Jinzhou's arm, flicked it, and put it into a matchbox-sized metal engraved with a star array. Then while inputting star power, he pointed at the smooth circle the size of a fingernail in the middle and said: If it shows yellow, it means it can withstand 10 points of star power. If there is light yellow in the white, you can also judge a specific value based on the depth of the color. Mainly It still depends on your physical condition.”

As he spoke, the three of them stared at the circle in the middle of the metal box. For a long time, Cheng Jinzhou asked, What does pure white mean?

You don't have a single star power. Dai Feng simply packed up his things and said, You are too young. It seems that 50 contribution points can still be saved for a while.

Cheng Jinzhou watched him leave from the door eagerly.

The Star Formation Dream is over before it even begins. It seems that when I was sleeping, I passively dreamed of a beautiful woman taking off her clothes, but before I saw the results, I was beaten hard in her sleep.

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