Future library

Chapter 79 Geometric Optics (3)

Taking advantage of not having to go to Hongwen Hall for classes, Cheng Jinzhou wrote three letters in a row and sent them to the Star Warlock Association as a result report. All of them only touched on some superficial issues of geometric optics, and even made some common sense mistakes.

Of course, the final image still has to be disguised as a standard paper that does not hide its flaws.

On the other side, Xiang Xin, who is a consultant, has also been very busy recently and returned to the outer peninsula. Warlock Liu Kuangxing's work is becoming increasingly heavy. As one of the main assistants, her work will naturally only increase. However, she also has her own research direction. As a result, she does not even have time to rest.

Despite this, Xiang Xin became more interested after receiving two letters from Cheng Jinzhou.

Geometric optics can be said to be derived and developed in physical practice. It does not discuss the properties of light itself. Xiang Xin had no contact with it in the past. This time, in order to help Cheng Jinzhou look up the information, he keenly discovered that it has many similarities with himself. The research content is very close.

It took two days to complete the work at hand. On the morning of the third day, Xiang Xin rushed to the house on Zhuque Street early in the morning to see how far Cheng Jinzhou had researched.

Star warlocks were not allowed to fly in the imperial city, so Xiang Xin flew from the outer peninsula to the vicinity of the outer city, and then rented a carriage to Zhuque Street. Two or three kilometers ahead of here is the Imperial City, surrounded by various official offices, so this is where the largest number of official residences in the capital are concentrated. Civil servants below level 18 can't even hope to find a house here. Even if civilian officials are level 8 or 10, they can rarely buy real estate here.

The entrance of the Cheng Family Courtyard looks ordinary on the side street, but it is not easy to buy a house here, and it is not necessary to decorate it luxuriously and eye-catchingly.

On the other hand, the servants of the Cheng family still looked domineering, and they did not recognize Xiang Xin's identity as a star warlock. They only said, The master has gone to school, and refused to say more.

Although Xiang Xin did not have the status of a noble, he was not suitable to compete with several servants, so he had to go to Hongwen Hall to find Cheng Jinzhou.

At this time, the results of the quiz were being announced in Hongwen Hall.

Cheng Jinzhou was determined in his heart and looked around, only to see that everyone including Shen Cong was nervous. When the results were announced, some people even had their faces flushed with anxiety.

While he was still confused, he saw four lightly armored guards carrying long bamboo sticks stopping on both sides of the list. Immediately afterwards, the curator, who saw the dragon disappearing without a trace, stood in the middle with his hands behind his back.

What is this doing? Looking at the red line on the bamboo stick, Cheng Jinzhou actually guessed it.

Shen Cong said softly: The last 10, 10 strikes.

Cheng Jinzhou swallowed his saliva. He had never been beaten since graduating from elementary school. He thought that the last 20 people would not have a place in the provincial examination. At most, they would retake the child examination. Unexpectedly, the last 10 people would still be given preferential treatment with bamboo sticks.

For the noble children, this is a real pain.

The director of the Hongwen Museum is also a bachelor of the pavilion. It is the most noble position. He can smile and bow to the Prime Minister. Even the children of the most famous aristocratic families are no match for him. Therefore, he is the director of the library. When the adults say they are going to fight, no one present can escape.

The 10 unlucky children were pushed to the ground one after another, their pants were taken off, they were decorated with bamboo sticks to make them red and then thrown aside. It didn't matter whether their buttocks hurt or not. The most important thing was that they were embarrassed.

The professor standing in front of the students had a cold face and continued to roll call: Sixty people in the third class...

Still counting from back to front. This way of announcing the rankings can be described as cruel. The person whose name was called out first was naturally disgraced. By the time the rankings reached the top, everyone was tired of listening. No one wanted to hold their necks high and be proud, but no one did. Mental attention. It is a pity that feudal society did not pay attention to human rights, and students never discussed the issue of burden reduction.

Cheng Jinzhou ranked second, which is a good result, while Shen Cong was better, mostly because of his handwriting.

In provincial examinations, examiners often allow students to make mistakes, which is completely different from provincial examinations. Therefore, students' grades can be easily improved and will not be abandoned for a single reason.

It took half an hour to announce the results. Cheng Jinzhou's legs and feet were numb before he started to finish. Shen Cong winked at Cheng Jinzhou's side and laughed in a low voice: Brother's news is pretty accurate.

Cheng Jinzhou pretended to be sullen, and said with cracked lips: When you get the provincial examination, that's what you're capable of.

Don't even think about it. Shen Cong immediately shook his head. This kind of thing still depends on luck.

They were talking below, and someone else looked over at the same time. Cheng Jinzhou noticed it and immediately fell silent. Even so, when the professors left, someone still called out to the two of them and said in a lecturing tone: You two Whose family does it belong to? Why are there so no rules?

Cheng Jinzhou looked up and saw a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old. There were no marks on his waist or chest, but his dark face attracted attention. He thought he was a bookish student, so he just twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile. :Excuse me.

Stop being so playful. The other party stopped him and said, Seeing how enthusiastic you are talking, I would like to ask whose family is so arrogant.

When Cheng Jinzhou wanted to speak again, Shen Cong pulled his sleeves and said, Senior Brother Lu, I said a few words too much today, so pay attention next time.

You are just saying this casually. Did you buy the test questions? The black-faced Lu Anping looked at them with disdain in his eyes and said: You are second-rate even if you buy the test questions, idiots.

If it had been anything else, Cheng Jinzhou might have just laughed it off, but the other party's obvious school-like discrimination quickly made him feel uncomfortable, and he immediately retorted: Your Excellency, you are 16 years old this year? You still want to take the exam with us? Thank you for your hard work, Tong Sheng.

The people in Hongwen Hall are all children of aristocratic families, with the best teachers and the best conditions. They start studying at the age of five or six, and they still cannot pass the provincial examination when they are fifteen or sixteen. Although they are not special, they are definitely not qualified to ridicule others. .

Shen Cong's face turned green when he heard half of it. He almost half hugged Cheng Jinzhou and said, Master Lu was seriously ill last time...

Judging from his strength, Cheng Jinzhou finally understood that this shady Lu family member had a lot of background, so he stopped asking for words and just stood aside with his hands tied.

The professors had just left, but everyone was still gathered together, and there were many people who heard the conversation between the three. Lu Anping looked around, staring at Cheng Jinzhou as if his eyes were on fire, and shouted: How dare you talk back.

The young master of the Lu family, who has a high self-esteem, has considered it a shame that he failed to take the provincial examination last time. He has to take the test again at the age of 16, which has always been against his will.

Cheng Jinzhou raised his eyebrows and snorted softly.

This naturally makes the other party even more dissatisfied.

Lu Anping's eyes were red and his voice was high-pitched. Unfortunately, the language had no technical content and was not dirty enough. After two or three sentences, he was blocked by the students next to him. The professors haven't gone far yet.

Shen Cong had a bitter look on his face, turned sideways, moved his lips slightly, and explained to Cheng Jinzhou: He is the king of Dongshan, the son of Prince Lu's family.

The local authority of the Dashun Dynasty was getting stronger and stronger. Prince Dongshan was an example of being forced to become a king. Lu Anping was somewhat of a hostage in the capital. However, the court always focused on appeasing the vassal princes, so his son naturally had many privileges. Lu Anping also hopes to make great achievements in order to return home, and he can't stand other people's gossip. Whenever he makes a fuss, everyone has to give up three points.

Cheng Jinzhou took two steps back, knowing that he had completely offended this person. He couldn't help but feel a headache. This is what the so-called unexpected disaster meant.

As he was thinking about it, he heard a burst of cheerful laughter and said: Master Lu is here, discussing astrology with our Jinzhou?

The third prince walked over from outside with a smile and said hello to Cheng Jinzhou again. Naturally, he doesn't have to stand with other students waiting for news. There are no rules about equality here.

A circle of people came to greet him.

Seeing that it was the prince, Lu Anping restrained himself a little, and still sneered at Cheng Jinzhou: Are you Cheng Jinzhou? You are just looking for fame. Star warlocks are all very smart people. Why plagiarize in an exam? The problem can be solved in a quarter of an hour. You can’t get straight A’s even though you spend money.”

Brother Anping, why bother? I heard that not only are you successful in astrology, but you have also developed theoretically? The third prince laughed in agreement.

Lu Anping was very proud of what he said, and his face relaxed, and he smiled proudly: For people like us, it doesn't matter if we have average qualifications. It is still very easy to get a star array with one or two stars. , the real difficulty is the contribution points that show the ability.”

He glared at Cheng Jinzhou, then pointed his finger at his temple, and babbled in a half-praising way: The Star Warlocks who can get contribution points directly from the Star Warlock Association are the real Star Warlocks and have the ability to control the Star Array. Otherwise, even if you have the opportunity to use a star formation with dozens or hundreds of star points, you will not be able to control it. Think about how those star warlocks trained in batches can be more powerful than knights.

The star point is the burden index of the star array on the body. Generally, the higher the star point, the greater the use value of the star array.

Cheng Jinzhou grinned as he listened in the back, thinking: Why are all the people named Lu such intellectually deficient people?

The prince chatted happily with the prince, but he still did not forget Cheng Jinzhou. He pointed at him in two or three sentences and said mockingly: This kind of person is a typical idiot and a worm in the country. Let alone astrology, it is just basic scriptures. , they have to take the plagiarism test to pass, it’s embarrassing, they should be expelled.”

His attitude is completely aristocratic from top to bottom, treating the other person as an object while making arbitrary comments.

Now not only Cheng Jinzhou, but Shen Cong on the other side also had a scowl on his face. There were only a few nobles who could bear such contempt. He wanted to leave as soon as he reached Jinzhou. If he wanted to offend him, he would have offended him a long time ago, and there was no need to stay here.

Lu Anping gained the upper hand and shouted mercilessly: You two, you must kowtow and apologize before you are allowed to leave. Otherwise, I will ask Jiao Yu and punish you severely.

Jiaoyu exists solely to punish students, and Lu Anping is really qualified for this. One of Cheng Jinzhou and Shen Cong was an ordinary nobleman, and the other was a commoner. The fight was in vain.

Thinking of the bamboo stick from before, Cheng Jinzhou's lips twisted up. If he had a reputation or something, this kind of thing could be completely avoided, but now he can only let it go. It is naturally impossible to kowtow.

The third prince was quite interested in recruiting Cheng Jinzhou, not to mention that the plagiarized papers were also leaked from him. At this time, he deliberately opened up the topic and said, Anping, how much contribution have you made?

2 o'clock. I didn't use a penny from my family. It was all paid from the account. There may be more money in another month. Lu Anping waved his hand proudly, then laughed and said: Why are you defending this kid? Star Do the warlocks want to buy exam questions?

With that said, without waiting for the response from Prince Yanping, he asked Cheng Jinzhou condescendingly: Listen to Prince Yanping, do you also want to try your luck as a star warlock? Do you know what a contribution point is?

I know. Cheng Jinzhou was angry and answered unhappily.

Not bad, do you know where to get it?

Star Warlock Association.

Have you ever seen anyone use it?

I've seen it before. Cheng Jinzhou glanced at him.

Just as he was talking about this, he saw Xiang Xin walking along the road and asked in a loud voice: Is Mr. Cheng here?

Who are you? More than one person present turned around and asked. The noble children were all idle and bored.

Xiang Xin was so busy every day that he had no time to make trouble with them. He slightly activated the star array and floated up from the ground. Then he said loudly: Is Mr. Cheng Jinzhou here?

I'm here. Cheng Jinzhou waved upward and took this opportunity to leave.

Lu Anping raised his eyelids and took a look, then pursed his lips and said, The apprentice of Warlock Liu Kuangxing?

Xia Jing's gentlemen were more familiar with Warlock Liu Kuangxing.

Xiang Xin's legs did not move, and the star array on his upper body drifted to the left. He smiled while still in the air: Mr. Cheng, do you have time? I have a few questions to ask.

Her voice was quite loud, attracting more people to look over.

The third prince looked at Cheng Jinzhou with interest.

Xiang Xin didn't know what was going on next, so he found the right spot and landed. He took the time and said: I have a few questions. Let's go to the association to talk about it, or look up the books...

Let's go now. Cheng Jinzhou pulled Shen Cong and was about to squeeze out of the crowd.

Xiang Xin walked out and said with a smile: I heard that you redeemed two association contribution points. I thought it was a waste of you. I didn't expect that there will be a new article published now.

The people who had been listening to the excitement suddenly fell silent.

Lu Anping turned sideways to talk to the third prince, and almost fell to the ground at this moment. Needless to say, you can understand that selling two association contribution points is even more abnormal than getting two association contribution points...

I didn't expect you to be involved in business transactions. Lu Anping said with a smile without embarrassment, turned around and wanted to leave.

Xiang Xin was always straightforward and immediately corrected him: Mr. Cheng redeemed the initial association contribution points.

Contribution points directly from the association are eligible for promotion. Although after selling and buying other people's contribution points, it will not affect promotion after the amount is collected, but the feeling is a little different.

For rural aristocrats like Shaonan City, star warlock is still a very distant word. However, where the Xia Jing family gathers, how can any student in the Hongwen Hall not know what a contribution point is? Some people can't help but be surprised. Breathed out.

Lu Anping, who always had the upper hand with his words, couldn't help but flushed when he remembered what he had just said. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't help but cover his face with his sleeves and said incoherently: Prince Yanping, you have known this for a long time?

Mr. Cheng's achievements have been recognized by the association, which is a good thing. The third prince didn't want him to continue talking, so he quickly ended the topic and said to Cheng Jinzhou: If you two still have something to do, just go and do it. I will do it this afternoon. There are no classes.”

Cheng Jinzhou glanced at Lu Anping from the corner of his eyes and walked out silently. The students quietly moved out of his way.

Feeling the depressing atmosphere in the audience, Lu Anping finally said bitterly: I will definitely become a star warlock before you.

Cheng Jinzhou shrugged and said calmly: I already have 8 Star Warlock Association contribution points.

Birdsong: We still need some monthly votes. This chapter has 4,000 words, and there is another chapter in the evening. The more everyone votes, the more birds can be more energetic. Life after the manuscripts are exhausted will be very difficult.

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