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Chapter 53 Transporting Grain (Revision)

In Shaonan City, even the real emperor may not be more useful than the Cheng family's banner.

It is said that county officials are not as good as current managers. The Cheng family fully controls all aspects of Shaonan City. From farmland to lawsuits, the Cheng family is everywhere. Just like other aristocratic families, hundreds of years of management have allowed them to use every inch of land. It is marked with the word Cheng.

Precisely because there are Cheng family members everywhere, in Shaonan, there are also many things to pay attention to when flying the Cheng family banner. For example, How many rooms does the Cheng family have? Only the Cheng family of the fourth branch of Qingyue Yuanlong can ask. To be stricter, it is best not to say this easily in public, so as not to be laughed at.

Hongri Village is the most important foreign village of the Cheng family. Naturally, the steward who guards the village must have the surname Cheng. He replied obediently: My name is Cheng Cha. I am a person with the original Chinese character Zhi Sifu.

The five clothes that the Great Xia Dynasty paid attention to are the same as those in ancient China, that is, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather are the ties at the top (son, grandson, great-grandson, and great-great-grandson are at the bottom). If the relationship between the two is separated at the time of the great-grandfather, it will be four. Yes, this is already quite a distant relationship.

As for Qingyue Yuanlong, they were divided into four servers starting from the generation of the Cheng family that established the foundation. They have been passed down for hundreds of years, and the closeness between them is limited.

I am the third son of the third family of the Qingzi branch. In comparison, Cheng Jinzhou's status was simply outstanding. He raised his head and shouted: Do you know me?

Third brother of the Qingzi branch, I know. Cheng Cha was half reassured, then walked out uneasily, tried his best to look up in the air, and said, What happened in the city?

Identify your identity and we will go down and talk. Cheng Jinzhou said and looked at Wang Linghe, worried that he would not want to. No matter how strong the star warlock is, he is still a mortal body. Unless there is a defensive star array, he will still be shot to death with one arrow.

Cheng Cha thought for a while and signaled the crossbowmen to put away their arrows. As for the army, they had no objection. There were no officers present who could command. Provoking the Star Warlock was tantamount to seeking death. For the flying Star Warlock, the weapon can be a bit of a threat at best. If there is a real fight, who can be sure to shoot the Star Warlock who moves randomly in the sky, let alone the person who can resist and may also have defensive equipment.

Wang Linghe didn't seem worried. He threw Cheng Jinzhou off and followed behind with his hands behind his back. Lu Xu still walked in front stupidly, but there was a little light on his left arm, which must be a protective star formation.

Cheng Cha didn't know Cheng Jinzhou, but the huge Zhuangzi always knew about this famous legitimate son. In addition, the two star warlocks were down, and the tense spirit finally relaxed a little.

As for the junior colonel in the army, it was even more unbearable. Seeing that the Star Warlock was within the range of the crossbow, his waist instantly straightened up, as if he was not the lowest colonel, but had been promoted to general.

Third brother. The second steward followed the rules and saluted Cheng Jin, and then asked: It snowed too much the past few days. We haven't contacted the city for two or three days. I didn't know you were coming.

No food has been transported in at all? Cheng Jinzhou's voice was calm, but somewhat questioning.

Cheng Cha's eyelids twitched and he said: We usually come here to buy food from the rice shop. In recent days, during the Chinese New Year...

His voice became lower and lower. No one is stupider than anyone else. During the New Year Festival in Shaonan City, four doors were closed, and a star warlock came with people to ask questions. After thinking about it again, he knew it clearly. Citizens in the city are no better than those in the countryside. Many people buy rice and grain every day. Although they will buy more during the New Year, when the market opens, there is no food, and it is understandable that people are worried.

Cheng Jinzhou raised his eyebrows and said, We have to transport food into the city today...

Cheng Cha suddenly had the courage to interrupt him and said: The roads are all broken...

It's a total of dozens of miles, even if you have to carry a load, you have to pick it up for me. Cheng Jinzhou said arrogantly, and he didn't have much confidence.

The second steward did not dare to argue with Cheng Jinzhou. He looked around and said, Do you have your wife's warrant? The young masters' warrants are also fine.

Cheng Jinzhou stared and said, I'll give you the warrant when we get to the city.

This won't work. Cheng Cha's eyes turned red in anxiety as he said, Food is a death order. If I give it to you, you will have to commit suicide tomorrow.

Cheng Jinzhou grabbed his neck, pulled him in front of him, and said fiercely in his ear: Don't think that I don't know about the dirty things you do. I've also bought some stolen public grains. Things are urgent today, and I don’t have time to argue with you. If you give me food, I will protect you afterwards. If you don’t give it to me, let alone your life, the whole family will be thrown away.

The second steward swallowed hard, rolled his eyes to the left and right, and said with a sad face: Sir, all the villagers here have gone home. The mountains are covered with snow. Where can I find someone for you? Moreover, and...

And what? With two star warlocks present, Cheng Jinzhou was not worried about not getting food at all, but the other party's attitude made him uneasy.

Not far away, a few stewards looked worriedly. Cheng Cha caught a glimpse of them, as if grasping straw, and hissed: These are the little beasts, these are the little beasts.

Keep your voice down. Cheng Jinzhou narrowed his eyes and said, Tell me something.

Well... Cheng Cha plopped down on his knees on the cold snow and said hesitantly: There may not be enough food.

Damn it. Cheng Jinzhou cursed happily. He really wanted to slap the thin face in front of him, so he held back and said, What's going on? How many more are there?

It looks like 5,000 stones at most.

5,000 shi, or 25,000 kilograms, was sent to the grain store in the city. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on for a whole morning.

The insufficient food was naturally stolen and sold, and Cheng Jinzhou was probably among them. The closer to the New Year's Day, the more food prices rise. It's natural for these villagers to be unable to resist. No wonder Shi Yan always has some shortages when he goes to buy food later.

Although the food is small, it is still possible to save lives, not to mention the current transportation conditions, no matter how much food is transported, it will not be possible. Cheng Jinzhou simply waved his hand and said: If you can transport it all into the city, I will take care of your business and let bygones be bygones.

It would take more than a thousand people to get into the city. Now the horses can't run. Cheng Cha was a front-line steward. There was a chance to save his life. He thought quickly: The mule will also die. There are better people on the road, but in this situation, it’s probably very difficult for one person to carry the burden.”

Then get more people. Mobilize the garrison. Cheng Jinzhou said and asked the officer: How many people do you have?

There are 800 people in Hongri Village. The principal calmed down at this moment and said, You don't have a warrant, so you can't transfer anyone.

His tone was much firmer than Cheng Cha's.

If he is an adult, as Cheng Jinzhou is, the officer may have to think about it, but since he is a child, he will never violate the order from the top and send out soldiers without authorization. Otherwise, the best result will be to offset the merits and demerits, and the court will Control over the military is very strict.

Although Xiao Xiao is afraid of death, his head is very clear.

You can't deal with him like you deal with the second manager. Cheng Jinzhou stared at him for a moment, then turned to Cheng Cha and said: Go and find all the people under him now. Leave the issue of Zhuangzi's defense to the garrison. Yicang How far is it from here?”

Within less than 10 miles, the full force is 10,000 people. Cheng Cha said very skillfully. According to the current situation, if the full force of 10,000 people can only have 3,000 left, it will be considered a good discipline.

The name of the free warehouse is free warehouse, but it belongs to the grain reserves of the Daxia Central Government. Even Cheng Yun'an is not qualified to open the warehouse. When Cheng Jinzhou asked, the principal's eyes became more and more evil. The influence of the Cheng family was enough to cover the garrison, but not enough to make them surrender to death. Opening a Yicang was an absolute capital crime.

Send someone to find my cousin. Cheng Jinzhou said, tightening the clothes wrapped around him, and said, How long will it take for your people to set off?

Seeing that he was serious about coming, Cheng Cha immediately became nervous, looked around, and said with a bitter look on his face: Third brother, the weather outside today can really freeze your toes off. With so much food, we still have to carry loads. Besides, now It’s still the Chinese New Year, and there’s no time to attract young men...

Only clothes are the real problem that needs to be solved... Cheng Jinzhou pondered for a moment, then looked at the small school and narrowed his eyes and said, Since the garrison is unwilling to send out, let's give up the cotton-padded clothes and shoes.

In this era when the military is not fully equipped for long-distance travel, it is simply unrealistic to ask farmers to prepare themselves.

The elementary school student was extremely afraid of death, but he was very good at wrangling. He immediately objected: It's freezing cold. Without cotton-padded clothes and cotton-padded shoes, someone will die.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. Cheng Jinzhou hummed, with evil in his eyes.

He refuses to save anyone, deceives superiors and hides from subordinates, is selfish, and does not follow the rules. This small school with a big egg has it all.

For a moment, he really had murderous intentions.

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