Future library

Chapter 27 Gift List

The four of them kept talking until they felt hungry, only to realize that it was past noon. There were only two soldiers at the door, and they strictly obeyed the order and stopped any man or woman who wanted to rush in to deliver food. Yang Ming had to walk more than a hundred steps to order meals.

Cheng Jinzhou stretched out, smiled at Wu Zong and said, I've told you everything you need to say, don't make any mistakes.

Don't worry. Wu Zong, who looked to be in his thirties or forties, said extremely sincerely: Without your consent, I will not leak a word of what you said today.

That's good. Cheng Jinzhou raised his head full of property rights consciousness, turned around and said without any interest: Master Liu, you should be able to save a lot of money this time, right?

Natural and natural. Liu Bin, who has been a man for 50 years, knew from the smell that Cheng Jinzhou was going to make a request. His eyes were full of smiles and he said half-seriously: It's time to beat the autumn wind for you. I have prepared two gifts for you. Eat After dinner, let Yang Ming take you to see it. I'm afraid I have to entertain a few guests.

Cheng Jinzhou hurriedly said goodbye and followed Yang Ming out. The old man on the staff is actually a very funny person, or in other words, a very good talker. He can easily make others feel comfortable. He is a standard gold medal salesman.

It was almost two or three o'clock in the afternoon. For the nobles, a formal meal was not suitable. Instead, there were some exquisitely made snacks and refreshing side dishes that were very popular. After drinking a little rice wine, It feels quite relaxing.

Of course, it's just an appearance.

Cheng Jinzhou's need for money was not urgent, but his sense of crisis was very strong. He filled his stomach hastily, then opened his eyes wide and waited for Yang Ming to drink tea slowly.

The poor old man couldn't drink it, so he rubbed the beard on his upper lip with joy, squinted his eyes and said, Sister-in-law, let's take a look at the gift list first?

Cheng Jinzhou nodded. The nobles don't actually go to see the manor land as gifts, etc. It's enough to complete the procedures in the city and send a capable person to take over. Among the big landowners and nobles, they have never seen the land under their names in their lives. There are many people there,

Yang Ming clapped his hands gently, and a servant brought the long gilded gift list up on a wooden tray. He knew it was ready at a glance.

Liu Bin is really not a stingy person, and he is probably very satisfied with his new son-in-law.

Cheng Jinzhou picked up the gift list with both hands and unfolded it in front of his chest. The densely packed round boy was immediately dazzled.

Master Liu has a summer resort in the suburbs of Shaonan City, including two docks, 41 rooms, and 7 boats. Among them, the Xidian is a large boat that can navigate inland rivers, but it is not usually equipped with a boatman. The manor has a total of There are 20 households of tenants and 4 households of servants. Yang Ming knew that the gift list was trivial, so he simply introduced: To the north of Xiaxi, there are 200 acres of fields and 2,000 acres of woodland. It is one of the largest large estates in the state capital.

One hectare of land is 15 acres, and 2,000 hectares is 30,000 acres. No matter in which era, this is quite valuable property. Not to mention marina properties and ships. Even forest land is difficult to price.

Yang Ming seemed to be observing Cheng Jinzhou, and after waiting for a moment, he said: Since Zhuangzi was bought by the previous generation, Mr. Liu's idea is not to sell it, but the annual output and the items in Zhuangzi are all Let me control it.

Summer manors usually have little output. For normal nobles, the food harvested from 200 acres of land is really nothing. The forest land is mostly used for hunting and showing off, but in the eyes of Cheng Jinzhou, it is of extraordinary significance. He nodded cheerfully and said, That's natural.

Yang Ming stood up and said with a smile: That's very good. In addition, Mr. Liu also has a small gift.

What else? The best is always saved for last, and Cheng Jinzhou also became interested.

Yang Ming turned his back and clapped his hands, and said: First, the two bodyguards. These two men fought among thousands of troops and served as Mr. Liu's personal guards for four years. They are loyal...

Amidst the clattering, two guys with a height of 2 meters, soldiers wearing half-armor, walked out of the side room with helmets under their arms, and stood in front of Liu Bin without saying a word.

Meng Da Meng Er! I've met my uncle. The two men's voices were loud, and their strong bodies with armor were like expanding humanoid mechas.

I was born at the wrong time. Cheng Jinzhou muttered to himself: If you go to play in the NBA, you can buy a manor.

Yang Ming seemed to be Liu Bin's number one confidant. He gave a few instructions on his behalf and said categorically: My uncle can take them with him when he comes in and out. From today on, they are no longer members of the Liu family.

Personal guards were on a higher level than ordinary servants, and it was normal to give them as gifts between father-in-law and son-in-law. Meng Dameng's eyes were determined, and he just bowed and didn't say a word, which fit Cheng Jinzhou's idea of ​​a soldier.

Seeing that Cheng Jinzhou didn't have any objections, Yang Ming secretly praised it and said, Finally, I want to ask Third Brother to watch it outside.

As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation.

Cheng Jinzhou also became interested, followed Yang Ming's example, and walked out.

At the door, two maroon horses, taller than a person's head, snorted and raised and lowered their hooves impatiently.

Cheng Jinzhou immediately fell in love with these two horses. He quickly passed Yang Ming and said with a big smile, Mr. Yang must be talking about them.

A two-year-old foal, a purebred Anya horse, a treasure of the Longnan Quan family, only a few racecourses in the capital have it. Yang Ming was even more fanatical than Cheng Jinzhou, and introduced the treasures of the family: These two horses are the second generation born at Mr. Liu’s horse farm. Look at their long legs, strong and powerful, and balanced shoulder blades. Each one is as beautiful as a work of art.”

Speed ​​has always been one of human pursuits. The famous horses of this era, just like the famous cars of the 21st century, make countless people crazy.

The Cheng family is located in a developed water system, and Cheng Jinzhou has never seen such a beautiful horse.

Even in the 21st century, he did not have the opportunity to touch these beautiful and intelligent creatures head-on. The best of them were far more beautiful and outstanding than their counterparts who appeared on TV.

Guardian envoy is also a good position. Cheng Jinzhou couldn't help but joke.

Yang Ming couldn't help but smile, pointing to a fair servant next to him and saying: If you don't have a suitable candidate, let him take care of it for you.

That's fine. Cheng Jinzhou nodded in agreement with an aristocratic air. He learned these things with ease.

In Shaonan, a land of plenty and plenty, there are few war horses from the North. But the local aristocrats and wealthy people are just like those in the capital. Even if they don’t like riding horses, they will buy a few and keep them at home, just like gentlemen in the 21st century buy Ferraris with a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. If they consume according to their needs, Italians would have already starving.

The price of two purebred horses is probably more expensive than Lower Creek Manor.

Remembering that these were gifts from his cheap father-in-law, Cheng Jinzhou's interest in Miss Liu's family suddenly became stronger again.

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