Future library

Chapter 21 Transporter

The servants in the old house all wore uniform blue-gray short shirts, with sleeves on their forearms, and soft-soled thin boots on their feet. They walked quietly.

When people in Shaonan City see the boots of the Cheng family servants, they secretly look at them with envy. But they don't know that the servants usually walk quietly, but when they come to the masters, they will deliberately stamp their boots. The sound of footsteps comes, and sometimes I encounter the gravel ground, which makes me realize that I am really working hard. At the end of the day, as long as you compare the degree of swollen feet of people, you will know how close you are to each other.

When Cheng Jinzhou was at home, he was just a sick grandson. In front of him, his servants might not show any respect but respect. Now I can only hear the clicking sounds of the servants around me, but when I know the opinions of everyone, it is completely different.

It was not yet late, and the red lanterns on the roadside were already hung high, and the candle flames swayed in the air, revealing the uncertain faces of the tree shadows.

Shi Yan walked in front, trying to follow Cheng Jinzhou's habits. There is also a saying - if there are any stubborn rocks and shallow pits on the road, the people in front will hit them first, although from a probability perspective, such things are rare. It's very few, but what the nobles care about is ostentation, not cost-effectiveness. As long as a pebble is kicked away in advance occasionally, they will feel that it should be so. What's more, the servants before the fight will always try their best to show their value.

This guardian envoy is not very grand. Cheng Jinzhou nodded slightly, and the way he stepped with his hands behind his back did not look like a teenager at all.

It wasn't until the second door that I saw two men in khaki military uniforms, also standing behind the servants of the Cheng family. They were not so much guards and surveillance, but more like standing in formation.

The butler who greeted him at the door smiled and said, Congratulations to Third Brother for your good health. Several young masters and wives are waiting in the long hall, talking to Mr. Liu. He is going to be the transfer envoy to Hexi. , but it’s a good job.”

My mother is in there too? Cheng Jinzhou also smiled in return. Housekeepers of noble families often have far better privileges than senior servants. Unlike the second butler who was secretive, he directly informed Cheng Jinzhou of the identity of the guest.

The chief steward bowed slightly and replied: Yes, Mr. Liu's wife is also inside, and she is talking happily.

Cheng Jinzhou smiled and nodded, lowered his head and walked in, while Shi Mo and Shi Yan were left outside.

The long hall should be called the long hall. It is one of the best living rooms in the Cheng family. It looks more like a dance floor supported by dozens of pillars, or an empty stadium, but in fact, it is made up of four houses cleverly spliced ​​together.

The load-bearing walls are either replaced by columns or cleverly hidden behind antiques, frescoes and screens. The four rooms appear to be integrated and in use are no different from one room - the main difference is that the construction cost is lower. The most important thing is not to violate any regulations of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Of course, the lack of grandeur, roundness, and huge expense of the dome makes many people feel regretful. From the perspective of the nobles, this regret may be infinitely magnified.

For Dr. Cheng Da, this was the first time he entered the long hall. He couldn't help but look here and there until someone called, Third brother, come and introduce you to these two uncles.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man born in the plane. He was either Cheng Jinzhou's uncle or his cousin, but he had no impression of him.

Cheng Jinzhou smiled stiffly and followed him inside. It felt like walking in a wooden basketball stadium or a museum.

In the center of the long hall is a spring, a real spring, connected to the river flowing in the house, from underground to outside the moat, and then into the Mijiang River. The spring water gurgled out to a height of more than ten centimeters, and then filled a shallow pool of about 50 square meters. The water in the pool was only one finger deep, crystal clear, and swimming with more than a dozen small fish of different colors.

The fish are very small, like the small goldfish sold outside the market for one yuan or two. But this is the Shaonan Cheng family. You don’t need to think about it to know that they must be rare breeds with names and origins.

Most people were sitting around on several groups of soft chairs centered around the spring. They looked very light and relaxed, and there was no sense of welcoming important people at all, although Mr. Liu was sitting on the main seat at first sight.

Cheng Jinzhou greeted him with a refreshing bow and said a few auspicious words. When the other party nodded, he was about to turn around and sit next to his parents. This was obviously not a formal meeting, and the seating was based on family units.

Do you like murals? Liu Bin has a very typical Chinese character face, with a raised nose and thick and wide lips.

A little bit. Cheng Jinzhou shrugged subconsciously.

Liu Bin said in a very elder tone: I saw you were looking at the murals carefully when you came in. Do you like rock carvings or heavy-color paintings?

Cheng Jinzhou was not prepared at all. He didn't know what rock carving was, what heavy-color painting was, and he didn't know why the other party was interested in it. He said in a general way: They are all good.

Well, I forgot that you are still a young man. You should really be exposed to more things without limiting your horizons in advance. Liu Bin stood up and said pleasantly: I heard about you from Liu Kuang. Yes, Star Warlocks are all smart guys, I really want to see what’s special about you, he is full of praise for you.”

Liu Bin stood up, and Cheng Jinzhou noticed that his shoulders were very broad. Even if he was wearing regular clothes, he could see his thick chest muscles. Thinking that he was a scholar who came from the imperial examination, it can be imagined that in the position of guard envoy, he was indeed It took a lot of effort.

But the most surprising thing was his words. Cheng Jinzhou said with some discomfort: Oh, I think he has some talent, to say it immodestly.

No need to be modest, no need to be modest. Liu Bin smiled heartily: At the age of 12, it is amazing to be able to attract a fourth-level star warlock to give special advice. Moreover, if you deal with it well, the noble children I met, Many people like to rely on their parents, but you are different.

Me? Cheng Jinzhou pointed to his nose.

Subordinates like to look at their bosses when answering questions, and children like to look at their parents when answering questions. Liu Bin laughed proudly, sat back on the soft chair and said, It's a pity that I have to invite Warlock Liu Kuangxing to Hexi, otherwise...

Liu Bin said and smiled apologetically at Cheng Yun'an.

Father Cheng looked as usual and said: Being a disciple of a star warlock is a matter of luck.

I have some friends in the church who might be able to recommend you to give it a try. They don't just teach theology. Liu Bin laughed, took out something like a business card from his arms, and handed it to Cheng Jinzhou.

Cheng's mother was very happy to ask Cheng Jinzhou to express her gratitude. The church was not very powerful in the Great Xia Dynasty, but it still had a good reputation for its abilities in certain aspects.

The name of the business card is Father Condia, Liu Bin's name is signed on the corner, and Sith Temple Academy is written on the back. Cheng Jinzhou scratched his hair in distress. Did he want to switch to another church school?

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