Future library

Chapter 2 Flowers

When he first came to this world, Cheng Jinzhou spent a lot of time studying this ring on his sick bed. Unfortunately, whether he was putting things in it or turning it into gold and silver, he never succeeded, just like his graduate project.

With a heart that has been beaten for many years, Cheng Jinzhou always refers to repeated defeats as the spirit of research. When he succeeds, he is really stupid for a long time.

In the void, the book became as if it were a real thing. Cheng Jinzhou turned it over happily and nervously, revealing the front of the book. On the bright cover, there stood a beautiful woman with voluptuous flesh, and the upper part was written in English cursive. It says play boy.

Fancy young man? Cheng Jinzhou almost shouted.

In a normal world, Cheng Jinzhou would be willing to trade two drawers of novels for an American version of Playboy, but now, he was quite dumbfounded.

Cheng Jinzhou cautiously looked up at the old master, who glanced at him and continued to shake his head, apparently unable to see the abnormality on his ring.

Classmate Xiao Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered to the ring: Just take a basic chemistry course.

His lips moved slightly and his eyes looked at the ring hopefully.

The fog remains, and so does Playboy.

Cheng Jinzhou said to the ring in a negotiating tone: How about we change it to another one?

The fog remains, and so does Playboy.

Jiu Kuang Cheng Jinzhou slobbered in his mouth. While enduring the temptation of his beautiful legs, he said again piously: Jiezi, change!

The fog remains, and so does Playboy.

The long class also came to an end. As the old master's back disappeared from the door, the children immediately started making noises. The three or four impatient children grabbed their bags and ran out. The calmer ones also looked around and chatted. .

Cheng Jinzhou stood up in a familiar yet unfamiliar manner. This was his third time coming to the private school, but his mood was completely different.

A few days ago, Cheng Jinzhou was confused in fear. At this moment, he was at least mixed with a lot of hope. In such a backward and strange world, even Playboy makes people full of hope. What's more, the Cheng family's power is not weak and their living standard is pretty good.

With a proud smile, Cheng Jinzhou casually put the Three Character Classic on the table in his arm and walked out without paying attention to anyone. He looks like a college student from another world.

The children around him were still young. At most, they would take one look at him from a distance and then start playing around on their own.

Two handsome book boys in Tsing Yi stood guard at the door. As soon as Cheng Jinzhou walked out of the door, they immediately ran over and carefully took the book in his hand. Another one ran into the classroom to get a pen. Inkstone. The boy who was following Cheng Jinzhou smiled and said, Third brother, shall we take a car or a sedan today?

The private school is near the ancestral home, and it's not too far to walk. But Cheng's mother was worried about her son, so she sent two sets of equipment for him to choose.

Take a ride. The sedan is a two-person sedan, and the space is smaller than that of a two-wheeled carriage.

The heirs in the family each have their own equipment, and some of them have practiced astrology early. They drive the star array on their body and run crookedly from behind, splashing dust.

Cheng Jinzhou glanced at it from a distance and just frowned. When he first arrived, he was still very interested in these power-assisted accelerations. Now that he knew the principle, he just had a severe headache.

This world has known about the relationship between the universe very early. It has begun to take advantage of the mysterious power between the planets thousands of years ago. The most mature and distinctive thing is the use of star arrays - people tattoo their skin to connect with forces outside the planet. According to the church, it is to borrow the power of God.

And the power of God not only makes people extremely powerful and fly in the sky, but also allows people to see farther and see more clearly...

However, in Cheng Jinzhou's view, the so-called divine power that people use may be what Newton calls gravity, plus something else. People in the 21st century use similar principles to build tidal power stations, but in terms of magic, the technology is far from comparable.

If the power of God was just a tattoo, Cheng Jinzhou would definitely be willing to try it. What bothers him is that in this world, if you want to have a star array, you first need a good body, and if you want to use the star array, you must study hard.

Because during the entire process of using the tattoo, the user must constantly calculate the distance, orientation and other parameters between themselves and different planets.

If it were just geometry and functions, this era would be at the level of Archimedes and Pydgrass. Cheng Jinzhou dared to use his fake doctorate to be proud. The problem is that without a computer, the fake doctor's verbal and mental arithmetic abilities can be compared to those of outstanding junior high school students.

Thinking that in the next few decades, he would only be able to do oral arithmetic and mental arithmetic as his goals, Cheng Jinzhou couldn't help but feel a little sad. He couldn't get excited even after watching Playboy.

The two-wheeler staggered to the ancestral home, stopped for a moment, and then continued walking. However, the original groom was replaced by a young boy. After entering the second door, he heard the book boy standing at the door and whispering: Three Brother, we’re home.”

I got it. Cheng Jinzhou said, his eyes still on the Playboy, then suddenly he stretched out an arm, pulled the boy and said, Shi Mo, come in and take a look at this.

The poor book boy didn't dare to struggle, so he was dragged into the carriage by Cheng Jinzhou, saying repeatedly: Third brother, you can't do this.

What are you talking about? Cheng Jinzhou said, flashing his Playboy cover and saying, Can you see it?

This book boy was a son of the Cheng family, and was a servant of the Cheng family for three generations. Even if he really saw something, he would not dare to say a word.

Shi Mo swallowed, rubbed his eyes and looked for a long time, then said: Third brother, are the curtains dusty? The Nanhu silk and satin was newly starched yesterday...

Cheng Jinzhou asked him to look back and forth and from different angles. When he saw that he still couldn't see the book that appeared in the ring, he felt relieved. Without explaining, he smiled and said, Okay, let's go down.

With the knowledge of people of this era, it must be difficult to fake the expressions of Playboy girls when they are so bold that their noses bleed, and they are so timid that they lose their wits.

Shi Mo carefully walked out of the carriage, while Cheng Jinzhou got out of the carriage with his feet lowered, and then asked, Where are my parents?

The young lady is playing cards with the old lady, and the young master has already gone to the village outside. The boy in front of the door replied respectfully.

As long as his grandfather is still alive and the family is not separated, his father will always be the young master.

Tell my mother that I'm going back to my room. Cheng Jinzhou couldn't help but shrugged.

Several servants tried not to laugh. In their opinion, the shrugging action could not be more weird. Unfortunately, grandma corrected her several times to no avail. How could they dare to get into trouble with this?

Cheng Jinzhou almost couldn't wait to run back to his room, holding the ring in his hand tightly.

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