Future library

Chapter 17 Consumption

Cheng's mother was a very meticulous housekeeper, and she was even more devoted to her son. Unfortunately, Cheng Jinzhou's ring was a bottomless pit, and no amount of resources could be said to be able to fill it. The extra 50 shi of food per month could only be said to be better than nothing.

50 shi is equivalent to an extra 10 taels of silver per month. It can read more than 10,000 words, which is the size of a few pages of a book.

But for farmers, in this era, 50 shi requires at least 15 acres of sloping land to work for a year, which is equivalent to the output of 8 acres of flat land. It is also a lot of money to put in the homes of ordinary wealthy households.

Numbers are cruel things. It took a few seconds to calculate the answer. Cheng Jinzhou had no other expression except a wry smile.

In the next few days, Cheng Jinzhou returned to reading in class. The gold rewarded by Cheng's mother could still be exchanged for 400 taels of silver. It was a big sum to save some money. I just bought two books in a row and didn't find anything valuable.

Although they were all very unsatisfying content, Cheng Jinzhou still went to another hospital and asked the accountants to copy them down and hide them in the room to see if they could be used in the future.

The most troublesome thing is naturally Cheng's father's school exam homework. The magistrate is not a pedantic person. Seeing that his son has advantages in mathematics and science, he also focuses on the basics. However, Cheng Jinzhou's knowledge is the foundation of the basics, and a lot of hard work is inevitable. He just needs to learn the words again. Learning to use a brush can take up all your time.

Like many new technologies that cannot be applied, the reason why hard pens were not favored when they first came to China is also related to the skills of the old gentlemen. A good calligrapher can write faster and better using a brush than a fountain pen - —Although the former requires more effort, you can't find enough reasons to eliminate it. Until the 1970s, China was still producing a large number of soft pens with brush-like tips. Of course, the application of new technologies should be subject to this conservative test. In fact, there are far more eliminateers than passers, although elimination is not necessarily successful.

After about a week of this, Cheng Jinzhou couldn't stand it anymore. He went to the private school every day and accepted the abuse from the teachers. In the afternoon, he would have cordial and friendly meetings with curious relatives from time to time. In the evening, he would go to the private school by himself. Studying—for God’s sake, Cheng Jinzhou didn’t have to work so hard when he was taking the Ph.D. exam.

For the lazy Cheng Jinzhou, we cannot ask him to have a firm, brave and positive heart. Of course, he wants to make progress and is very positive, but he hates hard work even more. As a young man of the new generation, his performance is reasonable.

By the time the food arrived in the middle of the month, Cheng Jinzhou had already accumulated a lot of resentment. When he got another book on Improving Ancient Portuguese Grammar, the customer service man finally said in a stylized tone: Congratulations, you have reached the Star Alliance level. Increased to 10 points, currently level 2.”

Cheng Jinzhou's resentment could no longer be suppressed. He almost gritted his teeth and said to the finger: In this case, will you not give me this kind of garbage again in the future? And the terminal, how many books can it hold?

Customer Service 010 emerged from the ring unmoved, showed his avatar and said: The terminal can hold 2 books. Regarding the book categories, you can purchase the Star Alliance Library Redemption Table and choose the book you like.

Cheng Jinzhou murmured twice, showing off the spirit of cheating in the exam room, and said seriously: I definitely can't afford this exchange table, but in exchange, the same cost, without increasing your burden, why bother giving it to me? Where’s the stuff on there?”

We have authority regulations.

Then now that my Star Alliance level has been raised by one level, shouldn't I have the right to choose? Cheng Jinzhou knew that it was not that simple, but he still tried hard: If you have something you like, you can also ask for it from me. How? I am also your only supplier here, right? Is it this planet or something?

The customer service hummed twice and said: About the price of materials...

I know, I know, you still have a supply list, don't you? Cheng Jinzhou chuckled and said, But asking me to spend money on this is actually not in your best interest. Tell me what you want. I can go look for it. I still have some abilities here. Just selling food will make me tired, and so will you.

Mr. Customer Service paused for a moment and said: The appraisal of materials in your area requires a certain amount of resources. It is meaningless until you are unable to pay.

Cheng Jinzhou was itching with hatred, but he still said kindly: The development of a new area always requires investment, right? If you have to rely on self-accumulation, how long did your civilization last? If I develop fast, you know what I will get The resources are not more. In other words, the Star Alliance is a civilization, right?

He also wanted to get some information by the way.

It was just a conversation between two people. Customer Service 010 didn't think too much and said quickly: The Star Alliance is the trading alliance of civilizations. Currently, your Star Alliance level has the greatest authority to classify books.

Then why don't you translate it, or just give me the Chinese version? The English version is also okay. Cheng Jinzhou was also helpless. If we really want to talk about the books that can be used, most of them were in Greek before the 6th century AD, and then in Arabic. Then there is Latin. In the 20th century, German industrial research was the most advanced. In the 21st century, it is naturally English. Speaking of it, you can use it. Maybe Latin is more reliable, English and German are also barely there, and Chinese Its coverage is still too small, at least in academia, and it has little influence. No matter how big-name a Chinese scholar is, he doesn’t need to learn English, but he still has to keep up with two or three graduate students with excellent English in order to be successful. Water rises.

The customer service man said rather rigidly: Your Star Alliance level is insufficient.

Cheng Jinzhou had already begun to curse in his heart, but he still said enthusiastically: This is a good thing for you, me, and everyone. You see, with the help of the Star Alliance, my development will definitely be very fast, and yours The more help I get, the more I will get in return. It’s not that I don’t want to pay. I just want to give myself more choices and lower costs. But for your products with higher profits, the cost remains the same. In this case, give me more useful technology, right?

Customer Service 010 was silent for a moment and said: Adjustment of book categories requires permission.

Oh, look, from what you said, I knew you had this power, powerful, right?

The long list of compliments may have had some effect. The customer service comrade was silent for a moment and said: In order to support the low-level star realm, you can choose to translate some books at a cost, the price is 50% of the selling price.

what about others?

There are no other discounts. The customer service comrade returned to a dry tone.

Cheng Jinzhou took a deep breath, at least it was bearable.

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