Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 583 Call me father

Louis County, in Hardy's study.

He opened the letter.

Inside was a font he had never seen before... He looked at it and saw that it was the writing of the Netherlands.

Generally speaking, all countries like to speak French, but Hardy personally has never learned this language.

But fortunately, there are many people who know Dutch writing, and Petola is one of them.

It has to be said that people living longer still have great advantages.

Petola is proficient in most languages ​​and texts in the human world.

"Sir Hardy, by the time you read this letter, something may have happened to me. I don't know whether I am dead or restricted from transmitting information."

Petola read the contents of the letter in a pleasant voice.

"Recently, a lot of strange things have happened in the city where I am stationed. At first, I thought it was the Evil God Fragment. When I was halfway through the investigation, I also confirmed that the Evil God Fragment had a great influence on it. But when I continued to investigate, I found that Behind these strange things, it seems that they are all man-made.”

"At the same time, my investigation also encountered great obstacles. I felt that there was an unknown force interfering with my actions. I suspected that demon spies were operating among them, and I also felt that I might be in danger. .”

"This letter is one of the things I left behind. I wrote four more of the same letters and sent them to people I thought were reliable. If you read my letter and think we are friends, would you like to You can try to help me. If I'm dead, protect my family. If I'm not dead, please, get me out!"

"Your friend, Pater Gustav."

Petola folded the letter and said with a smile: "This man is quite interesting."

"Very sincere." Hardy nodded.

It is human nature to be afraid of death, and Gustav was young, in his prime and capable, so it would be a pity to die.

Petolasu shook his hand and the letter was burned to ashes.

She opened her little mouth slightly, and the ashes were blown out of the window, drifting in the wind.

"Since this letter can be included in my official documents, it seems that a special intelligence organization has penetrated into our city." Hardy said with a smile: "It may even have penetrated into my lord In the mansion, go check it out and uproot it."


Petola blew a kiss to Hadi, then twisted her waist and left.

Not long after Petola left, Serena trotted in.

After Gui Wenir returned to Kotama County, Salina took over the position of 'secretary'.

She relays most of Hardy's orders and requests.

At the same time, he also helped Hadi handle some simple government affairs.

The girl ran to Hardy, held her chest, calmed the trembling waves, and said, "Hardy, they are back."

"They..." Hardy was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Are they Sophie and the others?"

The girl nodded vigorously.

In fact, the transport ship at sea has returned long ago, but what it brought back was only a group of migrant workers.

Sophie, Ryan, Karina and others led the army back from the land.

Because of the changes in terrain and the influence of the evil god fragments, they encountered a lot of troubles along the way.

The journey that was supposed to take two months has been delayed to nearly four months.

The food was almost gone.

Hardy rode a war horse and led his soldiers out to the city gate, and then saw a long snake-shaped military formation walking towards here.

Before Hardy could find Sophie, he saw a 'black shadow' approaching the ground.

After a short while, the dark shadow threw herself into his arms and transformed into a charming mature woman.

It's Sophie.

"I miss you so much." Sophie hugged Hardy tightly.

The surrounding soldiers all looked away, pretending to have seen nothing.

After a while, she let go of Hadi, but still looked at him steadily, her eyes full of tenderness.

Not long after, the vanguard of the army came to the city gate.

Sophie finally put away her tender and sweet look and became serious.

Because the three people walking in the front were Joyner, Ryan and Karina.

Hardy stood to greet them.

Joyner was the first to rush up. She hugged Hardy for a while before reluctantly letting go.

She also misses her man.

Next was Karina, because Ryan was there and Sophie was also there. She just gave Hardy a symbolic hug and didn't say much.

But her eyes were slightly red, and she was obviously very excited.

Hardy and Ryan ended up hugging each other and punching each other in the chest.

This is the usual habit of the two brothers.

"I'm glad you're fine." Ryan patted Hardy on the shoulder: "I talked a lot with my mother along the way. She became gentler and happier than before. It can be seen that she is very happy, thank you. "

Ryan is really grateful to Hardy.

Thanks to Hardy for voluntarily withdrawing from the messy relationship between the three of them, and thanks to Hardy for 'saving' his mother who was full of resentment.

Seeing him like this, Hardy smiled and said: "Then you must not call your stepfather to listen."

Ryan's eyes widened.

Hardy was quite happy to see this.

I just didn't expect it, but then Ryan laughed and shouted: "Father, do you want me to change my surname to Hardy!"

Now it was Hardy's turn to be stunned.

He was just joking, but looking at Ryan, he seemed to be serious.

At this time, Sophie who was next to her heard the conversation between the two and smiled: "I think this is a good idea too!"

Although the mother and son were mostly joking, they were actually somewhat sincere.

Hardy was horrified when he heard this, and immediately waved his hands and said, "I give up, I can't afford to play."

Everyone burst out laughing.

Then Hardy found several leaders of the undead, arranged their garrison points and subsequent affairs, and then took Ryan and others back to the lord's mansion.

By the way, the other three members of the Brave Team are also among them.

After arriving at the lord's mansion, they naturally discovered the World Tree saplings, but they were tightly protected by the elves, and they were not qualified to come forward to check.

Now only Hadi is qualified to enter within 20 meters of the World Tree.

But this was just a trivial matter, and a lively banquet followed.

Everyone had a great time eating and chatting.

Although the threat of the demons has not been completely eliminated, the hidden dangers and influence of the evil god fragments may become greater and greater.

But at least for now, they are winners and survivors, and this is something to be happy about.

At the end of the banquet, Hardy looked at the brave team and said: "I have prepared a small manor for each of you. The property rights are your own, just fill in your name. And the manors of the five of you are all next to each other. You can also visit each other as guests on a regular basis."

Ryan and Karina didn't find it strange.

After all, they knew that Hardy would never forget the two of them.

But the other three members of the brave team were stunned.

Except for a very small part of the nobles they met along the way who were kind, the others were all kinds of malicious and difficult for them, both covertly and openly.

Even if I help them complete some tasks and solve some problems, the rewards they get are just some supplies and a small amount of money.

As for Hardy, it will be sent directly to the manor.

What a concept!

After a while, the magical girl Nini recovered from the shock first. After all, the magician's mental strength is stronger: "Really? Mr. Hardy!" (End of this chapter)

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