Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 581 He is too close to the elves

The city of Cologne in the Netherlands!

Patel Gustave looked at the sunset and frowned slightly.

Originally, he really liked the scenery brought by the sunset, which had a peaceful and bleak beauty.

The orange sunset was very warm, but the evening breeze was slightly chilly.

This feeling of cold and warm is very nostalgic.

To Gustav's right, there is another drawing board.

It shows the setting sun about to sink into the ocean.

In the close-up on the right side of the canvas, there is a lonely rock with a woman wearing a white dress standing on it.

The woman's back is facing the picture, and her face cannot be seen, but her figure can be seen slender and her long black hair is blowing in the sea breeze.

This painting, which Gustav called ‘The Daughter of the Sea’, was also a scene he had dreamed about.

The memory was very deep at that time, so I drew it.

The painting was almost completed, but Gustav had no intention of painting anymore.

Ever since the 'disaster' two months ago, things have started to get weird.

The beasts in the wild have become ferocious and more aggressive. Many traveling merchants and travelers have suffered, and the death rate is at least twice as high as before.

And the situation in the city is not good either.

Almost every night, people die mysteriously, but the cause cannot be found yet.

But he should have found clues recently. He spent a lot of money to hire powerful thieves and rangers from outside to help find clues.

He looked at the sunset outside, picked up the paintbrush and dipped some paint on it, and was about to start, but after hanging his hand in the air for a while, he put it down again.

I'm really not in the mood.

"Master." A maid came from behind him from the room: "The two gentlemen are back and brought you this."

"Oh, give it to me!" Gustav's eyes were filled with joy.

But then he frowned, because what was handed to him was an invitation.

He scraped off the gold paint on the invitation and took out a piece of white paper.

This kind of paper comes from Louisian County, and its texture is very soft and smooth. At first glance, it looks like something only nobles can use.

'Dear Lord Gustav, two of your men are guests in my home, and I sincerely invite you to come and discuss important matters together. Please be sure to come to this manor before sunset and excuse me. ’

In a very simple sentence, the signature is Bach-Scow, an old nobleman here.

This nobleman is over fifty years old and has complicated interpersonal relationships in the city of Cologne.

Gustav thought for a while and said, "Is the messenger still outside?"

The maid replied respectfully: "Still."

"Go tell him I will be on time for the appointment."

The maid left.

Gustav returned to the room, opened the wardrobe, found a set of clothes of good quality and put them on.

He came to the first floor and was about to go out when a confidant rushed in from outside.

The confidant looked very anxious. He bowed casually and said, "Master, the girl who disappeared two days ago has been found!"

"Where is it? What's the situation?"

"In the woods in the north of the city." The confidant looked a little frightened: "Only the head was found, stuck on a tree stump, and there were other missing people's heads next to it, some of which were already rotten."

Gustav's expression became colder and colder.

He clenched his fists and said, "Pick back all those people's heads and return them to their families."


The confidant nodded, then he swallowed and said: "Master, because it was not us who found these heads, but a firewood collector. He returned to the city and spread the news everywhere, and now everyone in the city knows about it. There has been a commotion. Do you want to deal with it?"

Gustave snorted: "Of course we have to deal with it. You bring four hundred people on patrol. If you encounter any trouble, you will be thrown directly into the prison. If you dare to resist, have your legs broken and then put in the prison."


The confidant walked away quickly.

Gustav went out, taking several mounted guards with him, while he himself sat in a carriage and headed to the Scow family's manor.

Just when it was getting completely dark, he arrived in front of Scoo Manor.

Even through the high walls, you can see the light coming from the manor.

I don’t know how many expensive candles Scoo used to hold this banquet.

Gustave got out of the carriage, and a steward immediately approached.

"Your Excellency Gustav, please come with me."

Gustav waved his hand and asked the guards to wait outside the door, while he followed the butler inside.

Pass through the large atrium and enter the main hall of the manor.

Before he entered, he heard the melodious music. After entering, he found a band of about twenty people sitting in the corner, playing warm and beautiful music.

Then he looked around, a little surprised.

Gustave expected that there would be a lot of people at this banquet, but he did not expect that apart from him, there would only be seven members of the nobility.

The owner here, Bach Skow, was standing surrounded by several people, laughing and saying something.

Soon he saw Gustav, and then Bach-Scow waved and shouted: "Come here, Gustav, you are the only one left."

Gustav walked over slowly and asked, "With so few people, is this a private banquet?"

Bach-Scow is already in his fifties, with white hair and age spots on his face: "Of course, and you are the only one missing."

"It's an honor to attend your private banquet." Gustav pretended to be flattered: "I didn't expect you to invite me."

"You are the most talented young man in our Netherlands."

Scoo patted Gustav's shoulder. Because he was relatively short, he had to stand on tiptoes to pat Gustav's shoulder, which looked a bit funny.

After patting his shoulders twice, Scoo continued: "Actually, I invite you here this time to introduce you to these people."

Gustav glanced over. These six people were unknown to him. They must be nobles from other counties.

Gustav made a noble salute: "Nice to meet you all. I am Patel Gustav from Giggensburg. May I ask your distinguished surnames."

These people smiled and did not answer directly.

However, a young man took two steps forward and said, "Sir Gustave, we have all heard rumors about you and even admire you."

"Thank you."

"We just have a question. I heard that you have cooperated with Francie's Hardy. What do you think of him?"

Gustav thought for a while and said: "A very powerful young man, better than me, more capable and charming than me."

He said charisma refers to leadership, not to men and women.

"High praise." The young man nodded, and then his expression became serious: "But in our opinion, he is just a traitor."


Looking at Gustav's confused expression, the young man said: "Hardy is too close to the elves!" (End of Chapter)

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