Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 560 A brave man who considers himself a bastard

In the royal city of Kievan Rus, most areas were silent.

Whether it is plants, animals or intelligent creatures, they have almost disappeared.

Only at the site of the sacrifice, there was still the sound of clanging swords, as well as the sound of large-scale ground collapse and heavy objects falling to the ground.

The four members of the brave team stood aside and watched. They could not intervene at all. In front of their eyes, they saw two blue lights intertwining and spinning.

The fierce collision of sparks and the sound of howling wind caused by the extremely fast movement speed.

"It feels like we are just here to help, and we can't help in any way." The archer said reluctantly, slowly closing the bowstring in his hand.

Dwarf Shield War sighed softly.

But Karina and the magician girl didn't have this idea.

Both of their abilities are auxiliary. It can be said that without them, no matter how strong Ryan is, the Brave Team would not be able to reach where it is now with just him.

One is good at healing and combat power gain, and the other is good at space magic. They are very useful for the silent and fast movement of the team, and the quick teleportation after the raid.

During this time, they have hunted and killed many demon officers.

They even seriously injured a member of the Demon clan's royal family. It can be said that they really slowed down the pace of the Demon clan's attack.

Karina's eyes moved extremely fast, and her dynamic vision could keep up with the speed of the two men's battle.

After all, she is a saint recognized by the goddess of light.

At this time, while watching the battle, she turned sideways and whispered to the magical girl: "Nini, prepare the teleportation array, we are leaving here."

The magician girl nodded and began to prepare to teleport the magic circle without leaving any trace.

Although the core of the brave team is Ryan, the judgment of tactics and battle situations is left to Karina.

After a dizzying fight, Ryan was suddenly knocked several meters away.

He was half-kneeling, with the Morrowind sword inserted into the ground to support his body.

There was a long sword mark on his abdomen, and blood was flowing down.

He didn't care about his wounds. Instead, he looked at the 'Morrowind' sword in his hand. The blade was densely covered with gaps. He felt extremely heartbroken when he saw it.

This was given to him by Hadi before he and Karina traveled.

The quality of this long sword is very good. It has been used well before, but I didn't expect that it would be cut like this by the brave sword.

At this time, a ray of light fell from his body, and the wound on his abdomen formed scars at an extremely fast speed.

Ryan stood up again.

In the distance, Tiger was wearing sky-blue full-body armor. There was only a long slit even for his eyes. There was a blue flame burning on the top of his head, and it was bent into the shape of a phoenix's tail feathers. Looking at Extremely gorgeous.

Tiger looked at Ryan, then at Karina, and his voice was filled with a hint of jealousy: "Your life is so good, and all your accomplices around you are able to get on the stage, unlike my previous teammates... The Light Cult The saint sent by the court is a bitch, the magician is a second-rate person who has no strength and only knows how to lie, and the archer and warrior are even more disappointing. Apart from robbing money, they do nothing serious. "

Ryan carefully put the Morrowind Sword back into its scabbard and threw it towards the magician girl.

The magician girl immediately put the sword into her space equipment, and then threw another long sword to Ryan.

After receiving the new long sword, Ryan held the sword in one hand and sneered: "There is a proverb among the elves: people stay together, and dogs eat shit together. If you are a scumbag, you will naturally be surrounded by scumbags." .”

This sentence made Tiger a little angry: "You have my blood flowing in your body. If I am a scumbag, then your nature is the same."

"Sorry, half of my blood comes from my mother." Ryan's expression was very proud: "She taught me how to be a human being and what tolerance is."

Tiger laughed loudly: "She is a succubus, but she also understands what it means to be humane and tolerant?"

Everyone in the brave team looked at Ryan in surprise. They really didn't know that Ryan's mother was a succubus.

Ryan smiled even more happily: "Isn't it? She didn't even dislike me, a filthy bloodline like mine, a bastard that brought shame to her. Instead, she raised me up. This isn't tolerance. Isn’t this? Isn’t this kind? What does a scum like you know!”

Tiger's whole body was wrapped in blue magic armor, and his expression at this time could not be seen clearly.

But the sound of his gritted teeth can still make people feel the emotion at this time.

"Don't worry, I will kill you. I will find Sophie soon and kill her too."

Ryan's expression became even more mocking: "That's why you're so narrow-minded, Tiger!"

After saying that, Ryan shook his sword, and blue flames instantly enveloped his whole body.

A few seconds later, Ryan, also wearing blue magic armor, appeared in front of everyone.

The magician girl couldn't help but exclaimed: "So handsome."

Karina's eyes were also bright.

Tiger's voice was filled with disbelief: "How could you do this... I only realized the ability after I left the human world."

"I've seen such a simple thing twice, and I still can't learn it? Do you think I'm a fool?" Ryan showed the starting position of Fire Phoenix Sword Technique: "Now, it's the second round!"


With roars, the battle between the two began again.

This time the speed was faster, so fast that even Karina's dynamic vision couldn't keep up.

She frowned and bit her thumb subconsciously.

This was Karina's habit when she was anxious.

As the Saint of Light, she has strong intuition. Although Ryan has become stronger again, she always has a bad premonition.

She subconsciously raised her head and looked at the sky.

High in the sky, the four huge human figures are almost completely solid, and they are still spreading disaster, absorbing four kinds of 'energy' such as life force, fear, flesh and soul, and soul.

If the battle cannot be resolved quickly and the four evil gods fully materialize, even if the brave team has the blessing of the goddess of light, there will be no way to escape safely.

But they couldn't get involved in the battle in front of them.

The combat prowess of the previous and current heroes has surpassed them by a lot.

And the intensity of the battle this time was obviously a level higher than before.

Unknowingly, they fled more than a hundred meters to avoid the aftermath of the battle.

"What to do now?" the magician girl asked.

"We can't just watch, we have to find a way to help Ryan." Karina bit her thumb, and a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she vaguely saw the gun in Tiger's left hand. White Crystal: "Have you seen the sacrificial crystal on Tiger's hand? Can you interfere with it with magic?"

The magician girl looked up at the four evil gods in the sky, her eyes firm: "It's difficult, but I can try." (End of Chapter)

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