Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 499 Noble Secrets

Yiwen is a great beauty and has quite good abilities.

But honestly speaking, there is still a bit of a gap between her and Mrs. Sissi.

Be it identity or appearance.

Youth was indeed Ewen's greatest advantage, but... she was so lucky that the elves sent her a lot of World Tree petals.

Now age is no longer a big problem for Queen Sissi.

Her appearance at this time was that of someone in her early twenties.

It has the dual charm of a girl and a royal sister.

After the carriage entered the city, Hadi took Aijaka's envoy and stayed in the most luxurious hotel in the royal city.

It was still early at this time, and Yiwen stood on the balcony, looking at the busy streets below and the surrounding buildings.

Hardy walked next to her with a glass of milk.

She glanced at Hadi, then looked outside, and sighed: "Although the buildings here look old, there is a sense of historical sedimentation, which our Aijaka Empire does not have. Maybe this is Fran That’s why the West can become the most powerful country.”

The tone of voice was extremely sincere.

In fact, in Hadi's view, Aijaka's capital of Thika Valley is more majestic and more reasonable in layout and planning.

But people...actually always have a bit of a primitive civilization complex.

Especially when the country where this original civilization is located is still the most powerful country, this kind of pursuit-like worship will create a filter on the people of the secondary civilization countries.

This is what Ajiaka is like at this time.

The same was true for Yiwen at this time.

Hardy smiled and said nothing because it was difficult to answer.

After Ewen sighed for a while, she turned to look at Hardy: "We are going to go see the Queen. What kind of etiquette is there?"

"No need." Hardy chuckled: "Today or tomorrow, we can get her summons."

Ewen looked at Hardy in surprise: "Are you so honorable before the Queen?"

"It's okay." Hardy smiled lightly.

Yiwen, however, was doubtful.

But soon, her doubts were lifted.

An hour later, the Queen's cronies passed by, and it was someone Hardy knew.

"Your Excellency Hardy, the Queen asks you to bring Ajiaka's envoy to the court meeting tomorrow." Alice stood in front of Hardy and gently tapped Hardy's chest: "At the same time, I also Waiting for you."

After saying that, Alice smiled at Ewen and left.

Yiwen was very surprised at this time.

On the one hand, I was surprised by Hardy’s ‘prestige’ in France.

On the other hand, she could see that the Queen's crony seemed to have a close relationship with Hardy.

"Hardy, you seem to have women everywhere." Ewen was a little jealous, and she threw herself into Hardy's arms: "This female shield warrior is also very beautiful, no worse than me."

Hardy stroked her head and then carried her into the room.

For a jealous woman, the easiest way is to defeat her with a hearty fight.

Then tell her with actions that you can't do it alone, you need to find a few more people.

Then Egwene fell asleep in the evening.

Hardy took advantage of this time to visit Jeanne's castle.

Attended a ‘family dinner’.

Dora, Victor, and Anna are waiting for him.

As the head of the family, Dora is older. Since the death of Ms. Ainoline, he still habitually attends silver parties and has fun.

But the hole in my heart cannot be closed.

When a person's pillars collapse, the body will naturally age and collapse at an extremely fast rate.

The candlelight was dim.

There were only four family members in the bright and bright hall... there were no children, so it seemed unusually deserted.

Hardy sat down and smiled.

Dora looked at Hardy kindly.

He has regarded Hardy as a junior in his family.

Especially... he has vaguely felt the ambiguous relationship between his daughter Sissi and Hardy.

Although there is no evidence, many times, some things do not require evidence.

"It's rare that Hadi is back from outside." Dora said the opening remarks: "This time we are holding a family dinner. Everyone can eat whatever they want and say whatever they want without any worries."

Anna's eyes swept across the empty seats, and she said sadly: "It would be great if Sissi and Karina were here too."

Jeanne's house is really deserted now.

Victor coughed slightly and said with a smile: "Let's eat first and chat casually."

When the dinner started and the four of them chatted casually, the deserted atmosphere became much less tense.

When the four of them had almost eaten, Dora waved her hands and asked the servants to leave.

He looked at Hardy and asked: "The demons are about to go south, Hardy, what do you think? How can we, the Jeanna family, preserve our strength or become stronger in this battle?"

Hardy thought for a while and said, "Sir Victor, why don't you have children?"

Victor shook his head: "I don't know! Both the priest and the doctor said there is nothing wrong with my body. There is nothing wrong with Anna's body either."

Both of them are healthy, but they can't get pregnant?

Hardy looked at the old man on the main seat: "Then Sir Dora, please work harder and have more children. It's not that you can't afford to raise them anyway."

These words were too irritating, and Dora coughed violently.

Victor and Anna also chuckled quietly.

Dora coughed a few times and shook her head violently: "I'm too old to bear children."

"Your Excellency Dora, do you really have no illegitimate children outside?" Hardy asked seriously.

After all, for an old man who loves to attend silver parties so much, no matter how careful he is, accidents will always happen and people will die.

Dora thought for a while, shook her head and said, "It seems that there really isn't."

Hardy was stunned, this was not normal.

He had no doubt that Dora would lie to him.

The current Jeanna family is, to put it bluntly, on the verge of annihilating any descendants.

Although in many cases, women can also serve as family heirs, but... Karina wants to marry a brave man.

Her descendants must also be brave, and there is no way they can inherit the Jeanna family.

Looking at Hardy's thoughtful expression, Dora asked: "Does the demon clan going south have something to do with our descendants?"

Hardy nodded and said: "Of course it does. What follows is a full-scale war that will last at least several years. After the adults fight, it will depend on which family has more descendants and is more sensible."

Dora's face turned blue: "Is it really so serious?"

Hardy nodded firmly.

He had a feeling that this war between humans and demons was bloodier and more violent than those in the past.

It is also a hell on earth.

And at this time, as Hardy said, what matters is the foundation and hard power.

The amount of "reserves" a descendant has and whether he or she is excellent is also a manifestation of his heritage.

The other three were silent.

Victor, especially, looked embarrassed.

Without giving birth to any offspring, he is indeed not considered a qualified heir.

Dora was silent for a long time, and suddenly said with an ugly face: "It's not like nothing!"

Everyone looked at him.

Victor even looked happy.

"Actually, it's not my illegitimate child, but Ainolin's."

The three of them suddenly looked at each other.

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