Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 262 About the introduction of population

The teachings of the Illuminati Cult are divided into two versions of prayer: the old and the new.

I won’t talk about the new version, Hardy has heard it many times.

Madam Sissi... It’s time to call her Queen Sissi now. She is also a believer in the light and a priest, so she will occasionally instinctively sing the new version of the Prayer of Light in a semi-conscious state when she is tired of Hadi.

Compared with the sacredness and seriousness of the new version of prayer, the old version seems a bit joyful.

Hardy didn't miss it very much, but he had no choice but to do what he agreed to do.

He placed the small statue of the goddess of light on the counter beside the bed, then sat on the edge of the bed and began to chant prayers.

"You are light, you are warmth, you are the earliest justice in this world. The great goddess of light, you drive away evil, clean up diseases, and protect the world. You are charming and cute, with both wisdom and sexiness. Your beauty can make the world addicted. , your voice can turn hell into a garden, you are our only love and only Lord!"

After Hardy finished reading, he felt something was wrong.

Sophie next to her covered her mouth and wanted to laugh.

It is said that the old version of the prayer was written by the goddess of light herself!

From the looks of it, she is a bit stinky.

Hardy put aside the old version of the teachings and was about to get down to business when Sophie came over and asked with a smile: "Is this what the goddess of light asked you to do?"

"I don't understand what she is thinking either!"

Sophie chuckled: "Let's ignore her for now and talk about business. When are you going to attack the north?"

"In a few days, the Rommel royal family is driving the Gray Orcs into an army."

"Then I will lead people to lurk in Wassingtun. When you attack, we will find an opportunity to deal a heavy blow to their logistics."

This plan is good, but Hardy asked: "What's the risk factor?"

"I am a demon general. If I let my hands and feet go free to kill people, and give me some time, I can turn all the lives in that city into ashes within a year."

Hardy thought about it too.

The Sophie now is not the Sophie from Hexi Town.

When she was in Hexi Town, Sophie had been 'starved' for more than ten years, and her strength dropped to less than one-tenth of what it was back then.

But the food and drinks here at Hadi are delicious, and the magic attributes and essence are very suitable for her appetite. Naturally, she eats well every day, and it doesn't take long for her strength to return.

It's even stronger than before.

"Then I'll trouble you."

"Why are you so polite between you and me?" Sophie kissed Hadi on the face and left happily.

Five days passed quickly, and Hardy took people to the outskirts of New York City to receive 40,000 gray orcs sent by the Rommel royal family.

This group of orcs are all strong and covered in gray fur. They have a cloth bag around their waist and hold wooden weapons in their hands.

Hadi asked the soldiers to escort them to the battlefield.

Although the gray orcs had weapons in their hands, looking at the huge black knights and silver heavy-armored cavalry in front of them, none of them dared to mess around and kept their heads down.

Follow the legion and move forward slowly.

This group of orcs will be thrown to the front line. As for whether they will surrender and whether they will be accepted by the northern faction, it is not up to Hardy.

After arriving at the front line, Hardy directly handed over the matter to his subordinates.

As a lord, he doesn't need to do everything himself.

Then he returned to the city with his own soldiers.

As soon as he returned to the city, he was blocked by several players.

Hardy was riding on a tall horse, looking at the players blocking the road in front of him, and asked: "What do you mean?"

One of the players immediately came out, waved his hand and said: "Sir Hardy, we have no intention of being an enemy to you, but someone asked us to pass a message to you."


"I hope you can lift the blockade on Jialan Guild members!" The player said with a wry smile: "They are willing to pay a certain price for this. If you are willing to talk, please give it three days..."

"No need to talk." Hardy flicked the riding crop in his hand: "Please give way."

They looked at Hardy's expression, which was very indifferent, and knew that there was no room for maneuver in this matter. They sighed and stepped aside.

Hardy ignored them and returned directly to the Lord's Mansion.

As soon as I arrived in the study and sat down, the chair was not even warmed, and Xixi walked in.

He looked haggard and yawned while reporting to Hardy on the progress of Louisian County's infrastructure construction.

Things got done faster than planned.

Several main roads have been built and the city's infrastructure has been built. Now all that's left is population recruitment.

"Luisian County was built with a population of one million as the premise, but now there are too few people." Hardy looked at Bian Xixi in front of him: "And your tribe is the majority, so this is beneficial. There are disadvantages.”

The advantage is that taxes are high.

Players are generally much richer than ordinary civilians.

And he is also willing to spend money.

But the disadvantages are also obvious...the richer they are, the easier it is for these people to cause small-scale inflation.

And most of them are hedonists, not producers.

They belong to the top of the pyramid, but the problem now is that without the bottom of the pyramid, it is just a castle in the air.

And listened quietly night after night.

Hardy continued: "We need more people, especially ordinary people, both as producers and as waiters to serve you. There is a huge gap."

Xixi understood what Hadi meant: "So, we need civilians to settle in?"

"Yes." Hardy sighed: "But... the southern faction itself is short of people, and the northern faction has enmity with us, and it is impossible for the civilians to move to us."

"What about civilians in other countries?"

Hardy smiled helplessly and said: "All nobles know that 'people' are one of the most important resources in a territory. The leader of any country cannot let people go casually."

"What should we do?"

Xixi people were also a little numb.

If such a large city only has a permanent population of tens of thousands, it will appear to be a space mine and will not be conducive to development.

"We may not be able to bring in many ordinary civilians, but I suddenly had an idea." Hardy put his hands together, supported his chin, and said, "Why don't we bring in some orcs."


Xixi's face suddenly darkened: "Sir Hardy, this is not good."

"I'm not talking about gray orcs." Hardy said with a smile: "I'm talking about half-orcs. According to the information I received, in the southeastern desert country of the Aijaka Empire, the fox people and cat people are suffering. Persecution, wandering.”

Xixi's eyes gradually widened, and he then reacted: "Sir, do you mean that you want to introduce fox girls and beast girls?"

There are players who are ‘active’ in Misr.

Therefore, players also know some information about the Misr area.

In the desert area here, in addition to a small number of humans, there are also several orc tribes.

Not to mention the tauren, the main race.

After that came the werewolves, gray orcs, giant apes and other powerful races with very strong bodies.

Finally, there are the fox people and cat people.

The reason why these two races are rejected by other orcs is that they look too human.

Apart from having a pair of ears and a tail, they are indistinguishable from humans.

She also has no body hair and has to wear clothes to cover up her appearance.

This makes other orcs quite reject them.

Humans in this world don't like foxes and cat people very much either.

But the problem is... players like it.

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