Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 246: An elf that’s different from ‘before’

Looking at Hardy's handsome face, right in front of her eyes, Philaire felt a little shy. She struggled slightly and took two steps back.

"Sir Hardy, your request is too much."

Hardy also calmed down at this time and said with a smile: "Sorry, I got crazy when I heard the astral teleportation."

With the astral teleportation, as long as he records more points in the future, he can run around the world.

How convenient.

Unfortunately, this ability is generally not spread among the elves.

And only the royal family can learn it.

"It's okay, your Excellency, can you change the conditions?" Philaire said expectantly: "As long as it's not too excessive."

"If I can teleport to the astral world, I can go directly to the Elf Forest with you." Hardy said helplessly: "Otherwise, we have to go to the west coast first, and then take a boat to get to the Elf Forest. It will take half a year to go back and forth. I I still have to manage and protect this territory, so I can’t spare so much time at the moment.”

The coordinates of astral teleportation can be shared.

Only those who have learned how to teleport to the astral world can understand the meaning of those shared coordinates.

Philaire thought about it and said, "Then I can only wait for you. It's okay, I can afford to wait."

Hardy looked at Philaire's familiar face and sighed slightly in his heart.

At this time, Philaire looked much more lively.

The Philaire in his memory was very cold, and her thoughts were more mature.

Then he and Feilaier were chatting, and Xixi came over just at this time.

After he came in, he saw that the elf was there, and asked with a smile: "Sir Hardy, do I need to avoid it?"

Hardy rolled his eyes angrily.

Xixi then walked up and said, "Sir, I saw your battle outside Boris. It was awesome!"

"You foreigners are so well-informed." Hardy pretended to be surprised.

"It's just so so." Ling Xixi smiled proudly, and then he said seriously: "Your Excellency Hardy, we are running out of food and can only last for two more months."

Hardy was stunned for a moment: "Why so fast? Didn't we just grab a batch of food from the enemy's rear some time ago?"

"Give half to Kaldo." Bing Xixi replied.

"Then I should be able to eat it for more than half a year."

Xixi said with embarrassment: "Because the gray orcs are so useful, I asked the Rommel royal family to allocate 20,000 gray orcs to work for us. They ate a bit too much."

"How many?"

"More than 20,000 gray orcs."

Hardy couldn't help but gasped: "Why do we need so many gray orcs? Excluding soldiers, the total population of our place is only close to 5,000 people."

Louisian County was originally a desert with few people.

The population here is extremely small.

"There are just too few people. If there are no gray orcs, the work cannot be done." Bing Xixi explained: "The gray orcs are really useful. We have opened up tens of thousands of acres of fertile land. As long as the food can survive, There will be a bumper harvest next year.”

This is indeed true.

At this point, Hardy said nothing, and he himself did not object to using gray orcs to work.

"Then we can only go find someone to buy food." Hardy thought for a moment and said, "Wait until I go to Gardes City and see if I can buy food."

Xixi asked with some confusion: "Why don't we go directly to New York City to buy food? It's closer. Your Excellency, you also have enough connections and prestige there."

Hardy shook his head: "The Rommel royal family is the royal family after all. They owe us a favor, which must be used in more critical places."

Xixi said oh, seeming to understand but not understanding.

Hardy turned and asked the elf: "I plan to go to Gardes. Will you follow me or wait here?"

"Follow you." Philaire smiled sweetly.


Hardy said to Bing Xixi: "You continue to focus on farming and agricultural matters, and let those gray orcs eat well. Don't be too harsh on them. After all, they are helping us work. It would be a waste if one of them dies."

And Xixi nodded in agreement.

After leaving the newly built Lord's Mansion, Hardy rode a horse and galloped across the plains.

A wide dirt road has been dug near here, and on both sides of the road are patches of cultivated fertile soil.

On top of the fertile soil, a large number of gray orcs were working, and the overseers shouted from time to time.

Hardy just traveled back and forth to Boris. After spending more than three months, he found that the place had changed tremendously.

I have to say that Bing Xixi is indeed quite capable in management.

The elf also followed Hardy on horseback. Her riding skills were quite good and she rode very steadily.

The journey is very boring, and you will get tired of seeing the surrounding scenery too much.

Hardy galloped his horse and asked, "Ms. Morning Star, when you catch a unicorn, do you want to be a summoner or a unicorn lancer?"

Both of these are special professions that only elves can work for, with different emphases.

"Which one do you think is better?" Philaire turned around and asked.

"Of course it's the unicorn summoner!" Hardy said with a smile: "As a traveler, if you change your profession to a lancer, you will only have unicorns to accompany you."

"But it's different as a job-changing summoner. You have many playmates to accompany you, especially the flower elves and celestial parrots, who can talk and chat. When you get bored, you can summon them to chat with you. How nice."

Philaire's eyes brightened slightly, and she felt that what Hardy said made sense.

Hardy continued: "Although the Lancers have higher mobility and lethality, in terms of all-round power, they still have to be the Unicorn Summoner."

Philaire thought of the scene where she was surrounded by a large group of summoned animals, with blue sky and white clouds, on the green grass, sleeping when she was tired, surrounded by cute little animals that were watching and protecting her.

You won't be lonely.

"Then let's summon the summoner." Philaire nodded repeatedly: "If you put it that way, I think the summoner is better."

Hardy sighed: "It's a pity that unicorns only recognize elves, and only you can ride them. Otherwise, I would like to become an elf summoner."

"You're not a girl!" Philaire chuckled.

Looking at Philaire's smile, Hardy felt more and more that the Philaire he knew in his previous life must have experienced some kind of blow.

Otherwise it wouldn't be so cool and mature.

How cute and innocent this one is now.

Perhaps because she chatted too much with Hadi, Philaire smiled more and more in front of Hadi.

With the company of a beautiful woman, the journey is not far and the time is not long.

Three days passed by in a flash, and then Hardy arrived in Gardes County.

Gardes County is still so lively.

There are many pedestrians and businessmen coming and going on the street.

Hardy brought the elf to the Lord's Mansion here, revealed his identity to the guards, and asked to meet with His Excellency Charles Pell to discuss important matters.

Then the person who came out to greet them was the radiant De Vere Pelle.

Deville glanced at the beautiful female elf, his eyes seemed a little unconvinced.

Then she looked at Hardy and smiled charmingly: "Your Excellency Hardy, Charles's right leg is slightly injured. It's not convenient for him to come to greet you. I'm sorry. Please come with me!"

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