Full-time Artist

Chapter 589: Monkey King and 2 Langshen

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It was mid-to-late November.

The closer the time is to December, the stronger the atmosphere of the War of the Gods at the end of the year. Almost every day, more media will join in the coverage and rendering of the War of the Gods, and countless relevant news on the Internet.

"The battle of the gods is about to begin! 》

"Yang Zhongming and Xianyu duel!" 》

"In our song on the variety show, Yang Zhongming and Xian Yu are tied, but the battle of the gods will never have a tie. The outcome will eventually be between the two..."

"War of the Gods ranking prediction! 》

"Many Qu Daes Encircle and Suppress Yang Zhongming? 》

"Xianyu's Triple Crown Road may end! 》

"Yang Zhongming joined the battle of the gods, professional musicians predict: this year's battle of the gods, the championship battle may become the internal derby of the stars! 》


The big media are cautious in their words and deeds.

Maintain a relatively neutral statement.

The small and medium-sized media are relatively biased. From the perspective of the small and medium-sized media, the suspense of this battle is not that big. Who doesn't know that Yang Zhongming is the top leader?

This is also the opinion of most netizens.

I don’t mean to look down on Xianyu. The ability to compare Xianyu and Yang Zhongming together shows that everyone already recognizes Xianyu’s abilities, but Yang Zhongming’s strength is really terrifying, so everyone knows in their hearts that there is a high probability of this battle. It was Yang Zhongming who won, and Xianyu's hope of victory was relatively slim.


If Yang Zhongming did not appear on the stage, looking at Xianyu's recent state, perhaps he really hopes to hit the Triple Crown. Numerous netizens ridiculed this, and the battle of the gods suddenly became a playoff of "Our Song"——

Is it just a playoff?

It happened that Yang Zhongming and Xian Yu had a tie in the "Our Song" program, and they happened to accept the December Battle of the Gods, and they both participated in this year's Battle of the Gods!

What a coincidence!

This kind of coincidence is of course everyone loves to see, and there are still some people who are happily playing with this year's Xianyu facing Yang Zhongming's battle of the gods:


"Sheep Sheep!"

"Fish and sheep war!"

"Land to sea?"

"Looking at the animal world?"

"This pair is really good!"

"Fish and sheep lock me up!"

"The smell of gunpowder in this battle of the gods is a little bit lighter than the previous two years, but because of the derby atmosphere within the Astral, it feels quite novel, after all, Daddy Yang has always been so envious of fish."

"If you lose, you won't lose."

"Daddy Yu takes the opportunity to act like a baby with Daddy Yang. His dignified Blue Star ranked Daddy Qu, who is in the top five of the Blue Stars, is going to snipe your Triple Crown in the Battle of the Gods. I can't get through without any compensation!"


Netizens love cp.

Everyone is almost chasing "The King of Masked Singer" all the way, knowing Yang Zhongming's various maintenance of Xianyu, and there have been many discussions on the Internet about how good the relationship between the two is.

Not to mention……

In "Our Song", Yang Zhongming's attitude towards Xianyu is obviously different from that of others. Although everyone knows that it is the appreciation of seniors to outstanding juniors, no one can stop netizens from inserting the wings of imagination!

Their names are also interesting.

Xianyu is a fish. There is no suspense. In Yang Zhongming's name, the homophony of "Yang" is impressively "Sheep", which really corresponds to some degree.

of course.

In addition to playing stalks, not everyone thinks that Yang Zhongming will win Xianyu. After all, Xianyu has created more than one miracle since his debut. Who dares to say that Xianyu can't continue to create miracles this time?

"The strength of the face is Daddy Yang."

"But Yu Dad also often fry the field."

"For example, Daddy Yu's "A Laugh from the Sea", if it is a song of this level, even if it is made by Daddy Yang, it may not be enough. The evaluation of Daddy Yang at the time was also very high."

"Also "Fantastic"!"

"And "Ordinary Road"!"

"It can only be said that Daddy Yang debuted earlier as a senior and has more songs on the bombing field, so the hard power is stronger, but in the end it depends on the status and performance. After all, when the gods are fighting, Daddy Yang and Lu Sheng and other top song fathers It's not that you haven't overturned the car."


This is the view of the remaining part of the netizens. The status and performance are also very important. Just like those athletes who are ranked number one in the world, they have not never lost, they just won more times than others.

In the music circle.

Of course, professional musicians will not lack attention to the Battle of the Gods at the end of the year. There are some people who also hold a similar objective view. In case Envy will perform better this time, Yang Zhongming will almost play again. There is still hope for Xianyu to win the Triple Crown in the Battle of the Gods!

As for the two overturning at the same time?

This possibility is not unavailable, but the odds are too low, so low as to be negligible. Although there are some other song fathers in the same period, these song fathers are not the top ones of Blue Star, and they are still not against the envy. Dare to say that you will win, not to mention that a big devil like Yang Zhongming is sitting strong!

At this time someone noticed.

Teacher Zheng Jing, who is the same as Xianyu and Yang Zhongming, suddenly released a new news on the tribe. There is no special narrative, just a picture.

On the left is a monkey.

I saw this domineering monkey wearing a phoenix-winged purple gold crown, a chain of gold armor, a lotus root stepping on his feet, and a wishful golden hoop in his hand!

On the right is a man.

I saw this majestic man wearing a gorgeous silver armor, a black cloak flying behind his back, a conspicuous golden vertical line on his forehead, and a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand!

Some people smiled.

Anyone who has seen "Journey to the West" knows that this picture is a scene of the battle between Monkey King and Erlang God. This is a fan picture drawn by a netizen based on the story of Journey to the West. It was one of the most exciting scenes in the novel about Journey to the West. It is also used as a metaphor for the Great Westward Journey, but now it is used as a metaphor for the variety show competition between Yang Zhongming and Xian Yu.

In "Our Song".

When Xian Yu and Yang Zhongming tied in the votes, the host An Hong also ridiculed that the propositional competition between the two people is quite a bit like Monkey King vs. Erlangshen. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Xian Yu is the monkey.

Turned out to create miracles repeatedly.

Yang Zhongming is like the **** Erlang, as one of the highest combat power of the heavenly court, with countless halo bonuses, is one of the most powerful blue star gods in countless people's minds.


Many people think that this is Zheng Jing's picture of An Hong ridiculing the sentence and recalling the tie between Xianyu and Yang Zhongming in "Our Song", but few people guess that Zheng Jing is alluding to the end of this year. The scene of the battle of gods.

Someone guesses in this direction.

However, someone quickly retorted: "For Xianyu, opponents like Yang Zhongming should not be the Erlang God who is inextricably winning fights, but the Tathagata Buddha who bound Monkey King at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain!"

That picture of Zheng Jing.

What exactly does that mean?

The ending is about to come to an end, because in the discussions inside and outside the circle and continuous media reports, the clarion call of the battle of the gods is about to sound...

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