From Witcher to Lord of the Empire

Chapter 310 They Are Conspiring

"Damn it, you wizard and warlock huddling behind your back! Do you know how long I've been waiting for you like a damn goose, Wei..."

The man on the other side of the sound box stopped the owl from calling out his name.

"That's all for now, sir."

"Damn it!" Stephen didn't actually show such anger himself, but he needed to show anger, "You are like an old and fat spider, lurking in the dark, waiting for the moment when the web trembles. Now you not only don't show your face, but you don't even bother to make your voice on time?"

"That's a sad metaphor, Taurus Owl." The voice on the other side of the sound box cooled down.

"Let's talk nonsense, Wei... Warlock." Gray Owl's tone was still harsh, "As we agreed, we need to meet!"

"Of course, as we agreed..."

The voice in the sound box fell, and the fiery red portal suddenly exploded in front of the Gray Owl and his party, and the strong wind swept around it centered on it.

Impatient, the gray owl rushed into it first, followed by Nilfgaardian officers, spies, and soldiers behind him.

In the end, only two people remained: bounty hunter Leo Bonnard and psionicist Kenna.

"Ladies first." Bonnard smiled sullenly, as if he was very afraid of this teleportation magic that went nowhere.

"That's not what you think in your head, hunter." The beautiful psionicist sized up the bounty hunter with disgust, and disappeared into the portal.

Bonnard was noncommittal about the psionicist's provocation. He wiped the necklace in his hand, looked at the portal and muttered to himself:

"'White Wolf' Geralt, 'Lion' Lannister, and many other demon hunters..."

A more greedy smile appeared on the bounty hunter's face than seeing the bounty, and then he shook the necklace he had been wiping.

In front of the portal, the three necklaces vibrated violently, and the decorative animal heads on them shone brightly. Without looking closely, you can tell that they are wolves, cats, and griffins.


The eyes were shrouded in darkness for a moment, and then suddenly opened up. When the sight was clear, the gray owl found that he was already in an old castle. Through the window, he could see the gloomy sky outside and the waves lapping on the coast.

They came out of one portal, but there was another one in front of them.

"Enter the portal in front of you again, and you will be able to see me." A voice appeared from the sound transmission box, "Only you, the others stay."

"What do you mean, Warlock?"

"I am not in a position to be known to too many people, Tay Owl. Your Emperor will agree with that."

The soldiers of the empire were still hesitating, but the bounty hunter Bonnard had already laughed out loud. He strode over to the long table on the side, on which there were already a variety of barbecues, melons and fruits, and fine wines.

"I've already started to like that Warlock, Taurus Owl." He sat down sternly, with surprise in his dead fish eyes, "It's a pity that there is no vodka."

The gray owl glanced at the bounty hunter, stared at the three witcher badges on his chest for a while, and then waved to the soldiers he had brought over.

"Rest here and wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he stepped into the second portal without waiting for the others to react.

There was a "bang", and when the sight in front of him became clear again, the gray owl found that the portal behind him had disappeared. Obviously, the person who cast him was very determined not to let others follow him.

Looking up, the taupe owl finally saw the purpose of this journey, one of the strongest warlocks in the north and a member of the wizarding society - Vigfortez.

But these names representing magical achievements are meaningless to people with titles, not to mention that the gray forest owl is still serving in the empire.

He was too lazy to show any kindness to Vigfortz, especially when he saw that the other party was still flirting with his female assistant, his mood was even worse.

"I didn't come all the way here to watch you have a romantic relationship, warlocks!" Gray Owl yelled, "Or are you using some kind of magic trick? Mind reading, or some kind of teleportation?"

Wigfortz and his female assistant Lydia frowned together.

"Speak carefully, gray owl." Vigfortz said leisurely, "Now you have come to ask me to do something."

"Helping me is also helping yourself. His Majesty promised you the position of governor, but if you can't give him what he wants, then your previous decades of hard work will be in vain, and you will get nothing. .”

The gray owl looked at the warlock and his female assistant, reluctant to let go of their flirtatious looks, "What are you talking about? Is that why I wasted my time and made me wait so long?"

"Do you know how valuable my time is and how urgent this situation is?"

Wigfortz frowned, the atmosphere in the room suddenly sank, and a wordless momentum enveloped the gray forest owl.

The coroner of the empire suddenly felt as if his heart was being grasped by an invisible hand, and his head felt a maddening pain like being stabbed by a needle.

"My assistant and I were talking about an apprentice. He was discovered by Lannister and had a talent for magic, so he ran to me to learn magic by accident. It is said that Lannister specially ordered him."

Looking at the gray owl panting in front of him, Vigfortz smiled and began to explain: "I thought he might be able to play a role in our operation, so I was discussing with my assistant."

"Ha, ha. Then bring him here." Gray Owl panted heavily, he did not allow himself to show timidity in front of the warlock, "A magic apprentice who is so valued by Lannister can play a little role ?"

Vigfortz seemed to agree with the gray owl's idea, and he and Lydia looked at each other for a while, and the gray owl knew that they must be chatting with magic this time.

After a long time, the warlock shook his head, showing a persuaded look: "Okay, okay..."

Wigfortz then turned to the owl and explained, "He's going to make a difference, but not now."

This also means that the conversation between the female assistant Lydia and Vigfortz is over, and she quickly disappears into the room, leaving space for Vigfortz to talk to the guests.


There were only two people left in the room, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

"You betrayed your emperor, Tay Owl." Vigfortez started the conversation with a startling word, "You betrayed him without hesitation when you saw the opportunity."

This time the warlock didn't use his chaotic energy to exert any coercion, but the gray owl's heart beat unknowingly many times faster than before.

The strong quality of the agent made the gray owl barely change his face: "This accusation from your mouth really has weight, Warlock. It's a pity that you only told a worthless and ridiculous joke..."

"I'm not accusing you, gray owl. I'm laughing at you." Warlock said lightly, "I'm laughing at your innocence and incompetence."

"The morbid pride of the Dukes of Adalep Dasi and Joachim de Witt was offended. They planned to marry their daughters to the emperor, hoping that a new dynasty would be born from their blood. But Emhyr lightly deprived Instead, they wanted to marry Princess Ciriella of Cintra, which shattered their ambition to change the course of history."

"They're not ready to launch an armed rebellion, but they can kill girls who are in chaos. It's a pity that their arrogance and self-esteem prevent them from getting their noble hands dirty, so Werther in Sintra is passive and sabotages his work."

Vigfortz showed a smile that everything was under control: "So—hire the overambitious Stephen Skellen to be the executioner."

"Is that so, Lord Skellen? You didn't intend to carry out the emperor's order to capture the lion cubs. On the contrary, you gathered a group of desperadoes to kill the lion cubs directly."

As he spoke, the warlock waved his hand, and a blurred curtain suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Above are the Northbound players enjoying food and wine in the lobby.

"Let me see: an elf scout with military rank, two sergeant sadists, a female thief from the intelligence service, a few murderers and murderers who defected from the North, and even Skellige. I must say yours The team is full of talent.”

"I have to compliment them, they are all very similar." Warlock continued to smile with a gentle tone, "Once the thugs kill more than five people, there will be no difference. They have the same movements, the same gestures, the same speech and behavior , dress and temperament. And the same eyes, silent and cold, lack of vitality, and calm like a snake. Even if they commit heinous atrocities, their expressions will not change in the slightest."

"Do you know what surprised me the most? You also hired a psionicist, do you want her to suppress me? You people always lack the understanding of real power." Vigfortz shook his head .

"But you found a bounty hunter who killed three witchers - that's a surprise, people that good at that level are rarer than warlocks. Ha, lo and behold, he seems to really like vodka !"

Every word of Wigfortz's seemed to be a stone in the chest of the taupe owl, and now it has become a hill on his heart.

The taupe owl felt his hands begin to shake.

This warlock knows too much, more than he, a spy of the intelligence department.

He didn't know how the other party knew this, but he knew what he should do next.

Gray Owl's hand touched behind him, where there was a magic-blocking gold dagger.


Wigfortz chuckled, not knowing if he felt something, he knew that the conversation should enter the next stage.

So he changed the subject: "Relax, gray owl. I didn't say this to accuse you. You are a smart man. As smart as you, you must be able to guess that those big men at the duke level just use you as a knife. They never thought about it. Don’t keep your promise. When you kill Cirila, they will find a way to kill you again.”

"Of course," the tawny owl took a deep breath, "I'm too smart to not notice. So, Vigfortz, do you think I should betray those dukes and join you? That's what you're up to." Is it? I am not the weather vane on the top of the tower!"

"Of course I know. You have noble powers, an ideal much higher than that of coroners and intelligence agents. You are a revolutionary."

Wigfortz gave his bargaining chip: "You want to end dictatorship and tyranny, and then establish a utopia called... a constitutional monarchy, so you are willing to let yourself become the knife of the great nobles, right?"

"I can't bring you the new regime you want, but I can promise you financial assistance, logistical support, and access to intelligence, so that you can change from a tool used by conspirators to a real partner. I can Help you sit in the position of the intelligence chief of the empire, and help you realize your ambition and lifelong wish. Can you foresee all this?"

The gray owl took a deep breath: "You really know everything."

He released his hand from the dagger: "You want Ciriella too? Do you want to catch her, or kill her?"

Vigfortz smiled contentedly as he watched the changes in the movements of the taupe owl out of his sight.

"I want Ciriella, yes. But only temporarily." Vigfortz laughed, "I just need her placenta, and after taking that thing out, the rest of her will still belong to you. If you're lucky, you can still make a errand to the emperor. It's normal for the princess to have some accidents, isn't it?"

"In this way, you can still complete the emperor's political mission, and you can also gain a firm ally, turning from a tool of a big noble to a real trader, why not do it?"


The gray owl took another deep breath, and he admitted that he underestimated the warlock in front of him.

"I won't ask you why you did this, it must be some weird magic experiment."

Wigfortz smiled with satisfaction: "Let's keep each other a little bit mysterious."

"According to you, as long as I continue to perform my duties, I don't need to change anything. Instead, I will get a huge reward after it is done. It sounds like a jackpot, right?"

"That's right, you just need to continue to perform your duties." Vigfortz nodded, "It's just that there is an extra innocuous link in the middle."

"Then we should continue the topic we started with, which is the purpose of my coming."

The gray owl shook its head, as if nothing happened just now.

But he also knows that many things have changed.

"I came to you to ask for help. I plan how to go to Brokiron Town to capture Princess Sirilla." Gray Owl took out an envelope from his waist, "This is a letter prepared by the emperor for you."

The warlock took it over and began to browse through it at a glance. There are many things he knows about it, such as the situation of the Cintra Lions in Livia; there are many things he doesn't know, such as the emperor's current military arrangements.

"Ha...very ingenious and decisive. Is the emperor going to distract Lannister and his large army like this? Many people will die."

"It's all the downside of dictatorship, that's why I want..."

"Okay, okay." Vigfortz interrupted the taupe owl, "Very good. If there is a large army around, even I can't break through and capture Ciriella."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have raised a mercenary group with hundreds of people. I can open the portal and send you and them to the vicinity of Brokiron Town. This is a powerful commando."

"So many people from here to the north of Sintra? You can do this kind of thing? Even a warlock..."

"I'm not an ordinary warlock." Vigfortz shook his head. "As I said, I will be a very powerful ally."

Gray Owl suppressed his excitement: "But there are still risks, and it's still not enough."

"Of course." Vigfortz actually agreed with the gray owl's insatiable greed, "Such a sophisticated plan needs to be foolproof."

"I am the guarantee, Tay Owl. Have you heard of [Alzu's Double Cross Summoning]?"

There was a "boom", as if a hammer hammered a huge bell in his mind, and the gray forest owl immediately felt dizzy.

He didn't know much about warlocks, but the name "Arzu" was really impressive.

About the lofty ideals of a constitutional monarchy established by taurine owls...that's really in the novel.

The original content of The Demon Hunter is too rich...

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