From White Box To Supervision

Chapter 196: New Year's Eve

It was noon when the two returned home, and they just cooked a little noodle in a hurry for lunch.

According to the custom, today on the 28th, there must be a big cleaning to remove mold for the New Year. The two must clean up. In fact, Zhang Beichuan personally pays great attention to the cleanliness of his room, but this is a custom in District 11. Zhang Beichuan Beichuan follows the local customs, and naturally, they must respect the customs here.

The two of them helped each other to clean the two apartments they lived in, but if they didn't clean it, Zhang Beichuan didn't expect that the corners of his seemingly tidy room were full of dust.

"Is it possible that I live in a garbage dump." Zhang Beichuan complained to himself.

After a whole afternoon, they finally finished their busy work with backache and backache, and the two began to write greeting cards again, writing some blessing cards for relatives and friends in the past years and expressing good wishes.

They have to finish writing the mailing today, because the greeting card will definitely be delivered to the recipient on time on the morning of the 1st. There is no way. The postman of these two days will be the busiest time of the year, and it must be delivered to the recipient. , Naturally, you have to work overtime.

Zhang Beichuan's family is in Huaxia, and it is useless to write. Therefore, he writes for his friends and colleagues of Musashino.

"How did you write it?" Gong Senkui held the pen and lowered her head in thought, then asked Zhang Beichuan.

"It's just some ordinary New Year's greetings, can't these be written?" Zhang Beichuan replied.

"I'll take a look at what you wrote." Miyamori Kui took Zhang Beichuan's handwritten greeting card to read.

All さんごHealth and ご Much luck

"You are too insincere." Miyamori Kui complained.

Zhang Beichuan said with a smile: "The greeting card itself is for blessing. It's just a matter of heart. It's fine when the heart is there."

"I remember that the card you sent me didn't say that?"

Zhang Beichuan was stunned for a moment, then remembered that it was the greeting card he gave to Miyamori Aoi when he first entered Musashino. He really put a lot of thought into it.

"You still remember the sentence above."

Gong Senkui smiled: "Naturally remember, you are very sincere. I still keep the greeting card in the drawer and store it carefully. Forget it, I will write it according to your style."

Zhang Beichuan also felt that this was too brief, so he changed the sentence again.

Happy New Year

Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year.

Please accept my sincere thanks and heartfelt blessings for the great love I received last year.

This year, I also hope that you will give more advice and guidance.


After roughly writing all the greeting cards, Zhang Beichuan hurriedly sent the greeting cards out, just waiting for the delivery on the 1st.


"Great Dark Sun" December 31st, tonight, is the day that will soon arrive in the New Year.

At 8:10, Zhang Beichuan got up and brushed his teeth. Today, many people in the apartment were free to go back to the countryside to celebrate the New Year. Most of them, including Mr. Songgang next door and Green Imai on the first floor, went back to the countryside.

At 8:25, Zhang Beichuan got up and made breakfast, which was nothing more than toasted bread, smeared tomato and ham on it, and sent a serving to Miyamori Aoi by the way.

After the two of them finished eating, Zhang Beichuan sat on the sofa and read the book, and Miyamori also took out the book and read it. Different from the film and television storytelling books that Zhang Beichuan read, Miyamori mostly read the management. of.

For example, "How to deploy personnel in a chaotic environment" or "How to allocate budget funds" are books that you don't want to read at first glance.

Two people, one on the sofa and one on the desk, do not disturb each other.

Both of them have their own place to study, and in daily life, they will not disturb each other casually.

With the help of the inspiration space, Zhang Beichuan was very fascinated by it. Unconsciously, he saw that it was past ten o'clock, and Gong Senkui had already entered the kitchen and started to work.

Zhang Beichuan also went into the kitchen to help her

"Let's have a simple meal at noon, after all, it's still night."


At noon, the two briefly ate, and then the two began to work on the midnight meal in the evening.

According to Miyamori Aoi's recipe, there is a lot of work to do, so Zhang Beichuan temporarily became the chef's apprentice.

Zhang Beichuan picked up the kitchen knife and began to help cut vegetables or finish the work of washing vegetables.

"The knife is not fast. It needs to be sharpened when I look back." Zhang Beichuan was very uncomfortable using it.

"Well, this knife is indeed a little dull. After all, it has been used for too long."

After a whole afternoon of busy work, it was barely finished.

Dinner includes: tonkatsu, sushi, tamagoyaki, tempura, baked cakes, and...the must-have mustard noodles.

There is also the last dish, fruit salad. Zhang Beichuan cut apples, strawberries, mangoes and other fruits into pieces, and poured them into yogurt salad. It would be a success. In fact, in terms of cost, this dish is the most expensive. , Who said that the fruit in the 11th district is so expensive?

In total, a face-sized bowl of fruit would cost hundreds of Chinese dollars.

Taking time out, Zhang Beichuan took a look at the group chat on his mobile Probably because of the New Year, most of his group chats were full today, and people who seldom spoke also started a group chat.

The industry is actually really small. Basically, a small group chat can condense an understanding of the animation industry. Therefore, the animation industry is really not big.

Zhang Beichuan also tweeted his wishes.

[I wish you a happy and healthy New Year, happiness and peace, and I wish the Chinese people a happy New Year's Day. 】

After a while, someone commented below.

"Thank you for the blessing of the supervisor, and I am blessed."

"Thank you, and wish the supervisor to create new good works,"

Of course, there are also some Huaxia fans among them. The comments below do not know that today is the New Year in District 11.

At seven fifteen in the evening, the red and white song will start on time.

The Red and White Song Party is similar to the Spring Festival Gala in Huaxia, and the nature is similar.

"Happy New Year."

"Well, Beichuan, Happy New Year to you too."

The two blessed each other and started to eat dinner in "I'm starting".

"Well, it's delicious." Zhang Beichuan took a bite and his eyes lit up.

"Is that why you helped?"

I ate a lot in the evening, probably because it was too delicious. The two of them waited until twelve o'clock in the evening, and the bells of the nearby temples began to ring, dong dong dong, and they were endless.

The bell will not stop until one hundred and eight strikes are completed.

In this number, there is also the meaning of blessing to get rid of bad luck.

In the evening, Zhang Beichuan, who was lying in bed and preparing to sleep, brushed his mobile phone for a while.

Animated futuristic day group.

The most handsome me in the animation industry (Zhang Beichuan) "Happy New Year."

Literary Boy (Makoto Shinkai): "Happy New Year Beichuan-kun."

Contemporary Hokage (Huang Chengxi): "Bei Chuan, haven't you returned to China?"

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