From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 653: Overripe dead fish, a thrilling mission!

Chapter 653: Overripe dead fish, a thrilling mission!

Strong S-wave research base.

Wang Qiang received the email from Wang Hao, and immediately told others the news, and asked everyone to start preparing for new experiments.

Everyone is excited and looking forward to the experiment.

On the one hand, it is because of their desire for research. The research they are doing is on strong S waves, which is a brand-new physical exploration. In the new physical direction, every experiment will be very important. Even if the experiment does not discover it, the experimental data will be All are very valuable.

Now the new experiment they designed will prove something no matter what the result is.

As researchers and personnel participating in the experiment, the feeling of exploring unknown physical mysteries is intoxicating. After learning that strong S waves were released in the Mediterranean Sea, they could not wait to continue their research.

On the other hand, they are very much looking forward to the experiment itself. They have discovered the problem between the duration of the black ball and the energy absorbed.

The two are completely disproportionate. No matter how much energy is injected, the duration of the black ball will not increase significantly.

This is a question of great exploratory value.

There has been a lot of research and exploration in the direction of annihilation physics, and it has also subverted a lot of traditional physics content, including astrophysics and Einstein's theory. Many of them have been subverted.

But one thing is true no matter what happens, and that is the conservation of energy.

Energy conservation is the basis of all physical systems. Energy does not appear or disappear out of thin air.

The black ball, that is, the field force created, requires energy to maintain. Generally speaking, the higher the energy intensity, the longer the field force will last, but experimental findings have broken this inference.

They did not detect the overflowing energy near the black ball, which means that most of the energy was absorbed, but the black ball did not last for a time proportional to the absorbed energy, and even no pattern could be found at all, as if the black ball There is an upper limit to how long it can exist.

This does not comply with conventional physical rules, and it also makes many people curious. They are very eager to know where the energy goes. Because of this, they are also looking forward to new experiments.

Now that the new experiment has finally received Wang Hao's nod, preparations can officially begin.

In fact, they had already started preparing.

There are military technology representatives in the base, and even a small team, and they are also looking forward to new experiments.

In order for the new experiment to proceed smoothly, they had already communicated with their military superiors, and the military superiors also agreed to fully cooperate in the experiment, provided that the new experiment had Wang Hao's nod.

Now that the prerequisites have been met, Wang Qiang immediately called everyone to hold an experimental meeting. The meeting he hosted did not allow everyone to express their opinions like Wang Hao did, but directly explained the work.

They have already designed a new experiment, and the method they use is to use high energy to impact the black ball.

There are two main measurement contents during the experiment. One is the duration of the black ball, and the other is to observe the phenomenon that occurs in the strong S-wave area produced near the Port of Naples.

The former is very easy, but the determination of duration is not promising because they have conducted many experiments and found that the existence time of the black ball is not directly proportional to the energy intensity.

Even if the energy intensity is greatly increased in a short period of time, the black ball will not last too long.

This is to be expected.

Of course they hope that the black ball can last forever, but regardless of theory or experimental reality analysis, they all feel that the probability that the black ball can last for a long time is very small.

The second point is the most important, but it is not easy to get results.

In this regard, the military needs to send personnel to cooperate. They need to take cargo ships to the strong S-wave manufacturing area to conduct inspections at close range and collect data.

The leader of the cooperation team dispatched by the military is named Zhang Yaokun. The team led by him will board a conventional cargo ship, enter the Mediterranean Sea after passing through the Suez Canal, and sail towards the Port of Naples.

During the journey, the cargo ship must control the speed and arrive at the strong S-wave production area just before the experiment is about to begin.

So we need to coordinate on time.

Zhang Yaokun's task was to collect information on the location of the cargo ship's sinking, and to conduct underwater detection in a special way. They didn't know about the strong S-wave experiment, and thought the military wanted to collect information.

They also discussed internally and felt that the military might believe that the sinking of the cargo ship was somehow related to military trends.

For example, a country is testing some kind of weapon under the sea surface, or it may be a nuclear weapon. They do special testing and bring back some samples to detect whether there is radiation in them.

Zhang Yaokun's team took their task seriously, but they were skeptical about whether they could make any discoveries.

The location where the cargo ship sank has received a lot of attention before, and many investigation teams have come to collect information, but until now nothing has been found, and they later gave up.

"If there could be a discovery, it should have been discovered long ago?"

"They have sent out investigation teams, and they must have conducted radiation tests on the seawater. There is a high probability that nothing is found, otherwise there will definitely be news."

"The insurance company and the manufacturer on the cargo ship are still fighting a lawsuit. They also want to find out what the specific problem is. Can we find the problem in the past?"

"And the time chosen is also very strange, at night..."

"It feels a little scary."

In the vast sea, the night is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

The way Zhang Yaokun's team carried out their mission was not to take a large transport ship over. The cargo ship would be parked several miles away. They had to take a small boat to approach the location where the cargo ship sank.

This is because large ships may be at great risk if they approach strong S-wave areas.

The last time the cargo ship's bottom area melted, it also caused a large amount of water leakage and the ship finally sank to the bottom of the sea.

For a small ship, because the depth of entering the water is not high, there is a high probability that it will not be exposed to the strong S-wave area, and melting at the bottom is naturally impossible. To a certain extent, safety issues can be guaranteed.

However, the risk still exists.

What happened in seawater in strong S-wave areas can only be analyzed to a certain extent through news information and experiments on the impact of strong S-waves on seawater. It cannot be certain that there will be no risk to small boats in the past.

If any problems are caused along the way, for example, a vortex appears on the sea surface in the area where strong S waves are located, or other phenomena are caused, the ship may still be greatly affected.

The preparations for the new experiment lasted for about ten days. On the day of the experiment, Wang Hao sat in the control center of the spaceflight base and watched the experiment through the information screen sent by the military satellite.

This is a very special means of information transmission, using the latest first-order communication satellite launched by the military.

The images captured by the experiment will be transmitted to the military satellite station, then converted into first-order electromagnetic wave signals, and then transmitted to the control center of the spaceflight base through first-order communication satellites.

The control station of the Tianjin Aerospace Base has complete first-order electromagnetic wave reception and conversion equipment. They also use this equipment to maintain communication with the Tianjin spacecraft. Now it is connected to the military's first-order communication satellites. It is still very easy to receive video images. of.

This kind of communication technology can also achieve absolute confidentiality. The only disadvantage is that the delay is relatively high.

The main reason for the delay is that it takes time for computers to convert video signals, and the first-order communication technology is not perfect yet. The video signal conversion needs to be 'translated', remanufactured and transmitted to the first-order satellite, which involves a huge amount of calculations.

The picture Wang Hao saw was delayed for more than ten seconds. Fortunately, the picture was still clear and he could roughly see the experimental process.

Soon, the experiment was ready to end.

After determining the specific location of Zhang Yaokun's team, the research team once again determined the exact time for the start of the experiment, and then made final preparations, and most of the personnel evacuated the site.

This time the laboratory conducts high-energy impact on the black ball. No one is 100% sure what will happen. Safety issues must still be paid attention to. Fortunately, there are not many people needed on site.

Wang Qiang commanded to turn on the magnetic field equipment, and then turned on the strong S-wave equipment.

The black ball was created.

Most of the people in the research team also watched the experimental footage through the monitor, and everyone was staring at the position where the black ball appeared.

The critical moment has now been reached.

The experiment will use high temperature and high energy to impact the black ball. The method they use is to release a large laser. For this purpose, they called a large laser weapon equipment.

This is the most advanced laser weapon provided by the military, capable of producing a super-powerful laser that lasts for two seconds.

This most advanced laser weapon has an effective strike distance of more than 30 kilometers, and it can be said to be quite powerful.

Of course, it is inferior to the laser produced by annihilation particle technology. The ground propagation distance of laser produced by annihilation particle technology is more than 100 kilometers.

The technical principles of the two are different.

Annihilation particle technology creates pure light energy and then bundles it to create a strong laser.

Ordinary laser weapons create strong electromagnetic shocks, and the process of stimulating the laser requires one more step. The intensity of the laser produced will definitely be lower, but it is enough for experiments only.

The powerful laser weapon is installed on the edge of the mountain behind the experimental equipment, and the protruding 'gun barrel' is aimed at the black ball from behind.

Even if the laser energy can penetrate the black ball, it will continue to be released forward without affecting the equipment on both sides.

Of course nothing is absolute.

If energy escapes from the position of the black ball, it can still affect the equipment on both sides. By then, anything is possible.

This is where the risks of experimentation lie.

Of course, there are bound to be risks in brand-new research, and it is impossible not to continue research just because there are risks.

Everyone is still looking forward to it.

When the black ball was created, Wang Qiang immediately commanded to release the laser, "Laser ready!"

"3, 2, 1!"


A beam of bright light rushed out of the 'barrel' and hit the black ball directly.

At that moment, everyone held their breath.

There is an upper limit on the energy that a strong annihilation force field can carry, but the upper limit of an anti-gravity field is already very high. For a strong annihilation force field, a strong laser beam is obviously not enough.

So generally speaking, the laser is unlikely to penetrate the black ball, but will be completely annihilated by the black ball.

This is indeed the case in experiments.

Although many people hope to see a new phenomenon, all they see is the laser hitting the black ball, and then nothing happens. After a while, the black ball slowly disappears.

"It's really like that, just like what I thought."

"I really hope to see something new, but even the duration is about as expected."

"No discovery is still a discovery."

"The current results are very good. At least there was no explosion. Our equipment is still there..."


While everyone was discussing with regrets, the group led by Zhang Yaokun was floating on the sea in a small boat.

It was one o'clock in the morning in Rome, and the surroundings of the boat were completely engulfed in darkness. The faint light emitted from it could only allow the people on the boat to see each other.

The only good news is that the weather conditions are very good, the sea is not rough, and the waves only make the boat rise and fall normally.

The endless ocean cannot be illuminated by light sources.

You can't see anything around, and the complete darkness can't help but make people fearful, "What are we here to do?"

"They said they were going to measure the temperature and put down the long pole, but why? What's the point of doing this?"

"Anyway, it's good to carry out the mission, but you can ask a few more questions. It's better to have someone speak than nothing. In this environment, I feel like I'm in hell..."

"It's really scary!"

"The good news is that there is no strong wind today, otherwise the boat capsizes and we would really be in hell."

"This is my first time doing this kind of mission..."

"Be careful!"

Zhang Yaokun noticed someone looking under the boat and immediately shouted a reminder. Then he heard the other person exclaim, "Team Zhang, look over here, bring the flashlight!"

Several people came over.

Zhang Yaokun took the flashlight and shined it under the boat. He saw a white thing floating on the sea. He simply took the fishing net and fished the thing out.

Several people were busy for a long time, and when they moved the thing to the boat, they discovered that it was a dead fish.

One meter long dead fish!

The dead fish disappeared from its belly to its tail, as if half of its body had been chewed off by other large fish. It was not surprising to see similar fish on the sea. The natural law of survival of the fittest would be even more cruel in the sea.

This dead fish is very strange.

Someone noticed the difference and said, "Look at this fish, the lower half seems to be cooked."


Someone who was brave simply grabbed a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth. After chewing a few mouthfuls, he frowned and said, "It seems to be cooked?"

Others also came over, and some wanted to grab a piece and chew it.

Zhang Yaokun quickly stopped and said, "Don't try it. This may be a discovery. We want to take this fish back." After he finished speaking, he frowned and continued, "Don't you think it's strange? A half-cooked fish appears on the sea? "

He pointed to a location, "Look at this place. It's not only cooked, but also burnt..."

The others suddenly got chills all over.

They looked at the darkness around them and suddenly felt even more frightened.

Even though he usually said he was fearless, he was in the dark sea with nothing around him. There was also a overripe dead fish in the water. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

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