From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 651 Future Direction, International Attention, and the Importance of Large Satellites

The income from satellite launch services is indeed very good, but the international satellite launch service market is limited, and future profits are even visible, and it is simply unable to support large-scale space exploration activities.

A leader continued to ask, "In addition to satellite launch services, are there any other plans to increase profits?"

"Planet Prospecting."

Wang Hao picked up the topic and said, "This is the goal we want to achieve in the future. On Earth, the aerospace field means launching and manufacturing various satellites and space vehicles."

"We have the ability to manufacture large-scale spacecraft, but it is impossible to sell them to the outside world. For small spacecrafts, we still have to rely on the space agency. Of course, it is not possible to sell them to the outside world for the time being."

"In terms of aerospace, we can't think of other big profit points for the time being. Our ultimate goal is to realize interstellar prospecting, mine space resources, and mine ores from valuable asteroids."

Wang Hao smiled and said, "Actually, we already have a target. This time the spacecraft carries 37 detectors, mainly to detect Mars and the asteroid belt."

"So far, according to the known information, the most valuable asteroid in the solar system is Psyche."

"If we can build a very large transport spacecraft in the future and build a base on the Spirit Star, we can continuously transport precious metals from the Spirit Star to the earth."

"Of course, so far, it's just a plan, just a development direction."

Wang Hao shook his head as he spoke, but his eyes were full of expectation.

Psyche is located in the asteroid belt of the solar system, about 400 million kilometers away from the earth. It is considered to be the most valuable asteroid in the solar system.

This special planet was first discovered in 1852 and was observed by astronomical telescopes at that time. Unlike ordinary asteroids, Psyche is very large, several times larger than ordinary asteroids, with a diameter of about 210 kilometers. The mass can reach 2.72 trillion tons.

In the asteroid belt, Psyche is also very prominent and can be easily observed.

Although Ling Shen is not that big compared to the Earth, and is only one 220,000th of the mass of the Earth, when placed in the asteroid belt, it can occupy six thousandths of the weight of the entire asteroid belt.

Astronomers used the most advanced spectrometer analysis and found that the surface of Psyche is rich in a series of metals such as gold, platinum, iron, nickel and copper. Most of these metals are precious metals and are extremely scarce and precious "treasures" on Earth. ".

Astronomers have confirmed that some mineral veins on Psyche contain large amounts of alloy blocks composed of gold, platinum and copper at the negative pole, and their distribution is also very broad.

This kind of asteroid, which seems to be the core of the planet, is obviously very valuable.

If the Spirit Star can be mined, a large amount of gold, platinum, and even some more rare and precious metals can be obtained.

Three of the detectors carried by the spacecraft are heading to the Spirit Star, and will conduct more detailed detection and investigation of the Spirit Star.

If the value of the Psyche Star can be confirmed, the spacecraft company will focus its main development direction on the mining of the Psyche Star, which will require the manufacture of large transport ships and preparations for the establishment of extraterrestrial bases.


The spacecraft embarked on its journey to Jupiter, becoming the biggest international event.

The reaction of international public opinion was very strong.

Everyone is discussing the spacecraft’s journey to Jupiter, and related reports also occupy a large amount of space, and some have various discussions——

"The spacecraft begins its journey to Jupiter."

"The voyage plan was officially launched, and more than 100 scientists flew to Jupiter in a spacecraft."

"Humanity's first flight out of the Earth-Moon system, the journey to Jupiter marks the entry of human technology into the cosmic era!" 》.

"Wang Hao: The journey to Jupiter must be victorious!" 》

Many people sent their blessings for this, hoping that the voyage plan will go well, that the spacecraft can successfully explore Jupiter, and can successfully complete everything in the plan, including landing on Europa.

The scientific community is very much looking forward to landing on Europa. Until now, scientists’ understanding of Europa is limited to astronomical observations and data sent back by detectors.

Whether it is astronomical observations or data from detectors, they are just observations and can only be analyzed based on spectral color. The results obtained are naturally very limited and not very accurate.

If we can successfully land on Europa and bring back rock layers, soil, air and other samples, we can conduct detailed measurement studies, understand Europa to a greater extent, and further explore the possibility of life in its environment.

Of course, the best result is that the samples brought back contain components of life structures, but the possibility is very small.

The most likely source of life on Europa is underground water. The surface environment is still too harsh, and it is unlikely that life will survive.

In many discussions, some people also expressed that the risk factor of the voyage plan is very high. Based on human beings' limited understanding of the real universe, the spacecraft may never return.

Similar statements received a lot of refutation, and even direct insults and greetings.

In fact, many people worry about danger.

Not to mention others who are worried, even the leadership team and the spacecraft company are very worried. After all, this is an unprecedented exploration work. The space environment outside the Earth-Moon system is too harsh and not friendly to humans.

The performance of the spacecraft can only be said to be safe within the limits of understanding, but there is also the possibility of problems occurring during navigation.

However, dangerous topics cannot be discussed too much.

Most people still hope that the spacecraft can successfully realize its plan and return to Earth.

Those who specifically talk about the danger, or even say "I will definitely not come back", are basically out of jealousy and sourness.

In a large amount of public opinion, there will also be special reports on the personnel on board the ship. Several people have been reported the most, including the captain Huang Youkun, the famous domestic astronomer Zhang Jinzhi, as well as Corot James, Paul Phil- Jones, Ding Zhiqiang, etc.

There are obvious national differences in reporting on boarding personnel. The media in each country is more focused on the boarding personnel of its own country.

For example, Amrican.

There are two Amerikans on board the spacecraft, namely Kolot James and Jonas Seaman. They are both personnel sent by Moned Company.

In American, only Monade Company has obtained the boarding quota. It is not that other companies are unwilling to pay, but paying for boarding tickets also requires qualifications and subsequent screening. Boarding personnel representing the company must You have to do valuable research to get a spot.

Of course, the rich are the exception.

Sartre doesn't need to follow this rule because they give too much.

Moned Technology became the only company to obtain a boarding quota, and was highlighted by the Amerikan media. A large number of reports also made Moned Technology famous.

This wave of publicity was naturally extremely successful.

Stephen Baner, the president of Moned Technology, is very proud. He talks about his wise decisions to everyone he meets. One is to take the initiative to join the competition for boarding spots, and in the end he succeeds with very valuable research.

The second is the invitation of Korot James. James boarded the ship on behalf of Moned Technology Company, which is also a very hot topic in itself.

Collot James is also famous. He was originally a topical figure this year, but many of the topics surrounding him were negative. Until he decided to resign as the head of the Groom Lake Project Project Team, he also carried with him He has the aura of being a "scholar persecuted by politics".

Now that Corot James has boarded the space shuttle to begin his journey to Jupiter, his fame has suddenly become even greater.

People in academia can describe their feelings toward James as envy, envy, and hatred. On the one hand, they believe that James is a physicist and represents the company Monide, which engages in biotechnology research. His serious interdisciplinary approach is simply a disapproval of science. insult.

James represents Monade Company, and the purpose is obviously not for research, but purely for publicity, which feels a bit like celebrity endorsement.

On the other hand, James successfully boarded the spacecraft. Some scholars even shouted privately in jealousy, "It's best not to come back!"

"Maybe he will die in space and leave no trace on Earth."

“This is the real ‘complete cleanup’!”

Another representative of Moned is Jonas Seaman. Seaman is a pure microbiologist and a relatively low-key person. He basically does not appear in front of the media cameras and is less topical.

Many media reports only briefly introduce Jonas Seaman.

In Amerikan's media reports, Paul Phil Jones's name also appeared frequently, still together with Collot James.

Paul Phil-Jones was once a top scholar in the field of string theory. He later switched to annihilation theory and achieved a series of major results. He is also recognized as the top scholar of annihilation theory.

Interestingly, Paul Phil-Jones and James were college classmates, lived in the same dormitory, and later became colleagues. They both studied at Caltech.

Now the two of them are taking a spaceship to Jupiter together, embarking on mankind's great journey to conquer the universe.

Such stories sound very interesting, and Caltech has gained more recognition through this. Many Caltech alumni have expressed that they are proud of them.

On the SpaceX spacecraft, Paul Phil-Jones is not just a person who boarded the ship to participate in the journey, he is also the chief technical advisor of the spaceship, and the chief technical advisor is equivalent to the deputy captain.

To some extent, he is no worse than the captain.

Many people in the scientific community are very envious of Paul Phil-Jones. He has so many top research results, can participate in the research and development of top technology, and can board a spacecraft to go to Jupiter.

These are all because Paul Phil-Jones made the right choice. As a leader of the younger generation of string theory, he chose to switch to his mortal enemy annihilation theory and follow Wang Hao in research.

Therefore, many physicists are also thinking about whether they should also switch to the annihilation theory. Of course, the most important thing is to work in an organization of the Flower Planter to do research and development related to annihilation technology.

Even if they don’t do research related to annihilation technology, it will be easier to obtain first-order materials from flower growers’ institutions and have more opportunities to come into contact with annihilation technology. If they continue to engage in original research, they will definitely not be exposed to annihilation technology in 10 or 20 years. To the top technology.

Domestic public opinion is full of praise and expectations. Of course, there are also some nervous voices, all of which are worried about the voyage plan. There are a lot of reports on the boarding personnel.

There are more than 100 domestic scientists, engineers or spacecraft operators on board the spacecraft.

The personnel were listed in detail.

Ding Zhiqiang is still the most prominent one, not even the captain Huang Youkun, because among ordinary people, his reputation is greater than Huang Youkun and even everyone else.

Many reports have focused on Ding Zhiqiang, not only in scientific research, but also in personal life.

Ordinary people are more concerned about private life issues. It was revealed that Ding Zhiqiang is single, and Ding Zhiqiang's college classmates revealed that he has never been in a relationship until now.

"He has been following in Academician Wang's footsteps since his sophomore year and has been devoted to his studies."

"Later, when he got a job, he devoted himself entirely to scientific research and had no time to fall in love. He didn't seem to be interested in having a girlfriend."

"We were classmates for four years in college and were roommates in the same dormitory. To be honest, my impression of him... I remember that year, when Teacher Wang first came to Xihai University and offered an elective course, Ding Zhiqiang asked us not to take it. Choose his class, and then he chooses it himself..."

"I still remember it vividly!"

"He did whatever it took to study with Teacher Wang... Of course, I'm not jealous or anything, it's just that it's interesting to think about it."

The scandal about Ding Zhiqiang's college education was revealed and confirmed by many alumni of Xihai University. Some people even found the post and forwarded the screenshot to Weibo, which attracted a lot of attention.

Netizens just laughed when they saw it. Many people were actually very interested in Ding Zhiqiang being single.

Some media interviewed Ding Zhiqiang's parents. On the one hand, they were worried about Ding Zhiqiang's safety. On the other hand, they sincerely expressed the hope that Ding Zhiqiang would quickly find a wife to marry and have children after returning to Earth.

After this news was reported, many women left messages saying that they wanted to have a relationship with Ding Zhiqiang that would lead to the birth of a baby. Several girls even went to Ding Zhiqiang's parents to recommend themselves as their daughters-in-law.

Ding Zhiqiang's parents were immediately confused and quickly took down the girls' information and phone numbers.

The launch of the spacecraft is not the end, and the first media will continue to report it.

The first is the quickly completed satellite release task.

The first media reported the news that the SpaceX spacecraft successfully released a satellite from a distance of 36,000 kilometers in space. It also spent 20 minutes reporting on the launch of a large satellite.

There are two satellites that have been highlighted. One is a large meteorological satellite. After successful operation, it will be possible to observe meteorological activities in more detail and accurately monitor meteorological changes in eastern Asia, Southeast Asia and the western Pacific coast.

The other is a 76-ton communication satellite, manufactured by a domestic communication company, which mainly provides satellite communication services.

"This giant satellite has very high performance. It can emit penetrating electromagnetic wave signals, which can make satellite communication transmission smoother."

"If more giant satellites can be deployed, satellite communications can be made very fast and smooth, and more information can be transmitted, and even satellite communications can be used to access network services."

Satellite communications are the future development direction.

Satellite communication technology has many advantages. For example, it will not be subject to regional interference, as well as restrictions on ground facilities and the number of visitors. Even in sparsely populated areas, satellite communication can still be smooth.

Of course, the shortcomings of satellite communication are also obvious, mainly reflected in three points. The first is high cost, the second is serious signal transmission attenuation, and the third is relatively high delay.

There is no solution to the third point of delay, which involves the speed of light and the analysis time of the computer.

The round-trip transmission time between geostationary satellites and the ground is more than 200 milliseconds. In a star network system based on a central station, voice communication between small stations must go through a double-hop link, so the transmission time delay will reach 500 milliseconds, the conversation process will feel unsmooth.

The previous two points have the same solution - large satellites.

The performance of large satellites with dozens or hundreds of tons will be greatly improved. A large communication satellite with a hundred tons can even exceed the combined efficiency of hundreds of ordinary communication satellites.

This is because the weight issue must be considered in the manufacturing process of ordinary satellites, and the equipment will be compressed and re-compressed, which directly affects performance issues.

In fact, it is like the difference between a thin and light laptop and a large server. The former also pursues performance, but thinness and lightness are more important than performance, while the latter completely pursues performance.

In addition, the launch cost of large satellites has actually been reduced.

Satellite launch costs are calculated on an average per kilogram. The satellite launch service provided by the spacecraft is to directly move the satellite out of the capsule after flying to a certain altitude, so it prefers to carry a single heavier satellite.

If it is a large satellite exceeding 50 tons, the average cost per kilogram can even be less than 15,000 yuan.

In other words, the launch cost of large satellites has actually been reduced. Considering the performance per kilogram and the launch cost per kilogram, the cost of manufacturing large satellites can be greatly reduced.

At the same time, large satellites can release strong electromagnetic signals, and the transmission is relatively more stable.

Of course, no matter how strong the signal is, it will be greatly attenuated when it reaches the ground, which will also affect the communication quality.

Large satellites cannot completely solve this problem.

In fact, there is already a complete solution to the problem of satellite signal attenuation - first-order electromagnetic communication.

The large satellites launched by the military transmit first-order electromagnetic waves and first-order radar signals. The penetrating power of first-order electromagnetic waves is very strong, and there will be no problem of signal attenuation when transmitted to the ground.

First-order electromagnetic wave signals only have the problem of scattered energy, that is, the conventional environmental energy will slowly decrease, but the decrease rate is very slow, and only extremely weak wave energy is scattered around.

At this stage, signal attenuation has not been clearly detected, so at least in the Earth-Moon system, it can be considered that there is no problem of signal attenuation.

Of course, first-order electromagnetic wave and first-order radar technology are still in the stage of absolute confidentiality and cannot be disclosed to the public for the time being, so they will not be quickly applied in the civilian field.

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