From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 637 Can black holes be destroyed? The chaotic area where the S wave has returned to zero!

The research direction set by the theoretical team is to simulate the electromagnetic storm in the outer layer of the black hole to emit F rays on the periphery of the strong S-wave area.

But we don’t know what the electromagnetic storm in the outer layer of a black hole is and what kind of specific reaction it will produce.

The content of this issue is very complex, and just theoretical research and discussion will not yield results.

There is no relevant research worldwide, and even the electromagnetic storm in the outer layer of a black hole is just a conceptual astronomical theory.

Astronomers all believe that the outer layer of a black hole will produce electromagnetic storms, which will cause the black hole to spew large amounts of material outwards in stages and trigger large-scale astronomical phenomena. However, in fact, relevant research is only inference.

They relied on observed phenomena, relying on the study of cosmic rays, etc., and finally explained it by erupting a strong electromagnetic field in the outer layer of the black hole.

In other words, electromagnetic storms are just an explanation for astronomical phenomena, and related research is naturally impossible.

Now we need to simulate the electromagnetic storm in the outer layer of the black hole. How to do it can only be studied experimentally.

The first thing to do is to carry out strong magnetic confinement and constrain the strong S-wave area to a closer distance, otherwise the experiment will not be able to proceed at all.

The current strong S-wave area is released 500 kilometers away. It is impossible for them to manufacture equipment that is 500 kilometers long. It is meaningless to just restrict the strong S-wave area. The strong S-wave area must be close enough to the manufacturing equipment. It is best Just within a few dozen meters. "

"We can create channels that connect the equipment to the fabricated field areas, so that we can have complete constraints."

"The new equipment has been manufactured."

"Magnetic field constraint equipment has also been shipped, which can create a super strong magnetic field of up to 10.3T!"

The performance of this magnetic field confinement device is amazing.

10.3T, the strength is very high.

Some research teams have released information about their results, claiming to have created ultra-strong magnetic fields with tens of T intensity. However, in fact, the magnetic fields they created have a very short duration, and they generally use pulse technology, hybrid magnet technology, or ultra-high magnetic fields. Power electromagnet technology.

The magnetic fields created by these techniques are not stable.

If you want to create a magnetic field that covers a wide range and is continuously stable, you still need to use superconducting materials to create it in a conventional electromagnetic way.

The magnetic field equipment of the Strong S-Wave Research Group is the most advanced and high-end large-scale equipment in the country, capable of stably producing ultra-high intensity and wide-area magnetic fields.

10.3T, the intensity is already very high. As long as it reaches above 5T, it can be called a super strong magnetic field.

This device uses first-order superconducting materials that carry ultra-high current intensity.

The research team was very satisfied with the performance of the magnetic field equipment. After discussion, they set the magnetic field intensity for the first experiment at 1T.

First, tests must be conducted to confirm that magnetic field confinement can shorten the release distance of strong S waves.

In fact, the magnetic field strength of 1T is also very high.

In comparison, some nuclear fusion technology research institutions have manufactured tokamak ring-shaped vessels, and the internal magnetic field strength used to restrain ions is only about 1T.

After the magnetic field equipment was debugged, everyone in the laboratory was busy preparing for the first experiment.

The first experiment was just a test, hoping to confirm that this constraint is effective in shortening the release distance of strong S waves.

After this is clarified, the magnetic field intensity will continue to be increased to allow the release of strong S waves closer.

Everyone is still looking forward to it.

Although they all have great trust in Wang Hao, after all, the so-called "shortening the release distance of strong S waves" is just a theoretical demonstration.

Soon it was time for testing.

Many people who have nothing to do with the experiment still just stay in the office because the strong S-wave release distance is too far and they can't see anything when they turn on the equipment. They just need to wait for the results.

Wang Hao also stayed in the office. He would not directly participate in similar experiments. He was mainly worried about safety issues.

Even if he wanted to get close to the experimental equipment, he would be dissuaded from leaving.

This is a very depressing place.

The experimental process is divided into two steps. The first step is to turn on the magnetic field equipment, and the second step is to turn on the strong S-wave equipment.

Wang Hao watched the test through a computer screen.

After turning on the equipment one after another, he waited patiently for the results.

The military team still needs to find out exactly where the strong S-wave area will appear.

"It's going to take a while."

After Wang Hao made sure that the device was turned on, he simply went to the side to make a cup of coffee and said something to Huang Xing by the way.

At this time, I heard a call from the intercom, "Academician Wang, great discovery!"


Wang Hao was stunned when he heard this. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and heard Wang Qiang shouting from the opposite side, "It's right in front of you, less than a hundred meters away!"

He was startled and immediately ran over with Huang Xing, Helen and others.

Because the experimental goal is to shorten the release distance of strong S-waves, preferably to a range of tens of meters, the new equipment was installed and placed in the experimental room at the foot of the mountain.

Outside the experimental room is a large flat land covered with loess.

After the two devices were turned on, some people walked out of the experimental room. When they looked ahead, they felt something was wrong. A large smoke suddenly appeared less than a hundred meters away.

At first I thought it was a fire, but when I looked closer I was shocked.

They did not see a strong S-wave thin layer, but a lot of smoke came out of the ground, which was very similar to the first strong S-wave thin layer.

Although unable to detect it, they determined that they had created a thin layer of strong S waves.

Wang Hao and people from the theoretical team also came to the scene. They saw the smoke filling the air from a distance and quickly asked Wang Qiang to command to shut down the equipment.

Confirmation is no longer needed at this time.

Wang Hao saw the smoke-filled scene with his own eyes, and naturally determined the existence of a strong S-wave thin layer.

He immediately asked someone to notify the military team, so there was no need to look any further.

The military sent several helicopters to search for strong S-wave thin layers along the manufacturing direction. The nearest helicopter was 50 kilometers away, and had no idea what was happening at the experimental base.

An hour later, the military team arrived at the scene, and many people started digging with tools.

the other side.

Wang Hao and others were discussing the experimental results. They had no idea that the strong S-wave area produced in the first test was so close.

Zhou Zhiwei said with surprise, "The effect of magnetic field confinement is amazing!"

"Sure enough, as Academician Wang analyzed, magnetic confinement has a direct effect on strong S waves!"

"The 1T magnetic field restrains the strong S wave from a distance of 500 kilometers to 81 meters..."

Others felt equally incredible.

They all believed in the research results of the theoretical team, but they did not expect the results to be so good.

The magnetic field equipment used by the research team can create a super strong magnetic field of more than 10T, but the result is only one-tenth of the intensity...

It seems that the goal has been achieved?

A group of people looked at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao took a deep breath and said, "This shows that our judgment is biased."

"The role of the magnetic field is not just a constraint, but a direct restriction. It can even be understood as directly reducing the intensity of the S wave."

Strong S wave has two attributes.

One attribute is the annihilation field strength, which is fixed.

Although it is impossible to make an accurate measurement, based on the subsequent analysis of a large amount of materials passing through the field force, the strength of the annihilation force field is probably between 5.0 and 5.5.

Another attribute is the strength of the S wave. Just like gravitational field technology, the S wave strength of a strong S wave can be understood as ‘gravitational strength’.

The intensity of the S wave is high, which is manifested in the internal spatial impact on matter, or simply understood as 'gravity'.

Now the effect of creating a magnetic field on strong S waves is to reduce the intensity of the S waves.

"That's not just restraint, it's a direct reduction in intensity."

"Perhaps, when the magnetic field intensity reaches a certain value, the S wave intensity returns to zero, and the strong S wave will turn into a strong annihilation force field..."

This is Wang Hao's speculation.

Although it is just speculation, it is indeed very possible based on the experimental results.

Others are convinced, too.

Many people have also begun analysis and believe that a magnetic field strength below 1.2T is enough to return the S-wave intensity to zero.

In the second experiment, the magnetic field strength of the device was determined.

They still have to prepare a lot.

When the S-wave intensity returns to zero, it becomes a strong annihilation force field, and the field force will be created directly in front of the equipment. They don't know the shape of the field force. It may not be an ellipse, but a large area.

When the strong S wave weakens into a strong annihilation force field, it will no longer be affected by the normal environment.

at the same time.

Wang Hao was discussing the experimental results with the people in the theory team. They were discussing from a theoretical level.

The direct effect of magnetic fields on strong S waves is very surprising.

They initially thought that magnetic field confinement would be limited and that it would be impossible to 100% constrain strong S waves.

The experimental results were very unexpected.

"The magnetic field seems to be the natural nemesis of strong S-waves, and can even directly 'annihilate' the S-wave properties..."

"It also shows that our judgment of the electromagnetic field in the outer layer of the black hole is wrong."

Wang Hao thought about it and said, "The electromagnetic field around the black hole will continue to have a huge impact on the inside of the black hole, not just an explosion to a certain extent."

"To a certain extent, it is also a kind of balance. After all, the singularity at the center of the black hole releases only a field force, not energy or physics."

"After matter enters the interior of a black hole, its electromagnetic properties are stripped away. At the same time, electromagnetism will also affect the force field of the black hole itself, and eventually a balance between the force field and the outer electromagnetism will be achieved."

Helen thought thoughtfully and asked, "Does that mean black holes will also be restricted?"

Ding Zhiqiang immediately said, "Many studies have shown that black holes do not expand indefinitely."

Wang Hao nodded in approval.

Humanity's research on black holes is still very basic, but some discoveries have been made.

It is impossible to study those extremely huge black holes, but there are some small black holes that are formed by the collapse of stars.

Therefore, to a certain extent, black holes can be regarded as the product of the natural evolution of the universe. They must be restricted by rules, rather than swallowing matter without limit.

The formation of its central singularity must also follow certain physical laws.

Or, the mass density reaches a certain level.

Or, when certain special conditions are reached internally, the peculiarity of releasing a strong S wave will appear.

No matter which case it is, the generation of strong S-waves at singularities is rational. Field forces cannot appear out of thin air, and a large amount of energy will definitely be consumed.

This view makes people happy, and there is much less awe about the existence of black holes.

Wang Hao felt a lot more relaxed.

It is said that the end of scientific research is theology, because when research reaches a certain level, it seems that it can no longer be explained by science.

The same is true for the study of black holes, which has reached an unexplainable level before——

Singular point!

For the internal physical structure of the black hole, they defined a singularity that releases strong S waves.

The question is, where did the singularity come from?

Why can the singularity continuously release strong S waves? What is the source of the force field?

If you think about it deeply, you will feel that it is a creation of God, or it can be explained by "high-dimensional physics" that is close to metaphysics.

For example, the singularity is the projection of high dimensions into the three-dimensional universe.

Now that we have discovered that singularities may just be the product of the evolution of the universe, and that they contain unique physical phenomena, people feel a lot more relaxed.

At least, it may be researched in the future.

While others were thinking about this problem, Ding Zhiqiang suddenly said, "We can only guess about the singularity problem. If our inference is correct, the magnetic field will have a direct effect on strong S waves. Doesn't it mean that using a certain Can this super strong electromagnetic field technology directly destroy black holes?"

"As long as an ultra-high magnetic field is used to disrupt the S-wave field force inside it, the black hole will naturally disintegrate."

Wang Hao smiled and shook his head and said, "Maybe you are right, but how strong and how wide the magnetic field needs to be?"

"There is hope anyway."

Ding Zhiqiang said.

Others laughed. What Ding Zhiqiang said made sense, but it was too far away to destroy a black hole using a large-scale strong magnetic field.

Not to mention whether there is technology that can create a very large-scale strong magnetic field, even if it has such technology, it can be released around a black hole.

The problem is that……

The nearest black holes are thousands of light-years away, so there's no point in thinking about it.

Of course, they were just discussing it casually.

Everyone felt very relaxed. They discovered the effect of magnetic fields on strong S-waves, and made a new analysis of black holes, and their awe of them was reduced a lot.

The most important thing is that the experiment has made great progress. The first test limited the strong S wave to within 100 meters.

The research team has begun preparing for the second experiment. The goal is to use a strong magnetic field to weaken the strong S wave into a strong annihilation force field and confine it to the area in front of the equipment.

This is not to create a strong annihilation force field, but to strongly constrain strong S waves and prepare for subsequent excitation of F rays.

In fact, constraining strong S waves to form a strong annihilation force field is completely different from creating a strong annihilation force field.

The principle is different.

The results are also different.

Magnetic field intervention causes strong S waves to lose their 'S wave attributes'. It does not reduce the S wave attributes to 0, but is similar to the cancellation of the 'forward and reaction forces'.

The S-wave properties do not really disappear or return to zero, but are simply offset by magnetic field intervention.

Just like two forces in completely opposite directions acting on the same object, the two forces will cancel each other out, but they will not disappear, but continue to act on the object.

An object is acted upon by two forces and appears to be stationary on the surface, but is actually being squeezed and pulled by two forces.

If a person is subjected to such an opposite force, the force is strong enough, and the human body will either be torn or crushed.

The strong S wave is weakened into a strong annihilation force field, which is different from the conventional strong annihilation force field. It is a chaotic area with the opposite force field.

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