From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 624 Black spots in space! Astronaut: I always feel something is wrong!


Chen Mengmeng and Helen returned to the dormitory tiredly.

Chen Mengmeng stretched, then lay down on the bed, sighing and shouting, "I understand Xiaoqiang now, he is indeed very tired."

"It's been like this every day for more than two months. It's really not easy."

Helen made a cup of coffee, held it in her hand, took a sip, and said, "It would be great if Paul were here. We have too few manpower."


Helen sat down, put her arms on the chair, and suddenly changed the topic, "Do you remember what Xiaoqiang said? His request for a girlfriend?"

"That wish?" Chen Mengmeng rolled his eyes vigorously, "You all listen to him? It's funny to think about it. If I find a boyfriend, I can also listen to him completely. The premise is that he looks like me. Do this willingly..."

"In other words...very handsome?"


Helen demanded, "So, this is the difference between you and me. I value inner wisdom more."

Chen Mengmeng sat up suddenly and said with gossip, "So, you think Xiaoqiang is pretty good, right? He looks... ahem, in short, he is very smart and talented, and Teacher Wang approves of it." How about him, Helen? You can think about it..."

"Perhaps, together you can create the so-called...Emperor of the Universe?"

Helen rolled her eyes and said indifferently, "I still remember the first time I met Teacher Wang. He said that appearance is also one of the good genes."

"The reason why the Hinton family fell was originally because of Jeffrey. He found a woman with only good looks, that is, my grandmother, which caused my father to become mediocre."

"My distant relatives are more mediocre than me, because their predecessors were very poor-looking, so they could only find very ordinary partners..."

"Ula Ula~~"

Chen Mengmeng was overwhelmed by the whole set of genetic theories. She couldn't help but interrupt and said, "You can just tell the conclusion!"

"It seems that you are not interested in biology." Helen curled her lips and said, "The conclusion is that appearance is also very important, and it is related to the paired inheritance of the next generation's genes."

"But that's not what I'm talking about."

She changed the subject and asked, "Do you still remember our survey? Studying the sensory differences between white women and yellow women in their treatment of men."

"When we return to college, we can do a new survey to study the differences in the perception of women between white men and yellow men."

"Putting the two reports together provides a comprehensive study of the sensory differences between white and yellow people's treatment of their significant other."


Chen Mengmeng asked thoughtfully, "Who should the other person look for? Xiaoqiang will definitely not dare to refuse, otherwise I will look for Uncle Ding, and then he will agree."

Helen nodded in agreement.


"Paul?" Helen said, "Paul will definitely not refuse. He is very interested in this kind of investigation, especially doing it himself."

"Would he like meeting women?"

"No, he just likes doing investigative reporting."

"All right."

Chen Mengmeng still shook his head and said, "I think Paul is still not good, not because of Sister Jiang, but... do you think Paul's aesthetics can represent the white group?"


"Just look at Sister Jiang and you will know that Paul has no requirements for appearance or figure. What he seems to be pursuing is just spiritual harmony."

Helen thought about it carefully and had to admit that what Chen Mengmeng said made sense.

If Paul were asked to rate his looks and senses, Sister Jiang would definitely get full marks, but if it were an ordinary white male, she would probably get 3 points?

Still on the high side...

The small talk within the theoretical group is just an episode in the research process.

Everyone is busy.

The main direction of the research team is to continuously make demonstrations, modify the underlying structure, and then conduct experimental testing and obtain new data.

Wang Hao not only has to lead the demonstration work and data analysis work, but also works with the theoretical team to conduct analysis based on theoretical basis, and then combine the experimental data analysis results to find the direction to improve the structure.

Every time an experiment is conducted, a large amount of data will be generated, and complex analysis must be performed.

Computers can only play an auxiliary role in this process. Many of them require the human brain to make judgments and then synthesize the results for research.

For half a month, everyone has to work more than 12 hours a day.

Wang Hao soon realized that he could not continue and that he had to give people more rest time, so he specifically announced that he would only work eight hours a day.

Of course, it is unlikely for the experimental group. Some experiments continue to participate for a long time, and some people are very motivated to do research and even live in the laboratory to ensure that no important data is missed during the testing process.

Others still feel a lot more relaxed, but in reality, eight hours a day is a long time to work.

Now the theoretical team is doing repetitive work. They do complex data analysis, which can be understood as constantly checking difficult mathematical problems.

Ding Zhiqiang said with emotion, "I miss Paul so much. It would be great if Paul was here."

Helen gave rare support, "Paul's work ability is indeed very strong, but we still have too few manpower."

In the theory group, Paul's work ability is the strongest. When faced with complex mathematical analysis, which does not require inspiration and involves simply analyzing mathematical problems, Paul is faster than Wang Hao.

Others nodded in sympathy.

Wang Hao also missed Paul a little. The theory team still had too few people, and the work was piling up there. They definitely couldn't hold back the experimental part.

However, there is no way.

In the light pressure engine project team, Paul is Wang Hao’s representative, the representative of the theoretical technical team, and the chief theoretical consultant.

In addition, Paul is also the second-in-command in electronic system research. The improvement of electronic systems requires Paul's participation. His work ability is very outstanding and he can always find solutions when encountering problems.

Wang Hao could also transfer Paul back, but just doing repetitive mathematical analysis work would delay the research progress of the light pressure engine, which would be more than worth the gain.

This complicated work lasted for a month and a half.

Even if you work eight hours a day, you will feel very tired because you have been working efficiently with your brain, and you will want to think about nothing after work.

Wang Hao also understood the state of others and tried to give everyone more time to rest.

For example, when he saw Ding Zhiqiang playing games after work, he didn't say anything. He even picked up his phone and played half a game with Ding Zhiqiang. However, after he was killed and turned into a super ghost, he lost any interest.

Chen Mengmeng and Helen are already rehearsing the investigation report. There are only a few female researchers in the base, most of them are older, the younger ones are over thirty-five years old, and the older ones are over fifty years old.

They still dragged Ding Zhiqiang to talk to the female researchers (to conduct investigations).

After Ding Zhiqiang went there twice, he couldn't move anymore. He didn't know who would gossip like this, saying that he likes mature women, and asked two senior students to help introduce them.

This also caused some female researchers to look at Ding Zhiqiang with surprise, tenderness and many other strange emotions.


The busy and interesting days continued for another month.

This is a big day.

The others didn't feel anything at all and just continued their repetitive work. Wang Hao had a smile on his face because the inspiration value of the S-level difficulty task 'Super S Wave Research' had increased to one hundred points.

He couldn't wait to consume his inspiration points, and the complicated feedback in his mind was quickly sorted into a path that led to the creation of super S waves.

"Finally done!"

Wang Hao sighed happily, feeling much more relaxed all over. At the same time, his heart was full of expectations. He was not in a hurry to hold a meeting, but gave everyone a day off to let everyone take a rest.

He waited until two days later before he reconvened the research team and held a new meeting.

In the eyes of others, it was just a routine discussion meeting, but Wang Hao explained several structural adjustments at the meeting, involving a total of three modules, and decided to add a new module group, "Our research has already achieved results.”

“I found that the original module group was not perfect and lacked a guiding module group.”

"The reason why super-S waves cannot be produced is because of the lack of guiding modules. Even if they are produced internally, they will be instantly dissipated by impact in a normal environment."

"The function of the guidance module is to gather energy and guide the release of super S waves."

Wang Hao explained the new module group based on theory.

Helen, Chen Mengmeng, Ding Zhiqiang and Huang Xing all quickly started taking notes.

There were so many adjustments in this meeting, which made people feel very unusual. Then the experimental team began to modify the underlying structure and began to create new module groups.

The theory team continues to conduct research based on theory, and based on the last data, grasps the modification of the module group and the construction method of the new module group.

Soon, another week passed.

The experimental team has manufactured a new module set and modified other module sets. After all modules have been corrected, the equipment is powered on again and is ready to start experiments.

Wang Hao and the people in the theory team are still staying in the office, waiting for the results of every experiment.

They will not directly participate in the experiment, and the main consideration is safety issues.

There may always be safety risks when doing a brand new research. Wang Hao definitely cannot stay at the experimental site, and other members of the theoretical team will also be pushed out.

Of course, there is no use for them to participate in the experiment. They might as well stay in the office and wait.

Having had many experiences, the atmosphere in the office was quite relaxed and they didn't think they would find anything.

Wang Hao acted very seriously. He looked at the computer screen with a serious face. The screen lens pointed at the experimental device.

Helen leaned over and asked, "Teacher Wang, what will happen?"


Wang Hao used 'maybe' to express it, which immediately made everyone in the office look over.

During previous experiments, Wang Hao’s statements were ‘just collecting data’, or ‘it’s hard to find anything’, but now it’s ‘maybe’.

Others immediately noticed the difference.

Ding Zhiqiang also got to know Wang Hao very well, and he said with great expectation, "It must succeed, there must be a discovery, and it is best to directly create super-S waves."

"Can't you see that you are so active?" Chen Mengmeng asked curiously. He always felt that Ding Zhiqiang had no expectations for research, and even said that it was just a decadent job, as if he was a helpless 996 worker.

In fact, this is also true.

Ding Zhiqiang said matter-of-factly, "Of course I hope it will succeed, which means we can go back."

Chen Mengmeng thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It may be that we have started follow-up research, and there is no hope of returning."


Ding Zhiqiang immediately grimaced, "You're right, I'd better play with my phone."

When they were able to chat, they heard a voice coming from the intercom, "Academician Wang, there is nothing wrong."

"No situation?"

Wang Hao kept staring at the screen but didn't see anything. He didn't tell anyone else that super S waves might be produced during the experiment.

However, it is a bit strange that it was not actually produced.

"how could be?"

Wang Hao frowned and waved for others to come over and take a look.

Several people are huddled in front of the computer.

"Look at this device, they said they found nothing," he said.

Several people looked over carefully, and Ding Zhiqiang shook his head indifferently, "Is it abnormal? Nothing has been found. If there is a discovery, wouldn't it mean that the research has been completed?"

Huang Xing nodded, "Yes, it's normal that he didn't find it."

Wang Hao shook his head silently.

Although Helen and Chen Mengmeng did not speak, he had already received the correct feedback.

Super S waves have been created, but they just didn't detect them.

The question is, where are the super S waves?

"We have probably created super-S waves, but we have not detected them yet."

"The long-distance gravitational field like the anti-gravity center was created but not discovered..."

In the experimental room, the equipment continues to be turned on, but because it has continued for a period of time, all test data are stable, and safety is still guaranteed.

Wang Hao wanted to get closer to the equipment to take a look, but was stopped by others.

He could only stand next to the safe room and explained his thoughts.

Everyone else was there too.

Helen followed and said, "Teacher Wang, do you mean that the super-S wave is in the air, or in other places? For example, underground?"

"There is a possibility."

Wang Hao said, "There is also a possibility that the intensity is too weak, and it is rejected by the regular environment and cannot be detected at all."

The others stared at the device and thought.

If other people had said this, they would have scoffed, inferring that a super-S wave had been created even though they had discovered nothing.

This statement is totally unfounded.

When Wang Hao said that it had been created, the situation was different. They trusted Wang Hao too much and immediately began to think about the reason why they had not discovered it.

at the same time.

Four hundred kilometers away in space.

At the Huajia Space Station, astronaut Zhang Zhipeng is looking at the Earth through a thick glass hole.

Since he came to work on the space station, he has to look at the earth through this glass vent every day.

The earth seen from space is very beautiful and will give people a great shock. At the same time, they will also feel the magnificence of the universe and the insignificance of human beings.

That kind of soul-shocking feeling always makes Zhang Zhipeng addicted to it.

Of course, this is a relief for him personally.

Suddenly, Zhang Zhipeng felt that he saw a small black dot. He rubbed his eyes strangely, looked at where he was just now, and found that there was nothing.

"Is there something?"

He frowned and thought about it carefully. He always felt that the black spots he just saw were unusual. Even just thinking about it made him feel very uncomfortable.

He levitated with force, floated to the adjacent cabin, and said, "Gong Zhou, check the videos recorded by 3388 and 3410. It can be within three minutes."

Zhou Xueming was stunned for a moment, and while retrieving the images from the two optical cameras 3388 and 3410, he asked, "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Zhang Zhipeng shook his head and said, "Maybe I saw it wrong, but I always feel something is wrong. Just take a look and you will know."


Zhou Xueming said nonchalantly, "I'll help you adjust it. Come over and see for yourself. I'll go get something to eat first."


Zhang Zhipeng made an 'ok' gesture to Zhou Xueming and went to the computer to check the video.

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