From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 621: The destruction of gravity weapons was made public, sparking public opinion!

Gravity weapons are really scary.

After Ameriken analyzed the results, they were very panicked for a while. The decision-makers were worried that the other party would use this weapon to launch an unequal war.

Even if it is not a direct war, as long as it is used a little bit, the results will be very terrible.

No matter which battlefield in the world, gravity weapons are too terrifying, and even just one turn can directly determine the outcome.

Some even began to fear for their personal safety.

In the past, they have never had similar worries because they have mastered the most high-end military power and their local missile defense system is relatively complete.

Why should we build a complete missile defense system?

The purpose of establishing this system is to ensure that the homeland will not be attacked, and it is also the bottom line for their security.

When a war is about to break out, and you know before the war that it will definitely fail, and the other side still has irresistible weapons, what will happen then?

Many soldiers would even raise their hands to surrender in advance!

This is determined by the law. In a confrontation that is destined to fail, if ensuring personal safety is the first priority, you can directly give up resistance and surrender.

As for the so-called spirit of sacrifice...

I'm sorry, but Amrican soldiers don't have the spirit of sacrifice.

They will not sacrifice themselves for the sake of victory in the war. When their lives are threatened, they can surrender directly and reveal all the information they know.

This is a right protected by law.

When faced with brand-new gravity weapons, the missile defense system is meaningless at all, and the strengths of both sides are not at the same level at all.

If a war breaks out, there is not even a slight possibility of victory.

This is fatal.

They also knew before that military technology had fallen behind.

For example, airships and flying saucers pose a huge threat.

However, the attack method of the air-ship and flying saucer is still understandable. It uses conventional missile attacks. If it conducts a covering missile attack on the air-ship and flying saucer, it is theoretically possible to defeat it.

Gravity weapons are not in the same dimension at all.

The light pressure engine can fly at a high altitude of 80 kilometers away, and the attack method of gravity weapons is completely undefendable.

In other words, the light pressure engine can strike any area in the world. The opponent has no way to defend, dodge, or counterattack...

This weapon feels like the atomic bomb during World War II, and the shock brought by its power is completely unreasonable.

When some countries are still using tanks and rifles to attack their opponents, has a missile destroyed a city?

How to fight this? There is definitely no way to fight back.

Just raise your hands and surrender!

Those with decision-making ability also discussed, "It seems that in the future, we should be more tolerant on some matters, and we should retreat when it is time to retreat..."

The others were silent after hearing this.

If it were more than ten years ago, they would have dismissed it, but now they can only remain silent.

In many matters, the strong is king, and it makes sense to have a big fist.

More than ten years ago, they were the party with the bigger fists, but now the situation has completely changed. Even if they don't want to accept it, it is best to remain silent.

Of course, stay tough for now.

"They used gravity weapons to destroy a satellite. This behavior must be strongly condemned!"

"We must conduct a public protest and hold a targeted press conference to strongly protest against this behavior!"

"We can't let them destroy satellites wantonly..."

For Amrikan, keeping the gravitational weapons secret makes no sense. It is not a technology they have mastered anyway. Going public to warn other countries can also put a certain amount of pressure on them.

Public opinion must be fought for.

Of course, it was definitely not them who came forward in the first place. GISAT-5A is a satellite of a certain three countries. It would be a bit weird for them to come forward directly.

American immediately sent Pierre Duncan to communicate and negotiate with a certain three countries, explaining the results of the experimental testing and explaining that GISAT-5A was destroyed by a gravity weapon.

After Pierre Duncan explained the content, Lasley, the representative of a certain three countries, was very shocked.

After careful analysis, they also concluded that it might be attacked by some unknown space weapon. They did not expect it to be a gravity weapon.

Is this a bit too high-end?

Lasley couldn't believe it at all and thought Pierre Duncan was joking, but after careful communication and discussion, he felt that the possibility was very high.

Then, there was worry.

After Lasley reported the news, the reaction from the upper management was a little different from what Amrikan had imagined.

The upper management did express concern, but the concern was only the initial emotion and only lasted for a short period of time. Later, Lasley and Pierre Duncan were asked to discuss compensation.

In fact, Amerikan had a bad idea.

The ideas of certain three countries are completely different from theirs.

The three countries do not have the ability to compete for military and space dominance. In the fields of military technology and high-end technology, not to mention the flower growers, there is also a huge gap between them and Amerikan and O continent.

Militarily speaking, even if there are no gravity weapons, the flower growers still own airships and flying saucers, several large aircraft carriers, a batch of fifth-generation fighters, the world's top missile technology... and so on.

They are not opponents in the first place, and it does not make much difference whether the other party has gravity weapons or not.

Anyway, I can’t catch up!

Now the key is that GISAT-5A, one of their most advanced satellites, was destroyed.

The damage caused by the destruction of GISAT-5A is very great. They all believe that the satellite will not be damaged, so Americen's promise does not include damage to the satellite.

They felt they had suffered a great loss.

Lasley said firmly to Pierre Duncan, "You must be responsible for the damaged satellite!"

They even shouted out a price tag, "minimum compensation of three billion US dollars!"

This offer shocked Pierre Duncan. They did not want to be responsible for the damaged satellite, so they naturally rejected it directly, and they refused very forcefully.

Lasley said directly, "If you don't compensate, we will make the matter public."

"It was you who made us..."

"Also promised..."

Pierre Duncan was shocked by such an expression. He had no direct decision-making power. After reporting the news, the superiors could not think of any way to deal with it.

If this kind of thing is made public, let alone occupying the high ground of public opinion, it will definitely lose face.

The losses suffered by certain three countries were indeed great.

The left solar panel of GISAT-5A was broken and can no longer be used. At the same time, the broken solar panel caused damage to the electronic system and insufficient energy supply.

GISAT-5A must continue to use backup energy to make up for energy shortages.

However, backup energy is limited and will be exhausted after a few months of continuous use.

In the past few months, the satellite orbit cannot be continued to be adjusted, otherwise energy consumption will be faster.

In other words, GISAT-5A has been paralyzed. Even if it continues to be used, it will only last for half a year at most, and then it will slowly fall.

GISAT-5A is a satellite launched last year and is expected to be in service for more than ten years.

Now it is equivalent to being directly paralyzed and can no longer be used, which makes their satellite system defective. The loss is money, time, military capabilities, etc.

The two sides held close consultations.

In the end, Pierre Duncan compromised on behalf of Amrican. After some discussion, they decided to lease a similar optical satellite for $1.

At the same time, the promised support and cooperation will also be fulfilled.

A certain three countries obtained satisfactory results and released the investigation report on the damage to GISAT-5A. However, they did not want to stand out, so they simply said, "We are sure that GISAT-5A was probably hit by a gravitational weapon." destroy."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Public opinion has no idea that the GISAT-5A satellite was damaged, or even this satellite.

Of course, ordinary people will not care about a satellite.

Now it is suddenly said that a very important satellite has been attacked by a gravitational weapon?

Isn't this a joke!

At a special point when the light pressure engine was tested in space and caused public opinion to boil, the damage to the GISAT-5A satellite also occupied the heat of public opinion.

There is even a tendency to surpass the light pressure engine test.

Because it talks about gravity weapons.

Gravity weapons only exist in science fiction novels and movies. Even in science fiction novels and movies, there are different opinions on the principles and functions of gravity weapons.

Now it is suddenly said that a satellite has been attacked by a gravitational weapon, which sounds very incredible.

Riding on the wave of public opinion, a large number of experts came forward and said that the news was 'sensation'.

"In the photos they released, the cracks in the solar panels appear to be caused entirely by dry cracking."

"It may be caused by radiation, or it may simply be of poor quality. It would be weird to put it on satellites of other countries, but it is normal to put it on satellites of certain three countries."

"It is indeed normal. Their large ships capsize when launched into the water. It will take decades to build an aircraft carrier before it can be used."

"The quality of independently developed satellites is not up to par. Is it abnormal?"

If it had been slandered by so much public opinion at other times, the three countries would have been unable to resist refuting and providing evidence one by one.

They were indeed slandered, and even felt more unjust than Dou E.

It's different now.

They didn't say a word at all, as if they were just making up a message.

Amerikan was very dissatisfied with this, but they had no choice but to come forward and express their participation in the investigation and protest against the use of gravity weapons to attack satellites.

"We express solemn representations!"

"We need to protect the safety of space satellites!"

"Space belongs to all mankind and all countries, and there should be no restricted areas!"

"Using gravity weapons to attack satellites is a wrong act to demonstrate hegemony. We strongly protest with a serious attitude!"

"They must commit not to use this weapon as an attack..."

"Ula Ula~~"

A lot of official rhetoric filled public opinion.

Ordinary public opinion is full of hype. They are not sure whether the news is accurate. The main gravity weapon is really terrifying.

Amid the upsurge of public opinion, the light pressure engine has ended its space testing and has returned to its ground base.

The entire test took 31 hours and completed many projects including gravitational field adjustment, gravitational shield, overall power, first-order radar wave performance, emergency start, electronic control, small spacecraft release and recovery, etc.

Among them, the best performance was the laser weapon test. At an altitude of 1,200 kilometers, the effective strike range of the strongest laser exceeded 4,300 kilometers.

This data has exceeded expectations.

The performance of the small spacecraft release and recovery test was very average, even worse than expected.

It is very easy to release a small spacecraft, just let the spacecraft fly away from the light pressure engine.

After that, the spacecraft circled the earth and then returned to the cabin with the light pressure engine. The performance was relatively poor. The entire recovery process took 73 minutes.

The small spacecraft cannot return with independent instructions and can only be operated manually. It must be ensured that it cannot collide with the light pressure engine during the process, and the spacecraft cannot get close to the bottom of the light pressure engine.

Various restrictions make the recycling process very difficult.

I even wanted to give up halfway. If there was a possibility of a collision with the light pressure engine, we would definitely not continue to recover it. Losing a small spacecraft was nothing, and the light pressure engine was definitely the most important thing.

Fortunately, the recycling effort was successful in the end.

"The small spaceship still doesn't work. There are some problems with the docking."

"The preparation time is still too short."

"Yeah, it only took more than a month to improve the equipment, improve the electronic system, and the control system of the small spacecraft is also very poor."

"The space agency is still too slow, otherwise we will have a longer preparation time..."

"I don't know when we can wait for the anti-gravity spacecraft."

After the test, many people were discussing the release and recovery of the small spacecraft, and further discussed the anti-gravity spacecraft.

In the overall planning of the space carrier, the anti-gravity spacecraft is very, very important.

The space carrier must carry a more powerful small spacecraft, so that the anti-gravity spacecraft can perform tasks related to planet exploration.

If there are only energy devices and Hall thrusters, similar spacecraft can only sail in space.

With the anti-gravity system, the small spacecraft is a complete spaceship and can be used as a small spaceship.

This kind of spacecraft can perform many important tasks.

For example, landing on a planet.

If you want to explore a planet, light pressure engines generally cannot land directly, unless there is no air at all on a planet like the moon.

For example, Mars.

It would be too dangerous for a light pressure engine to land directly on Mars. The environment on the surface of Mars is very poor. For example, a global storm blows up every year. The wind speed can be as high as 180 meters per second and 648 kilometers per hour.

This is more than three times higher than the 17-level super typhoon on the earth.

It is too dangerous for the light pressure engine to be in such an extremely harsh environment, and it is very likely to be blown out of control.

Even if super typhoons can be avoided, other harsh environments may occur on Mars, such as incredible super-large volcanic eruptions.

This is just about Mars that we know a lot about. Mars is already a relatively stable planet.

If it were Venus, it would be unimaginable.

Jupiter, of course, needless to say, is a gas planet where landing is impossible.

Anti-gravity spacecraft can play a great role when exploring similar planets.

Anti-gravity spacecraft do not necessarily have to carry people. With anti-gravity characteristics, they can fly regardless of gravity. With the ability to return from unknown planets, they can carry out planet exploration missions.

During the discussion of the research team, Wang Hao decided to give the space agency some opportunities to continue research in the direction of anti-gravity spacecraft.

There is still enough time, the light pressure engine will be built into a space carrier later, and it will take a long time to manufacture and perfect it.

If there is no progress in the research on anti-gravity spacecraft, he will consider directly participating in the research and development.

By then, the space agency’s investment will be in vain...

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