From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 618 Provocation? Track lock control and hit satellite orbits!

Nine o'clock.

The 10-kilometer area around the light pressure engine has been cleared. Various temporary equipment, machinery, and materials have been transported to the periphery by trucks, and all other personnel have left.

The engine is already undergoing final warm-up.

Large institutions that are concerned with light pressure engine testing have been able to know that the engine is about to take off from the timely data transmitted by thermal satellites.

Of course, there is no need to do analysis.

The host of the first domestic media live broadcast has received the news and explained, "The departure time is determined to be 9:20."

"Now is the final preparation. When the engine takes off, it will create a large amount of light pressure and light heat, which will affect the entire base, so preparatory evacuation work must be done..."

"Now we are located on a hill ten kilometers away from the base, where we can clearly see the take-off process."

"We were connected to the Director of the Anti-Gravity Center, the Technical Specialist of the Engine Unit, and the Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Academician He Yihe. He came back to introduce us to the work of taking off the engine..."

When He Yi was interviewed by Wired, the engine had entered the final stage of preparation.

The three testers in the main control cabin are all sitting at attention and preparing. The main tester, Zhao Dahe, who can also be called the 'captain', is responsible for the flight operation of the light pressure engine.

He has put his hand on the lower left side of the lever.

Zhao Dahe felt a little uneasy. He had been training for several months, but it was only his second flight with a light pressure engine. He also knew how important and influential space testing was.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of people are watching the test.

As the main person in charge of the test, Zhao Dahe was under a lot of pressure. He pursed his lips and stared at the small screen, constantly adjusting his breathing, and occasionally turning his eyes to look at the timer aside.

When the timer showed only twenty seconds left, the voice from the control room came from the headset.

That was the voice of Academician Wang Hao, "The time is almost up, let's get started."

Zhao Dahe took another deep breath, with a determined look on his face, and pulled the lever hard with his hands.


Along with the sound of energy impact, the engine nacelle trembled, and then slowly separated from the support rod and hung upward.

At this moment, not only Zhao Dahe was nervous, but also all relevant personnel were nervous.

This is not the first time the light pressure engine has taken off, but it is only the second time it has been operated by human pilots. Coupled with the major test tasks to be carried out, the moment of takeoff makes people feel nervous and excited.

Manual operation by personnel is also a very important part of the testing process.

In fact, just like an airplane, it will definitely be more flexible when operated by personnel. UAVs are operated by ground personnel and receive and execute instructions through radar signals, so the flexibility will definitely be greatly affected.

No matter how flexible the control of the ground personnel is, it cannot be compared to the operation of the personnel in the cabin.

In this test, the big difference is that the main control room is equipped with gravitational field equipment, which will put the personnel in the main control room in a very stable environment.

Zhao Dahe and the other two testers were all experienced fighter pilots, and the main cabin with the gravitational field equipment was much better than the environment in the fighter cockpit.

In the main cabin, the acceleration felt is very weak, and even cannot be felt most of the time. It is just a 'shaking' caused by a slight difference in gravity control.

They don't need to endure strong physical pressure, only psychological pressure.

During the entire test process, they even had time to walk around the main control cabin and go to other cabins. The only thing they needed was to complete the test task.

Because most aspects of the test are manually controlled by testers in the main cabin, it makes the ground control room much easier. All they have to do is real-time monitoring.

At this time, the light pressure engine had started and began to slowly accelerate into the air.

Acceleration is gradually accelerating.

The picture seen by the outside world is that the light pressure engine slowly levitates, and then slowly accelerates away from the ground. It is shot at a close range of five kilometers. Coupled with the lens's glare reduction effect, the live broadcast lens can be seen more clearly.

That scene really looked like an alien flying saucer taking off.

Many people were shocked, "Although I have seen many photos of light pressure engines flying, this one is still very shocking."

"This is the closest we've ever gotten, and the footage is very clear."

"The cabin seems to have a lot of glass round holes? It looks a bit like the windows of civil aviation technology..."

"That shouldn't be a window, right?"

"It might be a laser weapon, it might be a propulsion hole. In short, it's either spraying light pressure outwards or spraying laser light outwards. Who doesn't believe that you can look inside with your eyes?"

"Then it will probably be melted..."

In the discussion of public opinion, the speed of the light pressure engine became faster and faster, and soon it passed through the clouds and turned into a small bright spot in the sky.

In the live broadcast of Media One, Xu Maohua, deputy general manager of the spacecraft company, was connected. He also introduced the test content, "Now we can see that the light pressure engine has become a bright spot in the sky."

"Judging from this lens, it is already more than 10,000 meters above the ground. It will continue to accelerate until it reaches an altitude of 100 kilometers."

"The deceleration and gliding will only begin after the altitude exceeds 100 kilometers. The deceleration process will continue until about 600 kilometers, and the mission of releasing the satellite will be carried out..."

"It will also accelerate and change direction midway to prepare for satellite release."

Xu Maohua briefly raised the issue of deceleration, but he did not give a clear explanation.

In fact, the deceleration of the light pressure engine is also a problem. When entering space or the universe, it is much easier to accelerate the engine than to decelerate it.

At present, the engine has two active deceleration methods. One is reverse deceleration, which means to make the light pressure engine 'turn around' and continue to turn on the light pressure thrust for deceleration.

This method involves steering issues, and has been tested several times, but it is better not to take risks at this stage. After all, there are certain risks in operating the grounding area.

The second way is to turn on the small light pressure thruster in front.

The power of the small light pressure thruster is more than a hundred times different than that of the large rear-mounted laser propulsion device, and is generally only used for direction adjustment.

If it is used for deceleration, the effect is relatively poor, mainly because the high-pressure engine is too heavy and the thrust will be insufficient to decelerate very slowly.

The deceleration during space testing mainly uses the pull of the earth's gravity to allow the light pressure engine to glide and decelerate.

The effect of this deceleration method is still not ideal, mainly because the farther away from the earth's surface, the worse the gravitational pull effect will be, and the deceleration effect will naturally be less strong.

Therefore, during the lift-off process of the light pressure engine, the active high acceleration process only lasts to 100 kilometers. Later, the light pressure main nozzle will be closed, allowing the engine to enter the 'sliding deceleration mode'. Most of the subsequent lift-off process will also be Perform 'sliding deceleration'.

When the altitude exceeds 400 kilometers, the engine will also turn to lateral acceleration.

Then, the satellite will be released.

V191 has a power system. After it is released, it will start its own engine to accelerate, and then gradually correct the trajectory to reach the established track.

at the same time.

In a certain country's satellite center, several leaders gathered together and kept staring at the data displayed on the screen.

That is data from a military reconnaissance satellite code-named 'GISAT-5A'.

After seeing the contents of the announcement and feeling the strength of its opponents, American was worried that its action would cause uncontrollable consequences, so it decided to persuade a satellite center of a certain country to help test it out. They promised cooperation, technology, loan support, etc. support.

A certain country is also very cautious, and they also know how advanced the technology of flower growers is.

At the same time, we also know that Amrican has been overtaken and competition in the military field is not a rival at all.

But they were very excited that they could gain so much from just one trial. After a series of discussions, they decided to conduct a marginal trial.

On the one hand, they agreed to Amrican's request.

On the other hand, they decided to control the satellite not to enter the area within 200 kilometers, but just pass by near 210 kilometers.

"At that time, we can say that our satellite control technology is very poor and cannot meet the requirements..."

"Could Amrican still regret it?"

"That will definitely not work. When the time comes, we will have to be tougher. Now the flower growers are the most advanced in technology, and they dominate the space. Amrican definitely doesn't want to lose our friend..."

After the leadership of a certain country makes a decision, they immediately know what to do.

They have a military reconnaissance satellite called 'GISAT-5A', whose orbit is 510 kilometers above the ground, and the closest point is only 800 kilometers away from the designated space control area.

800 kilometers is very far on the ground, but it is quite close in space.

They only need to make a few adjustments to the orbit to allow the satellite to cross the edge of the space control area.

GISAT-5A is an optical reconnaissance satellite launched last year. Generally speaking, optical reconnaissance satellites are very light in weight.

However, GISAT-5A weighs up to 1.9 tons and is equipped with high-precision optical instruments and equipment, which can conduct high-precision ground reconnaissance. It is also considered a high-end aircraft internationally.

In addition, GISAT-5A's solar panels extend more than 11 meters, and it also has its own power system, which can be operated on the ground to make substantial orbit corrections.

Of course, 'substantially' is also relative.

Each orbital adjustment of GISAT-5A can deviate from the original position by about 100 kilometers around the earth.

GISAT-5A is a low-Earth satellite with an altitude of only more than 500 kilometers. It can circle the earth more than 16 times a day. It only takes a few hours to adjust its orbit to close to the "space control area".

Before the light pressure engine took off, the military's radar monitoring center had used first-order radar to detect the abnormal orbit adjustment of 'GISAT-5A'.

If it were an orbit adjustment for satellites in other ranges, it would not be particularly noticed, but the orbit of GISAT-5A is very close to the space control area and is a key satellite to be monitored.

When the light pressure engine took off, the military-side departments were already discussing it.

"What should we do if the GISAT-5A orbit enters the controlled area?"

"According to the established plan, is it to use a gravitational shield to interfere? Or is it to directly use laser weapons to destroy it?"

"It still needs to be decided by the top management..."

The ones with the decision-making power are Teacher Zhao and Teacher Yuan. Teacher Zhao is the person in charge of the military, and Teacher Yuan is a higher-level decision-maker.

When the light pressure engine flew to an altitude of 100 kilometers, they received news that the GISAT-5A orbit was likely to pass through the space control area.

"If they make the next adjustment, the GISAT-5A track will pass within the control area in more than two hours."

"By then, the light pressure engine has completed its mission of releasing the satellite and will rise to an altitude of more than 700 kilometers..."

In other words, the light pressure engine will be far away from GISAT-5A by then, and if you think of targeted treatment, you can only use laser weapons.

Teacher Zhao slammed the table hard and said sternly, "We definitely can't let it go!"

"This is a direct provocation. According to the adjustment trend of GISAT-5A, it will definitely pass through the control area in two hours."

"By then, public opinion will be lively."

Teacher Yuan thought carefully and said, "It's definitely not possible to use laser weapons. Direct destruction will make things uncontrollable."

"Well, let's use a gravity shield to deflect GISAT-5A from its orbit... How far can you go?"

He asked He Yi.

After He Yi ended the live broadcast connection, he has been sitting with the leadership team.

He looked at the GISAT-5A data and said, "Adjusting the direction of the light pressure engine and releasing the gravity shield for tracking control can affect the GISAT-5A for about two seconds."

"This will cause the GISAT-5A orbit to deflect. If they want to adjust it, it may take more than a day, or they may never be able to adjust it. We can only use the existing data to estimate the control level of GISAT-5A."

Teacher Yuan nodded thoughtfully, "That's enough."

"There is another possibility."

He Yi immediately added, "The gravitational shield is destructive, especially for precision satellites. GISAT-5A may also malfunction and be damaged..."

"Ignore it!"

Teacher Zhao said forcefully, "Anyway, they have no evidence, and we didn't use laser weapons directly."

Teacher Yuan thought about it and did not speak again.

Light pressure engine, main control room.

The testers have received a temporary task. They need to adjust the flight path of the light pressure engine and approach the GISAT-5A that passes through the edge of the controlled area.

When the distance is about 80 kilometers, the direction of the gravity shield will be adjusted and tracking control of GISAT-5A will be carried out.

During previous tests, there had been gravity shield direction adjustment control, but this time it was completely different, and it was directly targeted at a satellite.

That's a real satellite!

After hearing the communication instructions, several testers felt nervous and excited. When they flew the most high-end fighter jets, they had never carried out a strike mission, and they had only conducted military exercises and launched a few missiles to destroy targets.

The target is just a target.

The target now is a satellite. Even if it is not a direct hit, it will definitely have an impact on the satellite.

Zhao Dahe operated the direction of the light pressure engine and reopened the main light pressure nozzle, accelerating diagonally upward and approaching GISAT-5A.

The radar has locked on GISAT-5A.

The distance between the light pressure engine and GISAT-5A is only two hundred kilometers, and they are still approaching quickly. The speed of GISAT-5A is very fast, reaching 7 kilometers per second. Even if it is not traveling in the opposite direction, it only takes 20 seconds. At that time, their distance was close to a hundred kilometers.


Zhao Dahe shouted with excitement.

The other two testers were also very excited. One tester was responsible for controlling the gravity shield equipment, and the direction of the gravity shield had been adjusted.

All they have to do is wait.

At this moment, everyone, including the testers in the main control room and the people in the ground control room, were staring at the radar screen.

There is a circular icon on it and a small dot. The circular icon represents the light pressure engine, and the small dot is the locked GISAT-5A.

The short period of less than ten seconds seemed to have become extremely long.

GISAT-5A passed by the outside of the control area, and the closest distance to the engine reached 70 kilometers.

It's so fast!

No one had time to react. The close contact between the two was over, and it felt like nothing happened.

Zhao Dahe reported nervously, "GISAT-5A was affected by tracking control for 1.91 seconds, and the orbit shifted by an angle..."

"Vertical data..."


Soon the military radar base station also reported the same data.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was just a long-distance pass, they knew that the gravitational shield was working. For satellites with precise control, the impact of orbital deviation was too great.

Even if it is only a weak offset, the difference in space is very large. If it goes around the earth and back again, the difference may be hundreds or thousands of kilometers.

at the same time.

The satellite center of a certain country was in chaos. Not only did they find that GISAT-5A had suddenly drifted, the satellite also reported a malfunction——

Code: E-10019.

Query Translation: The left solar panel is seriously damaged!

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