From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 614: Space testing, large satellites, opportunities for breakthrough development in the fiel

The international physics community continues to pay attention to "Annihilation Physics-Black Hole Theory".

Its contents are discussed in the field of physics.

More scholars regard 'super S wave' as a theoretical concept, believing that it only exists in theoretical imagination, and they only rely on the basis of gravitational field and annihilation theory to make a definition of 'super S wave' to construct Discover the physical operating logic inside a black hole.

Supported by this judgment, some people are also happy that Wang Hao can focus on theoretical research work.

For example, American's decision-making level, the military, etc.

They really hope that Wang Hao will study pure theory instead of studying high-tech technologies such as annihilation fields, gravitational fields, and even light pressure engines.

In the academic field, the most advanced is the research of pure mathematics and theoretical physics.

Mathematicians and theoretical physicists are at the top of the academic pyramid and are often the most respected, but their research is often too forward-looking, and most of the content is not directly related to the development of science and technology.

For example, Goldbach's conjecture.

Even if this top-level mathematical problem is solved, it will only promote the development of mathematical foundations and help build a more complete mathematical system, but it will hardly have any impact on actual technology.

This is especially true in the field of theoretical physics.

Including string theory, cosmology, and even most astrophysical analysis, they have no direct connection with actual technology.

Those physical studies related to the universe and galaxies, and the interpretation of astronomical observation results, are at least meaningless for the development of science and technology in the short term. They only allow people to understand the universe more clearly.

Even many perceptions of astronomical observation results may not be correct.

The huge impact of annihilation theory on astronomy has overturned many research contents in the field of astrophysics. It has also directly challenged the foundation of the "Theory of Relativity", making the astrophysical results based on the "Theory of Relativity" meaningless. .

Most of the research in astrophysics is about the interpretation of astronomical observation results. No one dares to say that the interpretation of astronomical observation results is correct.

As the most mysterious star in the universe - black hole, this is even more true.

Based on the observed images, astrophysicists have discovered that the operating rules of black holes do not conform to conventional physical understanding, and it is difficult to know their internal operating rules.

Even just making some assumptions and inferences is very difficult.

The most influential physics theory in the world right now is the annihilation theory. It is not surprising to use the annihilation theory as the basis to analyze the most mysterious black hole problem.

It is an accepted fact that annihilation theory is about to enter deep waters.

Research on annihilation theory based on experimental foundations and scientific and technological applications has almost come to an end. If you want to go further, you must deeply connect with the more mysterious fields of physics--

Microphysics and astrophysics.

Whether it is microphysics related to particle structure and micromechanics, or astronomical physics related to the analysis of the universe, they all belong to the category of pure theoretical physics.

Wang Hao's research group uses the annihilation theory as a basis and cooperates with the latest gravitational field and S-wave research to analyze the internal physical operation mechanism of black holes, which will not surprise top physicists.

Annihilation theory will definitely take this step.

The research content is surprising.

Many top scholars feel full of imagination after reading it.

‘Super S wave’ is the most imaginative content.

Based on the S wave, combined with the concept of strong annihilation force field, it is believed that there is a 'super S wave', and it can also be combined with the 'singularity' to explain black holes...


Similarly, imagination is still imagination, and no matter how imaginative the content is, it is not real.

‘Super S wave’ is amazing, but the possibility of its existence is too low.

The tech sector doesn't think so.

Xue Jianping knew the concept of 'super S wave' more than a month ago, and he also helped Teacher Xu with a simple analysis.

Not long after that, he was 'tactfully' criticized by Teacher Xu.

"Academician Xue, if you don't understand something, don't talk nonsense!"

"For example, you can associate super S waves with black holes. It's really imaginative!"

"However, our work must be more practical rather than using our imagination..."

"Ula Ula~~~"

Now Xue Jianping is very depressed when he thinks about it. He almost quit his job at that time.

He was so unjust.

Xue Jianping remembered clearly that in his analysis of 'super S waves', he only talked about 'strong gravity' and did not talk about black holes or anything like that.

Why did it turn into a 'black hole' when it entered Teacher Xu's mouth?

That was Wang Hao's research.

Everyone knows how advanced Wang Hao's research is. He created a new vocabulary during the research process. Who knows what it is?

Strong gravity is just a guess.

Black hole…

This is an injustice!

"I'm already so old, but I still understand a lot of complicated theories. It's already amazing!"

"Wang Hao's latest research, is it normal to be wrong? Moreover, I didn't say anything about black holes at all, not at all."

Xue Jianping is very sure about this.

He was depressed for several days and gradually stopped paying attention to it. Then he saw "Annihilation Physics - Black Hole Theory" and asked, "Wang Hao's latest research?"

"Super S wave, analyzing black holes..."

Xue Jianping watched carefully for a whole morning before he roughly understood the specific content. He communicated with his colleagues in the physics community and was suddenly shocked, "Black hole!"

"It's a black hole!"

"It turns out that super-S waves are directly related to black holes. It's, didn't I already know that?"

"When Teacher Xu asked before, I said that super S waves are related to black holes..."

"Yes, that's right. I have talked about black holes a long time ago, and I was criticized for it. Teacher Xu still doesn't believe it..."


Xue Jianping suddenly felt like he had been wronged.

Although his judgment was wrong and he didn't say anything about black holes, because black holes were criticized, naturally he could only treat them as saying about black holes.

Even so, Xue Jianping was still depressed and had no one to complain to.

Wang Hao's research is confidential.

In the past, only a limited number of people in the science and technology department knew about the 'Super S Wave', and naturally only a few people knew that he was 'unjustly accused'. He couldn't just go to Teacher Xu to confront him, right?

In fact, Teacher Xu already knew this.

Any results that Wang Hao publishes will be submitted to the science and technology department for review, and if they involve ongoing research, even if they only publish theoretical results, they will be submitted for review.

The science and technology department reviewed it, and it was still signed by Teacher Xu.

At that time, Teacher Xu also read the content carefully, but he could not understand it at all. He only knew about black hole research related to super S waves.

Then, he knew that he had wronged Xue Jianping, but he was not 100% sure.

After the paper was released, many top scholars discussed it. Teacher Xu did not need to ask other people at all. He could only get a general idea by reading some analysis.

"It's really a black hole!"

"It seems that Academician Xue was wronged, and he didn't ask carefully at the time..."

"That's right. When I went to see Wang Hao, I just asked what super S wave was and whether it was dangerous. I didn't talk about specific issues... It seems that Academician Xue is quite capable."

After Teacher Xu was sure, he wanted to apologize to Xue Jianping, but another question came to his mind, "Wang Hao is indeed studying black holes!"

"So, the experiment might still be dangerous, right?"

He started to worry again as he thought about it.

Teacher Xu thought about it for a long time and talked with Teacher Zhao for a few words. He felt that it was too strange to go to the annihilation force field experimental base again.

Then he had a great idea.

He decided to let Xue Jianping, on behalf of the science and technology department, go to the annihilation force field experimental base and participate in the latest research.

They say they are participating in research, but in fact they are playing a supervisory role.

If the experiment is very dangerous, Xue Jianping can stop it and report it in time.

Having wronged Xue Jianping before, it is equivalent to compensating Xue Jianping. Not everyone can participate in Wang Hao's research, and Xue Jianping is not qualified to participate as an old academician.

This is an opportunity that most scholars dream of.

at the same time.

Wang Hao was about to leave the Annihilation Force Field Experiment Base. He regretted that he could not continue research, but he had to go to the Light Pressure Engine Project Base.

Preparations for space testing are in the final stages.

He had to be on hand to conduct the work.

The research on super S-wave technology has not yet been completed. The S-level task of task three has increased a lot of inspiration points. The theoretical research has also helped to obtain more than a dozen points of inspiration, and the total inspiration value has reached more than 60 points.

He continued to explain his work, "During this period, we need to conduct planned experiments and keep records. We need to think about the next experimental design."

"I'll leave the rest of the work to you. I'll continue after I come back..."

After Wang Hao explained the follow-up work, he took Paul Phil-Jones and Yan Jing to the light pressure engine experimental base.

Chen Mengmeng and Helen returned to Xihai University.

Huang Xing and Ding Zhiqiang will continue to stay at the Annihilation Force Field Experiment Base. They will participate in the experimental work and provide theoretical support to the team.

The light pressure engine has entered the final preparations for space testing, but there is still research that has not been completed, which is about the work of carrying small spacecraft.

The space agency's anti-gravity spacecraft base sent a prototype of a small spacecraft.

The new prototype does not contain a lateral anti-gravity system, only superconducting batteries and Hall thrusters. It is a device for simple testing.

The prototype has only been tested on the ground. It will be improved and corrected at the experimental base and mounted on the light pressure engine.

When the time comes for space testing, the light pressure engine will be tested to release the small spacecraft into space, and will also control the small spacecraft to return to the mounting cabin.

This is a process from release to recovery.

Wang Hao came to the experimental base in advance for this purpose. They wanted to improve the technology related to carrying small spacecraft.

In addition, there is also some work. The military supports the research of light pressure engines and sent a super-large military satellite weighing 16 tons.

This satellite will also be mounted on the light pressure engine and will be tested in space together.

When the light pressure engine rises to an altitude of 800 kilometers, it will adjust its speed and release the satellite, that is, it will send the satellite to the predetermined orbit.

This job is relatively simple.

As long as the light pressure engine can be raised to 800 kilometers, the speed is adjusted and then released, there will be no problem.

For the Spacecraft Industry Company, helping the military release large satellites is of great significance. It is directly related to the company's future stable profits and competition in the international commercial satellite launch market.

Many countries participate in the competition in the commercial satellite launch market, but the most competitive ones are mainly Goose Country, Flower Planter and Amerikan’s Space Exploration Company.

The main reason is cost.

The cost of launching satellites is very high, and safety and stability during the launch process are also very important.

The cost of launching rockets for flower growers is the lowest, the safety and stability are also very high, and they are still very competitive in the international market.

The security and stability of Goose Country is slightly lower, and the launch cost is slightly higher than that of Flower Planter.

Other countries either have poor security or very high costs, making them almost uncompetitive.

Amerikan's SpaceX is special.

They are the only company with strong competitiveness, mastering large-scale rocket recovery technology, and the cost of satellite launch is very low, even several times lower than that of flower growers.

However, the large rocket recovery technology is not yet mature, and its safety and stability are far behind.

Previously, it was internationally recognized that once the space exploration company perfects its rocket recovery technology, it will definitely monopolize the satellite launch market, and there will not even be any competitors.

It's different now.

In front of the light pressure engine, the Space Exploration Company has no competitiveness at all.

The reasons are one is the cost and the other is the load.

The light pressure engine itself weighs over 10,000 tons and can easily carry satellites of more than 1,000 tons. The launch cost is the maintenance cost of the engine itself.

Even if it is not used for satellite launch, the light pressure engine still requires normal maintenance.

Many times, for light pressure engines, mounting satellites for launch is just a "incidental" thing.

From the considerations of safety, load capacity, launch cost and other aspects, the light pressure engine has unparalleled advantages.

When the light pressure engine goes to space for testing, what the spacecraft industry company considers is to quickly occupy the satellite launch market.

The size of this market exceeds 20 billion US dollars per year. As long as it occupies the market, it can quickly earn back the research and development expenses of the light pressure engine.

"The two most important jobs."

"One is the release and recovery of small spacecraft. After the space test, we will allow the light pressure engine to mount a functional small spacecraft."

"At that time, it can be officially called a 'space carrier'."

"Also, there's the job of releasing the satellite."

"The satellite provided by the military is the 16-ton V191. Completing the release of the satellite is very important for us to occupy the commercial satellite launch market in the future."

"This will also help expand the satellite launch market..."

The reason why it is said that it will "expand the satellite market" is because current satellites are generally "very light", mainly because satellites with high weight cannot be sent into space at all.

With rocket launch technology, the general carrying load is within twenty tons, or even within ten tons.

Because of this, the space station can only be transported bit by bit and undergo ultra-high-tech splicing and assembly, rather than transporting them all into space at one go.

It is precisely because of this that the satellites studied and manufactured are very light, and the heavier ones only weigh two or three tons.

V191 weighs 16 tons and can only be transported into space using very large rockets. The launch cost is very high. Satellites of this weight will not be developed conventionally.

It is precisely because the light pressure engine needs to be tested in space that the military has built such a huge satellite.

One is for testing.

Second, V191 is equipped with first-level radar equipment, which has ultra-long-distance detection and penetrating detection capabilities, which will elevate the military's reconnaissance and detection capabilities to a higher level.

If the launch and release of a satellite of such weight can be easily completed, it will let people know that huge satellites can also be transported into space.

Many companies will develop huge satellites.

When the size of artificial satellites increases, more functions can be achieved, and the field of artificial satellites will achieve leap-forward development.

This can directly change the satellite market, greatly improve technology in the space field, and at the same time greatly expand the satellite launch market.

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