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Chapter 605 Protest, dissatisfaction? Major gap in technology! The seventh test: Gravity shield test

In the past four months, the light pressure engine has been the most important international focus.

One is because the light pressure engine built a surrounding cabin, which looks like a large UFO. Just photos of the appearance can arouse heated discussions.

Many people have discussed that the light pressure engine has been perfected into a space carrier.

The second is constant testing.

If it is a large space vehicle and it stays in one position for a long time without moving, the heat will quickly decrease. After all, there will be no change for a long time.

In recent times, the light pressure engine has made six takeoffs and landings.

This frequency is very high.

Generally, new fighter jets will not take off and land so frequently during the testing phase.

Many times, after a test flight, there will be a break of several months to solve the problems found or add other devices before the next test flight.

The light pressure engine has conducted six consecutive test flights, and frequent test flight takeoffs and landings will attract a lot of attention.

Among them, there are still major concerns.

For example, some media revealed that the light pressure engine is equipped with high-end laser weapons, and one piece of news can attract a lot of attention.

The installation of high-end laser weapons in the light pressure engine means that the subsequently manufactured aerospace carrier will have the ability to actively attack and will pose a direct threat to satellites, space stations, etc. in space.

It can even be understood that after the space carrier is successfully constructed, it can easily destroy any man-made equipment in space.

This caused an international sensation and also brought various voices of protest.

Amerikan had the biggest reaction, with many politicians, officials and other influential figures coming forward to express strong opposition to the 'installation of laser weapons'.

"The installation of laser weapons in light pressure engines is a threat to all countries in the world and a threat to the development of human science and technology."

"This threat is uncontrollable. We must protest and resist. We express our strong dissatisfaction with this!"

"The spacecraft company insists on doing this, and we will give them the severest sanctions!"

"Doing this is a challenge to human peace, a provocation to all countries in the world, and an act of hegemony against liberalized space activities!"

"Ula Ula~~~"

Amerikan has made a lot of comments from the public opinion level, including all kinds of protests, boycotts, dissatisfaction, and condemnation, but they have no practical solutions.

The spacecraft company's reply was, "The purpose of installing laser weapons is to provide the space carrier with a means of protection against possible incoming meteorites or space debris."

"The light pressure engine is huge and has a high probability of being hit in space, so it must have protective means."

Then, ignore it.

In any case, all kinds of protests and condemnations will not hurt anything at all, and there is no point in saying anything more in terms of public opinion.

Domestic public opinion is extremely supportive of this, and public opinion in some countries is also very supportive, but only a part of the public opinion is 'strongly opposed'.

The second most concerning point is the flight altitude. The highest altitude was more than 50 kilometers, which was twice as high as the first high-altitude test.

"It's 50 kilometers. If it's twice as high, you'll be in space."

"It seems that the test of the light pressure engine is to gradually increase the altitude and slowly enter space step by step. It may be higher next time."

"The definition of space is 100 kilometers. After a few more tests like this, we should be able to enter space, right? It can be considered a completed space test."

"It shouldn't be possible in a short time. The air a hundred kilometers away is very thin and can even be ignored, and the environment will become completely different."

The international community is very concerned about this.

The light pressure engine can fly to space hundreds of kilometers away, so there is no problem in flying to space hundreds of kilometers away, or even thousands or tens of thousands of kilometers.

The energy of the light pressure engine is self-sufficient. As long as everything operates normally after entering space and there is a continuous supply of energy, theoretically there will be no problem in flying out of the earth and navigating within the solar system.

The technology demonstrated in the light pressure engine test and its dominance in the space environment have completely exceeded conventional understanding.

American is naturally very concerned about this.

If high-end decision-makers still want to compete in space, they must increase their understanding of light pressure engines. They already regard light pressure engines, or future aerospace carriers, as their biggest opponents in space competition.

But so far, their competitive situation is very pessimistic.

Decision maker No. 1 was troubled by this.

Whenever he thinks about the light pressure engine, the No. 1 decision-maker feels very headache. He has a lot of data in his hand, and the data shows that the light pressure engine contains far more than just annihilation particle technology.

For example, the engine must have very high-end power generation technology.

There must be a strong annihilation force field in the engine, and there may be more than one strong annihilation force field. The operation of annihilation particle technology must also use a large amount of electric energy. Where does the electric energy come from?

Whether it is nuclear power, steam power generation, or other power generation technologies, if you want to keep such a giant thing running, a large part of the space must be used as a power generation facility.

Well, you can see it from the appearance.

The problem is that from the appearance of the light pressure engine, you can't tell which part is used to generate electricity. They can't even analyze what high-end technology is used in it.

This is already beyond comprehension.

At the space level, if we want to have the ability to compete with our opponents, our technological level must keep up.

However, Amrican has not fully mastered even the most basic strong annihilation field technology, and is still using technologies and equipment that have been eliminated by the other party. How will competition in the space field be achieved in the future?

In fact, Amrican has also forcibly researched annihilation particle technology. The method is to create a strong annihilation force field that can carry the energy limit, and then release particle beams internally.

The result of the experiment explosion.

After three consecutive explosions, the temporarily formed secret experimental team was directly disbanded.

After experiencing several failed lessons, they still came to some conclusions. For example, the leader of the Groom Lake project team, Clotte James, said, "High-pressure mixed materials support the creation of strong annihilation force fields that can withstand The ability is really poor, and it will explode as long as there is a little problem in the middle."

"If you want to conduct research, you must have strong annihilation force field technology supported by metallic superconducting materials."

The problem also lies in the strong annihilation field technology.

The No. 1 decision-maker, including the Department of Energy, and even the military, will not blame Corot-James for the problem.

Korot James is recognized as a top talent.

Senior officials believe that the key reason why strong annihilation force field technology supported by metal materials cannot be developed lies in the research problem of superconducting materials.

The Groom Lake project team is not good at researching superconducting materials.

Work in this area is the responsibility of various superconducting materials-related institutions.

In addition, the work of Corot James is also very outstanding. They provided a series of data related to S wave.

Those data are much richer than the experimental results of the International Annihilation Organization. As long as you look at the S-wave related data, you will feel that mastering gravitational field technology is just around the corner.


The level of research institutions related to radar waves and radiation waves is too poor. Until now, there has been no progress in research on S-wave production.

The Groom Lake project team has other achievements, including but not limited to increasing the intensity of the annihilation force field to 7.5 times, and accurately measuring the energy annihilation speed of the high-magnification annihilation force field.

Another very important point is that, unlike the previous person in charge, Korot James will not ask for large amounts of funds.

In short, high-level people highly recognize Korot James.

The same goes for Decision Maker No. 1.

"What a pity!"

"In the direction of emerging technologies, there is only one outstanding talent, Korot James..."


In the end all that was left was a long sigh.

At this time, the secretary sent a piece of intelligence information from the Hexagon. The No. 1 decision-maker glanced at it, and there was only one sentence on it, "The light pressure engine will soon undergo a new test."

This intelligence information is the result of analysis.

The Hexagon uses satellite equipment to monitor the light pressure engine research base 24 hours a day. They analyze intelligence information based on images taken by thermal satellites.

After several take-off and landing tests, they discovered that the light pressure engine would perform a 'warm-up' operation the day before the take-off and landing test.

Extensive preheating operations will naturally be detected by thermal satellites.

When the same preheating temperature is found, it can be analyzed that the next flight test is about to take place.

Although there are still many doubts about the technology used in light pressure engines, they must have a better understanding of light pressure engines in order to be qualified to compete with each other in the future.

The Hexagon Building has been laid out and is ready for a new round of monitoring.

They directly called four military reconnaissance satellites with altitudes ranging from 110 kilometers to 600 kilometers.

The reconnaissance satellite will take a large number of photos, and with the assistance of other satellites at an altitude of 10,000 kilometers, complete monitoring of the light pressure engine test flight can be achieved.

They are ready to monitor.

Hexagon's intelligence analysis is accurate, and a new flight test of the light pressure engine is about to begin.

In the past four months, the light pressure engine has conducted six flight tests, but this time is different because it is the first time to test the gravity shield.

The gravity shield device is installed directly above the engine.

Six surrounding cabins of the engine have been built, and the fifth cabin is equipped with gravitational field equipment.

The test of the gravitational field equipment in the cabin is also an important part. Previous tests were done by placing animals in the cabin and judging whether the internal gravitational field was stable by observing the animal's performance and the timely display of gravity values.

This time, testers stayed in the cabin where the gravitational field equipment was installed to truly feel the conditions of the gravitational field cabin.

The cabin contains a timely shut-down button, which can directly shut down the gravitational field in special circumstances.

There were two other personnel performing the test task at the same time. They were responsible for emergency response and sat directly in the seats of the main control cabin.

The main control cabin is already relatively complete.

There is a 4-meter-wide large screen directly opposite the main control cabin. The middle of the screen displays the picture directly in front of the engine. Several small screens on the sides display radar pictures. There are several small screens below with various Various functions, there are many operation buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Some of these operation buttons are activated, some are turned off, and some are reserved buttons.

Directly opposite the main screen, there are four technology-rich seats, and two testers sat on the seats.

When they entered the main control cabin and sat on the seats, they couldn't help but chatted with sighs, "Although it's not the first time here, it's still shocking. It seems more gorgeous than last week." …”

"It's really gorgeous. It feels like operating a spaceship, like filming a science fiction movie, or we are the operators of the spaceship in the science fiction movie."

"This is originally a spaceship, but it's just not perfect yet!"

"I really hope that after it is completed, we can still sit here. I don't know if we will be selected by then."

"It would be really cool to be able to do this job, but the competition is definitely fierce."

“It’s amazing that we all get this opportunity!”

"Half a year ago, I was considering participating in astronaut training and then working on the space station for a few months. Thinking about it now, I was really weak at the time..."

"We got really lucky."

"Zhang Jian's luck is not that good..."

The Zhang Jian they were talking about was the tester sitting in the gravitational field cabin.

There is a chair and a small computer screen in the gravitational field cabin, and there is nothing else. Zhang Jian's job is to feel the gravitational field with his body.

The three people were selected as testers together, but Zhang Jian was assigned to the gravitational field testing job.

The other two people were gloating about this. They turned on the intercom and said, "Zhang Jian, how are you doing over there?"

“We have the main control room here, it’s really comfortable.”

"This environment is so gorgeous, hahahaha, you don't have to be envious, it's just luck!"

Zhang Jian on the opposite side was furious.

Zhang Jian's luck was indeed very bad. The three testers had all gone through several months of training, and their respective jobs were determined by drawing lots.

Zhang Jian got the job of 'testing the gravitational field'.

Hearing the gloating voices of the two people opposite him, he could only complain, "Peat!" and then heard the laughter of 'hahaha'.

at the same time.

Wang Hao and others are already in the control room.

Under a series of instructions, the light pressure engine completed the self-test and preheating work, and all parts were turned on.

After listening to a series of reported data, Wang Hao shouted easily, "Let's take off!"

The engine's power suddenly increased.

Under the eyes of many people, the engine detached itself from the bracket and slowly rose into the air. After the height exceeded 100 meters, you could clearly see that the speed of the engine suddenly increased.

The engine has been tested on takeoff and landing many times.

There are some differences this time. It will operate at a very high power. In numerical terms, the acceleration can reach up to 35 meters per second.

The light pressure engine flies straight upward, and the acceleration of 35 meters per second is already very fast.

Testers inside the cabin are subjected to a lot of stress.

This kind of pressure will make ordinary people feel suffocated. The testers in the cabin are all professional pilots and have undergone several months of rigorous training. Some have even experienced training as astronauts. Of course, there is no problem with enduring pressure, but The physical pressure still makes them feel uncomfortable.

For example, it takes a lot of effort to speak.

Zhang Jian's feeling was different. He could also feel the light pressure engine taking off and the engine trembling.

When accelerating too fast, the body also undergoes a certain amount of pressure, but for him, this pressure is the same as no pressure at all.

The effect of the gravitational field in the cabin offsets most of the pressure caused by acceleration. Only when the acceleration exceeds 30 meters per second, a little pressure is felt.

This made Zhang Jian feel very relaxed.

He thought of the other two people gloating over their misfortune, and immediately started talking cheerfully, "How do you feel over there?"

"There's no pressure at all here. It's so relaxing. It's just like sitting on the ground."

"How's it going? Does it feel uncomfortable?"

"The environment here is better. There is a screen. I am watching a movie. By the way, I also brought snacks..."

"It's so comfortable, it's like relaxing."

Two angry voices came through the intercom, "Get out!"


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