From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 597 Preliminary work? Familiar with the environment? No, we just found a place to experiment

"The outer layer creates a long-distance and wide-area gravitational shield, which can deflect all materials close to the space carrier from their orbits and pass through both sides of the spacecraft..."

"This is the most perfect defense technology!"

After checking the test results in the gravitational field area, Wang Hao felt his blood boiling all over. He had always hoped to find a way for the space carrier to deal with meteorite groups or satellite fragments.

Previous ideas focused on space weapons, including a wide range of laser weapons, including particle weapons, kinetic energy weapons, etc.

However, all conceptual space weapons cannot perfectly solve the risk of the space carrier dealing with meteorites and satellite debris. Even a large-scale explosion in space will definitely form a lot of particles, posing a major threat to the space carrier. .

The speed of matter in space is measured in kilometers per second.

When the speed of a material increases, the kinetic energy it carries increases exponentially. For just a few dozen grams of material, as long as the speed is fast enough, the impact force it creates is also very terrifying.

With such a huge size, the space carrier poses a great threat.

For example, if a meteorite is flying towards the space carrier, physical destruction is not a good idea.

If the meteorite is destroyed into fragments, it will split into countless particles and attack the space carrier, which can even be destroyed in an instant.

This threat must be considered.

They are not building a big body that can float in the air for a long time, but if they are building a large spacecraft that can carry out interplanetary work, they must face similar dangerous situations.

Now there's the perfect solution - gravity shields.

Gravity shield technology can also have a certain effect when used on the ground. It can control incoming missiles to deviate from the trajectory, but the effect is not very good, because the missile can control the route, even if it deviates from the trajectory for a short period of time, it can Re-lock the target driven by the power system.

In addition, even if the missile deviates from the trajectory, it will eventually land, which will cause damage. Even if it does not hit the target, it will still be very powerful.

The space environment is different when dealing with meteorite swarms or satellite debris.

The gravitational shield directs matter heading toward the carrier so that it all passes by the sides of the ship without hitting the ship itself.

This is a large-scale protection technology that can always ensure the safety of the space carrier if it is turned on for a long time.

"It would be best to form an ultra-wide gravitational protection circle so that the space carrier can form perfect protection in all directions."

"However, the technical difficulty is also very high..."

"We still need to increase the manufacturing distance and increase the intensity!"

Distance is a big problem.

The gravitational field discovered now is less than 200 meters away from ground equipment. It will obviously not have a protective effect when placed in space, because correcting the trajectory is a long-distance task, and the force exerted instantaneously cannot make the trajectory change too much. offset.

If you want to apply the technology to the space carrier, the protection distance should preferably exceed 10 kilometers.

This is the most basic value.

If it can reach more than 100 kilometers, it can provide very effective protection for the space carrier.

In any case, after the discovery of the gravitational field in the air, there were breakthroughs in both theoretical and experimental research. The direct manifestation is that the inspiration value has been improved.

[Task 4, inspiration value +27. 】

[Inspiration value: 87. 】

For S-level difficulty research, the inspiration value directly increased by 27 points. It can be imagined how significant the breakthrough of the new discovery is.

It can now be said that there is no point that cannot be broken through in the principle of gravitational field.

If you work harder in the future, you can complete it.

After determining the creation of a gravitational field, the next step is very clear.

Wang Hao immediately wrote a report on the experimental findings and applied to his superiors for a new experimental base, mainly because the distance between the created gravitational field and the equipment was very far.

The experimental room of the Antigravity Center is very unsuitable. They cannot go to high altitudes to detect the gravitational field every time. That would be too inconvenient.

Research must apply for a broad area to conduct a series of subsequent experiments.

"The method is very simple."

"In subsequent experiments, the equipment must be turned 90 degrees, so that a parallel and forward gravitational field can be created, and detection will become easy."

"In addition, as subsequent technology improves, the distance of the gravitational field will become farther and farther away, and a very broad plain area will be needed as an experimental site."

In this regard, you still have to apply to the superior department.

After Wang Hao clarified the experimental work, he submitted an experimental report to his superiors and explained the needs for follow-up research.

At the same time, theoretical research continues.

Helen, Chen Mengmeng, Ding Zhiqiang and others also learned the test results. They were all shocked, even Ding Zhiqiang.

In fact, Ding Zhiqiang didn't even know why Wang Hao suddenly praised himself and said that he was good at the game. He said that "the gravitational field may have been created", which was just an excuse.

After Wang Hao left, Ding Zhiqiang thought about it carefully and thought he was being PUAd again, but he didn't expect it to be true.

After learning the test results, Ding Zhiqiang could almost stuff an egg into his mouth.

He glanced at Chen Mengmeng and Helen, who were also surprised, and immediately shut his mouth. Then he raised his head, raised his chest, and smiled, as if he had everything under control.

Chen Mengmeng and Helen looked over at the same time.

They were not surprised by Ding Zhiqiang's reaction, but they felt very uncomfortable in their hearts. The two of them had been working hard, but the result was in the wrong direction?

This is so irritating!

"Ding Zhiqiang, did you already know that the gravitational field already exists? You just didn't tell us."

"You just watch us find so much information to prove why we can't create a gravitational field, and then just play games there alone?"

"Are you taking us for a joke?"

"How could you do this!"

Faced with the accusations from the two senior students, Ding Zhiqiang was paralyzed. He really just wanted to show off, how could he think of so many things?

Is it true that playing games is a joke?

How dare you!

Ding Zhiqiang was so wronged that he wanted to cry and could no longer maintain his calm look. Fortunately, Wang Hao helped him out.

"Xiao Ding is not sure either."

"If it is not really detected, no one can be sure. Who would have thought that the gravitational field has been created and is in the air?"

After Wang Hao explained a few words, he also explained the follow-up work, "We need to connect the semi-topological structure with S-wave manufacturing."

"At the same time, we must also demonstrate the relationship between the codirectional current and the intensity of S+ and S- waves."

"That's the main job."

In fact, the theoretical research work related to S wave has already produced results.

They have improved part of the theory and believe that there is a relationship between S+, S- waves and the surface of the semi-topological structure.

The surface layer of the semi-topological structure is the connection formed between the ions.

If the semi-topological structure is compared to a balloon, the surface layer is the rubber skin of the balloon. The rubber skin (ionic connection) is affected by the topological phenomenon of superconducting transformation, and part of it will break.

When an 'opening' appears in a semi-topological structure, anti-gravity characteristics will be excited inside, affecting the annihilation force field.

If too many ion connections are squeezed and broken, a special wave will be created, namely S+ and S- waves.

After perfecting the theory, Wang Hao couldn't help but sigh, "The semi-topological structure is really a magical structure!"

In the semi-topological structure, the surface ion connection is related to the gravitational field, and the interior is related to the annihilation force. That is, the former is related to the space problem, and the latter is related to the annihilation force field problem. It can be discovered first by contacting other theories. Overall, a Logical closed loop.

Only with particles can there be space -\u003e Only with space can there be annihilation force -\u003e Only with annihilation force can mass points be produced, that is, particles can be produced.

The semi-topological structure contains all three.

Wang Hao thought about it carefully and felt that it was very profound. The essential laws of the universe are reflected in the semi-topological structure, but it is not easy to conduct in-depth exploration. For the time being, they can only superficial phenomena, including the space caused by the rupture of ion connections. Correlation, including the annihilation force correlation brought about by the extrusion structure.

In the process of theoretical research, there is an issue that cannot be ignored, and that is the ‘particularity of the ionic connection in the semi-topological structure of β-CWY-137 material’.

Gravitational field technology is made of β-CWY-137 material.

Other materials cannot create a gravitational field using the same underlying structure. The β-CWY-137 material must have its own special features.

One definite aspect of this special feature is that beta materials enhance the activity of the ionic structure.

In addition, it is the material itself.

In fact, the research has reached this point, and to a certain extent, it has been completed. They are studying the principle of creating a gravitational field, and the principle has been laid out clearly. However, if they want to improve the theory, another problem needs to be solved.

"The relationship between codirectional current and gravitational field." Wang Hao said, "This is not just a technical issue."

"We need to confirm whether there will be interference between the semi-topological structures of β-CWY-137..."

"This may be the key to hindering technological research!"

Wang Hao's words were questions. In fact, he had already determined it.

Many previous experimental studies have found that the increase in the intensity of the codirectional current and the created gravitational field are not purely positive.

Now it is determined that the experimental results are linear, but there must be other factors involved, and because of this, the experimental results will be very confusing.

During the process of releasing s+ and s- waves from the semi-topological structure, there will be mutual interaction characteristics, which is the most important issue.

Technology sector.

After Wang Hao submitted the report, Teacher Xu immediately learned the news. He read the report for a long time and sighed, "I can't understand Academician Wang's research at all."

"Things I could still understand before include anti-gravity, element upgrading, strong annihilation force..."

"Now, a gravitational field two hundred meters away?"


Teacher Xu smiled bitterly while looking at the content. He felt that the technology he was studying was beyond the horizon, and it was not easy to understand.

He recalled carefully and found that Wang Hao's research had deepened step by step.

From the very beginning of anti-gravity to now, it has gradually broken away from the existing technological foundation, as if it is studying alien technology.

"I can't imagine it!"

Teacher Xu shook his head with a wry smile. All he could do was approve the application and then contact the military to help find a new base.

Gravity field technology is purely future technology. It feels that it is already divorced from existing technology. As a result, even if there is a breakthrough in technology, he can't even think of any applications.

Apart from excluding the space carrier, what are the applications of creating a high-magnification gravitational field?

"I can't imagine it..."

Teacher Xu looked up at Deng Huaizhen and asked, "Academician Deng, what do you think?"


Deng Huaizhen said with a grimace, "I can't imagine it. This kind of gravity-level technology is beyond the scope of my brain."

As he spoke, he suddenly said, "Mr. Xu, when it comes to Wang Hao's research, I actually feel the same as you."

"If we classify knowledge and abilities numerically, for example, your knowledge and ability evaluation is 1, mine is 100, and Academician Wang is already 10,000."

"In front of ten thousand, is there any difference between 1 and 100?"

"They are all under 10,000..."

Teacher Xu thought about it carefully and found that Deng Huaizhen's metaphor was very interesting. Compared with Wang Hao, he and Deng Huaizhen were not much different.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly became very dissatisfied, "You are a hundred, and I am only one?"

"I was a fool?"

Deng Huaizhen opened his mouth and quickly explained, "That's not what I meant, I was just giving an example."

"Then you can say that I am one hundred and you are one!" Teacher Xu gritted his teeth.

Deng Huaizhen retorted, "If you are taller than me, why do you still ask me to be a technology consultant?"


Teacher Xu nodded and said, "You can go through the resignation procedures in the afternoon. I'm already at 100. It doesn't matter if I have more than 1 or less than 1."

For a month, Wang Hao and his theoretical team have been doing research, and they finally perfected the 'technical principle of gravitational field'.

At the same time, Wang Hao also inspected the new experimental base with people sent by the science and technology department.

According to Wang Hao's request, they found two locations. One was at the junction of the desert and the grassland. It was a wasteland in an uninhabited area with fifty kilometers of desolate surroundings.

The other place is on a plateau at an altitude of 3,000 meters. It is also an uninhabited area and a flat area, but the environment is relatively beautiful and there are many wild animals living in it.

Wang Hao chose the former.

The plateau environment is relatively better, but the transportation is not developed, and he does not want to affect the living environment of the animals because of his research.

After determining the location of the experimental base, the superiors helped build a small base.

The equipment and materials of the anti-gravity center's gravitational field experiment team were also moved here, and the main participants also went to the new base.

The experimental group was a little impatient.

Huang Mingkun is the person in charge of the military and will also participate in the research as a military representative.

When he discovered that He Yi and others had arrived at the base and immediately began to connect lines, debug equipment, and even determine the detection range, Huang Mingkun couldn't help but ask, "Why are you in such a hurry? We are just here, and there is still a lot of preliminary work to do, right?"

He shook his head as he spoke, "Academician He, even if you are eager to do research, you can't do it overnight. It's better to familiarize yourself with the environment first."

"Preliminary work? Familiar with the environment?"

He Yi immediately shook his head and said, "Professor Huang, you may not know that we have already prepared it. We just found a place to conduct experiments."

"This area is large and flat enough, and it is easy to perform inspections after turning on the equipment."

"Now just wait for Academician Wang to come over!"

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