From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 577: Drawing a big pie and deceiving people? Zang Chunlai: Academician Wang actually takes i

Regarding the take-off and landing test experiment of the light pressure engine, most public opinions at home and abroad were surprised and praised, but there were also many international media who talked about other issues from a unique perspective.

For example, there is a theory that creating strong light sources will accelerate global warming.

"The strong light source produced by the light pressure engine is similar to sunlight and is pure light energy."

"The total amount of light energy radiated from the sun to the earth every year is stable, and the light pressure engine will release additional light energy, which will directly lead to accelerated global changes."

"This could have a devastating impact on the Earth's environment."

"Spaceship Industries is not thinking about that."

"International environmental organizations should come forward to conduct detailed investigations and limit the heat emission indicators when the light pressure engine is started..."

This statement has a certain logic, because the light pressure engine does create a strong light source, which can indeed accelerate global warming to a certain extent.

But the problem is that the engine releases pure light energy, which does not involve greenhouse gas emissions and has no subsequent impact.

In addition, the efficiency of the light pressure engine is very high, and the total power released as heat when turned on is only equivalent to several large rockets with a load of more than 100 tons.

Calculated as a whole, the impact on global warming when the light pressure engine is turned on is not even comparable to that of a small thermal power station (thermal power plants emit greenhouse gases).

Another puzzling theory is that the center of the light pressure engine will create an environment similar to the core of the sun.

Because of this, the engine is able to create a large amount of pure light.

"If you increase the power further, you may create a black hole that absorbs matter, and everything around it will collapse toward the center of the light pressure engine."

"The earth is in danger of destruction..."

Scholars only took a look at this statement, but it gained the support of many ordinary people. There were rallies and protests in some countries, shouting slogans calling for the suspension of the research and development of light pressure engines.

That of course makes no sense.

Statements like Angle Qingqi come from major international media.

at the same time.

American's decision-makers are the most anxious. The successful test of the light pressure engine makes them anxious. The main impact is on competition in the space field.

In the competition in the space field, Amerikan has always had an advantage.

For example, they have the most complete space monitoring system, relying on a large number of satellites launched into space.

According to statistics, Amerikan has 5,277 satellites, most of which are commercial and military satellites, including the famous GPS navigation satellites.

They are still continuing to launch satellites on a large scale, hoping to build a broader satellite network and further seize space resources.

This plan had been in progress, but it suffered an interdimensional blow.

The flower grower directly built a super big guy, with a diameter of 120 meters and a rough estimate of weight of more than 10,000 tons, maybe even tens of thousands of tons. It used unimaginable light pressure engine technology.

This kind of big guy that can realize its own energy self-sufficiency has no rivals in space. No matter how many satellites are launched, no matter how many resources it seizes, there is no point.

At that time, the opponent will be able to start a space battle!

How to deal with it?

Ameriken's decision-makers have held several meetings in a row to discuss related issues. "The research on the light pressure engine is going very well. Being able to fly proves that high-altitude flight is not far away."

"If high-altitude flight is achieved, space flight is not far away..."

"To target light pressure engines or possible future ultra-large-scale spacecraft, we can only use close-to-Earth destruction methods."

"This kind of spacecraft with almost unlimited energy will definitely be equipped with protective weapons. If it reaches space, it will not be destroyed..."

Everyone else nodded unequivocally to this.

The most high-end missiles can pose a direct threat to satellites in space, but they are aimed at satellites that cannot change their trajectory. When the missile flies into space, its speed will become very slow, and it has no penetrating power and accuracy. It is also very low. If the spacecraft has a weapons system, it can think of countless ways to deal with ground missiles.

"It doesn't make much sense to destroy it close to the ground."

"We are not in a war to destroy humanity. The most important thing is deterrence."

"If we want to have deterrence, unless we use the same technology, for example, we can also build a spacecraft that is energy self-sufficient..."

Someone immediately suggested, “Maybe we should restart the nuclear-powered space shuttle program?”

The proposal was immediately rejected.

Their aerospace development history has shown that space shuttles have many shortcomings, not to mention nuclear-powered space shuttles, which will have countless problems when they are manufactured.

So in the end there is only one way to go, "We need to have equal technology."

This is the key.

After holding many meetings in a row, the No. 1 decision-maker found that he had to return to the original path, "We must master the regional strong annihilation field technology."

"Only by mastering the regional strong annihilation force field technology can we study annihilation particle technology and create a large amount of first-order materials..."

"The intelligence department needs to hurry up. The nuclear organization needs more relevant information."

American is an important participant in the nuclear organization and can obtain a lot of important information, but it can only collect it bit by bit, and it is impossible to steal equipment openly.

This is the default rule.

If the rules are broken, not to mention the reaction of the flower growers, the allied countries will be very resistant, which will cause great conflicts and disputes. After all, the equipment is jointly owned by the flower growers' science and technology department and the nuclear organization.

Amrican returned its attention to the nuclear organization.

The nuclear organization didn't feel so good. Thinking back to a week ago, they were still the focus of the world. Many reports focused on the equipment they "bought" and the experiments they planned to conduct.

It's different now.

The eyes of the whole world have turned to the Spacecraft Industrial Company. Everyone is paying attention to the light pressure engine and has no interest at all in the experimental information of the nuclear organization.

It’s right to think about it…

Everyone has already built a light pressure engine based on annihilation particle technology, but the nuclear organization is still researching the 'lowest-end' strong annihilation force field equipment?

What's the point?

Bazberg-Montra didn't think it was interesting. They recently conducted a series of tests, and the contents were published in academic journals and appeared in media reports. The results did not attract much attention at all.

Others say it is external public opinion. Even the people involved in the experiment within the organization are talking about the light pressure engine and possible follow-up research content.

Li Ming and Yan Yaojun are still the focus.

As the team leaders of the flower growers participating in the experiment, they first became the focus of the strong annihilation field equipment. A large number of scholars surrounded them, constantly asking questions related to the strong annihilation field technology.

Li Ming and Yan Yaojun didn't understand the strong annihilation force field. They could only briefly talk about what they knew, and then asked questions without knowing anything.

Of course, they didn't say they didn't know, they just smiled and shook their heads.

This attitude makes people think that they want to keep information confidential, rather than not being technical.

Li Ming and Yan Yaojun were both worried about this. After the test of the light pressure engine made the news, they discovered that the scholars' questions turned into "light pressure engine".

"What material is used in the light pressure engine?"

"It is said that the maximum temperature exceeds 6500 degrees Celsius. How is it achieved? How is it controlled?"

"Talk about annihilation particle technology, talk about..."

"Is this technology really controllable? How is control achieved?"


Li Ming and Yan Yaojun suddenly became even more confused.

At first they said they didn't know, and found that no one believed it. Then they simply talked about the basics that everyone knew, "First of all, we agreed that we were not involved in the project, but the research was very powerful and used a lot of high-end first-order materials. Otherwise, How can it withstand such high temperatures?”

"This engine is very heavy, reaching tens of thousands of tons!"

"After making the engine, the next step is to make a super large spacecraft!"

"This is a 100-billion-dollar project."

"The research speed is unexpectedly fast and very smooth. Now is the first test. It is estimated that in a few years, it will be able to enter space..."

The last sentence was affirmed.

Many people also judge the speed of research and development in the same way. Now we can only land airplanes. If the research goes well, we will be able to launch into space in a few years.

In a few years, go into space.

This is not a random guess, but an estimated time based on normal research and development speed.

For any very large equipment, many problems will be discovered every time you do a test, and it will take a lot of time to solve these problems.

This is especially true for light pressure engines.

Wang Hao is confident in the design, but manufacturing involves material performance, so he is not 100% sure. After the first take-off and landing test, many problems were also discovered during the subsequent inspection process.

For example, if the insulation material inside becomes dry, it will directly affect the life of the material.

This material needs to be continued to be studied, or the thickness of the insulation material must be increased, or better materials must be replaced. How to do this needs to be demonstrated.

During the take-off and landing test, the balance system performed very well, but there were still some small bugs in the calculations, which caused the engine to continuously vibrate.

In addition, the calculation accuracy of the small light pressure nozzle is still not enough, which leads to unstable internal temperature and deviations beyond the 'tolerable error'.

There are two locations where the material problems are the most serious. One is the interface between the neutron channel and the center of the strong annihilation force field.

The other is the inner tube that excites the rear half of the propulsion device.

The former is because it is at the light source release point and the temperature it withstands is too high; the latter is because the pressure is too high. The light pressure is created by the second half of the excitation propulsion device. Even if most of the pressure is outward, it will It has a great impact on the inner tube in the second half.

A week later, all testing was completed.

Wang Hao organized an experimental meeting and summarized the problems found. "All the problems found can be summarized into two major categories."

"One is electronic systems; one is materials."

"The electronic system is in charge of Academician Wang Dong, assisted by Paul Phil-Jones' mathematics group, and strives to solve these problems as soon as possible."

"Academician Cao Dongming is responsible for the materials."

"is that OK?"

Wang Dong nodded immediately, "No problem, my team will continue to improve the electronic system."

Cao Dongming also nodded seriously, "No problem. Our team will communicate with other institutions and strive to develop better alternative materials."

After assigning tasks, Wang Hao returned to the office and had a serious talk with Zang Chunlai.

Zang Chunlai is the general manager of the spacecraft company and is responsible for all aspects of the research project.

They were talking about personnel matters.

Wang Hao said seriously, "Now that the first test is over and the project is on track, I think it's time to formalize it."

Zang Chunlai understood immediately after hearing this, "Academician Wang, do you mean to let those researchers join? Let all the participants join?"


Wang Hao said very seriously, "Spacecraft Industrial Corporation is a formal company, and the main researchers of the Impossible Project are all from other institutions."

"They still have jobs with the original agency, and there will definitely be problems down the road."

"Core researchers such as Academician Cao Dongming, Academician Wang Dong, etc. can be invited to officially join the company, and the same goes for everyone else."

"We need to formalize the company's treatment so that they can focus on their work instead of feeling like they are just participating in a large project."

"The manufacturing, operation and future development of spacecraft are very long-term. They may last for several years, ten years, or even longer, decades. It is impossible to keep them on the job, right?"

“There’s no end in sight for this project!”

Zang Chunlai thought about it carefully and said with some distress, "Isn't it easy to convince them to formally join the company? They must first resign from their original units. There are several academicians, many professors, and researchers among them..."

"There are also some key engineers from the military. Will those departments release them?"

"This, you don't have to worry about."

Wang Hao said, "I'll go communicate with them. There should be no problem."

"Also, to convince them to officially join the job, the salary offered is very high." Zang Chunlai said, "Why should Academician Cao have an annual salary of one million?"


Wang Haodao said, "You don't have to worry about funding. I plan to continue raising funds next."


"Designing a spaceship, to be precise."


Zang Chunlai was stunned. Why did raising funds turn into designing a spacecraft?

Wang Hao said matter-of-factly, "Now that our engines can take off and land, the next step is to fly at high altitudes, and the next step is to enter space."

"So, what about after entering space?"

"The engines can all enter space, and the spacecraft has not yet been designed. The time difference is too big and may last several years or even longer."

"So we must design the spacecraft in advance and manufacture it in advance. Once the engine is mature, it can be directly installed and tested."

"Of course, there is another reason..."

"Only when the spacecraft has a complete design and manufacturing plan can we raise funds."

"When the company was first established, it was stated that its future business would be manned spaceflight, interstellar resource mining, etc. The spacecraft must have these functions to achieve positive profits in the future, and it does not always require large investments in research and development."

Wang Hao said it very seriously.

Zang Chunlai's mouth opened wide when he heard this. He always felt that when the company was first established, the 'future business plan' mentioned was just trying to make a big deal and deceiving people.

Manned spaceflight is still barely acceptable.

Planet prospecting?

Interstellar resource mining?

What an international joke! Why not talk about interstellar immigration?

It is impossible to realize these businesses in a short time, at least in his lifetime.

Academician Wang seems to take it seriously?

I also want to use this to raise funds on a large scale to build spaceships...

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