From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 562: Everyone else is building fighter jets, but you just built a flintlock gun?

After the Cooper team submitted the results report to the Department of Energy, it was immediately taken seriously. The Department of Energy sent high-level officials to the experimental base to listen to the new results face to face.

On behalf of the project team, Corot-James made a detailed analysis of the results, "We have been studying DC annihilation technology."

"The intensity of the DC force field created before was very low, but we were sure that this was the right direction, so we continued to study it."

"It turns out we were right."

"Using a new high-voltage hybrid material, we used direct current to create an anti-gravity field with a strength of 15 percent."

An official immediately asked, "Only 15 percent?"

"That's pretty high."

James' expression was very serious, "DC force field and AC force field are different," he hesitated before asking, "Are you sure you want to listen to the theory?"

"Tell me~~~"

The official nodded.

"All right."

James said, "According to relevant theories, in the superconducting state, a semi-topological structure will appear inside the material. Anti-gravity technology is based on the squeezing of the semi-topological structure."

"In alternating current, the direction of the current changes constantly, with gaps in between, while in direct current, the direction of the current always remains..."

He talked a lot in succession, and several officials were confused.

James shook his head and sighed, "Okay, let me give you a simple example."

"You can imagine a balloon. If the balloon is blown up, if it is AC, the balloon will be compressed first, then blown up, and then compressed again..."

"If this process is repeated, there will be incoherence problems, so it is impossible to create a strong annihilation force field that 'must be continuous'."

"Previously, our technology was to use superposition force fields, that is, to superimpose several anti-gravity fields together, and a coherent strong annihilation force field would appear at the intersection."

"Now that it is direct current, the balloon will always be compressed, which solves the continuity problem."

Several officials looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction, "We understand this example." Some officials asked, "But the field force is still very low?"

"It's very high."

James said, "Although the anti-gravity field strength is only 15%, we can use the built-in high heat source and outer magnetic interference to continuously increase the internal field strength, even to infinitely close to 100%."

"At the same time, the outer layer will also stimulate a strong annihilation field."

"In other words, with the DC anti-gravity technology, we only need one device to create the same effect of superimposing the field forces of the original four devices."

"Technology has improved, and security has also improved."

This time the officials understood, but they still didn't know the value of the results.

The new technology can replace the original four devices with one device. The security has indeed been improved, but what is the specific significance?

Cooper said, "Maybe if you put it this way, you will understand."

"Flower growers know about nuclear fusion, right? Their core device must use this technology. Also, one piece of equipment can produce annihilation rays, and the equipment will become very simplified, so the prospects of F-ray technology will become Very vast.”

Several officials looked at each other and suddenly became much more serious.

James explained a lot, all from a technical perspective, while Cooper directly talked about the use of cutting-edge technology.

Nuclear fusion device!

Annihilation ray!

These are the technologies that American has always wanted to master. They did not fully understand the technologies, but now they have been researched by Cooper's team.

They suddenly became serious.

Several officials listened to the report, understood the importance of the new technology, and decided to continue reporting the news.

The next level up from the Department of Energy is the Hexagon and the White House.

Experimental base.

The project team celebrated warmly.

Kubo is full of excitement. They have been worried about research. One is because the technology is too far behind Wang Hao's team, and the other is that there has been no major breakthrough.

Finally, there is the issue of funding.

The $55 billion raised by the Groom Lake project will soon be consumed, and research cannot continue without follow-up funding.

If there is no major breakthrough, research is likely to be passively suspended.

Now that we have gratifying results, we don’t have to worry about subsequent research and development funding. Whether it’s a hexagonal building or a white house, they will definitely provide sufficient support.

While Cooper's team was immersed in the new results, the newly formed Spacecraft Industrial Company made its first official announcement.

The content of the announcement is an introduction to the company, including the company's structure, personnel composition, shareholdings of various parties, areas of involvement, etc.

In the end, it has to do with the goals set after the company was established.

"The initial goal of the R\u0026D Department of Spaceship Industry Corporation is to develop, explore and manufacture aerospace technology and equipment with annihilation particle technology as the core energy source."

After this announcement was released, it immediately attracted attention from all over the world and quickly became the focus of international public opinion.

There have been many reports about the Spacecraft Industrial Company before. After all, it is a very large company with a registered capital of 140 billion, and it is involved in the aerospace field.

The mainstream view in the international media is that the flower growers have established a company to compete with the Space Exploration Company and are preparing to compete with Amrikan for space resources.

This is the conclusion recognized by most people.

The competition for space resources is not something imagined in science fiction.

In the past few decades, various powerful countries have been competing for space resources. At first, the competition for space resources revolved around "combat control."

Combat control refers to the control over the use of a certain dimension of battlefield space within a certain time and space.

As the operational fields of modern warfare continue to extend to information and space, the theory of control is also constantly evolving and developing. When powerful countries compete for combat control, the focus is on using satellites to detect and track targets and assist in the precise guidance of weapon systems. etc.

After the development of the Space Exploration Company, competition for satellite orbits quickly attracted attention.

In order to deploy the "Starlink Project", Space Exploration Corporation launched tens of thousands of low-orbit satellites into space, covering a large number of orbits hundreds of kilometers above the ground.

As the number of artificial satellites increases, one question must be considered - will the orbits of satellites become a very important resource in space?

That's almost a given.

When a new satellite is launched, one issue that must be considered is whether it will overlap with the orbits of other satellites.

If the orbits overlap, the satellites may collide, and the consequences of the collision are self-evident.

Therefore, new satellites must have new orbits, but the space in space is limited after all. When the orbits of two satellites are in the same altitude range, there is the possibility of direct collision.

This is mainly due to deviations in satellite orbits.

For example, for a satellite 300 kilometers above the ground, the satellite's established altitude is 305,000 meters, but the deviation causes the altitude to be 304,000 meters.

Both satellites have deviations, so there are naturally uncontrollable risks.

This is not theoretical. Domestic space stations have experienced three orbital crises, two of which were caused by the sudden drop in altitude of Amerikan's satellites.

At that time, the space station also activated energy for emergency evacuation, which minimized the possibility of collision with other satellites.

As the number of artificial satellites increases, the satellite orbit resources in space will naturally be greatly reduced. If there is a need to launch satellites in the future, it will be found that there are already several satellites at a given altitude.

What should we do then?

Perhaps we can only go to the satellite agency to negotiate or purchase satellite orbits.

That must be a huge expense!

The current announcements from Aerospace Industries have, to a certain extent, denied the mainstream view of rumors about the company.

Or, it can be understood that the mainstream view is too simple!

"Use annihilation particle technology as the core of energy to develop aerospace technology equipment? The most important thing is annihilation particle technology..."

"So, annihilation particles are not just a theory, but a technology that has been mastered by humans. The research and development team must be related to Wang Hao, who is the chairman of the Spacecraft Industrial Company."

"Annihilation particles are a theory parallel to antimatter. In other words, they have mastered technology similar to antimatter's ability to create energy!"

"Mass is directly converted into energy, a technology that is 130 times more efficient than nuclear fusion in releasing energy!"

"Using this technology as the core of energy to manufacture aerospace equipment? It should be said to be manufacturing large spaceships! Until now, humans do not have a spacecraft with independent energy..."

"How big of a spaceship will that be?"

Some media exclaimed, “This is no longer a competition for space resources, but an attempt to achieve absolute space supremacy!”

"no doubt……"

"If you can build a spaceship with independent energy, you will definitely gain space supremacy, because then you can easily destroy any satellite!"

at the same time.

In Amrican's white room, the team members of the No. 1 decision-maker were also watching the media reports. The reports were all centered around 'annihilation particle technology', 'large spaceships' and 'space supremacy'.

"Theoretically, annihilation particle technology is much more efficient than nuclear fusion, and is basically equivalent to antimatter technology. At the same time, it is also an absolutely clean energy technology."

"That's technology that can truly efficiently create unlimited energy."

"Spaceship Industries released news that they have mastered annihilation particle technology. If the news is true, their energy technology has reached a new level and left other countries far behind... By the way, other countries They haven’t even mastered nuclear fusion technology, including Amrikan.”

"If annihilation particle technology is used in the aerospace field, it will definitely create a very large spacecraft. The spacecraft has enough energy, can carry space weapons, and can also freely change orbits..."

"That would be very surprising and very scary..."

The No. 1 decision-maker couldn't help but be frightened when he saw what was on the news.

Annihilation force field technology is already very important and is related to all aspects of cutting-edge scientific and technological fields. Now annihilation particle technology has appeared.

This is a super energy technology that is much more efficient than nuclear fusion!

If it were ten years ago, most scientists would have believed that similar technology would only appear when humans conquered the universe.

That may be a thousand years later, ten thousand years later...

Not now!

"We don't even have a grasp of nuclear fusion control technology, nor do we understand the technical principles of their nuclear fusion devices..."

"As a result, they have mastered technology that is 130 times more efficient than nuclear fusion!"

The No. 1 decision-maker looked incredulous and asked, "Do you think this news is true?"

There was silence in the office.

Everyone lowered their heads and thought, they would not speak at this time. Without clear information channels, no one could be sure whether the news was true or false.

The No. 1 decision-maker sighed and asked several technology consultants, "What do you think? Maybe you can tell me any ideas you have."

A technology consultant immediately said, "We are not sure whether the news is true or false. If annihilation particle technology exists, there are a few things that are certain."

"One is related to regional annihilation field technology."

"Second, the source of annihilation particle technology is our explosion accident, which is Purier (the sacrifice experiment). Later, the flower grower took the lead in replicating the explosion experiment."

"This must be an extension of related research."

After listening to the technical consultant's words, the No. 1 decision maker became even more uncomfortable.

Apparently there was an explosion during their experiment, but based on the explosion, the other party developed annihilation particle technology that 'represents the future of human technology'?

This is so depressing.

Someone said comfortingly, "We are just guessing here, they just issued an announcement."

"Maybe it's not that magical. They just said 'research around annihilation particle technology', but maybe they are continuing to study annihilation particle technology?"

"I understand the theory of annihilation particles. The energy produced is equivalent to antimatter. Even if it can be produced, it is very difficult to control."

"It's like nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion existed a long time ago, and we used it to develop the hydrogen bomb. In the following decades, we only had the theory of control and fusion, and it was impossible to apply the technology at all."

"The efficiency of annihilation particles in producing energy is more than 130 times that of nuclear fusion. So, how do they control it?"

"It may take dozens or hundreds of years to complete."

This statement made the No. 1 decision-maker feel a lot better. He just discovered a technology that can produce a large amount of 'uncontrollable' energy. At most, it can be used to make large bombs.

A bomb is just a bomb after all, a weapon with destructive power.

Including Amrican and the flower growers, they have enough high-destruction nuclear weapons, but they are only used for deterrence, and their production is of little significance.

When he found that the discussion was fruitless, the No. 1 decision-maker decided to look at the good news to relieve his depression.

Then, he read the results report sent by the Department of Energy.

What the Department of Energy sent over was not a paper or a detailed report, but just a brief summary of new results. "DC antigravity field technology can greatly simplify annihilation ray equipment. At the same time, it is also a field force layout technology for nuclear fusion for flower growers."


The No. 1 decision-maker twitched his lips. He was not happy at all.

Looking at the content of the results, he thought of annihilation particle technology again, and what the technology consultant just said was 'related to regional strong annihilation force field technology'.

He spat out a word starting with 'F' and cursed angrily, "They have announced that they have mastered the annihilation particle technology, and Kubo and his group, not only study annihilation particles, but also master the most basic regional strong annihilation force. So can field technology.”

"As a result, the anti-gravity field was developed?"

"Simplified annihilation ray equipment? What's the use! Another explosion! What we need is regional strong annihilation force field technology..."

Others looked over.

The No. 1 decision-maker continued to sarcastically say with anger, "Others were already building fighter jets, but Cooper built a flintlock gun and smugly called it a great discovery..."

"How can we fight this battle?"


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