From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 555 Completed in one week? Shen Huiming: It’s not that I don’t believe you!

End of the meeting.

Everyone was very excited, and they learned that the light pressure engine is not just an 'engine', but may also become a space weapon and a strategic weapon.

This weapon can pose a direct threat to space, sky and ground.

"The only thing that is not a threat may be submarines. Submarines are hidden below the surface of the water and cannot be hit by any powerful laser."

"Actually, the threat to the ground is very small."

"This kind of laser weapon can pose a direct threat to missiles and satellites, as well as aircraft, but the effect of hitting the ground is not good, such as tanks?"

"Facing protected ground facilities, the effect will not be very good..."

"of course."

"But... it's too wasteful to use lasers from high altitude to hit tanks, isn't it?"

When they thought about it carefully, it was indeed true.

It is too wasteful to use such high-end weapons to fight tanks. It is almost enough to target strategic-level aircraft carriers, but the threat of laser weapons to aircraft carriers is too small. A laser shot on the deck can scratch a little skin, which is completely incomparable. Use an F-ray to hit the nuclear power plant for a better effect.

Of course.

The engine's laser weapon is mainly for strategic defense, not active attack. Those that can threaten the engine or the space carrier are missiles with ultra-long-distance strike capabilities, or some satellite weapons in the future, which themselves must be' Vulnerable'.

Powerful laser weapons are enough to deal with these opponents.

Everyone thought about it for a while, and after calming down, they had to face the reality, "I hope it can be realized, right? We have only completed the engine design."

"Academician Wang, I definitely believe it, but it will take a year or two to create such a light pressure engine, right?"

"It will definitely take this long to get to the manufacturing stage."

"Academician Wang also said that I don't know how long it will take to build a test machine. The main reason is that it is too big and requires a lot of first-order materials, including a lot of high technology..."

"It's really complicated."

"Do you think the two technologies mentioned by Academician Wang can be realized? One is annihilation particle release strong laser technology, and the other is super radar technology?"

"Annihilation particles release strong lasers, it's hard to say, but super radar, I know this!"

A scholar who knew about 'super radar technology' couldn't help but talk about it, "This research has been done by Shen Huiming. He was originally at the Radar Research Institute, and later went to study first-order radar."

"I still don't know what progress has been made..."

"The military is very optimistic about this project, the first-order radar. The existing technology cannot be intercepted, or even weakened."

"It is estimated that it has not been completed yet, and the time required is uncertain..."

He said and shook his head.

Others nodded in understanding. A brand-new research would definitely take a long time. It would be great to be able to complete it within a few years.

Nowadays, there are many institutions in the world that study first-order waves based on first-order materials, but they can only produce electromagnetic waves of a single frequency. High-frequency waves are too difficult, let alone the stable release of first-order high-frequency short waves by Yanni Bureau. radar.

That's definitely a hit!

After Wang Hao left the design team base, he first went to the annihilation particle experimental base.

The main person in charge of the annihilation particle experiment is He Yi, and the second person in charge includes Zhao Jinhua, Deng Kaizhi and others, each of whom is responsible for a part.

For example, Zhao Jinhua comes from the Institute of Nuclear Physics and is in charge of nuclear reactors.

He Yi has a lot of work, and sometimes he is not at the experimental base.

Wang Hao also knew that He Yi was not at the base, so he found Deng Kaizhi, Zhao Jinhua and others and explained the experiment of annihilating particles to release strong lasers.

Deng Kaizhi, Zhao Jinhua and others were a little confused after hearing this.

"Release powerful laser?"

"Should the entire device be covered with high-temperature resistant materials?"

"We can't do this kind of research. Only Wang Li and Zhou Hongye's groups are doing optical experiments here, but they study basic optics."

Wang Haodao, "Of course I'm not asking you to do experiments. I will apply to my superiors to have a laser weapon research team come over."

"When the time comes, you must cooperate with the experiment."

"I will also ask relevant departments to provide maximum support..."

Wang Hao said briefly and immediately contacted the superior department and applied for a laser weapon research team to come over.

The response from higher authorities was very fast.

They contacted Tang Hongchao, a military scientist and laser weapons expert, and asked his team to go to the annihilation particle experimental base.

Tang Hongchao is the most famous laser weapons expert in the country. He is a military scientist, that is, an expert who specializes in weapons research for the military. Even his name is kept confidential.

In recent years, his team has made remarkable achievements in research and development.

There have been laser weapons in China for a long time, and the most famous one is the ‘Hunter’ which has been sold abroad and can attack drones at low cost.

On the ground battlefield, laser weapons are not very powerful, but they have great advantages in attacking drones.

First of all, it is low cost.

Ordinary laser weapons only cost a few thousand dollars to launch, while an anti-aircraft missile costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In addition, laser weapons are very fast and cannot be intercepted. They have excellent properties such as speed, flexibility, accuracy and resistance to electromagnetic interference.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious.

For example, range.

The Hunter has a range of only a few kilometers and can only be used to intercept low-altitude drones.

Tang Hongchao's team has always hoped to improve laser weapons to make the weapons have a greater range and stronger power. They have developed a technology that uses strong interference to excite light sources, which can make the instantaneously excited light source more than twenty times stronger. However, the weapon only lasts for a long time. Usability has always been a difficulty.

The problem is that the instantaneous high temperature of strong lasers will destroy laser weapon equipment.

After the popularity of first-order materials, Tang Hongchao's team's research has also made progress. They have improved the excitation and cooling system, successfully stabilized high-power lasers, and manufactured laser weapons that have also reached application standards, and have submitted manufacturing prototypes.

At this time, Tang Hongchao received information from the superior department.

"Going to a new experimental base to conduct research on laser weapons?" Tang Hongchao didn't understand, but obeying orders is a soldier's bounden duty, so he still led his team to the experimental base as soon as possible.

They were all filled with curiosity.

This brand-new job is absolutely confidential. Even on the way to the base, they still don't know what research to do. The only thing they are sure of is related to laser weapons.

Experimental base.

Tang Hongchao's team saw Deng Kaizhi and Zhao Jinhua waiting. They looked behind them and saw a surprised face.

"Academician Wang Hao!"

Tang Hongchao immediately exclaimed.

Deng Kaizhi, Zhao Jinhua and others all laughed. They understood Tang Hongchao's mood very well. They suddenly received a mission and came to a "deserted place", and they could actually see a "legendary character"?

"Professor Tang, we have been waiting for a long time."

Wang Hao also showed enthusiasm. He walked over to shake hands with Tang Hongchao and said, "Our research is to use a strong enough light source to develop laser weapons."

"A strong enough light source?"

Tang Hongchao didn't understand. There were three difficulties in the research of laser weapons, the biggest of which was the problem of the excitation light source.

The focus of their research is also the excitation light source.

The conventional method is to inject current, which allows the particles in the laser to obtain additional energy.

This is the creation of ‘excited states of particles’.

The next step is to perform "stimulated emission". When an excited particle encounters a light from a similar particle, it will "follow" the light and release an identical light.

Finally, through an intensifier cavity (a space that allows light to be repeatedly reflected and intensified within it) and mirrors, these light rays are concentrated and amplified, much like water is concentrated and directed through a tube, and ultimately a beam is emitted from the laser. Powerful and highly concentrated light.

The manufacturing process of lasers revolves around excitation and controlling stronger light.

Precisely because the difficulty lies in the excitation light source, Tang Hongchao doesn't quite understand what Wang Hao said about "using a strong enough light source".

With a strong enough light source, wouldn't most of the problems be solved?

Zhao Jinhua explained with some pride, "Professor Tang, we use the most advanced means to create pure light."

"The temperature is high and the light intensity is sufficient..."

"Only more, no less!"

He briefly described it in one sentence, and then simply said, "You will know after you see our experiments."

Tang Hongchao's team was welcomed to the temporary dormitory.

In the afternoon, they went to the cave used for experiments, and Deng Kaizhi immediately directed a new round of experiments.

Their experiments are ongoing, and parameters must be constantly adjusted to collect data.

Tang Hongchao's team observed the experiment.

The experiment in the cave was not suitable for spectators. They watched the experiment on the monitoring screen of the office building, and then all that was left in their hearts was surprise.

"It's all light?"

"Create such a strong light directly? It looks like a sun!"

"This device is used as a light source for laser weapons. The power of the laser produced is... unimaginable!"

Wang Hao grinned as he listened, "Professor Tang, our device is not for making laser weapons. In fact, it is an energy core."

"We need to use the strong light we create and bundle it together to create a strong laser. You are an expert in this field. Take a look at the situation and design how to make it..."

“This is very important to our research.

Tang Hongchao was filled with excitement.

As a laser weapon expert, he felt that he had arrived in heaven, researching a laser weapon that did not need to consider the excitation light source at all?

It's like building a power plant without considering energy or conversion efficiency.

Expand, expand, and that’s it!

After the experiment was over, Tang Hongchao discussed with Deng Kaizhi, Zhao Jinhua and others.

Wang Hao was not involved. He asked the research team to cooperate with Tang Hongchao to conduct experiments. The experiment could not be done directly. It had to be designed first and then entered the manufacturing stage.

This process requires a lot of materials and equipment, which have to be transported slowly, and it takes a long time to wait.

After Wang Hao handed over his work, he went to the Annihilation Field Experiment Base.

Super radar technology is imminent!

Wang Hao's previous research did not use super radar technology, and it was only the military that needed this technology. Naturally, he didn't care about the progress, and just gave Shen Huiming enough support to let Shen Huiming do the research.

It's different now.

If a light pressure engine wants to ensure its own safety, it must have the 'brightest eyes' that can detect all potential threatening eyes.

Super radar technology is very important.

When he arrived at the Annihilation Field Experiment Base, Wang Hao went directly to the Materials Testing Center and found where Shen Huiming's team was.

Shen Huiming's team is in a corner of the material testing center.

After meeting Wang Hao, he made a report with some pride, "Through the research on the release of first-order waves inside the annihilation force field, we have been able to create electromagnetic waves of various frequencies, and the strongest can excite high-frequency waves that far exceed X-rays... "

"First-order waves of any frequency can be excited."

Wang Hao asked doubtfully, "So, you have developed a usable first-order shortwave radar?"


Shen Huiming opened his mouth and said nothing. He just took Wang Hao to the back and saw a huge equipment more than 30 meters high.

Most of this equipment is an empty shell. There are many metal pillars on both sides and above and below, and there are many metal baffles for unknown purposes.

The material that Wang Hao could recognize at a glance was the 'brown gold' on several large baffles.

It must be used to reflect electromagnetic waves.

The center of the large device is the annihilation field generating device.

Shen Huiming said, "Although it can be manufactured, the output is very unstable. Every time it is discovered, the device must be turned on again, and a high-power current of more than two thousand kilowatts must be used to activate it."

He added, "This is true of any research. Just like the supercomputers of decades ago, they were also big. We have been studying the problem of miniaturization."

Wang Hao frowned in confusion, "What's the problem?"

Shen Huiming said, "Actually, this is still the original problem. The electromagnetic pulse is unstable. We can only use strong current to ensure the output. We have modified the design of the electromagnetic field inside the field force many times, and now it is the maximum benefit."

"In the end, we decided to do it on a larger scale. It will be very troublesome when the outer layer is separated from the force field. The energy of the first-order wave created will be weakened, which means it will dissipate quickly."

"Many of the large metal devices outside are used to enhance signals."

"Because it requires strong current, the device must be started repeatedly and heat must be dissipated..."

Shen Huiming said a lot in succession.

Wang Hao had been listening carefully. He didn't know much about radar technology and didn't understand how difficult it was. He thought about it and just created a task.

【Task 3】

[Research project name: Research and development of first-order shortwave radar based on existing technology (difficulty: B). 】

[Inspiration value: 0. 】

When he saw the difficulty of the task, he opened his mouth in surprise, "Professor Shen, I'm pretty sure you are very close to success."

He asked, "How long have you been stuck on improving the design of the electromagnetic device within the field force?"

"Five months, almost half a year..."

"In other words, you are using technology from half a year ago?"


Wang Hao shook his head helplessly and decided, "Let's do this. I will stay here for the next few days and work with you on the design and improvement of the electromagnetic device within the field force."

"We will try to complete the new design within a week and solve this problem, okay?"


Shen Huiming's mouth opened wide, and he plucked his ears for fear that he heard wrongly, "Academician Wang, you said you wanted to study with us, and you also said...a week?"

"Right? What's wrong?"


Shen Huiming explained with surprise, "It's not that I don't believe you, but you don't do radar research, and one week is too short. We have made no progress in five months!"

Wang Hao pursed his lips and said nothing, his indifferent expression already showing his attitude.

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