From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 551 This is not a dream!

Chen Jiahe approached the science and technology department in the hope of reducing the number of personnel allocated. When he learned that Wang Hao's team had developed a light pressure engine and had entered the design stage, he naturally could only return with disappointment.

After returning to the space agency, I felt even more depressed.

Director Zheng was in charge of personnel deployment. He complained to Chen Jiahe, "Many people have signed up for the confidential project of the Annihilation Technology Department, including Director Kong."

He then followed up, "But that's right. If it were me... I'd also sign up. That's Academician Wang Hao's project. I'd rather be gilded in the past."

"The last big project was nuclear fusion. I have the experience of participating in the development of mankind's first controlled nuclear fusion device. Speaking of which, it is very impressive..."

Chen Jiahe became even more depressed after hearing this.

Kong Libin is the person in charge of aerospace materials research and development and a materials academician of the National Space Administration. Even he shamelessly signed up. You can imagine how enthusiastic others were.

To put it bluntly, everyone wants to go.

Among them, those who are qualified must be top scholars in the aerospace materials department, who must have worked as researchers for at least five years. The project also has age requirements for personnel, and the maximum cannot exceed fifty years old.

Each of these researchers is a mainstay in the field of aerospace materials.

For example, Kong Libin.

He happens to be rubbing fifty. But aerospace materials are definitely a niche among niches.

Everyone wants to go, and those who are qualified to go are all aerospace material bosses.

An expert in aerospace materials, rare.

Materials science is a major category of scientific research, while aerospace materials are a niche within a niche. The main reason is that their applications are very limited. Only space projects such as satellites, rockets, and space stations can use aerospace materials.

Because it is a small category, top talents are also very rare.

"These people have been deployed. I don't know when they will come back." Director Zheng shook his head as he said, "Will it affect our next work?"

"It's hard to say."

Chen Jiahe is very favored by Teacher Zhu, but in fact, he is only the head of a department under the space agency and has no right to interfere in other work.

He could only go to Teacher Zhu.

Teacher Zhu had a surprised expression on his face when he heard Chen Jiahe's report, "The light pressure engine project has entered the design stage?"

He was indeed very surprised.

Teacher Zhu knows about annihilation particle technology, and has also heard about the 'light pressure engine', and of course the rumored 'space carrier'.

I originally thought it was all about future technological development, but I never thought that the core engine technology had already entered the design stage.

Chen Jiahe said, "I also find it incredible. Light pressure engine? It is simply impossible to achieve."

Teacher Zhu did not deny it, but asked, "What about our research? The next step is to improve the airship flying saucer and create a spacecraft that surpasses the performance of the space shuttle, right?"

"Is this research ready? When will it enter the design and manufacturing stage?"

Chen Jiahe opened his mouth and didn't speak for a long time.

"What do you mean?" Teacher Zhu urged.


Chen Jiahe said hesitantly, "It's too early to design and manufacture. We are making preparations now and are communicating with the airship manufacturing factory and the R\u0026D department."

"In the follow-up, we will analyze and study the main technologies."

"Many people will participate. We must first master lateral anti-gravity and superconducting battery technology. The two technologies are integrated."

"The argument will be prepared later..."

Teacher Zhu knows that the normal process is like this. The basis for their research is using technology from other departments, so they must digest the technical content first.

However, I still feel very depressed.

Also doing research in the aerospace direction, Wang Hao's team has developed a "science fiction-like" light pressure engine and has entered the design stage.

They are only making improvements in the direction of aerospace on the basis of airships and flying saucers. The big technologies are to expand the space and add Hall thrusters. As a result, it will take who knows how long it will take for their research to enter the demonstration stage.

The gap between the two sides is also too big.

That day, the space agency held an internal meeting. At the meeting, Teacher Zhu asked all departments to report on their work. Finally, he lost his temper and said, "Still preparing! Still communicating!"

"What's your work efficiency?"

"Are we short of funds or manpower? Why does it take so long to communicate and you can't even understand other people's technology?"

"You are all just messing around!"

"If anyone doesn't want to work anymore, he should step down and retire immediately, and let young people with more energy come up. Don't just sit in the pit and do nothing!"

Everyone who attended the meeting was reprimanded and felt very depressed.

Teacher Zhu is also very depressed.

He admires Wang Hao very much and thinks that Wang Hao is the top genius. His research related to annihilation physics allows flower growers to be far ahead in cutting-edge technology, which directly reverses the disadvantage of top technology and does research very quickly. .

In another hundred years, he believed that Wang Hao would become a 'sage'-like figure.

When conducting research in the same field, Teacher Zhu felt very depressed. They could not be said to be competitors. Wang Hao still put a lot of pressure on him, which made him feel that the space agency could be disbanded.

The research they do can all be classified as "second-rate technology" and seems to be of little significance at all.

How scary would it be if it were a competitor?

It’s unimaginable!

Teacher Zhu spoke out what Empoli Kubo felt.

With the support of the new decision-maker, the Groom Lake Project Organization reinvested in the research of the DC annihilation force field.

The research team is united and united, hoping to make a breakthrough in the DC direction.

The results were not bad either.

Their research has made progress, using high-temperature superconducting materials to create a DC anti-gravity field, but the strength is a bit pitiful.

"0.21 percent."

Cooper almost wants to cry when he talks about this number, but it is also the only progress they have made recently.

The first technological breakthrough is very important. It is equivalent to achieving zero breakthrough, but the intensity of the field force created is so low that it cannot be said at all.

If this result is published, not many people will pay attention to it, and it will even attract a lot of ridicule.

Mainly because the results disclosed by the Antigravity Behavior Research Center are certain to create an annihilation force field with a power exceeding 20 times.

The difference between an anti-gravity field of 0.21% and an annihilation force field of more than 20 times cannot be justified by reason.

“It’s just too expensive to do research on high-temperature hybrid materials.”

Corot-James also lamented, "There is definitely no problem with our research direction, but each experiment consumes too much money."

"So far, it's over $1 billion."

"If we want to produce considerable research results, the remaining funds will definitely not be enough, and we must invest more."

Cooper curled his lips, "Do you think the new policymakers will raise funds in the short term? The US$55 billion... plan can be said to have failed."

Corot-James shook his head and changed the topic, "There is still too little support. We don't have many usable metallic superconducting materials."


Kubo also sighed.

In fact, they most hope to use metallic superconducting materials containing first-order silver. First-order silver is also the only 'beta element material' that can be purchased in large quantities.

Beta element materials have the potential to create high-strength annihilation force fields.

This is the consensus in the academic field.

However, superconducting materials cannot be used casually, especially newly developed superconducting materials. Most of them can only rely on their own research groups to develop them.

Everyone knows that superconducting technology is the future.

Many large material companies are using first-order silver to develop new superconducting materials, but they will not give it to the Groom Lake Project team unconditionally.

There are ownership issues involved.

The Groom Lake Project is a research project directly under the Department of Energy. It is impossible to usurp the research and development results of other scientific research institutions and private enterprises. Of course, it is impossible to usurp the research results of other scientific research institutions and private enterprises. The law will protect those scientific research institutions and private enterprises. corporate interests.

If they want more types of superconducting materials, they need to negotiate with the institutions that own the materials.

Negotiation is naturally not free.

Every superconducting material containing first-order silver is made with real gold and silver, and they also need to spend a lot of money to purchase it.

The total cost is no lower than the cost of using high-temperature superconducting materials.

Also, it may not be useful.

"Among a hundred superconducting materials, only five or six have anti-gravity properties, and perhaps only one has DC anti-gravity properties. The specific strength of the properties needs to be verified experimentally."

"In other words, even if we choose one of the hundred species, we will still need to spend a lot of time and money on experiments..."

"The time cost and direct cost are very high."

"If you are not selected, it will be a waste of energy, money, and time..." Kubo said with despair, "I really don't understand how Wang Hao's team does research?"

"They have realized the manufacturing of large quantities of first-order materials and magnetized materials very early, and they have even created force fields with a magnification of more than 20 times."

"The media and uninformed people always hope that we can quickly catch up with the technology of Wang Hao's team, but it is simply impossible."

"The gap is too big."

"If this research continues, even if there is sufficient funding, it will not be possible to reach their current level in my lifetime..."

On the other side, the International Annihilation Theory Organization felt better. They did not regard Wang Hao's team as a competitor at all.

Their only competitor is the Groom Lake Project Team.

According to Bill Bryan, "As long as our progress is not worse than Cooper's, we can always receive financial support."

"Fortunately, we have been studying..."

"And they wasted too much time in the direction of antimatter!"

"Now we have used metallic superconducting materials to create a weak anti-gravity field. The follow-up is to continue research and improve it bit by bit..."

Yuni Novotny has reservations about research, "A little bit of improvement? Judging from the experimental results, we start research from scratch every time."

"DC anti-gravity technology is much more complicated than AC. The research is directly related to materials, and the result is a matter of probability..."

He said shaking his head vigorously.

Most of the work now is in the research and development of superconducting materials, rather than the research of DC anti-gravity technology. They have to continuously conduct experiments with superconducting materials, and every time they change the superconducting materials, it is equivalent to starting over.

This kind of research is really disappointing.

Of course Bill Bryan also knew the situation. He had no good way to deal with it and could only think on the bright side.

He shook his head and suddenly said, "Maybe, we contact the flower growers' technology department and purchase their materials and technology?"


"Yes, just like last time, it can be regarded as exchange and negotiation. In short, we can directly use their technology instead of mindless research on our own."

"Of course, we just want them to eliminate the technology. As long as we can create a regional force field, then we can use it to conduct basic physics experiments."

"Whether it's magnetization research, optics, or anything else, it can create a strong annihilation force field. There are so many research directions."

"I feel that with the current progress, there is no hope at all. It is better to go find them..."

"You don't need a high field force. Three or four times the field force is acceptable. We only buy materials and technology. Yunior, you know, materials are the most important."

Yunior Novotny also thinks it makes sense.

As a top physicist, he would definitely not be willing to give up research, but now it seems that there is no hope at all.

In this case, just buy the technology and do basic experiments.

As for the high-end strong annihilation field technology, just let the flower growers master it, and it would be good for them to do some basic research along with it.

Anyway, they don’t compete for first place.

"I feel that even the technology eliminated by Wang Hao's team is enough for Kubo to study for several years or more than ten years. It may even be impossible to develop it for decades."

"What else are we competing for?"

"As long as we can buy technology, we will be stronger than the Groom Lake Project Team by then, and that will be enough."

The more Bill Bryan thought about it, the more plausible it seemed.

After losing their focus on mastering high-end technology, everything seemed to suddenly become clear. In fact, they didn't need to compete at all.

If others master chip technology, we can just buy chip R\u0026D equipment.

If others master computer technology, we can just buy computers and develop software.

Others have mastered satellite technology. We can directly connect to the satellite network and become an agent to easily earn traffic money... Isn't it delicious?

Why must we compete?

Those poor third world countries do not have to compete with developed countries in the technology industry!

It’s also great to do next-level research on high-end technology!

Xihai City.

The office building on the south side of the suburban military control zone is classified as the research and development base of the light pressure engine design project team.

Everyone arrived at the R\u0026D base.

Among them, there are more than 50 top experts and scholars in various fields, half of whom are materials and technology experts in the aviation and aerospace fields.

When deploying personnel, they only knew that it was a confidential project led by Wang Hao, and they had no idea what the specific research was.

After arriving at the base and signing a confidentiality agreement, I found out it was a "light pressure engine" design project.

Everyone was shocked.

Some people gathered together and couldn't help but discuss, "Real or fake? Light pressure engine? Isn't this a joke?"

"Academician Wang is really extraordinary. The last big project was nuclear fusion, which was already amazing. This time it's a light pressure engine?"

"I feel……"

"Nuclear fusion is nothing compared to light pressure engines. We can understand nuclear fusion and have done a lot of research. Light pressure engines... have no basis at all!"

"This is a technology that is ahead of its time!"

"Nuclear fusion is said to be achievable within a hundred years. Can the light pressure engine... be achievable within a thousand years?"

"It's all designed now, it won't last a thousand years!"

"Do you have a foundation? How to create a strong light source? Theoretically speaking, it requires a high temperature of more than 50,000 degrees Celsius? What materials can withstand it?"

A group of people fell silent.

Cao Dongming was also among the people discussing. He also took the initiative to apply to participate in the project and looked forward to a new cooperation with Wang Hao.

He said, "Academician Wang asked about materials before. He needs a coating that can withstand high temperatures of more than 6,000 degrees Celsius. We just have a result, a tungsten-silicon alloy with a melting point as high as 10,000 degrees Celsius."

"Later we were sent to Xihai University."

"I estimate that Academician Wang Hao must have a foundation for this research, and he may not need such high temperatures? Also, the problem of the light source may have been solved?"

Others were immediately curious and asked, "Is there any other inside information?"

"Academician Cao, you and Academician Wang Hao are old acquaintances. You must know something, right? Tell us in advance..."

"Yes, tell me, how to solve the light source problem?"

"I'm curious about this too."

"Also, do you have any theories on how to solve the temperature problem?"


Facing a lot of questions, Cao Dongmin immediately regretted opening his mouth. He only knew so much information, but he was chased and questioned.

He is indeed an old acquaintance of Wang Hao.

But how is it possible to get information from a confidential study?

In the end, it was Wang Hao who helped out.

Wang Hao is here.

When Wang Hao arrived at the base office building, someone shouted in the corridor, "Academician Wang is here," and a group of people rushed out.

Wang Hao didn't come by himself, but brought others from the research team.

In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, he behaved very kindly, shook hands with everyone one by one, and then greeted everyone into the conference room.

After everyone was done, the planned engine frame diagram was projected on the screen.

Wang Hao said, "Some people may not know that the research content of our design project is a light pressure engine."

"This research is very advanced, but we already have the basic technology."

"First of all, regarding the light source issue, we already have annihilation particle technology, which can convert all neutrons produced by nuclear reactions into pure light energy."

"Second, there is the issue of temperature control."

"Our research believes that under the action of a strong annihilation force field, a high temperature environment of 50,000 degrees Celsius is not required to create strong light pressure. In addition, the light pressure of first-order light is higher than the conventional light pressure. When the two are superimposed, We only need to create a stable environment of 6,000 degrees Celsius to create strong light pressure."

"The above are the key technologies."

"Our research is also based on this to design the light pressure engine..."

Wang Hao's words were very plain, but the content shocked everyone in the conference room. They had no idea that they would hear such shocking technologies and theories while participating in a research project.

"Annihilation particle technology?"

"Six thousand degrees Celsius creates strong light pressure?"

"Is this true? You're not dreaming!"


After a brief silence, the venue quickly fell into an uproar!

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