From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 547 Studying DC? Wang Hao: Even a trillion dollars is impossible!

The new decision-maker feels very bad. He has just taken office as a decision-maker and hopes to be able to do a good job in decision-making in all directions, but he has been 'fooled' by antimatter scholars such as Korana.

At the same time, he was also very upset.

During the campaign, scientific and technological support was a very important part. He advocated step-by-step research and opposed the so-called "new direction of antimatter" by his competitors. ’


After defeating his opponent, he was convinced by antimatter scholars and fell down in the same place.


The new decision-maker can only blame the problem on the support team. It was because they believed antimatter was a new direction that he decided to use Korana.

What should we do now?

The new decision-maker was very depressed, but found that he had no choice but to support Cooper's research.

He was unwilling to give in.

If he had a choice, he would definitely promote one of his own. As long as he promoted him, he would bear his label when he was in office.

Cooper and Kolot-James were promoted by the previous decision-maker.

If there had been no explosion, he only needed to sign a personnel appointment to replace the person in charge of the Groom Lake project. But after the accident, the outside world knew that he had made a wrong decision and then removed the 'innocent' There will definitely be a lot of opposition to Empoli Kubo, who think that he is 'unscrupulous and excludes dissidents'.

At that time, support rates will seriously decline.

Even the big team behind it will have a lot of objections. After all, Empoli Kubo has nothing to do with the explosion. What he supports is the DC annihilation force field research of Kollot James.

The current situation has proven that the DC direction mentioned by Corot-James is correct.

The new decision-maker could only sigh. He sat in the office and thought for a long time, and found that his thinking was a bit extreme. "It is normal to make mistakes in the direction of technology support."

"Many scholars support antimatter research. The mistake is not mine alone, those scholars are the culprits."

“You shouldn’t take this aspect too seriously.”

“The reason why the campaign was successful was because there were many low-level white people who supported me, not because of how well I did in the direction of technology support...”

"So, we should start making decisions in this area instead of worrying about damn technology!"

The last sentence was said through gritted teeth.

The new policymakers decided to take action on the border wall issue as the next step, formulating a more stringent immigration policy and letting all those damn illegal immigrants get out.

That way you can get more support!

As for technology…

"We should continue to support Cooper. Even if he was promoted by the previous decision-maker, at least he made no mistakes."

"If their research isn't progressing, then there's an excuse."


"Of course it's best. Annihilation field technology involves huge economic and technological interests. Any decision-maker must pay attention to outstanding talents!"

After the new decision makers made their decision, a series of decisions related to the Groom Lake plan were quickly issued.

It does not involve the support of large sums of money, but it gives Empoli-Cubo enough authority.

"The people above are crazy!"

Kolot James was very surprised when he saw each piece of news, "All funds can be used freely. If I remember correctly, we still have nearly 10 billion US dollars?"

Kubo pursed his lips, unable to hold back the smile on his face.


James continued, "We can bypass the Department of Energy and even delay the submission of funding reports. Also, can we freely seek cooperation? In other words, we can bypass the Department of Energy and have the right to directly communicate with the Annihilation Organization and antigravity research. Center cooperation?”

"Well, it seems to be of no use..."

James was talking to himself, and suddenly asked Xiang Kubo, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Continue to do research? What else can you do?" Kubo was a little confused. He continued, "Don't worry, Korot, I will definitely support your ideas and your direction. From today on, we can let go Let’s start doing DC research.”

"That's what you thought of?"

James shook his head incomprehensibly and said with a fiery face, "Do you have any other ideas? That's nearly 10 billion US dollars! 10 billion US dollars!"

"Now that you have enough authority, you can also bypass the Department of Energy and contact any agency. Maybe we take the money and go to Goose Country? If we are willing to give some of it, plus what we have in our heads, they will definitely be willing to protect us. "

Kubo tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Aren't you afraid of being wanted?"

"...Well, that's right, freedom is the most important."

James thought about it carefully, nodded in approval and continued, "Maybe this way, you transfer part of the money to me in the name of bonus. You have this authority."

"You are considered to have paid pension insurance, and it is free."

"When you are old, for example, over seventy years old, I will transfer part of it to you... Let's do this, you give me 100 million US dollars as a bonus, and then I will give you another 10 million US dollars privately."

"It's legal."

"Even if they know, there is nothing they can do. You have the right to pay me the funds as a bonus, and I also have the right to give you my property..."

James said looking forward to it.

Kubo was shocked when he heard this. He was even a little tempted, thinking that it would be involved in various investigations and lawsuits. He simply shook his head and said, "Don't even think about it."

As he spoke, he added, "If you take the money, I will file a lawsuit. I won't be so stupid. I'd better do research honestly."

James said in disappointment, "You are so stubborn and old-fashioned."

"I've decided. When you become a homeless person, I won't give you ten dollars to give you a full meal."

Cooper didn't think about anything anymore.

With the release of a new issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory", the annihilation particle theory has been accepted by a large number of scholars and the public.

In the annihilation physics circle, another thing that is recognized is that "Wang Hao's team has mastered a brand-new strong annihilation force field technology and can create a large regional force field."

This information is important.

The direct current direction proposed by Corot-James immediately became the focus of discussion in the annihilation physics academic circle. Many scholars believe that ‘the direct current direction is correct’.

This also brought more attention to the research on the Groom Lake Project.

At the same time, the International Annihilation Theory Organization also announced that they are preparing to study DC annihilation force field technology.

"This may be a regional annihilation field technology."

"The DC annihilation force field technology is very promising. In fact, as early as half a year ago, we have created a measurable anti-gravity field through DC."

"Moreover, we use first-order iron metal superconducting materials."

Bill Bryan told reporters seriously.

The reporter was immediately surprised. He had no idea that the Annihilation Organization had silently moved to the forefront in the direction of DC.

After the news was released, the reporter discovered that he had been deceived by Bill Bryan. He thought it was some advanced technology, but it turned out that the so-called "measurable anti-gravity field" had a strength of no more than 0.5%, and the field force was so weak that It can even be ignored.

Of course, having technology is better than having none.

The Groom Lake Project team does not even have 'measurable field force' technology. The last time they made public news, they were only preparing to use first-order materials to study DC technology.

Then, there was none.

Bill Bryan is really looking forward to the research of DC annihilation force field technology. They have been working in this direction for half a year. What they told reporters was not all the technology.

They have been able to create a DC anti-gravity field with a field strength exceeding 1%.

In the office.

Brian said to Novotny, "In the DC direction, we are already ahead, and they can't match it for the time being."

“Although the intensity is only just above a point, the data shows that the direction is correct.”

Yunior Novotny nodded in approval and couldn't help but smile, "This is thanks to their new decision-makers. They have done nothing in the past few months."


Brian couldn't help but laugh too.

They have always been lagging behind in the research direction of strong annihilation force fields, and they are also lagging behind in the research direction of direct current.

The two institutions started research in the direct current direction at the same time, but the Groom Lake Project Team has higher funding and more materials available, so the research naturally has advantages.

It can be seen that what was unexpected was that the Groom Lake plan would undergo major changes.

The decision-makers suddenly supported antimatter research, spending a lot of energy and money, and in exchange for a new explosion accident.

After a few months of wandering around, I fell behind in research.

"We already have an advantage, and we hope to continue to expand it." Brian said, "This is very important. It is related to our funding and follow-up research. If we can maintain our R\u0026D advantage, we will get more support."

Novotny nodded in anticipation, "What I most hope is to find a way to create a regional field force, a strong regional annihilation force field. By then, I can do a lot of research."

Brian is also looking forward to it.

Technology sector.

Teacher Xu is also concerned about the DC research issues of two foreign institutions. DC annihilation field technology is too important. If the research by other institutions is successful, it will bring a series of consequences and impacts.

He specifically asked Wang Hao about this.

Wang Hao didn't care at all. He replied, "They have been studying it for five years. It will be impossible within ten years."

“It’s hard to say where our technology will reach by then.”


Teacher Xu was a little confused.

Wang Haodao, "If it is a high-pressure mixed material direction, the research and communication technology of the underlying material layout are completely different."

"We have been studying the structure of DC technology for several months before finally creating a DC field force. There are infinite possible structure combinations. They can only try to change the structure again and again before they can hope to create a DC field force. come out……"

“The probability of success is similar to buying a lottery ticket.”

"In short, it's very difficult."

"Even if it succeeds by luck and even creates a strong annihilation force field with a power of more than seven times, the application of the technology will be severely limited because it is an underlying structure of high-pressure hybrid materials."

"For example, it cannot be used to manufacture first-order iron in special environments, let alone annihilation particle experiments. It can only be used for basic research around field forces."

He continued, "Everyone knows this, so they prefer research on metallic superconducting materials."

"There is no way to go in this direction."

"The DC annihilation force field technology supported by metallic superconductors has two major difficulties, both related to materials. One is beta element materials. They cannot obtain beta elements other than first-order silver and first-order gold."

“Also, it’s granular material technology.”

"This technology is only used for our experiments and cannot be leaked."

Teacher Xu immediately felt relieved after hearing this.

He has been worried that if other institutions develop DC annihilation field technology, they can continue to progress in their direction.

When technological research goes in the right direction, sooner or later it will catch up with those who have gone before it, because any technology has bottlenecks and it is impossible to progress rapidly all the time.

By then, the technical advantage will be gone.

Wang Hao was not worried at all. What he said to Teacher Xu was still conservative. Under normal circumstances, five or ten years of research would not yield results at all.

For example, in the relatively easy direction of high-pressure hybrid materials, there are countless combinations of underlying material structures, and there is no relevant theoretical support. The possibility of "accidentally" creating a field force is too low, and each experiment will cost a lot of money. .

It is normal to invest trillions of dollars in this direction without any results.

Even if it is created by chance once, without the support of theoretical basis, it will be difficult to improve it in the future.

The reason why the research of the annihilation force field experimental group was able to achieve rapid success was because it was guided in the 'right direction'. In the process of making the basic demonstration of the underlying structure, he could clearly know whether a certain structural design was suitable for 'creating field force'. 'Beneficial.

This is the key to research.

After Wang Hao and Teacher Xu finished talking, they turned to the experiment of measuring the speed of light.

Experiments are already underway.

The speed of light measurement experiment is not a single experiment, but multiple different experiments to increase the accuracy of the measurement results.

This period lasted for more than ten days.

After a series of measurement experiments, the optical team conducted detailed data analysis before determining the final data.

meeting room.

Xu Hua was making a summary report, "Now we can confirm that in a five-fold annihilation force field environment, the speed of light is 3.62 times the standard speed of light."

"In a 3.7 times force field environment, it is 2.73 times the standard speed of light."

This is the most important result.

The optical team worked around the experimental equipment for more than a month, just to obtain these two crucial data.

The reason there are two data is because the strong annihilation force field in the device can be adjusted to two strengths: 3.7 times the force field and 5 times the force field.

This data excited the optical group.

At the beginning of their experiment on measuring the speed of light, they thought they could only measure data slightly higher than the standard speed of light. Unexpectedly, the lowest speed was more than double.

If the experiment is made public, it will definitely shock the international physics community.

The reaction of Wang Hao's research team was much duller, and some people were a little disappointed. The most obvious one was Paul Phil-Jones.

"It's not a direct ratio!"

"it's a pity--"

As he spoke, he kept shaking his head and sighing.

Compared with the requirements of the light pressure engine, the light speed measurement results are not ideal. "According to this result, if we want to reduce the light pressure environment requirement to below 10,000 degrees Celsius, we must create a force field that is at least eight times more powerful."

"Ten thousand degrees Celsius is still too high, so we need to create a force field with a power of fifteen times or even twenty times..."

He said and looked at Wang Hao, "Is it feasible?"

"Technically there is no problem."

Wang Haodao, "The problem is that the energy required to reach the load-bearing limit of a high-intensity force field will also be very high. Whether it is feasible or not depends on the experimental results."

Paul Phil-Jones sighed.

According to his idea, it would be best to quickly build an aerospace carrier in one or two years, just like a nuclear fusion device.

If the research continues to encounter problems, the time required will be infinitely extended.

You can't wait until you are in your 70s or 80s to build the space carrier. When the time comes, when you mention Vice Captain Paul Phil-Jones, he will be an old man in a wheelchair with a face full of vicissitudes of life.

That would be a bit too miserable...

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