From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 539 Annihilation particle energy and light pressure engine!

"Surface temperature: 740 degrees Celsius!"

"Extremely powerful light ball!"

One of them alone in the experiment is nothing, but the two together are extraordinary.

Generally, reactions that produce strong light will involve extremely violent reactions, and the temperature in the center will be incredibly high, just like a nuclear fusion generating device. The temperature in the reaction center is as high as hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, and the outermost layer is also transmitted to the heat insulation layer. Thousands of degrees Celsius.

The current strong light is produced when the surface temperature of the field force is only 740 degrees Celsius, and its brightness is not proportional to the temperature at all. Even equipment that specializes in manufacturing light sources, such as the most common flashlight, does not have such a ratio.

After the light ball lasted for a while, no one dared to look at it anymore.

Some staff members had injured their eyes and there was no need to look through the glass hole. The light shining through the glass hole made the safe room completely transparent.

They felt as if they were surrounded by explosions and flames.

This feeling is very strange.

One staff member was surprised and joked, "In such an environment, it's a miracle that I'm still alive."

"If I had just woken up, I would have thought the sun had fallen on the earth..."

During the joke, they did not delay their work and reported the situation to He Yi in time.

In fact, there is no need to report it at all. He Yi can see the surveillance camera from where he is, and the surveillance screen is full of light. Apart from the bright light, nothing can be seen.

He Yidu felt that the equipment might be broken.

He asked several times in succession, and after confirming the surface temperature value and the stable operation of the equipment, he said decisively, "Prepare to suspend the experiment!"

"Close the neutron channel!"

"Turn off the heat!"

"Turn off the power--"

Instructions were issued one by one, and the experimental equipment was quickly shut down.

The cave returned to normal.

However, the staff were still unable to enter because the temperature in the cave was still very high. After the light ball disappeared, the surface temperature of the equipment exceeded 100 degrees Celsius, and the air was also very hot.

They need to wait for a while.

At this time, they couldn't help but talk, "It was so amazing just now. We actually created the sun with such a bright ball of light!"

"Yeah, it's too bright. I don't think a nuclear explosion is that bright."

"Have you seen it live?"

"Well~~~It's very bright anyway. It's the first time I've seen this kind of scene, and the data is also incredible, it's only 740 degrees..."

"That's pure light!"

"If an explosion occurs, most of the energy is transferred as heat rather than converted into photons. Today's laboratories purely produce light."

Everyone was discussing excitedly.

They were also very excited because the experiment made very clear discoveries. One discovery confirmed the existence of the phenomenon of annihilation particles. The other discovery was that all that was produced was pure light, as if the energy produced was completely converted into Light.

At the same time, the energy created by the annihilation particle phenomenon is indeed very high.

"It was only the third gear just now!"

"Academician He is right to suspend the experiment. If it reaches the fourth level, the surface temperature may reach several thousand degrees Celsius."

"Then it will be dangerous, and the equipment will definitely be damaged."

"What if it's fifth gear?"


"And the most important thing is that our experiment has just begun, and the equipment is already unable to withstand it. The neutron channels are severely restricted. If the restrictions are relaxed and all are opened, I feel that we can create very amazing energy... "

"Maybe it only takes a moment to create super energy that can destroy a city!"

Many people feel a little scared when it comes to energy issues.

The neutron channel opens the third gear, but even the fifth gear does not completely release the neutrons. In the design, the fifth gear accounts for about one percent of the controllable ratio.

The third gear is almost only one ten thousandth.

The nuclear reactor used in the experimental equipment they are currently manufacturing is very weak, and the annihilation field strength is only about 3.5 times greater. If the strength of the nuclear reactor is increased, a larger batch of neutrons can be produced, and the annihilation field strength can be increased...

In short, it’s unimaginable!

After the experiment ended, Wang Hao and his team returned to the base.

They already knew the results, and they were all very excited. Teacher Zhao kept saying, "I didn't expect that the first experiment would produce results and create such a large heat source. If a power station is built around this technology, it will definitely be Very powerful."

Teacher Xu also discussed together, "We already have a nuclear fusion power station, and now that we have an annihilation particle power station, energy is not a problem at all."

They were all discussing the issue of power generation.

Mainly because energy is indeed very important. The biggest domestic restriction is energy. Populous and industrial countries consume too much energy, including oil, coal, natural gas and other energy sources that need to be imported.

New power generation technology does not require imported energy and can be completed by relying on its own technology, which is of great strategic significance.

This is one of the reasons why nuclear fusion research has received huge support.

Now there is another way to generate electricity, and it seems to be better than nuclear fusion power generation. The experimental device is much smaller and simplified than the nuclear fusion device.

Wang Hao was not very interested in the topic of power generation. He simply said, "I have already said that this new technology can provide unlimited energy, but its use for power generation is still very limited."

“The limit of materials and equipment is the biggest limitation.”

"It is only the simplest way to use it to build power stations. In fact, I still think it is most suitable to use it to build large spacecrafts such as aerospace carriers."

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu couldn't help but twitch their lips, but they did not refute after hearing Wang Hao's words.

Wang Hao is right.

If the new technology makes it easy to generate electricity, it will just add another way to generate electricity.

The amount of electricity generated depends on the size of the power plant, not on the method of generating electricity. Even if it can create a high heat source like the sun, the problem is that the conversion of heat into electricity requires scale.

Whether it is a thermal power plant or a nuclear power plant, the limitation is the scale of the power plant.

For example, nuclear power plants.

The efficiency of converting nuclear reactors into heat is already very high, but power stations cannot increase the heat of nuclear reactors without limit, because the outer material of the reactor cannot bear it at all, and a cooling system needs to be established to continuously cool down to ensure stable operation.

The same is true for today's new technologies. Even if they can create very high heat sources, when used in power generation, the intensity of the heat source must be controlled, otherwise the material will not be able to withstand it at all.

Teacher Zhao pursed his lips and said, "So we just have one more way to generate electricity?"

Wang Hao said, "Didn't I just say that the best use is to manufacture large ships and large spaceships? Because the equipment is very small and the pure light and heat produced does not produce radiation, it can provide a continuous supply for large spacecrafts. motivation."

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu were a little disappointed.

They have a feeling that they can't get into a treasure trove. They obviously have ideal and amazing technology, but in the end they just have another way to generate electricity.

As for building large spaceships...

This statement was subconsciously ignored by them, because no matter how they thought about it, they felt that building large spaceships was something in the future.

Wang Hao was silent for a moment and continued, "Actually, we have a technology related to power generation that we are studying."

"What technology?"

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu raised their heads together.

Wang Haodao, "Professor Wang Shanqing discovered it. He is responsible for testing the magnetization intensity of materials. During his research work, he discovered that when metals with different magnetization intensity are connected and irradiated with strong light, electric current will be generated inside..."

"What's detected now is just a very weak current."

"It is not easy to conduct experiments in this research, so the research is intermittently. But I think it may become a technical means of converting light into electricity."

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu were immediately interested.

Teacher Xu urged, "Tell me more specifically."

Wang Haodao, "It's actually related to the photoelectric effect. Nowadays, the photoelectric effect is used to convert light into electricity using solar cell technology."

"Solar cell technology, many use silicon materials, or other compound materials with similar properties."

"Most materials do not have this characteristic, but when the material is magnetized, the situation is different. When two materials with different magnetization effects are butt together and irradiated with strong light, a potential difference will be formed inside. …”

"We understand theoretically that it is actually still an electromagnetic effect, but the effect of motion cutting the magnetic field lines is replaced by the photoelectric effect."

"So, theoretically, all materials that undergo magnetization reactions can have properties similar to silicon, which is to convert light into electricity..."

"Of course, the specific effects still need to be studied."

"But I think if new technologies are used to generate electricity, this technology may be used. Then we need to invest in key research."

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu nodded continuously as they listened.

They are really interested in new power generation technologies, mainly because most of them have been using steam to generate electricity.

Other methods of generating electricity are too inefficient.

If there is an additional high-efficiency power generation method, it sounds very interesting, and it may also greatly improve the efficiency of power generation.

Regarding this issue, Wang Hao added, "The efficiency of steam power generation is already very high, reaching a maximum of more than 30%."

"The power generation technology I'm talking about may not necessarily be as efficient as steam power generation, but it is just a supplement to power generation methods."

Several people talked about returning to the experimental base.

Everyone in the base could see the excitement. Many people gathered around Wang Hao and talked about the experiment, "We saw a ball of light, a real ball of light."

"The surface is only 740 degrees."


"We have definitely discovered the phenomenon of annihilation particles, and the experiment was successful..."

Zhao Jinhua also said a few words.

After he left the crowd, he couldn't help but glance at He Yi, because the phenomenon seen in the experiment was basically consistent with Wang Hao's speculation.

When he questioned it at that time, He Yi also said that just listen to Wang Hao.


"Academician He understands Academician Wang better!" Zhao Jinhua felt that he still had a lot to learn.

Then there is the experiment summary meeting.

Wang Hao announced the success of the experiment at the meeting and confirmed that he had discovered a technology to create unlimited energy. "From the analysis of the data, we can easily create energy beyond imagination."

“And it’s a very low-cost way to make it.”

"The moment the experiment succeeds is the moment history is created, which means that our technology has crossed a new threshold and entered a new field..."

"We will continue to conduct experiments in the future, but we must note that the neutron channel can only be opened in the third gear at most..."

Wang Hao particularly emphasized this point.

The energy produced by the neutron channel in the third gear makes the surface temperature of the field force reach 740 degrees Celsius. The fourth gear is more than ten times higher than the third gear, and the temperature produced is likely to reach several thousand degrees Celsius.

At that time, the equipment will be damaged and the personal safety of the staff will be seriously threatened.

In the next month, the research team conducted a total of six experiments. Due to limitations in environmental heat dissipation, the longest duration was only 15 minutes.

During the six experiments, they collected a large amount of data and obtained the results through calculations.

"We can now determine that the proportion of neutrons annihilated in the experimental equipment is about 15 percent."

"At the same time, we discovered the randomness of neutron annihilation. When a single neutron enters the field force, it is not sure whether there will be annihilation. We can only calculate the overall probability."

Paul described the annihilation seeds as, "It's like Schrödinger's cat. Even if a neutron is in the same state, no one knows whether it will be annihilated before it enters the force field."

"Of course, the proportion of neutron annihilation is most likely related to the strength of the annihilation force field."

The last point is well established.

In the process of neutrons being annihilated, what plays a direct role is undoubtedly the strong annihilation force field that carries the upper energy limit. The strength of the annihilation force field is definitely directly related to the proportion of neutron annihilation.

After the one-month experiment, Wang Hao took the research team back to Xihai University.

Experiments will continue in the base, but it will be difficult to make new discoveries in the future. At most, they will only collect some data, and their direct participation is not required.

Along the way, they also talked about their harvest.

"This time we have gained a very important technology. At the same time, we have partially confirmed the theory, and some of it requires results from the Institute of High Energy."

Wang Hao briefly summarized it.

The current experimental findings do not prove that the annihilation particle theory is correct, because the creation of antimatter can also be explained.

If you want to prove that the phenomenon of annihilation particles really occurs, you must make a more direct discovery, for example, create a particle beam that exceeds the speed of light.

This requires experiments from the Institute of High Energy to verify.

However, the people in the research team didn't seem to care about this issue. Paul Phil-Jones kept asking, "When will we build the space carrier?"

"The power technology is now available."

"Can we apply to build an aerospace carrier? The experimental team has so much funding, we can start."

Everyone else also saw Wang Hao.

Wang Hao felt the scorching eyes of each one and couldn't help but cover his forehead with force. He felt that he was carrying a lot of problem children.

These people don't care about the theory being confirmed, they just care about whether the space carrier will be built. Perhaps to them, the meaning of the space carrier is not important, what is important is that they can create such a large 'toy'.


The Helicarrier is indeed attractive!

Wang Hao also admitted this. He hesitated and said, "There will definitely be relevant manufacturing plans for the space carrier, but before that, we still have to solve many technical problems."

"For example, vacuum power technology."

"The space carrier is meant to sail in space. To achieve the desired effect, it must have an engine that can propel the ship forward at high speed in a vacuum."

"This technology is also very important.

Wang Hao just felt that it was a little early to discuss the space carrier, so he simply changed the topic. As a result, a group of people in the research team began to discuss it.

"Isn't there a Hall engine?"

"Particle engine?"

"Light pressure engine? I think light pressure engine is the most suitable, but it seems that it has not been researched yet, it is just a theory."

"If we can develop a light pressure engine, it would be most suitable for the current situation..."

"That makes sense..."

"This technology sounds very interesting. Is this the next step to study? With annihilation particle energy and light pressure engine..."

"All big technologies have been solved!"

"By then, we will definitely be able to build a space carrier!"

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